After Rebirth: What Should I Do if My Boyfriend Has a Boyfriend?

Chapter 30: )


It was twelve o'clock in the noon Beijing time, the sun was shining outside the window, and the room was bright and vibrant. Jiang Yiyou, who had just been severely injured by his sweetheart, sat in front of the computer and called out weakly: "Dad."

Father Jiang snorted, "Yiyou, when did you return to China? What are you doing without telling your father?"

Jiang Yiyou: "...I'm afraid that you will drive me to the United States again."

Father Jiang: "Your father and I are such an unenlightened person! Yiyou, why does your new boyfriend look so much like—"

"What kind of boyfriend, I haven't caught up yet." Jiang Yiyou sighed and cut off his words, "Also, what is a 'new boyfriend'? Where did I get my old boyfriend? Go through the closet, I have never brought any boyfriend in front of you."

Father Jiang heyed proudly, "When you were in high school, you thought you hid yourself well. I know everything about your dad. As for Chu Chuan, who has a particularly good grade in the class next door to you, your head teacher will always tell you about it every parent meeting. The one who couldn't help but praise it again, didn't you suddenly become enlightened and want to study hard because you like him?"

Jiang Yiyou: "..."

Jiang Yiyou: " know about it for a long time, Dad."

Father Jiang: "I was going to talk about it just now, doesn't your new boyfriend look like that Chu Chuan with facial features?"

Jiang Yiyou: "..."

What's the matter

Jiang Yiyou didn't even bother to explain to his father, he hastily ended the video call, took off his slippers and lay down on the bed, burying his whole face in the quilt to hold his breath.

Tens of seconds later, he finally raised his head as if unable to support himself, turned over on the bed with his elbows propped up, spread his body and lay on his back on the quilt, and breathed rapidly with his mouth open.

It was as if Chu Chuan had finally let out all the suffocation that was pent up in his heart when he scolded him.

He won't give up.

If he gave up so easily, Chu Chuan would probably laugh at him for a long time after being found out ten years later. Laughing at how he has lived more and more in the past few years, he can't even catch up with his nineteen-year-old self. Jiang Yiyou could even imagine that when the 30-year-old Chu Chuan said this, he sneered unabashedly.

The photo of Chu Chuan washing clothes for Jiang Yiyou released by the student union on the BBS of University A went viral on the front page for several days. It even drifted all the way to the next-door academy. After Chu Jiari heard the news, she kept sending text messages to Chu Chuan, eager to get an explanation from Chu Chuan.

Chu Chuan replied succinctly and concisely: "Requirements for the welcome party."

Chu Jiari was still dissatisfied, and inquired about their class schedule from Suzhou and Hangzhou, skipped class and went to find Chu Chuan in the computer major classroom. It happened that Chang Xi came over and asked Chu Chuan to go hiking on the weekend, and without saying a word, he inserted it forcefully: "Brother Chuan, I will go too."

Chu Chuan's voice was a little harsh, "Chu Jiari, what are you doing here when you're not in class?"

Chu Jiari stuck his neck and didn't answer him, just repeated stubbornly: "I want to climb the mountain too."

Chu Chuan's face sank like water.

Seeing the tense atmosphere, Chang Xi plucked his bangs to smooth things over and said, "Brother Chu is going too? Then go. Gather at our school on weekends, and then take the bus there, as long as Brother Chu doesn't be late."

Only then did Chu Jiari calm down, and smiled a little, reached out to grab Chu Chuan's forearm, and acted coquettishly: "Brother Chuan, we don't have class this morning."

Chu Chuan avoided his movements without any trace, and then warned him: "I'll put my words first. You can go, but you are not allowed to make trouble. Otherwise, I will leave you in the mountains, and you can walk back by yourself."

Chang Xi watched silently from the sidelines, and the more he watched, the more he felt that Brother Chu was a little too clingy to Chu Chuan

But soon, the vibrating mobile phone in her pocket distracted her attention. Chang Xi went to WeChat and clicked on the dialog box with Jiang Yiyou. Under her message, Jiang Yiyou's reply jumped into view: "Saturday? I have time. Just let me know the time and place for the meeting."

Chang Xi laughed.

It's true that she likes Chu Chuan, but she also likes Jiang Yiyou. Since I can't catch up with him, why not help Jiang Yi out

The first comment is to laugh at me to death and then inherit me Jiang and me Chuan!

Then the update time cannot be stabilized 24 hours a can only say something on Weibo when you don't update...

Finally, please give me Jiang a call!