After Rebirth, I Just Want To Concentrate on Raising My Baby

Chapter 3


Shen Rang led Jiang Cha in a slight hurry.

While waiting for the elevator, Shen Rang suddenly said, "Don't worry."

Jiang Cha was slightly surprised, glanced at Shen Rang, and said "Yes" in a low voice.

The elevator came quickly.

Shen Rang asked Jiang Cha to go in first, and he followed.

There were two people coming down from upstairs in the elevator. When they saw them entering the elevator, they quickly said hello, "Mr. Shen, Vice President Jiang."

Jiang Cha's heart was with Shen Zhi, and he nodded slightly in agreement.

Seeing that she was tense, Shen Rang said, "Don't be too nervous. I'll scare him later."

Colleagues quietly pricked up their ears: Him? who

Jiang Cha nodded, "I know, but I won't worry if I don't see him."

Shen Rang said "Yes" and said, "I know, just drive away in my car later. You are restless and driving is dangerous."


Jiang Cha agreed without much thought.

This actually shocked the two people who were silently working on the backdrop in the elevator.

Everyone in Jiasheng didn't know that the relationship between President Shen and Vice President Jiang was not very good. Although they could not be called enemies, they were by no means such a relationship that they could get along with each other.

The two looked at each other and trembled unconsciously, remembering the verbal battle between Vice President Jiang and President Shen in the conference room.

It has been nearly three years since Vice President Jiang came to Jiasheng, and this is the first time they have seen the two of them talking so calmly.

It can be called a miracle of Jiasheng!

So, the two took out their mobile phones and sent messages in their own small group group.

A: Quick, quick, quick! Breaking news! ! !

B: Yes, there is a very big event.

A few seconds after the messages from A and B were sent out one after another, two other people in the group also came out.

C&D: What’s wrong

A: We met Mr. Shen and Deputy General Manager Jiang in the elevator.

C: Don’t you encounter them every day? What's so surprising

B: It’s different. It seems that Mr. Shen and Vice President Jiang are going somewhere together, and Mr. Shen also asked Vice President Jiang to take his car, sisters!

C&D:! ! ! real or fake! Doesn’t Mr. Shen never take anyone else in his car

A: Yes, that’s why I said it’s big news!

Ding: I seem to smell a slightly different smell.

A: Get out of here, it smells different if something happens. How many times have you smelled something in the company, but it’s never true.

B & C: That’s true.

A: Let’s follow Mr. Shen secretly for a while to see if Vice President Jiang is sitting in the passenger seat or in the back.

Sometimes, the more anxious you are, the worse it will be.

I don't know what happened to the elevator today. I went down from the 23rd floor and stopped seven or eight times.

And just when Jiang Cha's heart was almost ready, the elevator finally arrived at the parking lot on the first floor.

"Let's go." Shen Rang raised his hand to block the elevator door on one side, letting Jiang Cha go out first.

Jiang Cha stepped out of the elevator door on her high heels.

The parking lot was a bit cold. Jiang Cha was wearing a little less clothes today and shivered, just for a moment.

Shen Rang called to her, "Vice President Jiang."

"Huh?" Jiang Cha turned around, "What's wrong?"

Shen Rang took off his coat and put it on Jiang Cha, "Don't catch a cold."

Jiang Cha was stunned, Shen Rang had already passed her and moved forward.

Jiang Cha pulled up his clothes and followed.

A: Horror.jpg

A: What did I see? Mr. Shen actually took off his coat and gave it to Vice President Jiang to wear

C&D:? ? ? ?

B: Let’s bet on an afternoon tea and Vice President Jiang will sit in the passenger seat.

A: No need to bet, I think so too_(:з」∠)_

People are really very curious creatures. The two of them followed Shen Rang and Jiang Cha arm in arm.

Anyway... they are going to pick up the car~

Jiang Cha felt strange in his heart. After all, this was the first time Shen Rang had done this.

As expected, Shen Rang opened the passenger door and sat in while protecting Jiang Cha.

A secretly took a photo and sent it to the small group.

A: The truth.

Shen Rang noticed the two people behind him, but didn't care.

The car drove all the way out of the parking lot. Shen let the car drive very steadily. When he got on the main road and waited for the red light, he turned up the air conditioner.

"Now that it's just the two of us, can I ask you a few questions?"

Jiang Cha nodded, "Ask."

She knew clearly that Shen Rang would definitely ask.

After all, she and Shen Rang had never been in such a panic before when they met.

"Worried about Xiaozhi?"

Jiang Cha expressed his gratitude.

"Why? There is a nanny at home, why are you worried for no reason?"

Jiang Cha clenched his hands.

When I first woke up, it was indeed out of regret from my previous life that I wanted to see my son right away.

But all the way down from the twenty-third floor, Jiang Cha had calmed down.

She remembered what Shen Zhi had said to her before she died.

"Zai Zai goes to class obediently. Listen to Aunt Zhang's words. Zai Zai, Hi, and Zai Zai will no longer be picky eaters."

Why? She was about to die, so why did her son still talk about Aunt Zhang's words? And you said you won’t be picky about food anymore

When she died in her previous life, Shen Zhi was already eight years old and in elementary school.

Even if the nanny single-handedly raised you and you have a deep relationship with the nanny, shouldn't you say something like, "We can't bear to leave you" at this time? Why do you say you are no longer picky about food

Shen Rang saw that Jiang Cha didn't speak for a long time, "Don't you know what to say?"

"Yeah." Jiang Cha's voice was low, "It's nothing. I'm afraid you'll laugh if I tell you."

Shen Rang was startled, then smiled and said, "I never laugh at you."

Jiang Cha pursed his lips, "I... just dreamed that something happened to Xiao Zhi."

"Just because of a dream?" Shen Rang was surprised, "This doesn't look like you."

"I know." Jiang Cha tilted her head and leaned against the glass window. She looked nothing like the Jiang Cha of the past. She murmured softly, "I also feel that it looks nothing like me."

Shen Rang stared deeply, then put strength on his feet, "Don't worry, we'll be there soon. Adjust your mood so that you don't scare Xiaozhi even if nothing happens."


It takes twenty minutes to drive from Lanwan Community to Jiasheng. Shen Rang drove a little faster today, and the two of them arrived in twelve or thirteen minutes.

At this time, there were almost no cars in the community, so it took the two of them a few more minutes to get to the downstairs of their house.

After swiping the card, the elevator went up to the twentieth floor.

Jiang Cha took off her high heels and held them in her hands, then tiptoed closer to 2001.

Shen Rang didn't know why, but followed Jiang Cha and kept quiet.

Jiang Cha put his ear against the door, listening to what was going on inside.

very quiet.

The home was decorated with the best materials, and the sound insulation was naturally very good.

Jiang Cha laughed silently. How could she think that she could hear the sounds from outside

Jiang Cha put his shoes on the ground, and just after putting them on, he opened the door and went in, when suddenly there was the sound of something falling inside the house.

Jiang Cha's finger was not even one centimeter away from the fingerprint machine on the door.

At this moment, Shen Rang also noticed something was wrong.

The two of them were almost holding their breath, listening to what was going on inside.

"Are you going to eat or not? Are you going to eat or not?"

"Baby, I'm telling you, if you don't swallow these things today, you won't be able to go anywhere."

"Eat! Give it to me!"

Jiang Cha clenched his hands fiercely, and Shen Rang looked extremely serious.

Jiang Cha really didn't expect that the nanny who had been working as her nanny for two years would be so virtuous behind her back! Abuse her son

Mixed with the nanny's angry voice was Shen Zhi's cry.

But as soon as the crying sounded twice, it stopped.

Jiang Cha no longer hesitated, pressed his fingerprints and opened the door directly.

The nanny was still very angry. For a moment, she didn't hear the door or anyone coming back.

The nanny's back was turned to Jiang Cha and Shen Rang, and a lot of food was scattered on the ground and the coffee table.

The nanny picked up the fallen food from the ground and threw it into the bowl. After picking up some, she started stuffing it into Shen Zhi's mouth.

Shen Zhi, a little one, was pinched by the nanny and forced to feed him food. His little face turned red from holding back.

Jiang Cha was furious.

"What are you doing!"

The nanny was startled, and the rice bowl fell to the ground with a "bang" without holding it.

The nanny suddenly became frightened and stood up, "Ms. Jiang, Miss Jiang."

Jiang Cha had no time to talk nonsense with her, so he walked over quickly and pushed her away, then picked up Shen Zhi and pulled out everything in his mouth.

There was nothing blocking it, and Shen Zhi cried "Wow".

Jiang Cha took out two wet wipes and wiped Shen Zhi's face and mouth, his fingers trembling with anger.

Her son was so scared that he didn't even dare to cry and kept sobbing.

Jiang Cha patted Shen Zhi's back gently. Thinking of how many times his son had encountered this kind of situation out of sight, Jiang Cha wanted to kill the nanny directly!

"Ms. Jiang." The nanny said politely.

Jiang Cha looked over coldly and said two words from between his teeth, "Shut up."

The nanny shrank her neck, a little afraid of Jiang Cha like this.

Although Jiang Cha didn't smile much in the past, he just felt that she was difficult to approach. He had never felt this intimidating.

The nanny knew that Jiang Cha would not let her go, so she stood there with her eyes rolling, thinking about a way to escape for a while.

Jiang Cha coaxed Shen Zhi for a while, and Shen Zhi fell asleep in a daze.

His little hands were clutching Jiang Cha's clothes, as if they were holding on to his only life-saving straw.

Jiang Cha's tears fell down and she bit her lip, fearing that she would wake her son up if she cried.

Shen Rang stood next to Jiang Cha.

He was sad.

As a father, he really failed in his duty.

Both he and Jiang Cha were workaholics, and neither of them had much feelings for this unexpected child.

From the time the child was born to now, Shen Zhi is four years old, and the time spent with the two of them can be counted on one's fingers. The Shen family hired several nannies, and in the end they paid a lot of money to keep one, who turned out to be a child abuser.

No wonder.

No wonder that in the rare time he spent with his son, his son had always been very reserved and timid. Shen Rang always thought that it was because he and Jiang Cha were not by their side that the child was not close to them.

Shen Rang raised his eyes and glanced at the surveillance camera at home.

After several years of pretending, neither he nor Jiang Cha would let the child be bullied like this by the nanny, even if they gave the child a little treat.

Shen Rang closed his eyes.

It's his fault, he's not a good husband or a good father.

Shen Rang raised his hand, put it on Jiang Cha's shoulder, and lowered his voice, "You go in first with the child, and I'll handle it."

"No need." Jiang Cha calmed down, looked up at Shen Rang, and then stood up.

Jiang Cha carefully handed Shen Zhi into Shen Rang's arms and helped him adjust his posture.

Shen Rang spent little time holding the child, and his movements were a bit stiff.

However, Shen Zhi had no intention of waking up, and instead nuzzled into his arms.

At this moment, Shen Rang felt something was different.

Jiang Cha patted Shen Zhi and whispered to Shen, "You go in with the child, close the door, and I'll handle it."

"I..." Shen Rang wanted to refuse. He was afraid that Jiang Cha would be bullied.

Jiang Cha smiled, but there was no warmth in his eyes.

"Go ahead, it will save you some time when someone says that our Shen family men bully women."

Our Shen family.

Shen Rang muttered a few words in his mind and agreed to Jiang Cha's proposal.

Shen Rang carried Shen Zhi to the room while Jiang Cha kept watching.

After the door closed, Jiang Cha took a deep breath and turned to look at the nanny.

The nanny subconsciously took a step back, "Jiang, Miss Jiang, I can explain it. Really, I can explain it."

Jiang Cha raised his hand and slapped the nanny.

"Explain your mother!"

In the room, Shen Rang was putting Shen Zhi on the bed. When he heard these words, he suddenly felt a chill on the back of his neck.

That person outside... is Jiang Cha

The author has something to say: Woo woo woo woo, I feel sorry for our Zaizai!

There is a red envelope~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 technical player;

Thanks to the little angels who threw the landmines: 3 of the super cute Lin Daodun; 1 candy wrapper;

Thank you to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: the super-behaved Lin Daodu for 3 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!