After Rebirth, the Scum All Cry for Forgiveness

Chapter 25


Li Dongping glanced around the class, and finally fell on Zhong Youyou, but he felt a little regretful.

Speaking of it, he was also blamed for being useless as a teacher, so he could only win two places for the class. The school has always been unfair. Almost all the good resources are given to the competition class, which leads to the death of the flood and the death of the drought. These poor classes are getting worse and worse step by step.

The point is, if there are more than two places, Zhong Youyou can go!

Although Li Dongping was very happy about Zhong Youyou's breakthrough in mathematics last time, he also knew very well that unless he was a genius, it would be impossible for him to make such astonishing progress in one subject, and suddenly reach the top of the class in other subjects. Several. That would be really unscientific.

Zhong Youyou is a shocking dark horse in mathematics, but it may not be the case in other subjects. Chinese and English, in particular, are subjects that require long-term accumulation. Even if you work hard for a few days without sleep, you may not be able to make much progress.

In this way, in this kind of comprehensive competition, she really can't compare with veterans like Ren Zian who have a solid foundation.

But for some reason, Li Dongping preferred to let Zhong Youyou go instead. Although Ren Zian and Xu Xiaoyue are his favorite students, he always feels that there seems to be some huge energy in Zhong Youyou that has not been tapped out recently. Once it is tapped out, it can surprise people!

But for the sake of fairness, as a teacher, he definitely can't decide who will participate.

Therefore, Li Dongping raised the test paper in his hand and said loudly: "There are six subjects in total, and the test will be completed in two days. Students who want to participate in the competition must take the test well! This time it all depends on the results! Whoever has the highest score will represent our class." Go to the competition and fight for honor for our class."

The students in the back row of the class suddenly wailed! Another exam? Have you not had enough of the various weekly exams, monthly exams and unified exams? To choose two people to participate in the competition, to take a special test? ! Is there a mistake? !

The students in pain were dying of pain, but the students in the front row were gearing up.

In addition to Xu Xiaoyue, Ren Zi'an and others, Li Kai and other students who have been wandering in the middle and upper reaches all year round also want to try to participate in the competition. Even if they still can't be selected by then, the most important thing is to participate.

Ren Zi'an, who was sitting in the middle and back row, had been silent all this time, suddenly reminded: "Mr. Li, hand out the papers quickly, if you delay, the class will be gone."

Immediately, someone in the back row complained: "Fuck, Ren Zi'an, you are such a good student, you are really crazy, why don't you wait until the end of get out of class without handing out the papers? You even reminded Li Dongping!"

Are the top students in their class crazy

Never been this crazy before! Ever since Zhong Youyou used her grades to make a big splash in the school last time, Xu Xiaoyue, Ren Zian, and Sun Man have all gone crazy!

Xu Xiaoyue wrote jealousy on her face, but Ren Zian also seemed to be stimulated, she didn't even take a lunch break, and came to the classroom to do the questions as soon as she finished eating. Like a member of Congress, the classmates at the back table smelled his body, and even suspected that he hadn't showered for several days!

If you want to blame, blame Zhong Youyou who suddenly came out!

— Not only did he single-handedly drive up the competitive atmosphere among the school bullies in the class, but he also led Shi Yimeng, the idle boss, to be absent-minded when playing games recently. The boss stopped playing games, and the rest of them would feel uncomfortable if they continued to play. There is a feeling of anxiety that others have made hundreds of millions when I was wasting my life...

Zhong Youyou endured the gnashing of teeth from the students in the back row, it was really stressful...

What's the matter with her

"Okay, okay, teacher will post it right away." Li Dongping smiled from ear to ear.

Look, the students who used to have to be whipped to study have become more active now. Right now, only students with good grades like Ren Zian have a sense of urgency, but he believes that the atmosphere of the whole class will be mobilized slowly, and we will be positive together!

Thinking of this, he said loudly again on purpose: "The top few have to take the exam well, is it possible to imagine being stepped on by our classmate Zhong Youyou like last time? Everyone has to learn from Zhong Youyou. "

Being stepped on by her again? dream!

Xu Xiaoyue stared at Zhong Youyou fiercely, and the desire to get a place in the competition became even stronger in her heart. Almost as soon as the paper was handed to her, she hurriedly snatched it, pulled off the pen cap, and didn't even write her name I started to quickly work on the first question...

Although Sun Man and Ren Zian didn't show it that obviously, they could tell that they were tense up a lot.

Zhong Youyou, who was inexplicably attracted a lot of hatred: "..."

Li Dongping, I think you have a grudge against me!

Compared with other people's nervousness, Zhong Youyou, who received the paper, seemed much more relaxed.

She glanced at the paper, Chinese. Zhong Youyou's Chinese is considered weak compared to other subjects, but it is only compared horizontally with her own other science subjects. If you want to compare with this group of brats in the class, it's still the big guy back to Xinshou Village level, and it's a good shot!

For her in her previous life, learning was not just learning, but a means of earning a living. If she can't get a scholarship, if she can't get a place in various knowledge competitions, she won't be able to support herself.

It can be seen how urgent it was for her to acquire knowledge in her previous life, not only the knowledge of various subjects in high school and university, but also dabbling in major fields. As long as the knowledge competition would involve the range, she would hold dozens of thick books and gnaw at it without sleep. .

It is not a problem at all to say that it is a long-term accumulation. For example, she now sees a lot of basic science questions, and she can basically know the number of the answer at a glance. For another example, she saw two articles in Chinese at the moment—

Uh, it turned out to be done in a previous life.

I'm so sorry. Zhong Youyou smiled slightly, then picked up the pen and wrote his name freely.

For this exam, I definitely can't get full marks in all subjects, otherwise the class will definitely explode. Zhong Youyou was really tired of being a target, so he made up his mind that this time, he just passed the test and passed the exam.

As for how so-so, it just happened to be a few points taller than the most powerful Ren Zi'an, and he was firmly on top of the arrogant Xu Xiaoyue and others.

—The kind that just got into the top two in the class and could go to the city science competition.

While Xu Xiaoyue was writing questions frantically, she took time out of her busy schedule to glance at Zhong Youyou who was leaning against the wall.

Seeing Zhong Youyou flipping through the paper quickly, with a smile on the corner of her mouth—it was still a familiar formula, with a familiar feeling—she immediately twitched her eyelids, and a bad premonition struck her.

In a panic, she wrote several wrong words in a row. She was so anxious that she quickly pulled the transparent glue to stick it, shaking her hands and "scratching—" The more anxious and flustered, the more strength, the paper suddenly tore.

"...I'm in a hurry." Xu Xiaoyue was about to cry.

After two days of the exam, the whole class collapsed.

Those who were able to participate in the competition were only Ren Zi'an and others in the class, and everyone else was accompanying the exam, which made the atmosphere in the class depressed. After the exam was finally over, the students in the back row became a little more active and started calling friends to play games.

Ren Zi'an didn't dare to slack off, he picked up his schoolbag in sweat, and hurried home to continue working on the questions. He had never seen a person like Zhong Youyou who could improve by a thousand in one day, but since Zhong Youyou could do it, there was no reason why he couldn't. He should persevere and try to get transferred to the competition class.

It has to be said that Zhong Youyou's matter gave him a lot of stimulation and encouragement.

Xu Xiaoyue is even more, while complaining to the girl at the same table that she hasn't studied hard in the past few days and hasn't finished her homework, while taking advantage of others not paying attention, she quickly stuffs the three-year college entrance examination and five-year simulation into her schoolbag, secretly swearing that tonight Thirty pages have to be turned on!

Even if Zhong Youyou didn't want to be her imaginary enemy, she already did, there was no other way.

After the exam, her waist was sore and her shoulders hurt, Zhong Youyou rubbed her shoulders, planning to go out of school to eat something delicious.

On the exam day, school ended an hour earlier than usual, and Zhong Youyou left the school gate, only to realize that he forgot to tell Qin Yao.

Before Qin Yao came, Zhong Youyou was so hungry that he couldn't take it anymore, so he sent Qin Yao a text message.

"Qin Yao, I'll go back by myself tonight, dinner and—" Zhong Youyou paused with her fingers, twitched her mouth, and continued typing with bad intentions: "Go eat with the male students in the class."

Emphasizing a male classmate, Qin Yao will definitely arrive within twenty minutes.

Just in time, I will go to the second stall with him then.

After sending the text message, she didn't care about Qin Yao's reply, she stuffed the phone into her pocket, and dragged Yuan Yuan to go out to eat outside the school together. Could Yuan Yuan not be happy? She was so happy!

In the cool autumn weather, Zhong Youyou wore a long dark blue dress, with only two white ankles exposed. Walking in the school, every move and gesture would attract a lot of attention. Even the ordinary Yuan Yuan felt her heart beating very fast, and with a little vanity of a girl, she pushed her hair behind her ears.

Because they planned to have a big meal to reward themselves, the two of them didn't go to the side of the snack street, but walked through the main entrance.

As a result, within a few steps, an unfamiliar luxury car drove up ahead, slowly driving towards Zhong Youyou with an arrogant attitude.

Zhong Youyou warily pulled Yuan Yuan back a step.

The one who got out of the car was a well-dressed middle-aged woman, about forty years old, with a pair of smiling eyes looking at Zhong Youyou, and her attitude was very affectionate: "Yuyou, don't you remember me?"

Who is this man? Zhong Youyou glanced suddenly, and then connected the person in front of him with the character in the original text. If she guessed correctly, this is Qin Yao's stepmother, Hao Zhi. Qin Yao grew up under Mr. Qin's knees, and didn't have much relationship with his parents. But as mentioned in the original text, Qin Yao's parents divorced for many years, and Qin's father married another many years ago.

This should be Father Qin's second wife. The relationship with Qin Yao can't be said to be good or not, Qin Yao doesn't interact with them at all, they are very indifferent relatives.

In addition, in the original text, Qin Yao is just a supporting role just like himself, and his identity and background are much simpler. Therefore, at this time, Zhong Youyou doesn't know why Hao Zhi came to find him.

She called out, "Auntie."

Since Hao Zhi is here, she naturally has something to say, she smiled, turned her eyes on Zhong Youyou's face, and said, "Talk while eating?"

Zhong Youyou nodded.

Just as she was about to apologize to Yuan Yuan, Yuan Yuan said first, "It's okay, you go out to dinner with your relatives first, and we'll make an appointment another day."

Yuan Yuan was very puzzled in her heart, every time she saw Zhong Youyou, she felt that her identity was beyond her imagination. At the beginning, most of the students in the class thought that her family should be a nouveau riche, or the kind that won a lottery in demolition, and it would not make it to the top.

But later, Zhong Xiyou came to class to look for her. It was rumored in the school that she and Zhong Xiyou were relatives. After that, he was with the young master of the Qin family and bought a house. Even a daughter like Yu Sixue envied and hated her. Now there is another noble lady like this coming to look for her.

What kind of upstart can know so many people in the circle? !

Sitting down on both sides of the dining table, Hao Zhi gently put her handbags aside, her demeanor was extremely elegant, she glanced at Zhong Youyou, and said with a smile: "Don't be nervous, Auntie came to you to ask for something."

The dishes were already served, Zhong Youyou picked up the dishes with chopsticks calmly, and said in a low voice, "I'm not nervous, but Auntie, what's the matter? If it's too difficult, I can't do it as a kid."

What she said clearly meant something, and she glanced at Hao Zhi as if she didn't know it.

The smile on Hao Zhi's lips froze.

Why is this girl different from the one I saw at the banquet three years ago? At that time, she was clearly just a wild girl who was rude and reckless, but she had no intentions, but now she hadn't opened her mouth yet, but she seemed to have already figured out her intentions. She was not only several times smarter and cunning

Qin Yao didn't know whether he was obsessed with ghosts or what, he held such a heartless little girl to the top of his heart.

I made myself want to ask her...

Hao Zhi collected her thoughts, and enthusiastically served Zhong Youyou some food: "Yuyou, eat more."

Zhong Youyou doesn't like this.

When the food arrived in the bowl, eat what you like, throw out what you don't like pickily, and frowned: "Auntie, what's the matter with you?"

Seeing that intimacy and flattery had no effect, Hao Zhi's smile faded a little.

She cut straight to the point: "I'll give you 90 million, and you convince Qin Yao to sign a document."

Seeing that Zhong Youyou was suspicious, she even coaxed and lied, holding Zhong Youyou's hand, and said: "It's not an important document, you also know that your brother Qin never comes home, and after returning from abroad, his father couldn't see him even if he wanted to see him." To someone. Your uncle has recently developed a project, but the Qin family has been stuck with permission. If it is going to spread, my son won’t even give me face. How embarrassing my uncle is. So Auntie thought, let you help Auntie And uncle to persuade Qin Yao."

It's not an important document, is it really a lie to the children

Hao Zhi's words quickly connected Zhong Youyou to the original plot.

In the original text, Qin Yao took over Mr. Qin's family business, and his father, several uncles, and cousins received pitifully small shares, which Zhong Youyou knew. At this time, Qin Yao's father should be being coaxed by Hao Zhi, trying his best to get some shares from Qin Yao. That is what this so-called project aims at.

Did Hao Zhi come to the original owner in the original text

That's right, it seems that I have also looked for it, but at that time the original owner was worrying about the birthday party, and he was absent-minded, so he didn't listen to her words at all. When he saw Qin Yao later, he seemed to mention it casually. Qin Yao's expression was a little strange at the time, but the original owner didn't care. Because he never took this person into his heart at all, so he didn't care if there were people around him who wanted to spy on his status.

Later plot...

If Qin Yao could really make Hao Zhi succeed, then he wouldn't be Qin Yao! But for his own sake, in the original text, he still allocated a sum of money to let Hao Zhi, who was on the verge of crisis, turn around.

At that time, Zhong Youyou, who read the original text, couldn't help complaining. If it were her, Hao Zhi wouldn't be able to get half of the money.

Zhong Youyou realized the series of interests involved, and immediately put on a harmless expression: "Auntie, I don't understand anything you said."

"How can you not understand this?!" Hao Zhi was almost terrified, and her mouth was so dry that this girl still didn't understand. It really was an embroidered pillow filled with grass in her head, no wonder her grades were at the bottom of the whole grade! I'm afraid I haven't learned the quadratic equation yet! "I'll show you a document, you just have to find a way to get Qin Yao to sign it!"

Zhong Youyou: "After signing, will there be any damage to Brother Qin's interests?"

Hao Zhi immediately said: "Of course not! What loss can he have!"

Zhong Youyou rested her chin: "There is no loss, so why didn't he sign? Since he didn't sign, he must have his own considerations, I believe him.

"..." Hao Zhi understood, she dared not let this girl get into her!

Not even 90 million? ! This is not a small amount! She is not only a relative of the Zhong family, she should have never seen so much money, why is she so calm!

I don't know what kind of madness Qin Yao is driving, no matter how bad it is, it is better to fall in love with Zhong Shixuan, the daughter of the Zhong family, than to fall in love with such a wild girl who popped out suddenly three years ago!

Hao Zhi tried her best to suppress her anger, still smiling: "Then, auntie will help you find a way to make Shi Zhitang, the young son of the Shi family, fall in love with you, okay? Auntie can invite him to the banquet in the name of an elder. It's beautiful."

Zhong Youyou didn't expect Hao Zhi's investigation to be so clear, but yes, the original owner chased Shi Zhitang and caused a lot of trouble in the city, who didn't know

She blinked: "Sounds good."

At the same time, striding towards the door of the box, the man who was about to open the door stopped abruptly.

"Ms. Qin booked this room—" the waiter's low voice reminded her to an abrupt end.

She felt that the air around her suddenly became colder by a degree, and the man beside her was stiff all over. It was clear that there was still sweat on his forehead in a hurry, but it suddenly turned into coldness. He lowered his eyes, his eyes were dim, and his handsome side face was expressionless, making it impossible to guess what he was thinking.