After Rebirth, the Scum All Cry for Forgiveness

Chapter 76


When Zhong Youyou called, Li Dongping was having dinner with his wife and children. He thought that Zhong Youyou had some difficulties in other areas, so he found him as the head teacher, but he never expected that when Zhong Youyou called, Caring about other people's business.

In fact, Sun Man, a student, has also noticed it. He has been with Sun Man for three years, and he must be more aware than Zhong Youyou.

This student just has no self-confidence, even to the point of a morbid inferiority complex. If she could improve her self-confidence, she wouldn't be so bad in every science test.

After all, when she was in the first and second grades of high school, her science scores were not bad, but after the third year of high school, capable people came out in large numbers, and she became nervous, especially seeing how good Zhong Youyou and Ren Zi'an's grades were, the more her science scores were in this category. Her nervousness and low self-esteem became worse and worse, and once she got a bad grade in the test, her mood became even more depressed. It can be said to be a vicious circle.

Li Dongping has always wanted to have a good talk with her, but he had talked with Sun Man twice before, but it didn't help much.

This kind of child is different from the kind of child who doesn't work hard. She works hard, even beyond ordinary people. She just has too many psychological problems. Therefore, in this situation, as the head teacher, he can only focus on persuasion, and there is no particularly good way.

And Zhong Youyou's proposal turned out to be that during the unified examination, the class teacher should find a way to exercise power and take down the wall clock in the examination room.

"Take down the wall clock?" Li Dongping was surprised, but then he understood what Zhong Youyou's purpose was.

He also observed Sun Man during each exam. This student was always nervous, looking up at the wall clock while doing the questions. And there was only half an hour left, and when she still had several big questions to finish, her fingers started to tremble, and she couldn't even write well. If you panic and find transparent glue to stick it on, the more error-prone you are.

Sometimes Li Dongping was anxious for her when he saw it. How could this child be so burdened

It is not impossible to take down the wall clock. After all, the students in Class 19 will take the exam in their own class, after all, the students in Class 19 will disrupt the order of their seats. As long as all the students in the class agree, then there will be no major problems.

"Okay, I will think about it." Li Dongping said to Zhong Youyou: "Thank you for caring about your classmates."

Li Dongping put down the phone, and his wife asked, "Who is it? Is that the outstanding student you often mention at home?"

"Yeah." Li Dongping picked up the chopsticks and picked up the chopsticks, and said with emotion: "I always thought that Zhong Youyou was smart, smart, and excellent, but he should be a relatively independent and powerful personality, not too She will care about and help others, but now it seems that this is not the case at all, she even took the initiative to ask me to help solve Sun Man's problem."

Li Dongping felt a little emotional for a moment, and felt that Zhong Youyou seemed to have become a little more human in his heart.

Li Dongping also saw all the things that happened to Zhong Youyou this year, and if he was asked to say, what happened to Zhong Youyou was indeed complicated enough that someone else, such as Sun Man, might not be able to bear it.

But the child Zhong Youyou didn't seem to see any pressure. No matter what setbacks and difficulties she had, she seemed to be able to solve them and turn the danger into a breeze. She seemed to be confident and fearless all the time.

Take off the wall clock on the wall to let Sun Man take the unified examination at ease. This matter was carried out in secret. Li Dongping and Zhong Youyou called the students in the class respectively to discuss one by one.

To Li Dongping's surprise, as soon as he explained his purpose, all the students he called agreed without hesitation, even including Shi Yimeng and those who sat next to him in the back row who were usually overlords. boys.

Things went so smoothly, it was beyond Li Dongping's expectation.

Someone even told him not to let classmate Sun Man know about this, and to surprise her again the day Sun Man passed the exam.

All of this surprised Li Dongping. The Class 19 he led has always been recognized as a poor class throughout the year. In addition to poor grades, the discipline is also very poor. Yes, it can be said that it was a restless, hostile, and chaotic class from the very beginning.

But he didn't know when he started to see some kind and beautiful qualities of these children under the quarrel and playfulness.

Xu Xiaoyue's phone call was made by Zhong Youyou. Of course, Zhong Youyou didn't say what he saw in the classroom after school that day.

If she guessed correctly, Sun Man put the notebook back afterwards.

As for the two pages that fell out, I don't know whether they were clipped in or pasted back.

And Xu Xiaoyue has always been careless, there was a gap between two pages of the notebook, she couldn't find it at all.

Xu Xiaoyue complained a few words: "Sun Man is too unrestrained. This is her own business. Why should we cooperate with the whole class? And it's not my fault. I have good grades. Is it wrong?"

But after all, she was the first to agree to sign.

Zhong Youyou was very funny at her knife-mouthed tofu heart, hung up the phone, sorted out the list, and found that almost all the students in the class agreed.

On this day, there are only eleven days left before the college entrance examination, the unified examination for the whole school.

The electric fans in the classroom were running continuously, making it extremely hot.

Sun Man was sweating profusely holding the math book and kept flipping through it until the exam bell rang and the invigilator walked in and asked the students in the front row to collect all the supplementary materials, then she hurriedly closed the textbook nervously.

However, once it is closed, all the formulas that I took down with great difficulty just now are forgotten again!

Sun Man's heart was beating very fast, as if she was running a marathon. Before the papers were handed out, she already felt that she was about to become dehydrated!

When the papers were handed out, she wrote her name on them first, and then started to do the first question.

The first three multiple-choice questions are relatively simple, but how long did it take me? You should have wasted a long time on these three questions, right

She habitually looked up at the wall clock on the blackboard, but she was slightly stunned—why is the wall clock gone? !

Zisun Man immediately froze, completely unable to estimate the time she spent on each question. This kind of large-scale unified examination, the distance between the tables is very large, and she is nearsighted at 800 degrees, so she can't see clearly at all. Where did the other students do it!

While the invigilator was not paying attention, she quietly looked aside for a week, only vaguely felt that everyone seemed to be still working on the first page, and her nervous heart relaxed a little.

Okay, it doesn't matter, my speed of doing the questions is pretty fast, as long as I persevere, I will definitely be able to finish the math papers in this exam.

Comforting herself in this way, she buried her head in her pen and started to write again. Finally, she finished filling in the blanks.

When she finished filling in the blanks before, she felt that it only took 20 or 30 minutes, but when she looked up at the clock, it was almost an hour! The time was so tight, that's why she became more and more flustered, and even her hands were shaking, making mistakes and omissions one after another in the following big questions.

But this time, she looked up again at the place where the wall clock should have been hanging, but she couldn't see the time at all.

Well, of course she came here based on her own feeling, she felt pretty good, and there seemed to be a lot of time left.

Sun Man collected himself and suddenly felt less flustered.

She wiped the sweat off her palms with toilet paper, then turned over a new draft paper, and began to answer the first big question.

Finally, the third way, the fourth way, the fifth way...

Time passed by, and she was almost done with the penultimate question!

You must know that her math scores are really average, she can barely finish all the simple test papers, but when it comes to such a slightly difficult big test, she always has the last two big questions and can't help it Done! In other words, she left blank questions with more than 30 points! It's embarrassing to say it!

But this time, her speed seems to have increased!

Sun Man continued to answer the last two big questions even more excitedly. Just like that, she also finished the penultimate question, leaving only the penultimate one—

Even if I don't do the penultimate question, I have improved a lot compared to before. After all, the penultimate question only has 15 points, and I am much better than before if I lose the 15 points...

Sun Man actually felt that he had invisibly regained a little confidence in this exam

She wiped off her sweat again, and continued to answer the penultimate question.

Finally, unknowingly, she was immersed in it. When the bell for closing the paper rang, she also did two small questions for the penultimate big question. In this way, she only had the last seventy minutes to spare. caught.

God, this is already a big improvement compared to the previous test paper that was empty, okay? !

When the papers were collected, Sun Man's heart beat faster than when the exam just started, but this time she was excited, her hands were still trembling slightly, she quickly pinched her right hand with her left hand, trying her best to Sit down calmly and listen to the discussion of the classmates next to you.

People around said that the math test paper was difficult this time, but Sun Man developed a little self-confidence for no reason. No matter what, I should do better in the test this time than before, maybe I can get more than 120 points.

And this time I spent significantly less time looking at the wall clock, saving at least ten minutes.

Sun Man didn't know why the wall clock disappeared above the blackboard this time, but she suddenly felt that she had looked at the wall clock too many times before, which made her so nervous. Come down, it's like helping her.

In the future, maybe I should try it myself, deliberately not looking at the wall clock, and concentrate on the exam.

——She even secretly developed a little confidence in her heart, she actually has this ability.

Of course, Sun Man didn't know that after she handed in the paper, when she was sitting in the seat, the students around her were silently concerned about the series of expressions on her face.

Although the students in Class 19 didn't say anything, they, including Zhong Youyou, were very concerned about how Sun Man would get the test results after the wall clock was removed this time.

Li Dongping came out of his invigilator in a hurry, and rushed to Class 19, wanting to see how Sun Man was in state of mind.

When he saw Sun Man from the window, although he was sweating profusely, the expression on his face did not seem to be so depressed, but a state of vague confidence, and he was relieved.

Being a teacher is really not easy. Not only do you have to manage the students' grades, but you also have to worry about the students' psychological state.

In the next three days, everyone in Class 19 was tacitly aware of the revision time for the unified examination, and did not mention a single word in front of Sun Man.

As for Sun Man, after getting a little bit of confidence in mathematics, she also felt that she performed better than ever in physical chemistry and biology. As a result, when entering the examination room, the footsteps were relaxed a lot like never before.

Zhong Youyou received the notification of the national finals. It was the weekend before the college entrance examination, and the schedule for this day was not very good. Although the top 20 students in the national finals had long since had no worries about the college entrance examination, this closed final that lasted for three days , or how much will affect their energy to cope with the college entrance examination.

However, they have reached the last level, how could anyone give up easily? This is the last chance to be invited to the scientific research institute.

Therefore, compared to other students, Zhong Youyou was more busy.

Qin Yao has never seen Zhong Youyou so busy, and even took the time to do more questions in the car.

And the Mingde students who occasionally saw Zhong Youyou eating while brushing questions in the cafeteria couldn't help but sigh with emotion. Sure enough, geniuses don't happen overnight. A national finalist like Zhong Youyou, who turned out to be a national finalist, is also making inhuman efforts behind his back and persist.

In any case, in the last ten or so days, the high school students in the city were extremely tense.

Not to mention Mingde's side, even the vocational high school, as well as Fei Yun's township school, are all focused on sweating before the college entrance examination at this time.

Due to time constraints, the results of the unified examination were corrected within three days.

In this exam, Class 19's score was even better than the last monthly exam! The grades of many students who followed Zhong Youyou and Ren Zi'an to make up lessons have made a qualitative leap for themselves!

Li Dongping and all the subject teachers of Class 19 were in the office, all overwhelmed with excitement! But for Li Dongping, there is another more important thing, and that is Sun Man's science grades.

At this time, Sun Man who got the test paper couldn't believe it, her pupils trembled slightly, she actually passed 120 in math this time! The scores of physics, chemistry and biology have also improved significantly, and the scores of all science subjects have basically increased by more than ten points! In other words, each subject got several more questions correct than before!

She couldn't believe her eyes at all, and covered her mouth in excitement, for fear that tears would fall from her eyes in the next second.

If she scored ten points more in each subject, her total score would increase by more than forty points at once. What kind of concept is this? !

Is it really possible for me to overcome the nervous feeling that I am so cowardly when I go to the examination room

It has to be said that this is the first time that Sun Man has been truly released, and the first time he has really concentrated on the exam, under the long-term stressful state of anxiety and anxiety throughout the whole year of his senior year in high school.

Instead of looking up at the wall clock nervously from time to time, then at the classmates around me, and then nervously going blank.

Perhaps because of this, she was able to get good grades that she had never done before.

Sun Man was so excited that her lips were trembling. She didn't know that the students around her were carefully looking at her, for fear of irritating her.

She was so happy, but she didn't know who to share it with. After all, she didn't have any friends in class, so she folded the paper upside down on the table, hurried into the bathroom, hid in the cubicle, and cried loudly.

After she left, several students around went to look through her test papers, and found that her trembling expression just now was because she did well in the test, so her eyes were red, and the students were relieved.

Seeing that Sun Man finally let go of the pressure, took the test heartily and got real results, these students were even happier than themselves!

"I just said, take down the wall clock, Sun Man will no longer stare at the time, and his grades will definitely improve."

"Fortunately, she passed the exam this time. Otherwise, we would have signed the consent form to take down the wall clock and put on a play for the whole class. Wouldn't it be a waste of effort?"

"You can't say that. Sun Man is very smart. She is just too nervous."

Every word you say to me is in good faith.

And the organizer of all this, Zhong Youyou, was wearing earphones, brushing the questions like no one else was there, as if all this had nothing to do with her.

The deskmate turned his head to look at Zhong Youyou, sometimes he felt that Zhong Youyou was a very strange person, what should I say? Her heart was uncommonly strong, a bit detached.

Of course, it was because the tablemate couldn't find an adjective in his heart, so he just said that, and he didn't know how to describe that feeling, anyway, sometimes, he felt that Zhong Youyou and them didn't belong to the same world.

And here, Sun Man rubbed his eyes, planning to get out of the cubicle.

Suddenly, she heard two girls washing their hands talking outside. It seemed to be the voice of girls in her class, and she recognized it.

One of them said: "Sun Man improved by more than 40 points in the science test this time. She should be very happy. Was she not in the classroom just now?"

"Yes, I think she really has to thank Zhong Youyou very much. I heard that Zhong Youyou suggested this idea to the class teacher. He said that taking down the wall clock would give Sun Man more confidence and let her not waste time. Keep looking at the clock."

The other said: "However, Yoyo asked us to keep this matter from Sun Man. We'd better not tell her. I hope that she will be able to be more confident in the college entrance examination this time, and be more confident when she is not nervous. Real results."

"Sun Man should actually be confident. You see, her grades are always in the top ten in the class. Why is she so nervous? If she is still nervous, what should we do when we are at the bottom of the grade? Haha, did you hit her head to death?"

The two girls jokingly left the bathroom, pushing and shoving.

But Sun Man stood where he was, with his fingers resting on the doorknob, but he couldn't believe it, his eyes widened, and he didn't recover for a long time.

What they mean is—this time, it was Zhong Youyou who wanted to help herself build up her self-confidence, so...

But why

Sun Man walked into the classroom and returned to her seat. She really wanted to take a look at Zhong Youyou, and wanted to thank him in person, but as always, she didn't have the courage, she just hung her head, her nose sore.

At this moment, she was very complicated and had mixed feelings.

She never expected that when Zhong Youyou saw that she almost went to the wrong side that day, not only did she not publicize that incident and tarnish her reputation, but she also quietly found her classmates to help her.

She really appreciates…

In her third year of high school, she had never taken such a hearty exam. All her exams in the past seemed to be burdened with shackles, and she passed through tension and tension, but this time, after jumping out of the shackles of time, she was able to devote all her attention to the exam...

She also proved to herself that if she hadn't been so nervous, she could have done much better than before.

The current result is her real result!

Sun Man lay on the table, thinking about it, Dou Da's tears fell from her eyes again, she is a thin-skinned person, even though she has indescribable gratitude to Zhong Youyou at this moment, she hesitated for a long time After a long time, she still didn't dare to go over to thank her in person, and only sent a text message.

Zhong Youyou, who was sitting against the wall here, was brushing up questions when he suddenly felt the phone vibrate in his pocket.

She took out her mobile phone and saw that it was Sun Man's letter. Although she was a little incoherent and said a lot of grateful words upside down, Zhong Youyou still understood it.

Sun Man, the thin girl who always hunches her shoulders and sits in the first row with her head buried in the questions, seems to have a little more stuff than before, and she seems to be confident.

Zhong Youyou raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and quickly replied that you are not welcome, followed by a flying smile.

She raised her head and saw Sun Man wiped her eyes, took a deep breath, raised her head to look at the blackboard, and began to seriously analyze the wrong questions as usual.

She couldn't help smiling, feeling that she had done something useful for her classmates when she came to this world.

Not a bad feeling.