After Rebirth, I Just Want To Concentrate on Raising My Baby

Chapter 33


In Jiang Yao's memory, his brother-in-law told him that his sister was married and had a lovely child.

But this person in front of him... Jiang Yao frowned slightly. Is this child a little big? He looks about four or five years old, right

Jiang Yao and Shen Zhi were separated by a threshold, one lowered his head and the other raised his head, as if they were still.

Shen Zhi has always been sensitive to emotions. He pursed his lips, a little aggrieved, "Dad... why did my uncle frown? Doesn't he like Xiao Zhi? Xiao Zhi will be very good~"

Seeing that the child was about to cry in frustration, Jiang Yao finally realized that he didn't dislike children!

Jiang Yao squatted down in a panic, thinking about how he had seen others get along with children before, and then tentatively reached out and touched Shen Zhi's head.

Shen Zhi tilted his head and called out in confusion, "Uncle?"

Suddenly, Jiang Yao felt like his heart melted. He didn't know how to describe it and felt like crying.

This is his sister's child, his little nephew.

Although he and his little nephew have never met, at this moment, he feels that as long as his little nephew is willing, he can give him everything he can.

Jiang Yao smiled, "Is your name Xiaozhi?"

"Yes!" Shen Zhi nodded vigorously, "My name is Shen Zhi. My father and mother both call me Xiaozhi. Occasionally, my mother also calls me Zaizai~"

"You're so cute."

Shen Zhi said "Yeah", his face suddenly turned red, and he asked shyly: "Uncle, do you like Xiao Zhi?"

"I like you very much." Jiang Yao praised Shen Zhi, "Xiao Zhi is really cute, Xiao... I like you very much. I frowned just now, either because I didn't like Xiao Zhi, or... I saw Xiao Zhi a little bit. Surprised, can Xiaozhi forgive me?"

"Okay~" Shen Zhi looked very generous, "Xiao Zhi is not angry with my uncle~"

Shen Rang laughed, "How long will you two stand outside the door?"

Shen Zhi chuckled and ran away quickly.

"Xiao Zhi, what are you going to do?"

"Dad, Xiaozhi wants to pee~"

Shen smiled and said, "Xiao Yao is coming in soon."

"Thank you Mr. Shen."

"Why are you still called Mr. Shen?" Shen Rang deliberately said with a straight face, "What should your name be?"

Jiang Yao whispered, "Brother-in-law."

"now it's right."

Shen Rang pulled Jiang Yao in first, and then Xin Yin sent everything in.

After Shen Rang took it, he told Xin Yin, "Today is a special situation, so I won't let you eat."

Xin Yin: ... Did he not manage his expression well? Why does Mr. Shen think he wants to stay for dinner

Xin Yin nodded, "Okay, Mr. Shen, I'll leave first."

"Well, you had a hard day today."

"Mr. Shen's words are serious."

Shen Rang closed the door and turned around to see Jiang Cha and Jiang Yao standing in the living room again. You were looking at me and I was looking at you across the coffee table.

Shen Rang:? ? ? Come again? As soon as we got rid of the one looking at each other across the door frame, another one came looking at each other on the coffee table.

Shen Rang sighed secretly, what role is he today? Mr. Neighborhood Committee? The kind that specializes in mediating minor family conflicts? He thought he should wear an armband on his arm.

Well, that's great.

"What are you doing standing here? Sit down." Shen Rang said to Jiang Cha, "Honey, why do you let Xiao Yao stand?"

Wife? ?

Jiang Cha looked at Shen Rang fiercely. She swore that this was the first time she heard Shen Rang call her that! Usually it's Jiang Cha, Vice President Jiang or Mrs. Shen.

The word "wife" really... feels different.

Fortunately, Shen Rang's words broke the awkward atmosphere between the two siblings.

Jiang Cha doesn't hate Jiang Yao, but he doesn't have deep feelings for him either.

Jiang Yao liked his sister Jiang Cha very much when he was a child, but due to various reasons, he could not get along well with her. After nearly ten years of blank time, the sister who had been blurred in his memory had become a very powerful person after time. People.

The two siblings began a new round of silent care for each other.

Shen Rang: ... ... ... ...

"Mom, Dad, uncle! Xiaozhi is out!"

It is the child who breaks the silence of the room.

He came out of the bathroom, trotted over and threw himself on Jiang Cha, then raised his head, stretched out his hands and handed them to Jiang Cha's nose, "Mom, Xiaozhi has washed his hands. Mom, does it smell good?"

Jiang Cha pinched Shen Zhi's small hands and smelled them carefully, "Well, it smells very good. What does it smell like?"

"Hehe, Xiao Zhi, if you don't tell me, mom, what do you think the scent of Xiao Zhi's hands is?"

Jiang Cha raised his eyes and glanced at Jiang Yao, who was sitting opposite and was obviously hesitant, and then rubbed Shen Zhi's head, "Guoguo's mother's nose is not working well and she can't smell it. Xiaozhi, let your uncle smell it?"

"Okay~" Shen Zhi turned around and rushed towards Jiang Yao, "Little uncle, little uncle, can you smell what Xiaozhi's hands smell like?"

Jiang Yao caught Shen Zhi in his arms and smiled softly.

A young man comes to a strange home. Even though there are his sister and brother-in-law in this home, he still feels nervous when he first arrives.

And Shen Zhi, the little cutie in the family, doesn't understand the grudges between adults. He only knows that he likes this little uncle who has a beautiful smile, and he can feel that his little uncle really likes him too. So Shen Zhi is willing to get close to Jiang Yao.

Jiang Cha stood up and called to Shen Rang, "It's time to cook. Xiaozhi, Jiang... and Xiaoyao are hungry."

Shen Rang curled his lips and said, "Okay, Xiaoyao, you play with Xiaozhi for a while, and your sister and I will cook."

Jiang Yao stood up subconsciously, "I'm here to help."

"What are you doing in the kitchen?" Shen Rang pointed to Shen Zhi's toy area in the living room. "Xiao Zhi recently bought a lot of new toys. Let's take your little uncle to play with them."

"Okay~" Shen Zhi took Jiang Yao's hand, "Uncle, let me tell you, my mother bought Xiao Zhi a small train a few days ago. It's so awesome! Xiao Zhi shows you, come on, come on ."

Jiang Yao followed Shen Zhi's strength and looked at Jiang Cha and Shen Rang as he walked.

The teasing on the brother-in-law's face was obvious, but the sister... also had a smile in her eyes.

"Uncle, look at Xiaozhi's train~"

Jiang Yao sat down and looked at Shen Zhi with gentle eyes, "Okay, uncle... uncle, let's take a look at Xiao Zhi's toys."

"Little uncle, people can sit in the little train. It used to be Xiaozhi and his parents. Xiaozhi will find a boy's doll and put little uncle in it."

"Thank you Xiaozhi."

Shen Zhi rummaged through the dolls a few times and found one that was relatively close to his heart. He smiled and held it up to show Jiang Yao, "Uncle, is this okay for you?"

Jiang Yao praised him, "Xiao Zhi is great. My uncle likes it very much. That's it."

"Yeah!" Shen Zhi put the little doll into the little train, "There is a new family member in the little train. It's my uncle... Hehe."

Jiang Yao accompanied Shen Zhi, smiling with crooked eyebrows and making him feel at ease and warm.

Shen Rang closed the door between the kitchen and the living room.

Jiang Cha glanced at it, "Don't you never close the door?"

Shen Rang smiled, "Don't I have something to tell you?"

Jiang Cha opened the refrigerator and took out the meat, "I think you've been talking more recently."

"The more we talk, the more we communicate."

Jiang Cha took the meat in one hand and the apron in the other and handed it to Shen Rang at the same time, "So, can you cook?"

Shen Rang took the apron and tied it on first, "Didn't you say you cook?"

"Don't you cook better than me?" Jiang Cha said with a natural expression, "We can't let Xiao Yao eat my average cooking skills on the first day he comes here."

"This is your intention as a sister."

Jiang Cha glared at Shen Rang, "Will you do it or not?"

Shen Rang: "... I will do it."

Jiang Cha chuckled, "That's pretty much it."

In fact, Shen Rang was just teasing her and trying to make her happy.

Shen Rang was cutting meat, while Jiang Cha was washing vegetables.

"Mrs. Shen, have you decided which room Xiaoyao should live in?"

Jiang Cha was surprised, "Mr. Shen, you have brought this person back, but you haven't thought about which room you want him to live in? How embarrassing it is right now."

Shen Rang shrugged, "So don't I want to quickly discuss a solution with Mrs. Shen?"

"What do you think?"

"I think-" Shen Rang stopped the knife in his hand, then turned his head to look at Jiang Cha, and suddenly smiled, "I think that I can give up the second bedroom where I live now to Xiao Yao."

"Yours?" Jiang Cha said smoothly, "What about you? Do you sleep in the guest room?"

"No." Shen Rang put one hand on the sink, then leaned closer to Jiang Cha, looking level with him, "I want to move into your master bedroom."

Jiang Cha said without hesitation, "No, I refuse."

Shen Rang was surprised.

Shen Rang didn't bother much, just nodded, stood up straight and picked up the kitchen knife again, "I knew you wouldn't agree, so I decided to move to Xiaozhi's room to live together. I can spend more time with Xiaozhi." .”

"If Xiaozhi asks why dad wants to live with him, I can only tell the truth. After all, mom doesn't want to see dad, so she refuses to live in the same room with dad."

"It's pitiful for us little Zhi, at only four years old, we have to worry about our parents' relationship. Alas, it's really..."

"Stop." Jiang Cha said expressionlessly, "You win, move to the master bedroom."

Jiang Cha told herself that she was thinking about her son's healthy growth and was not shameless in losing to Shen Rang.

Shen Rang took a long breath and smiled slightly: "Suddenly I want to make braised short ribs. Wife, help me take out the ribs and defrost them, and stew them with the meat later."

Jiang Cha: ... ...This man is really... shining brightly with a little sunshine!

Shen Rang was in a happy mood, with a proud light in his eyes.

"I'll go move after dinner later and let Xiaoyao play with Xiaozhi. After we've packed up, we'll sort out Xiaoyao's things."

Jiang Cha graciously agreed.

Shen Rang thought for a while, "What exactly do you think about Xiao Yao?"

"I don't have any ideas." Jiang Cha looked at him, "I hate the Jiang family, but I don't hate Jiang Yao. The current situation between him and me is that we are probably strangers by blood? It will get better if we get along with each other for a few more days. Don't worry. Besides, there’s also the pistachio Xiaozhi.”

"That's true." Shen Rang turned around and looked at the living room. Jiang Yao and Shen Zhi were having fun. Shen Rang chuckled, "My son is so cute."

Jiang Cha laughed, "Okay, stop boasting and cook your food."

Shen Rang said favorably and continued working with Jiang Cha.

Shen Rang was delighted. It was great. With Jiang Yao accompanying Xiao Zhi, he and his Mrs. Shen could have more time to go out together!

Half an hour passed before the doors to the kitchen and living room finally opened.

The aroma from the kitchen floated to the living room. Shen Zhi moved his nose and was instantly attracted.

Shen Zhi's eyes lit up and he asked Jiang Yao mysteriously, "Uncle, can you smell what it smells like?"

Jiang Yao smelled it and said, "It seems like...meat?"

"Yes!!!" Shen Zhi grabbed Jiang Yao's sleeve excitedly, "It's the short ribs made by dad! Xiaozhi's favorite short ribs!! Uncle!! Xiaozhi has to wash his hands, you and me Want to go together?"

Jiang Yao smiled, "Go."

Shen Zhi got up from the ground, took Jiang Yao's finger, and walked towards the bathroom, "Uncle, Xiaozhi will take you to wash your hands. Xiaozhi will use the same fragrance as mine for you."

Jiang Yaoen said, "Thank you, Xiaozhi, you are so kind."

"Hee hee." Shen Zhi was almost praised like a flower by Jiang Yao for a while. He was praised like "you are so nice", "you are so cute", "I like Xiaozhi", "you are so smart" and so on. Shen Zhi felt completely dizzy.

Jiang Yao is really good at coaxing children. In just one hour, his status in Shen Zhi's heart skyrocketed to almost the same level as Shen Rang Jiang Cha.

So much so that even when eating, Shen Zhi asked Jiang Yao to sit next to him, and kept picking up vegetables for Jiang Yao very enthusiastically. God knows that Shen Zhi himself couldn't hold his chopsticks very well.

Jiang Cha and Shen Rang felt sour in their hearts, but in order to maintain their generous image, they had to praise Jiang Yao and Shen Zhi for how well they got along.

Jiang Cha & Shen Rang:... Well, being a parent is so difficult.

After dinner, Shen Rang handed Jiang Yao the child's anti-lost rope and asked him to take Shen Zhi downstairs to digest the dinner.

Shen Zhi hadn't gone downstairs for a few days. As soon as he heard that he could go down, he took the initiative to take one side of the child's anti-lost rope and buckle it on his wrist, then put the other end into Jiang Yao's hand, "Uncle, Xiaozhi I’ll take you to play.”

Jiang Yao: ... He suddenly felt that this child was so skillful in buckling the ropes by himself, which made him feel a little distressed...

"Then...sister, brother-in-law, I will take Xiaozhi downstairs for a while."

Shen Rang smiled and nodded, "Go ahead and come back when it gets dark at the latest."


"Mom, Dad, Xiaozhi and his uncle are going out~"

Jiang Cha told Shen Zhi, "Listen to my uncle and don't run around."

"Okay~ Xiaozhi will be good~"

"Go ahead."

Shen Rang and Jiang Cha watched the two people go out, and then came in to prepare for moving into a room.

Jiang Cha has always lived in the master bedroom at home, and Shen Rang has the slightly smaller second bedroom.

Before Jiang Cha was reborn, he and Shen Rang spent very little time living here, let alone entering Shen Rang's room.

Recently, because the relationship between the two has shown some signs of warming up, Jiang Cha has come more often.

The two of them went to Jiang Cha's room first and cleared some space to put Shen Rang's things.

Although there is a cloakroom, there are still some relatively private things that are not suitable to be placed in public places, such as underwear.

Jiang Cha usually looked at Shen Rang's room in order, but at first glance it seemed like there wasn't much in it.

But it wasn't until she finished moving today that she suddenly discovered that Shen Rang, a grown man, even had one more bottle of skin care products than she did.

It took almost an hour just to move Shen Rang's things to Jiang Cha's master bedroom.

Jiang Cha's arms were a little sore.

Shen Rang found a new set of navy blue sheets and quilts, "Here, help me."

Jiang Cha stood up resignedly, took over the bed, and the two began to make the bed for Jiang Yao.

While tucking in the quilt, Jiang Cha said, "Let's just clean it up briefly. Let Xiao Yao decorate it himself. After all, it's his room."

"I know." Shen Rang put on the pillowcase, "It will probably take Xiaoyao two days to clean up. First, prepare the place where he will rest tonight. Please remind me to bring the toiletries over later. What else is missing? I think think... ."

Seeing Shen Rang's frown and serious look, Jiang Cha couldn't help but laugh, "I think you are Xiaoyao's brother and I am his sister-in-law."

Shen Rang glanced at her and said, "We are both boys. Besides, I am still the bridge of communication between you two siblings. If I don't make more efforts, when will you two get along like normal siblings?"

"Mr. Shen is really amazing." Jiang Cha gave a thumbs up with both hands, "I admire him."

"Easy to say." Shen Rang curled his lips, "By the way, you and Xin Yin can go over there tomorrow afternoon to go through Xiaoyao's transfer procedures. There are still some things that need to be signed. I won't be able to leave tomorrow afternoon."

Jiang Cha nodded, "Then let me go. Which school did you transfer him to?"


"Yinyao?" Jiang Cha was surprised, "Why would you choose Yinyao?"

Shen Rang raised his eyebrows, "Do you feel bad?"

"No." Jiang Cha shook his head, "Yinyao is already a very good school. I don't think it's bad. I'm worried... Children at this age are all sensitive. Xiaoyao suddenly changed from an ordinary high school in Tianyu to International school, I'm afraid he will have a psychological burden."

Shen Rang nodded, "I've asked him, and I think he has a good ability to accept it."

"It's okay if you think it's okay. I won't interfere. Just be happy."

"I'll talk to him again."


After making the bed, the two moved in Jiang Yao's things that were placed at the door.

Except for the books that Jiang Yao brought back from school, Xin Yin took Jiang Yao to buy the rest in the shopping mall in the afternoon.

Clothes, pants, shoes, mobile phones, watches and backpacks, as long as Xin Yin thought Jiang Yao could use them, he would buy them all for Jiang Yao, of course, using Shen Rang's card.

Jiang Yao was stunned when he saw Xin's unrelenting appearance in the afternoon.

This was a shopping method he had never seen before. He didn't care about the price at all, as long as he liked Xin Yin, he could afford it.

As a direct result of Jiang Yao being stunned, he had a lot of things in his dazed state.

What he and Xin Yin brought back were just a few temporary changes of clothes and some personal items. The rest will be delivered by someone from the shopping mall tomorrow.

When it was almost time, Jiang Cha looked at the time. It was almost two hours. Why haven't these two children come back yet

It was starting to get dark outside, and Jiang Cha was a little worried, "You're not going to get lost, are you?"

"Will not."

"Let's go out and look for it."


Just leave.

As soon as the two came out of Jiang Yao's room, they heard the door opening.

Jiang Cha walked over, followed closely by Shen Rang.

"We're back. We just said we were going down to look for—" Jiang Cha's voice stopped abruptly, and the word "you" hadn't been uttered yet.

Shen Zhi's eyes were red, he had obviously cried, and his clothes were a little dirty. He walked in with his head lowered.

Jiang Yao followed closely behind, and he was even worse than Shen Zhi.

Jiang Yao's left wrist was still clasped with Shen Zhifang's lost rope buckle, and his right hand was holding the school uniform. There was a scratch about ten centimeters long on his left arm. The blood left and scabed on the skin. It looked quite scary. .

Shen Rang's eyes darkened and he quickly walked over, "What happened? Who was bullied?"

Shen Zhi pursed his lips, "Mom, oooooooo!"

Jiang Cha unbuttoned Shen Zhi and Jiang Yao, then picked up Shen Zhi, let him lie in her arms, and patted Shen Zhi's back, "Okay, okay, mom is here, little Zhi, don't cry." .”

Jiang Cha's eyes fell on Jiang Yao.

The young man pursed his lips tightly, and his red eyes were full of guilt.

"Xiao Yao." Jiang Cha called him softly, "Go with your brother-in-law to treat the wounds. We will tell you who bullied you later."

As soon as Jiang Cha finished speaking, Jiang Yao suddenly raised his eyes and looked at her, shocked, "Sister... don't you blame me?"

"What's your fault?"

"I..." Jiang Yao lowered his head, "I didn't take good care of Xiaozhi. The first time I took him out..."

"You won't." Jiang Cha's voice was calm, "Although I don't know you very well, I believe you."

"sister... ... "

"Woooooo, mom, it's not uncle's fault." Shen Zhi stood up from Jiang Cha's shoulder. A snot bubble bulged out of his nose and he spoke for Jiang Yao without caring about it. "Little uncle, little uncle is here to protect the little one." Zhicai was injured, my uncle is bleeding, oooooooooo!"

Jiang Cha touched Shen Zhi's head and comforted him, "Xiao Zhi, let your uncle take care of the wound first. Mom will take you to wash your face. You have become a little cat."

"Yeah, hiccup, yeah."

Jiang Cha comforted Jiang Yao, "It's okay. Let's take care of the wound first."

Shen Rang took Jiang Yao's right arm and said, "Come with me."

Jiang Yao obediently followed Shen Rang to the living room.

Shen Rang found the medical kit and disinfection supplies, "What happened?"

"Xiao Zhi and I met an owner in the community. He was walking his dog without a leash. When the dog heard Xiao Zhi's voice, it pounced on him." Jiang Yao looked at his wounds, "Xiao Zhi was frightened. I jumped to avoid the dog, but because the anti-lost rope was connected to my wrist, Xiaozhi almost fell. When I went to pull him, the dog jumped me from behind, and my arm scraped on the ground. "

"Did you get bitten?" Shen Rang stood up in shock, "Where was the bite? This is not possible, go to the hospital immediately and get vaccinated."

"No brother-in-law! I was not bitten. As soon as I was knocked down, the owner called the dog back."

Shen Rang looked at Jiang Yao himself and confirmed that he was really not bitten. Then he felt more relieved and said, "It's good that he wasn't bitten."

"But Xiaozhi fell and was frightened." Jiang Yao was annoyed, "It's all my fault."

"It has nothing to do with you, don't blame yourself." Shen Rang said, "It's too late today. I'll deal with it for you first, and ask your sister to take you to the hospital for a checkup tomorrow."

Jiang Yao shook his head, "It's okay."

"No, listen to me, you must go."

Jiang Yao nodded obediently, "Okay."

"Little uncle." Shen Zhi ran over and stood in front of Jiang Yao. He touched his hand with his little hand and was about to cry again, "little uncle, does your hand hurt? Xiaozhi is breathing for you, but you won't breathe. It hurts."

Shen Zhi leaned over and blew gently on Jiang Yao's wound twice.

Jiang Yao smiled and pinched Shen Zhi's little face, "Xiao Zhi blows on my little uncle and it won't hurt."

Shen Rang asked Shen Zhi, "Xiao Zhi, tell dad, when you met a dog, did you tease it or deliberately attract it?"

"Xiao Zhi didn't." Shen Zhi shook his head, "Xiao Zhi was talking to his uncle and didn't see the dog. The dog ran over on his own."

"Okay, I understand." Shen Rang stood up, "Xiao Yao, go to bed early. The room is ready. Ask your sister to take you to see it. If you need anything, just tell her."

Jiang Yao nodded.

Shen Rang walked to the study.

"Shen Rang? What are you going to do?"

Shen Rang stopped and looked back at the three people behind him, "Call to report."

Jiang Cha: ... ... ...

Shen Rang waved his hand, "I'll handle this matter. You three can do whatever you want. Our children have been bullied. We can't just let it go."

Shen Rang entered the study room mumbling.

Jiang Yao pursed his lips, "Sister, I've caused trouble for you."

Jiang Cha chuckled, "If you say that again, I will go to your brother-in-law to complain."

"sister... ... "

"Okay, don't take it so seriously, it's just a small matter." Jiang Cha lowered his head, "Xiao Zhi, go watch a cartoon with your uncle, and let your uncle coax you to sleep later, okay?"


Shen Zhi hugged Jiang Yao's thigh, "Mom, where are you going?"

"Mom, go see dad." Jiang Cha bent down and rubbed Shen Zhi's little head, "Xiao Zhi is very brave today, very good."

"Mother... "

"Be good, go ahead."


Jiang Cha waited for the two of them to turn on the TV before going to the study.

As soon as he opened the study door, Shen Rang hung up the phone.

Jiang Cha walked over and asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay." Shen Rang shook his head lightly, "I will give me a satisfactory answer tomorrow."

"That's it."

Shen Rang looked at Jiang Cha, "Do you know what kind of thing Xiao Yao was knocked down by?"


Shen Rang looked serious, "Adult Alaska."

Jiang Cha was stunned, "Adult Alaska? Walking Alaska without a leash in the community???"

Shen Rang nodded.

Jiang Cha was really angry.

"Are you crazy? I must go to the property in person tomorrow. What kind of management system is there to bully my brother and my son? It's really... ah, it makes me so angry!"

Shen Rang: ... ... ... It's over, his wife is really angry!

The author has something to say: Jiang Yao: QAQ is so good, there are people protecting it.

I really like Alaska... You really need to have a leash when you go out to walk your dog. My friend’s puppy was bitten to death by a large dog in the same neighborhood_(:з」∠)_

Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2020-03-17 18:00:00~2020-03-18 18:00:00~

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: 300 bottles of Soul Inn; 30 bottles of Ninever; 25 bottles of bowed head and smile; 20 bottles of Cloud Shadow; 6 bottles of Mystery in the Wind; 5 bottles of Suizhinan., Time ~ Passage^ω^; 2 bottles of Keguo, Kaixinaikaixin; 1 bottle of 35476266, Miss Hedgehog, Sitting Upright, and Hu Xiaochang;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!