After Rebirth, the Scum All Cry for Forgiveness

Chapter 23


What happened in the past two days was full of excitement, even though Zhong Xiyou was in the second grade of high school and was separated from the third year by a building, he had heard of it. He wanted to find the second sister, but remembering the indifferent attitude of the second sister before, he knew that he was also an objectionable person in the past, so he had no choice but to suppress this impulse.

But I still couldn't help wanting to know about the second sister's news, so when I was free, I liked to browse the school forum, and when I saw a topic post related to Zhong Youyou, I couldn't help myself, and quickly clicked in!

Seeing the second sister's "dominant", "handsome", and "beautiful" floors, he smiled knowingly, as if he had been praised, feeling happy and triumphant in his heart. He has known for a long time that as long as the second sister is willing to work hard, her grades will definitely change.

—You are praising my second sister! My second sister is so cool!

But if he saw some savage replies saying that the second sister offended the dean and was waiting to reap the consequences, he would frown and rush up with uncontrollable anger, as if he had been scolded.

—Afraid of what the dean is doing, it is obviously the dean of the second sister who bullied her first!

I also saw it several times, "To be honest, Zhong Youyou is indeed inferior to Colonel Hua Zhong Shixuan when it comes to judging appearance. Everyone, don't try to argue with me. Carrots and vegetables have their own preferences. I just think they all have the surname Zhong, and Zhong Shixuan is better than her." It's much more beautiful and generous." With such similar remarks, Zhong Xiyou suddenly turned his head angrily, raised his eyebrows, and stared at the phone!

—Can Meng Shixuan look better than my sister? Are you bastards blind

He didn't even hold back, switched the two trumpets, and played the bell crazily! Seeing others slandering Zhong Youyou, she went up and taught them a lesson! For several days in a row, Zhong Xiyou couldn't concentrate in class, and kept hiding his head under the desk to check his mobile phone and school forums.

The classmates in his class are very strange. Zhong Xiyou has always been very cold in the second grade of high school. He doesn’t make many friends except playing basketball and games on weekdays. Why is he obsessed with posting recently? Could it be star chasing? ?

But the turmoil between Zhong Youyou and the teaching director was gradually diverted by other things, the posts about the second sister gradually decreased, and those hot high-rise buildings gradually sank. Zhong Xiyou couldn't get enough of his complacency, and tried to push him up, but there were fewer people talking to him...

Unable to continue posting about the second sister on the forum, his heart felt empty, as if suddenly empty, and he couldn't find anything to do.

All in all, he didn't know what was wrong with him, as if he was dazed.

The atmosphere at home these days has been deserted and low. Since the second sister moved out, her room and the bedroom on the balcony where Zhong's mother asked Meng Shixuan to retreat have been vacant, but the second sister's voice will no longer be heard at home. Zhong's father's company is very busy, so he doesn't stay at home often, but Zhong's mother often goes to sit in the second sister's room, showing a kind of loss and sadness after the second sister ran away from home...

Apart from the servants, the only living person in the family is Meng Shixuan.

Zhong Xiyou simply didn't want to go home.

He tried to wait for Zhong Youyou at the school gate twice after school, not because he wanted to do anything, but because he wanted to take a second look to make sure that she was all right, so that he could feel at ease. But I don't know if the second sister found him and Zhong's car waiting at the school gate, and then she didn't leave the school gate from there, but walked from the snack street at the back door...

After Zhong Xiyou found out about this, his already heavy heart became even worse.

Now the second sister doesn't even want to see him at school!

After school that day, Father Zhong seldom had dinner at home. Meng Shixuan called home in advance, saying that she was going to a friend's house for dinner. It was Mother Zhong who answered the phone, and she hung up after answering. To be honest, who is in the mood to care about where she goes to eat

The delicious food on the dinner table was the same as before, but the family of three was completely in the same taste, and they were not in the mood to eat at all.

Zhong's father and Zhong's mother chatted a few words about the company, and then stopped talking, frowning.

Seeing that the atmosphere at home was depressed, Zhong Xiyou also had no appetite, so he took the initiative to mention it: "Dad, Mom, do you know how much the second sister's grades have improved recently?"

When he mentioned Zhong Youyou, Zhong's mother suddenly cheered up, and asked overjoyedly: "What? There is news about your second sister, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Zhong Xiyou then talked about how Zhong Youyou went from more than 1,000 grades to the top 100 in the last exam. He didn't just talk about it in a simple and general way, but the more he talked, the more excited he became, vividly telling the students around him I told them all the shocking reactions, and mentioned the forum—Second Sister became famous in the first battle!

"Is the progress really that great?" Mother Zhong was taken aback.

After all, the school Zhong Youyou and Zhong Xiyou belong to is indeed very competitive, and the teaching resources and recommendation resources are very superior, so they sent their children to study, and they donated a lot to the school.

It may be relatively easy to progress from more than 1,000 grades to more than 500 grades, but once you get to the 500th grade, it will be difficult every step of the way, especially at the upper level. difficulty!

But Father Zhong listened with gusto, frowning: "Why are you surprised? Before Youyou went home three years ago, didn't you always have good grades in the original school? Later, the grades were so bad, I even doubted it. She did it on purpose."

Mother Zhong also smiled happily: "That's right, Xiyou is smart, she can't be so bad. This kid is really good, he did so well in the exam, and he didn't even call home to say goodbye..."

Speaking of which, the atmosphere became a little gloomy again.

Zhong's father and Zhong's mother are in extremely complicated moods. After leaving them, Yoyo seemed to release her original brilliance, she was beautiful and excellent, perhaps, they delayed this supposedly excellent child.

Father Zhong changed the subject and asked, "You said that the dean of their grade suspected her of cheating. What's going on?"

When mentioning this incident, Zhong Xiyou was still angry: "Who knows what happened to the dean, the second sister completed another test paper in front of him and slapped him in the face, but I'm afraid that he will find the second sister later. trouble."

Father Zhong frowned: "What's the last name of the senior dean of your school?"

Zhong Xiyou said, "My surname is Wang."

Father Zhong finally had the appetite to pick up a chopsticks dish, and while chewing, his brows tightened. What's the surname Wang? It seems a bit familiar—wait a minute, he suddenly remembered, isn't it the one who came to ask for help with a gift a few years ago, bald, with big ears, wearing glasses, and smiling apologetically. At that time, because he was Meng Shixuan's teaching director, he also specially helped his relative's company.

Will this person repay his kindness with revenge

But then Zhong's father realized that Director Wang didn't know the relationship between Zhong Youyou and Zhong's family at all, that's why he did this kind of thing. If he knew, why shouldn't he take good care of Youyou? In the final analysis, it is still his responsibility.

But this dean is too flattering and condescending, and it's disgusting to act like a villain. Father Zhong sneered: "I will ask Xiao Zhao to find him later, how dare this man bully my daughter?"

Mother Zhong also thought of this, and immediately showed a guilty look on her face: "In the past, when Shixuan and Xiyou were studying, we would take care of where they went. One class was dismissed. We didn’t take good care of our daughter, and she was naturally bullied at school…”

No wonder she became so rebellious later, and became more and more rebellious. In the corner where they couldn't see, I don't know how many cold eyes and grievances she suffered...

Thinking of this, Mother Zhong's heart felt like a needle pricking her, she couldn't tell where it hurt, maybe it hurt everywhere.

Seeing that his wife was in a low mood, Father Zhong also sighed, pressed her shoulder, and comforted him: "It will be her birthday in a while, and we will hold a grand ceremony at that time, and invite all the people in the circle who can be invited. It's time to not hide it anymore, and directly announce Yoyo's identity. It can be regarded as a surprise for her."

Father Zhong and Mother Zhong had already discussed this decision in private. In their previous life, they always felt that this was a scandal. Instead of letting everyone in the circle laugh at the daughter they raised for others for more than ten years, they might as well keep it a secret. Anyway, they took Zhong Youyou back home and raised her with the same treatment as Meng Shixuan. .

But in this life, I can't take care of that much anymore.

Perhaps the root cause of Yoyo's disagreement with them is that they never returned their true identities to Yoyo.

As for what Meng Shixuan would think then? Father Zhong is relatively cold-blooded, and his blood relationship is the most important thing. Naturally, he doesn't care what Meng Shixuan thinks, and even sneers in his heart, it's good to raise this girl, do you still expect to continue to occupy Yoyo's position

On the contrary, Mother Zhong felt a little sad. After all, she was raised as her own daughter for so many years. She was fed milk and porridge before. Could it be possible to send her back like this? But she also knew that in this life, she could never owe Youyou again...

Zhong Xiyou opened his eyes wide, a little surprised: "Really? Then call the second sister back in advance then."

It suddenly occurred to him that it was time to change his mouth, and he should call her "sister" directly from now on. I don't know if Zhong Youyou will get closer to his family, maybe he can sit down and play games with him...

Thinking of this, he couldn't restrain the excitement in his heart. He wanted his sister to know about it earlier, and he also wanted to save it until her birthday to surprise her. For the past few days, Zhong Youyou avoided seeing him at school, and the haze that shrouded his heart dissipated a little. As long as you make up for it slowly, one day Zhong Youyou will forgive them...

Zhong Xiyou even thought aggrievedly in his heart, it doesn't matter if my sister doesn't forgive my parents, but can I take care of him

At the same time, Yu Sixue's anger and jealousy rushed from the soles of her feet to her forehead. Watching Zhong Youyou entangle Qin Yao, holding the fried rice cake in his hand, he took a bite, blinked at himself, and passed in front of him.

Qin Yao didn't look sideways, as if he didn't see himself!

Qin Yao's attitude was too cold, her face quickly turned purple, she just watched the person leave, and she still stood where she was, biting her lower lip bitterly for a long time, and cursed: "... bitch."

Zhong Youyou did it on purpose, she didn't like Qin Yao just to make herself jealous. If she liked Qin Yao, she wouldn't have kept Qin Yao waiting for so many years! How can there be such a woman, who is too vicious, to steal other people's things? ! Why is Qin Yao still cooperating like that

Yu Sixue really couldn't tell whether it was hatred or jealousy, she went back to the car full of annoyance, and slammed the door.

Sitting in the car, Meng Shixuan also saw the scene just now, and she was a little puzzled in her heart. Zhong Youyou used to chase Shi Zhitang all the time, but now why, she is getting closer and closer to the Qin family. She knew that Yu Sixue was in a fit of anger, so she didn't speak.

On the contrary, Yu Sixue couldn't hold back anymore, and opened her mouth bursting with anger: "That distant relative of yours is too good! It's just a distant relative, and he looks like he is the master. Last time I went to your house, it was just for fun." You got a little excited, and you actually said that I was quarreling? Could it be that she thought she was the daughter of the Zhong family?"

Meng Shixuan clenched her schoolbag strap tightly.

Yu Sixue looked at her suspiciously: "Why is your face a little pale? Are you uncomfortable?"

"No." Meng Shixuan forced a smile and said, "Yeah, don't be angry with her, she has a little childish temper."

"A child? I think it's a vixen!" Yu Sixue trembled with anger when she thought of Zhong Youyou's provocative smile just now. Beginning to realize that Qin Yao is good, then wouldn't she have no chance

Meng Shixuan didn't want to continue this topic, so she turned her head away.

But Yu Sixue still said: "Shixuan, I really don't know what your parents think. Three years ago, I suddenly picked up a poor relative from afar from the countryside. I thought I would leave after staying for a while, but it turned out that I lived here for three years. It's been years, aren't you afraid that she will steal your parents' and your brother's care?"

Meng Shixuan's complexion changed, as if she had been poked in some most secret sore spot, her nails dug into her palm.

She forced a smile: "Stop talking, it won't happen, it won't be snatched away."

Yu Sixue glanced at her, saw that her face was really bad, thought she was not feeling well, so she stopped making noise, but said to the driver: "Drive faster."

Meng Shixuan looked out of the car window, and felt that her heart was blocked by a stone, and she couldn't get up or down, which made her flustered. Indeed, she should do something, otherwise, wouldn't it be possible to watch everyone turn against Zhong Youyou little by little

Zhong Youyou seems to be no longer the Zhong Youyou in her impression, who is covered in thorns and unable to speak. Now she is really powerful, she can actually cause such a big storm in the school...

The apartment is not far from the school, Qin Yao left the car and slowly swayed home with Zhong Youyou on his back. It was already very dark, and at night there were a few stars on the top of the head, and there was a lot of traffic, like a bright Milky Way pouring down. He walked slowly along the Milky Way with the clock on his back.

Zhong Youyou quickly finished eating all the fried rice cakes and stinky tofu, and burped on Qin Yao's shoulder.

Cool breeze, really comfortable.

Zhong Youyou suddenly remembered something: "By the way, Qin Yao, I plan to buy a suite, and I will buy it near the house you found for me. What do you think?"

Cary's money can't be spent for a while, and if he buys a property that can be hung under his name, he will feel much more at ease in the future. And after living here for a while, Zhong Youyou felt that this location was simply heaven! There are a long list of snack streets around, and you can eat different tricks in one hundred and thirty-six days!

"Yes." Qin Yao said.

The two had already walked to the community and stopped downstairs in the unit. Qin Yao was a little bit reluctant, but still gently put Zhong Youyou down on the steps, turned to look at her, and said, "Send me a text message after you get home, tell me about your decoration preferences, and I will arrange it for you. "

Zhong Youyou raised his eyes to look at Qin Yao, his eyes were burning, and he felt...

I think it's really reliable...

Look, I don't have to do anything, just talk about it, Qin Yao will arrange everything. Qin Yao, Qin Yao, it feels sweet on the tip of your tongue now, does Yu Sixue want to snatch it away? Wait for the next life—no, not even the next life.

Thinking of this, Zhong Youyou couldn't hold back, and smiled slightly: "Okay."

Qin Yao's ears turned red from her focused gaze, and after a while he said, "Then go up, rest early, and pick you up tomorrow."

Zhong Youyou nodded, turned and went upstairs. She opened the door of the unit building, turned around subconsciously, but saw that Qin Yao hadn't left yet, under the light of the street lights, he was a tall man with one hand in his pocket, his handsome face was slightly red, and his eyes were staring at herself.

Seeing her look, Qin Yao's heart skipped a beat, and he felt a little uncomfortable, so he turned around and left.

Zhong Youyou suddenly burst into laughter: "Did you go in the wrong direction, the gate of the community is over there."

"..." Qin Yao blushed, changed direction, and ran away.

The school affairs came to an end for the time being, and Zhong Youyou felt that with the corrupt character of the dean, he would take revenge on himself sooner or later. But right now it's in the limelight, so he shouldn't make any movement. As for what will be done at that time, I am not afraid, the soldiers will come to cover up the water and the soil!

On weekends, she plans to go shopping. The weather is getting cooler and it's time to buy autumn clothes. She lost all the original owner's Shamat clothes, so she had to buy them again.

Going shopping itself made the girls happy, so early in the morning, Zhong Youyou hummed a song, made breakfast for herself, and then slowly opened her phone to see if she could ask someone out.

It doesn't work to always look for Qin Yao.

Zhong Youyou felt that since he had come to this world, he would be at peace with it, and he should develop good friends with him.

The mobile phone was opened, and there was a large list of contacts. Except for Shi Zhitang, who was set as special care, the others rarely had names. Zhong Youyou frowned and removed Shi Zhitang from Special Concern, moved Qin Yao in with joy, and then began to search from the contacts...

There are a lot of gangsters from other schools, but not many from this school.

Finally, Zhong Youyou found a girl whom she could date to go shopping, Yuan Yuan, who moved equipment from the stadium together last time, she had a good impression of Yuan Yuan, a very quiet girl.

Yuan Yuan was a little surprised when she received Zhong Youyou's invitation to go shopping. She belongs to the most inconspicuous group in the class, and she is not even as conspicuous as Zhong Youyou before she transformed.

Now Zhong Youyou is a candidate for the school belle, and she is still a man of the school. She actually invited herself to go shopping, and said that she could help her choose clothes to match—

marvelous! Like a little girl, Yuan Yuan quickly jumped up from the bed, started to wash up excitedly, and answered Zhong Youyou's call vaguely: "I'll be right there!"

She really thought that Zhong Youyou was a nice person, she hurriedly put on some liquid foundation, and when she arrived at the building agreed upon by the two, Zhong Youyou had already arrived, and it seemed that she had been waiting for ten minutes.

If it was Xu Xiaoyue, or even any beautiful girl being held up, she would probably be angry!

But instead of being angry, Zhong Youyou smiled, reached out and wiped her cheek with his thumb, and kindly reminded her: "There is a bit of powder here."

Yuan Yuan: "!!!"

Yuan Yuan's face turned red. She felt that whoever said in class last time that Zhong Youyou was more handsome with short hair than Shi Yimeng really had a good eye, and she felt the same way now! Good Sue!

The two girls walked around and bought a lot of them quickly. Yuan Yuan's family background is also good. Although it is not as good as Zhong's family, it is not a problem to afford a few thousand yuan for shopping. The key is that she is very quiet, blushes occasionally, and speaks in a low voice, Zhong Youyou likes it very much. The two hit it off very well.

Holding the elevator up to the third floor, the two were about to find a coffee shop to take a break when Yuan Yuan suddenly said, "Yuyou, does that girl know you?"

Zhong Youyou followed her gaze, and saw Yu Sixue sitting by the window in the coffee shop, with large bags beside her, as if she had just finished shopping and was waiting for someone. She also found herself, and her face suddenly became ugly.

... It's really haunting.

Zhong Youyou twitched the corner of her mouth and said, "Let's go, we won't go to this house."

In the original text, Meng Shixuan is the heroine, with an incomparable aura, greatness, righteousness, truth, kindness and beauty, but in fact, people around her always help her do bad things. For example, this Yu Sixue, I really don't know if she is too arrogant or has no brains. She doesn't like the original owner, so every time she sees the original owner, she always mocks and provokes her. Like the unbeatable Xiaoqiang, she knows how to be domineering...

Zhong Youyou is in a good mood today, and she really doesn't want to spoil her mood, so it's better to avoid it.

Yu Sixue, however, was in the midst of the anger of seeing Zhong Youyou "seduce" Qin Yao that day, seeing Zhong Youyou and the girl beside her about to leave, her face became even uglier, and she chased after her.

"You go shopping too?" Her tone was a bit mocking, and her eyes looked at Zhong Youyou from head to toe.

Yuan Yuan immediately heard the tension in Yu Sixue's tone, and glanced nervously at Zhong Youyou.

Zhong Youyou couldn't lose face in front of her little fan girl, so she stopped her striding footsteps, glanced at Yu Sixue, and sneered: "Otherwise? Just chasing people with nothing to do like you?"

Yu Sixue stared at Zhong Youyou with incredulous eyes.

With this attitude just now, she felt that Zhong Youyou seemed to be a different person. She had been to Zhong's house several times before, and often had conflicts with Zhong Youyou, but Zhong Youyou was not as full of aura as she is now.

For example, Zhong Youyou at that time was level 1, not only the Zhong family and her, but even the servants could step on them, but now Zhong Youyou seems to have suddenly become level 100, just a look of disdain Come here, it will make her lungs explode!

"Hmph, what can you buy..." It's not even the Zhong family's money spent...

Before she finished speaking, Yu Sixue's eyes fell on some kraft paper bags in Zhong Youyou's arms, and she choked up. Is the Zhong family so generous? Giving so much pocket money to a poor relative? This pile adds up to at least tens of thousands of dollars! Zhong Youyou bought so much at once? Are they all empty bags? !

Zhong Youyou didn't say anything, but her face turned green and pale, feeling that she was being compared.

She, the only daughter of the Yu family, doesn't even have that much pocket money!

Yu Sixue's face was hot, and she showed off the bracelet she just bought, and then regained some confidence, and said proudly: "I just bought it, 30,000 yuan, does it look good?"

Zhong Youyou: "..."

The bracelet is studded with diamonds, which is really beautiful. but! Zhong Youyou felt like she was wasting time. This Yu Sixue looked like a character with no brains in the original text, but she didn't expect it to be so boring! No, childish or not? Is this getting richer than anyone else? What is the comparison!

After being speechless for a while, Zhong Youyou said to Yuan Yuan: "Forget it, let's go."

Yuan Yuan nodded her head and followed Zhong Youyou to leave.

Before taking two steps, Zhong Youyou suddenly received a call from the sales department. The house has been found, and the contract was signed yesterday, but because the manager was temporarily absent, the deposit was not paid until today.

She also specifically told the sales department earlier not to contact Qin Yao, but to contact herself directly, otherwise Qin Yao would pay the money directly, which would be bad. It's not that she has no money.

"Okay, I'll be right there." Zhong Youyou opened the bag on his shoulder and confirmed that the contract was inside. I just remembered that I have to pay a deposit today, so I deliberately took the contract with me.

Yuan Yuan asked: "Are you busy? Then I will accompany you. You have too many things to mention."

Zhong Youyou nodded, and just as she was about to speak, Yu Sixue walked over in a strange manner: "Let me see what you bought, didn't you say that you have good taste?"

Halfway through the provocation, Zhong Youyou suddenly didn't take her seriously, turned around and left, who could bear it? It's like punching a fist into cotton, and I feel uncomfortable all over.

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw the contract in the bag that Zhong Youyou had just unzipped.

What the hell, a house purchase contract

50,000 square meters of fine decoration, 150 square meters, a total of 7.5 million houses? Property owner Zhong Youyou

Yu Sixue: ... ... ... ...

What kind of poor relatives can casually spend more than seven million from the Zhong family? ! This is the treatment of the Zhong family's own daughter! No, Shixuan's monthly pocket money is only 10,000! Why is Zhong Youyou... Buying a house is the same as buying vegetables? !