After Rebirth, the Scum All Cry for Forgiveness

Chapter 64


It took a full five minutes for the whole class to recover from the state of being completely dazed by the thunderstorm.

—God damn "haha how is it possible"? !

Look, is this what people say? !

Zhong Youyou really covered her vest so deeply!

Is it fun to hide it from them? The province's No. 1 boss is so awesome. During the preliminary round, he carried the whole audience and killed Shi Zhitang and Zheng Ziyi in seconds. They all witnessed it with their own eyes. Before this phone call, give them a hundred thoughts, and they will never think that the boss is Zhong Youyou! What's the difference between this and when they went to the Liming fan club with great interest, only to find that Liming was the classmate they got along with day and night in their class? !

The whole class does not die in silence, it explodes in silence.

"Zhong Youyou is too good at covering up, isn't she planning to take off the vest after winning the national championship, and see our shocked expressions?"

—With Zhong Youyou's ostentatious character, it's really possible.

"It's too embarrassing to hide it from us for so long."

"That's it."

The squad leader took a deep breath: "When Zhong Youyou comes back, let's pretend we don't know and have fun with her."

When Li Dongping walked into the classroom, he saw that all the students in his class were surrounded by Ren Zian. One or two seemed to know some important state secrets, and their expressions were not only in a daze, as if they had just been dragged to the battlefield to bombard them. After a meal, he was bombarded again, still mysterious, with a complicated and excited expression on his face.

Surprised in his heart, what's the matter, he raised his voice and shouted a few words.

No one in the class was listening to him at all, some people were even discussing, and the word Zhong Youyou kept coming.

What happened to Zhong Youyou? Didn't she catch a cold and ask for leave to rest at home

Li Dongping couldn't help but slap the triangular ruler on the podium: "Come on, what's the matter with you? Can you learn from Zhong Youyou, she has the flu at home, and she didn't forget to ask Yuan Yuan to help her sort out the papers." OK."

"..." The whole class looked at Li Dongping with complicated emotions.

God the flu is at home.

Ren Zian's mood at the moment is complicated. He didn't expect to find out so dramatically that Zhong Youyou was the number one boss in the province. At the same time, he also had a feeling, as if Zhong Youyou, who had taken the city's first exam before, was still the mountain in front of him that he could see and that he could catch up to.

But now, after suddenly discovering that she is the number one in the province, this mountain has suddenly become Mount Everest.

out of reach.

Ren Zi'an Moming knew that Zhong Youyou would definitely not stop at the number one in the province. She has now entered the top 500 in the country. If she performs well in the rematch, it is not impossible to reach the top 20 in the country. In this way, it really turned him into a black spot.

Zhong Youyou really refreshed the awareness of the whole class time and time again.

Thinking of this, Ren Zian looked at the various real questions that his subordinates had taken notes on, and suddenly had the urge to be discouraged. This goal is really too far out of reach.

And Xu Xiaoyue can be said to be the most unbelievable person in the class, and the person who is the least willing to admit this fact. Throughout the class, she was so ashamed that she was about to cry, lying on the table and refusing to communicate with others.

Zhong Youyou here naturally doesn't know that she has lost her horse. She concentrates on preparing for the next day's recording. I have to say that the drinks and favors she made from Xiao Zhao still play a role Yes, at least the props teacher and make-up teacher took extra care of her before going on stage to record.

The makeup teacher specially called her over to help her put more powder on her neck.

But Zhong Youyou is already fair, so makeup is just the icing on the cake for her.

That Qiaolan looked very uncomfortable from a distance.

It's her loss, why is Zhong Youyou the first to do everything.

Wearing a headgear attracted everyone's attention. She was the first to do it, and no matter how many people imitated it later, it would not be as hot as she was the first time. She was the first to buy drinks for everyone, so even if Qiaolan wanted to follow suit, she would be ridiculed and said that she was copying the gourd and following the trend to please.

But everything still depends on strength. Na Qiaolan thought angrily, she was number one in city H, no matter what, she had the strength to compete with her number one in city z.

The recording of this day was the same as the previous day, and the remaining fifty or so people were divided into eight groups, with five to seven people in each group.

Zhong Youyou was assigned to the third group, including her, a total of seven people, while Na Qiaolan and Zheng Ziyi were the champions of the fifth and seventh groups respectively.

These groups were randomly assigned, and the other six people who were assigned to a group with Zhong Youyou were a little shivering when they saw Zhong Youyou coming in with a hood. Why is it so unlucky to be in a group with this person

This one is very famous. To what extent is he famous? Even though they haven't played against him before, they have heard of his record at that time.

The whole process was so crushing that the other players in Province Z were powerless to fight back.

Even the 20 points that the third place struggled until dawn and finally got it, the monkey stole the peach away...

It can be said that he is really a ruthless and ruthless person!

Isn't there only one person in the first place in each province? The six people who were assigned to a group with Zhong Youyou were all third and fifth in other provinces. As soon as Zhong Youyou took the stage, they lost their momentum virtually.

Sure enough, soon, Zhong Youyou broke out from this group. A total of seven people, her answer points can be said to be the best, and the other six are all wiped out.

This group was almost the fastest to finish among the eight groups in the audience, because all the questions were answered quickly by Zhong Youyou, without giving the other six people a chance.

Originally, there were not many people in class 19 watching this competition program, only Xu Xiaoyue and Ren Zi'an would watch it, but now after learning that Zhong Youyou is the number one boss in the province, class 19 In the history of physical education, all the people skipped the physical education class, closed the classroom door, and squatted in the classroom together watching the TV hanging in the upper left corner.

This is no different from the mood they had when they were squatting to watch the World Cup. If they had to say something different, it would be that they also had the feeling that the charge players were their classmates.

Everyone's eyes lit up when they saw Zhong Youyou breaking out of the group in a majestic way.

Awesome, awesome! Really win glory for their nineteenth class!

At this moment, the people in class 19 really want to jump out and shout, the number one in the province is their class 19! Let other classes look down on their class nineteen, and classify them as poor classes by default.

If it wasn't for the monitor to stop everyone and ask everyone to respect Zhong Youyou and not to speak out for now, they really couldn't bear it.

That kind of feeling is like an emperor suddenly appearing in a group of good brothers, which is very honorable.

Although the people in Class 19 complained that Zhong Youyou was not loyal enough and didn't tell them that they had covered their vests for so long, they were still very happy for Zhong Youyou in their hearts.

The first group arena ended very quickly, and those who stand out from the first group arena will enter the second round.

Zhong Youyou rubbed her shoulders, got off the stage, and returned to the waiting room at the back. Apart from Zheng Ziyi and Xiao Zhao, many contestants surrounded her and asked her how she was feeling. Both the makeup artist and the prop artist came over to say hello.

After all, Zhong Youyou has treated guests for drinks, and everyone has gotten to know each other better in the past two days. Moreover, Zhong Youyou is considered to be a more attention-grabbing player in Zone B.

Zhong Youyou smiled and said OK.

And Zheng Ziyi didn't have much problem here. Anyway, Province Z is a province with a large education. Compared with other provinces and cities, the top three places in Province Z still have some weight.

After a while, Qiaolan also came back. In her own group, Qiaolan also won a complete victory, KO'ing the other six people.

She came back triumphantly, but obviously not so many people paid attention to her. The few people from province H that surrounded her before are all immersed in their own despair. They never expected that the competition would be so fierce. The rematch hadn't reached the edge yet, and they were eliminated in the first round of the group arena. .

In this way, who is in the mood to go to that Qiaolan's side to rub the camera

Besides, that Qiaolan is not favored by the cameraman anymore, and the cameraman's camera often turns around Zhong Youyou's side.

All of a sudden, Qiaolan's surroundings became cold. This sense of disparity made her very annoyed.

She glared at Zhong Youyou, who was surrounded by everyone and was holding on to the raccoon hood, and felt a sense of anger in her heart.

Next, one hundred people in area B will be eliminated to only twenty-seven people, and these twenty-seven people will have a second round of group arena on the fourth day.

This round is not randomly assigned, but can be freely chosen. Originally, Qiaolan knew that she should choose a weaker opponent, so as to be more likely to enter the national top 20 finals, but she just couldn't swallow that breath.

Whenever she saw other contestants in the waiting area having fun with Zhong Youyou, and the prop teachers took extra care of Zhong Youyou, she made up her mind to compete with Zhong Youyou.

In this round, after Zhong Youyou and Zheng Ziyi chose the ring master respectively, she directly chose to enter Zhong Youyou's group.

- "I'm really not afraid of death."

—"What are you talking about, he is also the number one in province H, maybe he can drive the one from province Z down."

Several contestants who lost to Zhong Youyou in the first round couldn't help muttering, they all avoided Zhong Youyou's man-eating flower, but this Qiaolan faced the difficulties instead, it's really amazing.

She didn't know that in the second round, only one person in a group could survive in the end? This is too impulsive.

She and Zhong Youyou are either you or I live, this is a good show to watch.

There are four groups in total. After Zhong Youyou chose the ring master, her group became a frightening existence like the cannibal flower group. No one dared to take the initiative to go to her group, and they rushed to the other three groups. As a result, after the other three groups were full of seven people, the remaining slow-moving people reluctantly joined her group.

As a result, her group, including Na Qiaolan, only had six people.

Zhong Youyou felt a little funny, did he perform too cruelly in the first round, causing these players to prefer to squeeze Zheng Ziyi's group...

The second round of the competition can be said to be more intense, so intense that everyone's heart is lit with the voice of war. This is the last round of the rematch that directly determines whether they can reach the top 20 in the country! Thousands of viewers should be watching right now!

The stage was distributed in a V shape. Several contestants stood on it. The questions on the big screen and the host were far away from each other on both sides. The blue light on the big screen shone on the faces of each contestant, making them nervous and extremely nervous.

All the players were very cautious about what they showed but didn't show. In this way, knowing that other people are as nervous as themselves is somewhat psychologically comforting.

However, the mosaic in Province Z is the only exception. She is wearing a hood, and everyone can't see her expression clearly. She stands there firmly, without any small movements between her fingers, as calm as if she is holding the winning ticket.

Everyone didn't know what expression she had on her face, whether she was nervous or not. Anyway, Zhong Youyou's reaction couldn't be seen in this way, which made the other five contestants even more nervous—

Damn it! If I had known they would wear a headgear too!

At this moment, under the flashing lights, hundreds of cameras are shooting at them in all directions at 360 degrees. All the people watching the live broadcast, the people in the 19th class, the people from Mingde, the people from the vocational high school, and the audience from all over the country, They were all nervously watching the countdown on the screen.


Three, two, one—

The host started announcing the rules!

The difference between the second round of the group arena and the first round is that the first round is based on the number of questions answered within the specified time to accumulate points, and the front row of points stands out. The topic is relatively less difficult than the second round.

The second round is only given ten minutes. Within ten minutes, three questions will be displayed on the big screen, which are divided into three levels of difficulty. It is difficult to untie it, and the highest level of difficulty is even more difficult for very few people to untie it. Even if it can be untied, it is almost impossible in such a short period of time.

The rule is that several players choose one of them, and as long as they solve it, they will pass the level. However, passing the test does not necessarily make it to the finals.

What does that mean? If anyone in the team solves the most difficult problem, even if the others solve one of the easy ones, they will be considered eliminated.

This can be said to be a new type of prisoner's dilemma.

If all the contestants were not so competitive and agreed with each other to answer the simplest question, then everyone could pass the test and enter the final.

But now the point is, if there is only one person who can solve the most difficult problem and solve it, then other people who have solved the easy problems will also die.

After all, it is a variety show, and some gimmicks will be created to test the human nature of the contestants.

The other groups didn't know, but the six people in this group almost immediately felt that the ferocious werewolf wearing the raccoon headgear would definitely answer the most difficult question—didn't Mom see that her eyes lit up? Don't ask them how they saw her eyes, but she visibly cheered up when the hardest problem appeared on the big screen.

Damn, damn, in this case, even if they solve the simplest question, it will be of no use. Once the werewolf number one in province Z solves the hardest question, they will all run with her !

—So everyone’s first reaction is to learn from the pain, and to choose the most difficult one.

Not to mention Qiaolan, if she wants to compete with Zhong Youyou, she won't allow herself to lose, so she must do the hardest one.

The host saw that this group was obviously more nervous than the other groups, and they all chose the most difficult one at the same time, and joked: "As expected of the best group, why don't you just choose the most difficult one? Ambitious !"

The four people except Zhong Youyou and Na Qiaolan: "..."

Listen, is this speaking human language? Don't you see that they were forced? Didn't you see that they were dragged and forced to run

The hourglass kept falling, and the atmosphere was extremely tense.

That Qiaolan's whole body was tense, and she looked up at Zhong Youyou every one or two minutes, calculating quickly in her mind, and writing formulas under her hands.

This question involves modern analysis, the theory of relativity and absolutism will make people dizzy, and there are various complex calculus inversion calculations, but fortunately, Qiaolan is well prepared. If she is given a little more time, she can put This question makes perfect sense. But now there are only ten minutes, and she can answer it.

She calculated quickly, her heart was pounding, and she felt a little excited that she was not far from victory.

Let me ask, besides her, who else can answer this question within ten minutes

Even if the raccoon headgear from Province Z lives up to its reputation and can solve it, then it will be considered a tie with her. When the two enter the national finals together, she will not be considered a loser!

The other four people here are stuck, their minds buzzing.

After all, this kind of knowledge competition is a test of people's comprehensive quality. Simpler questions can be solved in front of so many audiences. This kind of very complicated and difficult questions, give them a little more time, in absolute silence. They still have a chance to make it.

But now I am so nervous! I was so nervous that my fingers were stiff, how could I concentrate 100% on thinking about that question—

Immediately, two people did half of it and turned to the simple one.

Treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor, they will definitely not be able to do the most difficult one, so they can't give up the easiest one! Maybe Zhong Youyou and Na Qiaolan, who look awesome over there, can't do the hardest one, just slap their faces to look fat? !

A few minutes later, more than half of the time passed, a contestant who couldn't even do the simplest one simply abstained.

The whole audience could only hear the beating of the heart!

Cold sweat dripped from the players' foreheads.

The people in Class 19 here are also very nervous. The live broadcast happens to be in Zhong Youyou's group. Maybe there are too many mosaics for the raccoon hood, and the program team didn't give Zhong Youyou many shots. There are more shots of other contestants clenching their teeth and looking tense.

The people in Class 19 didn't dare to take a breath. They didn't know what would happen in the second round of the rematch, which would directly determine the top 20 in the country.

"There are still the last 30 wonders, everyone check your answers." The host reminded.

The one who abstained, and the one who spent all his time on the hardest problem and got nothing, were all ashen. He knew that he would definitely not be able to break out of the encirclement.

Never expected, along the way, but can only stop here.

The other two contestants who chose simple questions in the middle were still sweating profusely.

But at this moment, Na Qiaolan suddenly smiled, raised the paper in her hand, and said, "I have solved the most difficult question."

Both the audience seats and the players seats gasped.

—They looked at the one wearing the raccoon headgear very calmly, thinking that the final winner would be the raccoon girl, but they didn't expect that the girl from H province would make it first? ?

The host was also surprised, and then praised: "It seems that this player is really strong, but there are still fifteen seconds left."

In the last fifteen seconds, everyone's nerves were tense.

The atmosphere is like a string that is on the verge of firing.

That Qiaolan solved the most difficult question, put her hands on the table, and looked at Zhong Youyou who was opposite, her eyes and brows were full of pride.

Seeing her confident appearance, and Zhong Youyou wearing a huge raccoon headgear and still hurrying to write, the mood of the class 19 has dropped to freezing point...

Sure enough, is there a mountain as high as a mountain

In their eyes, Zhong Youyou, who was already the number one in Province Z, was going to lose to this domineering girl in their class

How annoying!

Everyone clenched their fists, unable to bear to see the result.

Fifteen seconds later, the answer sheets of several contestants were called up.

Zhong Youyou also handed in the answer sheet, looked up at Qiaolan, but seemed extremely calm.

Qiaolan snorted coldly in her heart, she was extremely proud, she had already solved the most difficult question, could the number one in province Z surpass her? At most, it's just a tie.

The host said: "Okay, give the judges five minutes, after five minutes, the ranking will be announced on the big screen."

For the audience, these five minutes were transferred to other groups, but for the stage, it was an extremely solemn five minutes.

During the five long minutes, the expressions of the six contestants were different.

The people in class 19 were not in the mood to see how the other teams were doing, they just waited nervously for the situation of this group, although they all lamented in their hearts, it would be possible that Zhong Youyou could only stop at the top 500 in the country Come on, don't...

Ren Zian and Xu Xiaoyue were all staring at the TV. This feeling of unknown fate was like a big rock hanging in their hearts.

If Zhong Youyou stops here...


Host: "Welcome back. After five seconds, the ranking will be announced. Please look up at the big screen."


The people in Class 19 looked up instantly.


There was no sound in the auditorium, and everyone was waiting.


The players looked tense.


That Qiaolan was still staring at Zhong Youyou, the camera swept over, and she smiled proudly.


The girl in the raccoon hood stood there.

The screen suddenly lit up, and what appeared was—

"What's going on?!" Qiaolan's coquettish expression turned pale in an instant, and she cried out.

Everyone couldn't believe it, the rest of the contestants turned their heads together and looked at Zhong Youyou.

On the screen, the string of qyxlp (Class 39, Mingde Senior High School, Province Z) suddenly pressed on top of Qiaolan (Class 31, Senior High School, No. 1 Middle School, Province H), let alone the others, whose heads were all gray Yes, being firmly pressed down below.

Class 19 screamed: "Damn it! It's Zhong Youyou, it's Zhong Youyou!"

The host was also a little surprised, looking at Zhong Youyou, this is impossible, if that contestant Qiaolan has already answered the most difficult question, then no matter what happens to this contestant, it can only be a tie, no It may be crushed like this.

Seeing that everyone was puzzled, the representative of the judges explained: "This student wrote the answers to all three questions in the ten minutes just now."

Zhong Youyou nodded, raised the raccoon's head, folded his arms and asked, "Are there any more difficult questions?"

Everyone: "..."