After Rebirth, I Just Want To Concentrate on Raising My Baby

Chapter 38


Xin Yin took Jiang Yao to the hospital for examination.

Jiang Yao is really lucky. Although his face is a little disfigured, as long as he pays more attention, there will be no scars.

The area where he was beaten has turned purple. It looks scary, but fortunately no muscles or bones were injured. Pay more attention and take a good rest, and you will be fine soon.

Xin Yin took a bunch of inspection reports from Jiang Yao and said with emotion, "Fortunately there is nothing wrong with you, otherwise Mr. Shen and Vice President Jiang would be even more angry."

Jiang Yao frowned, "Sister and brother-in-law... must be very angry, I've caused trouble again."

"Young Master Jiang Yao."

Jiang Yao shook his head, "I can't beat you in a fight. It's really my problem."

Xin Yin: ... ... ...

Xin Yin said, "Master Jiang Yao, why did you tell Ms. Yu that you don't care about Jiang Zong?"

"Mr. Xin, why do you think she is waiting there and refusing to leave?"

Xin Yin knew what kind of person Yu Qin was, but he still couldn't bear to think of Jiang Yao's biological mother in such a bad way. Xin Yin tentatively said, "Yes... I'm a little worried about you, right?"

Jiang Yaoxiao said, "Look, you don't believe that she really cares about me, so she only used it a little bit."

Xin Yin sighed, he didn't know how to comfort Jiang Yao.

It was impossible for Jiang Yao not to be sad at all.

He personally investigated the information about Jiang Zong and Jiang Yao, so he understood how much Jiang Yao was a child who longed for love.

"Mr. Xin, please take me home. I can't pick up Xiaozhi in this condition."


Jiang Cha was relieved when he learned that Xin Yin had sent Jiang Yao home safely.

The voice when Jiang Yao called her just now gave her goosebumps. Under the calm tone, it seemed that there were turbulent waves hidden. Just waiting for a suitable opportunity, all this hatred would come out and sweep Jiang Yao away. submerged.

Jiang Cha was a little worried that Jiang Yao might have some hidden mental illness after living in a sick family like the Jiang family for seventeen years.

After thinking about it all afternoon, Jiang Cha discussed with Shen Rang until he arrived at the entrance of the kindergarten, "Shen Rang, please arrange another psychological teacher for Xiao Yao."


Seeing that Jiang Cha still looked worried, Shen Rang took him into his arms and said, "Lean on me and rest for a while."


Shen Rang patted Jiang Cha's shoulder, "Don't worry too much. Xiaoyao has his own ideas. He is measured. I believe him."

"I know, and I didn't say I didn't believe him." Jiang Cha squeezed Shen Rang's waist with his fingers, "I just want to prepare more things for him so that he can feel our concern for him. "

Shen Rang raised his eyebrows when he heard this, "Honey, before you let Xiao Yao feel our concern, can you personally feel my feelings first?"

"Didn't I feel it?" Jiang Cha was surprised, and then his shoulder moved and hit Shen Rang's chest, "If I didn't feel it, do you think you could still hold me in your arms?"

Shen Rang's eyes lit up, "So, you like me?"

Jiang Cha pursed his lips and smiled, "You can think about it yourself."

"No, no, no, honey!" Shen Rang was anxious. He urgently needed to confirm whether Jiang Cha's smile meant what he understood. "I like people who are more straightforward and enthusiastic. Don't be shy, or you can secretly lie down on me." In your ears?"

"Stop making trouble! There are so many people here!" Jiang Cha felt that many people were looking at her and Shen Rang.

Shen Rang has always been thick-skinned. Not only did he not feel inappropriate when everyone looked at him, he even kissed Jiang Cha generously on the forehead and fed everyone dog food.

Everyone: ... ... .. So shameless.

Shen Rang smiled.

Within a few minutes, Shen Zhi came out.

Su Jingjing ran out immediately following Shen Zhi.

"Aunt Jiang!" Su Jingjing hugged Jiang Cha's thigh and raised his head with bright eyes, "Is it true that Shen Zhi said he wanted to give Jingjing a greeting card?"

Jiang Cha looked at Shen Zhi in surprise. The invitation card hadn't been made yet, but her son actually said it

Jiang Cha nodded, squatted down and looked at Su Jingjing, "Yes, uncle and aunt will help Xiaozhi do it together. Jingjing, did Xiaozhi tell you?"

Su Jingjing shook his head.

Jiang Cha was even more puzzled.

Then, Su Jingjing said, "It was Shen Zhi who told us all!"

"D-Everyone?" Jiang Cha was surprised.

Su Jingjing nodded vigorously, "During lunch today, Shen Zhi said that he would take all the children to play at home for his birthday, and he also said that he would give us greeting cards."

So that's it.

Jiang Cha touched Su Jingjing's head and said, "When uncle and aunt are ready for Xiaozhi, let him bring it over and send it to you, okay?"

"Okay~" Su Jingjing's eyes turned into crescent moons as she smiled, "Aunt Jiang, do you want to give the greeting card to Xiaopang as well?"

"Here you go, you are all Xiaozhi's classmates."

"Then..." Su Jingjing pointed her fingers and whispered, "Aunt Jiang, can you draw a big ugly spider on Xiaopang's greeting card?"

Jiang Cha laughed, "Why?"

Su Jingjing pouted and felt sorry for Shen Zhi, "Who told the fat guy to always say bad things about Shen Zhi? Scare him with a big spider!"

"No." Jiang Cha took Su Jingjing's hand, "It's Lin Haoyu's fault for saying bad things about Xiao Zhi, but if we scare Lin Haoyu, aren't we the same people as him?"

Su Jingjing probably understood, "Sorry Aunt Jiang, Jingjing is wrong."

"Jingjing cares about Xiaozhi. Auntie understands. Auntie also thanks you very much."

Su Jingjing blushed, "Really? Aunt Jiang?"

"Well, really."

"Then..." Su Jingjing suddenly became excited, "Aunt Jiang, can you let Shen Zhi hold hands with me?"

Jiang Cha:? ? ? ?

Su Jingjing looked at Shen Zhi, "Uncle Shen said that Shen Zhi can't hold hands with girls casually. Jingjing and Shen Zhi are at the same table. Jingjing holds Shen Zhi's clothes every time..."

As she spoke, the little girl unconsciously pouted a little aggrieved.

Jiang Cha didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and waved to Shen Zhi to come over, "Xiao Zhi."

Shen Zhi walked over and said, "Mom."

Jiang Cha stretched out his hand, palm upward, "Your hand."

Shen Zhi put it on, Jiang Cha held Shen Zhi's hand and called Su Jingjing, "Jingjing, come hold hands."

Su Jingjing nodded vigorously, her eyebrows crescent and she felt very good.

Su Jingjing also put her hand on Jiang Cha's, but Shen Zhi remained unmoved.

Jiang Cha: ... To be honest, with his father’s education methods, she, as a mother, was suddenly a little scared QAQ

"Xiao Zhi, if mom agrees, you can hold hands with Jingjing."

Shen Zhi nodded, finally willing to hold hands with Su Jingjing, although in less than three seconds, Shen Zhi let go of his hand.

Jiang Cha felt that Shen Zhi was 'excessive', but Su Jingjing was very satisfied, "Aunt Jiang, my mother is here, Jingjing is going home first, see you Aunt Jiang, see you Uncle Shen, see you Shen Zhi!"

"Goodbye Jingjing."

After seeing Su Jingjing off, Jiang Cha took Shen Zhi's hand and walked forward without waiting for Shen Rang.

Shen Rang raised his eyebrows, thinking that he didn't offend her

Shen Rang hurriedly caught up, took Shen Zhi's other hand, turned his head and asked Jiang Cha, "Why are you angry?"

"Shen Rang!" Jiang Cha gritted his teeth, but did not dare to speak too loudly for fear that Shen Zhi would hear, "Look at what you taught your son!"

"What? Holding hands?"

"Shh!" Jiang Cha glared at him, "Keep your voice down."

Shen Zhi looked up at the two adults, "Mom?"

"It's okay, Xiaozhi has to watch the road when walking."


Jiang Cha almost breathed out, "I'll settle the score with you when I get home!"

Shen Rang laughed, then let go of Shen Zhi's hand, walked over to Jiang Cha and held her hand, pinched her intentionally, and winked again, "Then before I go home to settle the score, do you want me to compensate my wife with my beauty?"

Jiang Cha burst out laughing and was instantly amused by him, "You're so annoying."

"I'm so annoyed that I can't return it." Shen let his fingertips tickle Jiang Cha's, "After all, you like me so much."


"Haha, then you are a narcissistic wife."

Shen Rang and Jiang Cha were bickering until they got in the car.

Shen Rang drove.

Jiang Cha took Shen Zhi's little hand and said, "Xiao Zhi, my uncle is injured a little on his face. When we see him when we get home, why don't we say hello?"

"Injured?" Shen Zhi was confused, "Mom, is my uncle's face broken?"

Jiang Cha nodded, "My uncle must be in a bad mood right now, so Xiao Zhi don't ask and just play with him like he does every day, okay?"


"Xiao Zhi is so good."

Although Shen Zhi is young, he has one advantage: he will definitely do what he promises.

So when the three of them went home, when Shen Rang and Jiang Cha were shocked to see Jiang Yao, Shen Zhi still opened his hand for his uncle to hug him.

Jiang Yao held Shen Zhi in his arms. Shen Zhi didn't ask what was wrong with his face. Instead, he pursed his lips and blew on Jiang Yao's face.

Jiang Yao's heart almost melted, how could he have such a good child!

"Xiao Zhi, my uncle wants to learn self-defense skills with you. If he learns slowly, Xiao Zhi cannot laugh at his uncle."

"Xiao Zhi can't do it." Shen Zhi looked serious, "Xiao Zhi will definitely study hard and protect his little uncle."

Jiang Yao curled his lips, "Okay."

Jiang Cha was worried, "You will go to school next week, your face..."

Shen Rang immediately suggested, "How about taking leave?"

"It's okay." Jiang Yao smiled, "Sister, brother-in-law, you don't have to worry. I usually heal from injuries like this very quickly. It will definitely be fine on Monday."

"Alas." Jiang Cha sighed.

Jiang Yao said this, which made people feel even more distressed.

"Let's check the situation first. If it's not good over the weekend, take a day off."

Jiang Yaoen said, "Okay."

At first Jiang Cha and Shen Rang didn't believe that Jiang Yao's face could heal so quickly.

But on Saturday morning, the two of them found that the bruises on Jiang Yao's face had indeed faded a lot.

It's amazing.

Jiang Yao joked to himself, "Probably because he was beaten since childhood, so the skin of his body has memories."


After breakfast, the family began to plan the invitation card for Shen Zhi's birthday party.

Where to choose greeting cards, these three people have no idea. Needless to say, Jiang Cha and Jiang Yao will not be able to grow up safely, and Shen Rang has never done it because of the influence of the neighbor's child who was voted out when he was seven years old. Birthday party.

After several people discussed it, they decided that Shen Zhi's main preference was still the main one. Jiang Cha was not prepared to use adult eyes to interfere with the child's decision.

If you like little rabbits, buy little rabbits; if you like little sheep, buy little sheep.

Shen Zhi had no idea what to buy, so everyone decided to go out for a walk first.

Jiang Yao wore a mask to cover the bruises on his face. Shen Zhi kept holding his hand, not even Jiang Cha and Shen Rang.

Shen Rang felt that his son's intuition in this area was particularly good.

The day before, Jiang Cha consulted Zhang Yirui, who has devoted her life to shopping, and asked her to make some suggestions for the family's shopping.

Don't tell me, it's really useful.

Zhang Yiruizhen sent Jiangcha three stores, all of which sell gifts and related things.

Following the route, Jiang Cha and others first went to the nearest store, [Childlike Innocence].

The name of the store was chosen because the owner hoped that his daughter could always maintain a childlike innocence and grow up healthy and happy.

Because Zhang Yirui greeted them in advance, the shop owner specially set aside time in the morning to receive the family.

The shop owner's surname is Li, and Jiang Cha calls her Sister Li.

"Sister Li, I'm so sorry. I didn't know that Yi Rui would ask you to postpone the opening time in the morning." Jiang Cha felt very guilty. This was not delaying other people's business.

Sister Li is a very gentle woman. She shook her head gently when she heard this, "There are not many people in our shop in the morning, and the peak period of customers is in the afternoon."

"We'll do it as soon as possible."

"Do not worry."

Sister Li smiled, and then her eyes fell on Shen Zhi. She squatted in front of Shen Zhi and stretched out her hand, "My little friend, is it your birthday?"

Shen Zhi glanced at it, squeezed the hand holding Jiang Yao, and nodded, "Hello, aunt, it's Xiao Zhi's birthday."

"Your name is Xiaozhi?" Sister Li smiled, "Xiaozhi, can I shake auntie's hand?"

Shen Zhi shook his head, "Auntie, Xiao Zhi can't shake hands with you."

Sister Li:? ? ? ?

Sister Li smiled and asked, "Why?"

Just as Jiang Cha was about to stop him, he heard Shen Zhi give an answer quickly, "Dad said you can't touch the hands of boys or girls casually. It's impolite."

"But, isn't it okay if Auntie takes the initiative to hold hands with you?"

Shen Zhi still shook his head, "No."

Sister Li smiled, "Yes, this way strangers won't be able to take you away."

Jiang Cha was helpless, "I'm sorry, Sister Li."

"It's okay, the kid is so cute." Sister Li stood up, "Since it's the kid's birthday, come here with me."


Sister Li turned and left.

Jiang Cha pinched Shen Zhi's face and said, "Auntie may be sad if you reject her so directly."

"I'm sorry, kid."

Jiang Cha thought for a while, "If Xiaozhi doesn't like shaking hands with strangers, how about we be more tactful next time?"


Jiang Cha stretched out his hand, "Mom will take you."

Shen Zhi shook his head, "Xiao Zhi wants to go with his uncle. Mom and dad should go together."

Jiang Cha: ... Shen Rang, what kind of crazy soup did you give my son!

Sister Li led a few people to a shelf with various greeting cards on it.

"The ones here are all made by children and their parents. Some are birthday cards, some are anniversaries, and some are just for fun." Sister Li smiled, "Let's take a look first and see if you can find inspiration from these cards. "

"My personal suggestion is that it's better to do it yourself. It's better to send greeting cards and gifts to each other and respect the children's opinions."

Jiang Cha smiled and said, "I think so too."

"Then take a look first. If you want to draw, there are pens and paper on the table over here. I'll find some finished products for you to use as a reference."

"Okay, trouble."

"You are Welcome."

Jiang Yao sat down at the table, then picked up a pen and started drawing.

Shen Rang picked up Shen Zhi and took him to look at the finished greeting cards on the shelf.

Most of the greeting cards are in the form of drawings, and they are very childish. The text part can be seen as parents' help.

"What do you want to draw, Xiaozhi?" Jiang Cha asked his opinion, "Is there anything you want to draw?"

"Xiao Zhi doesn't know."

"Sister, brother-in-law, come here."

Jiang Yao called a few people over.

The whole family sat down at the table, and Jiang Yao showed the drawing paper to everyone.

There is a sketch drawn with lines on the drawing paper. It can be clearly seen that two hands, one big and one small, are holding the angel baby in the middle. The fingers of the two hands are interlaced to form a small love.

Simple and clear, the baby is held in the hands of the parents.

Jiang Yao's painting was relatively simple, and Shen Zhi could get it right if he painted it twice more.

"Mom, are these two hands you and dad?"

Jiang Cha hummed, "Yes."

"What about the little uncle? Why is there no little uncle?" Shen Zhi looked at Jiang Yao, "Little uncle, which one is you? Are they Xiaozhi's wings?"

"Me?" Jiang Yao was stunned.

Shen Zhi nodded and pointed to the angel baby's hand on the drawing paper, "Little uncle, draw yourself in Xiao Zhi's hand, Xiao Zhi will protect you."

Jiang Yao looked at Shen Zhiman's sincere little face in front of him, and his gratitude could not calm down for a long time.

Since meeting this child, he has always been friendly to him, making him feel warm and aware that there are still people in the world who love him.

Looking back on the past few days with Shen Zhi, Shen Zhi could always take care of his mood even if he didn't even notice it.

He may not do it deliberately, but he must follow his heart.

For example, at this moment, when Jiang Yao was painting this painting, he never thought that he was also a part of the family, but Shen Zhi said that he would bring his uncle with him.

Jiang Yao bowed and hugged Shen Zhi into his arms.

"Xiao Zhi."

"Huh?" Shen Zhi still couldn't understand why his little uncle was so excited. He intuitively felt that his little uncle should be happy.

Shen Zhi stretched out his arms and put his arms around Jiang Yao's neck, "Uncle, Xiao Zhi likes you very much."

Jiang Yao expressed his gratitude in a low voice and said in a hoarse voice, "My uncle likes you too."

Shen Zhi is really his little angel.

After a while, Jiang Yao calmed down and made changes to the painting.

Behind the hands and the angel baby, he drew two crossed swords, which represented protection.

Shen Zhi said "Wow" in surprise, "How cool!"

Jiang Cha smiled and scratched Shen Zhi's nose, "Do you still know what cool is?"

Shen Zhi wrinkled his nose, "Xiao Zhi knows!"

"So good."

Now that the greeting card has been drawn, Jiang Cha and his family decided to make it here.

Jiang Yao brought Shen Zhi a pen and paper and taught him how to draw.

While the two of them were more focused, Shen Rang called Jiang Cha away.

"What's going on?"

Shen Rang refused to talk about the mystery and took Jiang Cha to another area.

Sister Li is already waiting there.

"Shen Rang?"

"Sit down." Shen Rang pressed Jiang Cha's shoulders and asked her to sit on a small stool.

Jiang Cha looked at the pile of clay in front of him and suddenly emmmmm...

Sister Li brought a few samples and put them on the table, "For reference?"

Jiang Cha looked at the newlywed works such as "Long Life Together, a Hundred Years of Love, and a Pregnant Son" in front of him, and he seemed to suddenly get the feeling of Shen Rang.

"You're not going to do this, are you?"

Shen Rang smiled, "Yeah, don't you think it's great?"

Jiang Cha's mind twitched, "Xiao Zhi is not suitable."

"Pfft!" Shen Rang laughed and took Jiang Cha's hand, "It was the two of us."

Jiang Cha was helpless, "We are not newlyweds either."

"But..." Shen Rang tilted his head and leaned into Jiang Cha's ear and whispered, "We have just started dating. My wife must have what other children have."

Jiang Cha turned his head slightly and met Shen Zhi's eyes, "Are you pampering me?"

"Yes." Shen Rang took the opportunity to kiss her on the lips and took advantage, "I pamper you and make up for everything you don't have."

Jiang Cha avoided Shen Rang's direct gaze, pursed his lips and smiled, "Then which one should we do?"

Shen Rang held Jiang Cha's left hand with the ring on it and held it against his own, "Let's do this."

"Flying together?"


Jiang Cha was worried, "Is it too difficult?"

"It's okay, Sister Li will help."

Sister Li nodded, "You guys wait for me, I'll go get something. It's actually okay, it's not that difficult."

"Okay, thank you."

"You're welcome."

I don't know if it was Jiang Cha's misunderstanding, but I always felt that Sister Li was running away in a hurry when she left.

Shen Rang excitedly discussed with Jiang Cha how to make it and what color it should be.

Jiang Cha looked at his sparkling eyes and thought that this man really didn't look like the father of a four-year-old child. He looked like a young boy who had just fallen in love and only wanted to give her the best.

In the morning, a family of four was busy at [Childlike Heart].

Shen Zhi's hands were sore when he was painting, but he didn't say a word that he would stop doing it.

Jiang Yao picked the best painting by Shen Zhi and gave it to Sister Li, and also picked the color of the invitation card.

Shen Zhi likes the pink and blue background colors. Jiang Yao helped him choose the pattern of the invitation card. The picture drawn by Shen Zhi will be printed on the cover of the invitation card.

The co-operation between Shen Rang and Jiang Cha was completed after the two decided everything. There was still some small follow-up work, which was entrusted to Sister Li.

Because it was introduced by Zhang Yirui, and Sister Li also likes this family very much, I made an urgent request for them to pick it up on Wednesday.

It was already one o'clock in the afternoon when I left [Childlike Innocence].

Everyone had lunch together and then watched a movie before going home.

The next day, Jiang Yao received a courier, a large box with the word Yin Yao printed on it.

Opening the box, there are three white shirts inside, two sets of uniforms each in gray, blue, and black, as well as sportswear, casual wear, and almost everything that boys of this age can wear.

Jiang Yao was quite confused. After all, in his impression, the school uniforms were still Tianyu's sportswear, a loose version of two sets for spring and autumn, one for summer and one for winter.

"It seems that Xiaoyao can save money on clothes." Jiang Cha teased Jiang Yao with a smile, "It's not that my sister and brother-in-law don't spend money for you."

Jiang Yao laughed, "Sister, please stop teasing me."

Shen Rang was quite satisfied. After all, the cost for a year was so much, so it was appropriate to order a few more sets of school uniforms.

on Monday.

Jiang Yao's face is almost healed, and if you don't look closely at it, it won't be so obvious.

Jiang Yao got up very early today. He took a shower and combed his hair in the morning. He was more refined than usual. After all, it was the first day of transferring school. Jiang Yao secretly asked Shen Rang what to do yesterday.

After washing up, Jiang Yao changed into his school uniform.

According to the uniform instructions included in the box, he was wearing a gray uniform today.

Shen Zhi also saw a box of Jiang Yao's clothes yesterday. After washing up in the morning, he was waiting at Jiang Yao's door.

As soon as Jiang Yao opened the door, Shen Zhi said "Wow" and started to blow a rainbow fart, "Uncle is so handsome~"

Jiang Yao picked him up and said, "Why do you know everything?"

Shen Zhi raised his head, with a proud look on his face, "Xiao Zhi is smart."

"Hahaha, cute."

Jiang Yao carried Shen Zhi to the dining table.

Jiang Cha and Shen Rang nodded in unison, "Yes, he's very handsome."

Jiang Yao was a little embarrassed to be praised so much by the three people, and his face turned red.

The difference between Jiang Yao a week ago and now is huge. At this moment, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a noble son.

The morning itinerary was to see off Shen Zhi first and then Jiang Yao.

But this is only because today is Jiang Yao's first day of school, so he can go so late. He will be at school at 7:30 at the latest starting tomorrow.

Jiang Cha was thinking about preparing a car for Jiang Yaodan, and we would discuss it together when Jiang Yao came home in the evening.

"Xiao Yao." Shen Rang lowered the window and shouted.

Jiang Yao had walked a few steps when he heard the voice and came back, "Brother-in-law?"

Shen Rang handed the card to Jiang Yao, "I almost forgot to give it to you."

"Brother-in-law!" Jiang Yao refused, "I don't need any money."

"Be obedient and take it as long as you are told."


"Take it." Jiang Cha said, "Don't think about saving money when you need to spend money. This card is my secondary card. If you feel uneasy, just think of it as my investment or loan to you. Money will do, too.”

Jiang Yao pursed his lips. His sister had already mentioned this. If he didn't take it, he would hurt his sister's feelings. He should try to spend as little money as possible.

"Thank you sister, thank you brother-in-law."

"Come in quickly."


Jiang Yao ran for two steps, then turned back and waved to the two of them, saying goodbye with a smile.

Jiang Cha and Shen Rang also responded.

Anyone who sees the atmosphere between the three people will feel that this family is really loving.

At the same time, not far away, at a diagonal angle, a black car had its windows lowered.

A camera lens stretched out from inside, shooting in the direction of Shen Rang's car.

After Shen Rang left, the man sent the photo.

[Boss, Jiang Cha has been found.]

The author has something to say: As soon as I left the unit this morning, a dog jumped out and scratched my calf... Thanks to the cold in the north, I wore cotton pants QAQ

Not only did the owner of the dog not apologize, she even quarreled with me, claiming that it was because she didn't expect the dog to run so fast! I'm convinced too!

50 small red envelopes will drop from the front row~啾米~

Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2020-03-22 18:00:00~2020-03-23 18:00:00~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: I don’t want to take one online class;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 9 bottles of 38126286; 2 bottles of Kaixinaikaixin; 1 bottle of Pengpeng, Ah Xiaomei, Simu, Qinghuiki;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!