After Rebirth: What Should I Do if My Boyfriend Has a Boyfriend?

Chapter 9


Once the jokes at the wedding banquet came true, Chu Jiari was really reborn. But why didn't he study hard and work hard to get into the same major in the same university as Chu Chuan, instead of staying in the college next to him

When he found out in the classroom that the other party had replaced him as an anonymous confessor, Jiang Yi felt resentful. After calming down and thinking about it, he couldn't figure out why Chu Jiari did this.

After all, in real terms, Chu Chuan is just living in love with him for a long time under the same roof.

Although he once boasted to Chu Chuan and Chu Jiari behind Chu Chuan's back, saying that Chu Chuan had a crush on him first. At that time, I was also on alcohol, and I blurted out words when my mind was hot. After finishing speaking, he belatedly observed Chu Chuan's reaction with a guilty conscience.

It was found that the latter was standing a few steps away, looking normal, as if he hadn't heard anything. Jiang Yi felt relieved, and then patted his chest in fear.

Unexpectedly, after returning home that night, he was pressed down by Chu Chuan and went all the way from the sofa to the bed. I fell asleep several times on the way and was woken up by slapping my face. At first Jiang Yiyou thought that Chu Chuan was stimulated by the love between Lin Yue and the bride at the wedding.

Jiang Yiyou even managed to hold back his drowsiness, and opened his eyes to comfort the other party.

How could he know, but Chu Chuan patted his face twice, lowered his waist and thrust in, "I heard that I had a crush on you when I was in high school? Are you still worried that you won't be admitted to my first choice?"

Jiang Yiyou, whose drowsiness was instantly dispelled: "..."

"Although it's been so many years, it's meaningless to bring up the old things again. But I'd better tell you now." Chu Chuan bent down and grabbed his Adam's apple, and laughed softly, "I really didn't expect that at that time, People who are ranked in our classrooms in the monthly exam can also be squeezed into University A in the college entrance examination.”

Jiang Yiyou: "... Damn, you look down on people, don't you! Chu Chuan, get out of here! I won't fuck you anymore—ah—"

Withdrew from the memories, Jiang Yi couldn't help raising the corners of his lips. The mind that has been wavering for a long time has finally settled down. From this moment on, he will become fearless and invulnerable.

What Chu Chuan said was not just perfunctory for Chu Jiari, it was indeed difficult to occupy the compulsory seats in this evening. The teacher in charge of arranging the classroom ignored that this class was a big class for the whole major, but arranged a small classroom for them. When they found it, they couldn't find the large classroom that had been vacated.

Fortunately, there are only a few people missing from each class in the evening class. In this way, every class can barely sit down. Chu Chuan didn't go out to eat with Chu Jiari, but he was delayed for a while because of the matter at hand. It was already ten minutes after class when he stepped into the classroom.

The classroom was packed to the brim with students, and at a glance, there were densely packed black heads. Occasionally there are scattered single seats, but they are surrounded by people. Chu Chuan withdrew his foot when he stepped into the classroom, and was about to turn around and leave, but a hand that was ostentatiously raised in front of the teacher came into his sight.

Following that hand, Chu Chuan saw Jiang Yiyou's face.

After taking his seat, Chu Chuan received a WeChat message from Suhang—"Brother Chuan, we have reserved a seat for you."

Jiang Yi glanced at the other party's mobile phone calmly, "Do you want to change it?"

Chu Chuan thought it was troublesome, so he replied: "Come over next class."

Only then did Jiang Yi feel relieved, "Can you release me from the blacklist?"

Chu Chuan: "You know I have a boyfriend, and you still hang out in front of me like this all day?"

"You guys are going to break up sooner or later, aren't you?" Jiang Yiyou looked as usual, and followed the interrogative sentence with a sure tone, "I came back to University A because of you, at least give me a process to make me give up. .”

"Yes." Chu Chuan lazily replied, pulled his account out of the blacklist in front of him, and then tapped the phone screen, "It's fine to release it, don't harass me if you have nothing to do."

Jiang Yiyou suddenly smiled, and quickly took out a thick elective course schedule and put it in front of the other party, and asked expectantly: "Then can you tick off a copy of your elective course schedule for me?"

Without saying a word, Chu Chuan picked up a pen to help him draw it.

Jiang Yiyou was pleasantly surprised at first, but later revealed hesitation, "... you are not just scratching to fool me, are you?"

"Of course not." The person next to him paused, his eyes fell on the blackboard in front of the classroom, and he said brazenly, "Go ahead and grab one, and I'll lose."

Jiang Yiyou: "..."

He almost forgot that Chu Chuan's electives every semester are among the most sought-after courses. There is a more important reason than the fact that the professors who take the classes are widely respected and loved—these classes do not require any final exams and final papers.

As for Chu Chuan himself, the teacher added his name directly from the background. After Jiang Yiyou shamelessly followed Chu Chuan through the back door a few times, all the professors in the college who had a good relationship with Chu Chuan knew his name.

In the first semester of his junior year, Jiang Yiyou had a cold war with Chu Chuan because of something. When choosing courses, I didn't ask the other party's intentions and plans again. Two weeks later, I received a call from the teacher of a high mathematics elective course.

"Why don't you come to class for two whole weeks? If you still miss class next week, even if Chu Chuan comes to intercede with me, I won't let you pass."

Jiang Yiyou was dumbfounded at the time, "Teacher, I didn't choose your class."

The old professor gave a oh of course: "When I pulled Chu Chuan's name, I also pulled you in by the way. What's the matter? He didn't tell you?"

Jiang Yiyou: "..."

In the second week, he went to class honestly, but his seat was eight hundred miles away from Chu Chuan. In the middle of the class, he fell asleep, and was woken up by the old professor to answer questions.

Jiang Yi felt overwhelmed, "I'm sorry, teacher, I don't know how to do it."

"Old rules, Chu Chuan, you can do it for him." The old professor nodded as expected, his gaze stayed on the face of the boy next to Jiang Yiyou for a second, then he let out a feigned surprise, and pretended to search for someone in the classroom Come on, "Where are people from Chuchuan? Don't you always sit next to you? Didn't you come today?"

Jiang Yiyou: "..."

"Here we come." The person whose name was called stood up slowly, "We had a quarrel. Teacher, please help me ask, if I help him with this problem, he will talk to me, so I will do it. Otherwise I will not do it."

Jiang Yiyou: "..."

The old professor: "..."

"Okay, okay, I'll help him agree to you. Hurry up, don't delay my class time." The old professor waved his hand impatiently, and muttered softly, "Two big men are still doing this all day sticky..."

Twenty-year-old Jiang Yiyou sat in the front row, blushing when he heard it.

Many years later, Jiang Yiyou sat beside Chu Chuan, reliving the past years and annual rings. Only this time, he no longer had the privilege of following Chu Chuan through the back door.