After Regenerating Into An Omega, Everyone Is Dying To Marry Me

Chapter 25


How did Xiaofei meet Shen Xigu

Fu Yuanzhou stood there, his expression almost blank. He wondered why these two people knew each other. Although they were both abroad, they were two different countries, and they had only met a few times in their previous life through his introduction.

How could this be

At this moment, Fu Yuanzhou wanted to rush up to pull Yu Fei and run away, but Yu Fei was talking with Shen Xigu, so he didn't dare to go over.

Yu Feixiao asked Shen Xigu, "When did you return to China?"

"Three days ago, it was a temporary decision to come back, and I didn't tell anyone." Shen Xigu responded with a smile, also a little surprised, "I knew you were going back to China, but I didn't expect to meet you."

"My family lives here. I'm having dinner with my friends today. If you don't have an appointment, you can come with us." Yu Fei said.


Shen Xigu didn't refuse, Yu Fei smiled and turned to Xie Lin and others and said, "This is a friend I met abroad, we and him..." He was halfway through, with surprise in his eyes, "How far away?"

"He went to the bathroom." Xie Lin said.

Fu Yuanzhou hurriedly ran into the bathroom and locked himself in the cubicle. He was still in shock and took a few seconds to let out a long sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he ran fast. Shen Xigu was talking to Xiaofei at the time, so he probably didn't see him.

He was baffled and couldn't guess why the two knew each other. After that, he must ask clearly, and then let Xiaofei and Shen Xigu draw a clear line, otherwise let them continue to contact, and the possibility of him being recognized will get bigger.

If he wants to ask Xiaofei to stay away from Shen Xigu, he must find a reason. How can he convince Xiaofei

Fu Yuanzhou thought about it for a while, but he didn't think of a suitable reason for the time being, but he had to run away for this meal today, so he excused himself that he was not feeling well and ran away—

With that in mind, he pushed open the door and walked out of the cubicle to the bathroom outside, but suddenly he saw Shen Xigu who was washing his hands with his back to him. At this moment, the other party just raised his eyes, and the same shadow reflected in the mirror. He looked at each other.

"… "

At this moment, Fu Yuanzhou's body was stiff, and he almost used all his strength to keep himself from showing any strange expression.

Shen Xigu smiled at him friendly, and continued to lower his head to wash his hands. Seeing that he didn't pay much attention to himself, Fu Yuanzhou breathed a sigh of relief and quickly turned away.

The young and handsome man took out a tissue, wiped his hands slowly, his eyes swept over Fu Yuanzhou's back, and suddenly stopped.

This figure felt so familiar to him, his eyes were stained with a little light, and his fingers tightened, but he did not rashly test it, but asked casually, "Are you Yu Fei's friend?"

If Shen Xi's advisor was Seven, Fu Yuanzhou would have fled immediately, but no, Shen Xi's advisor was about his relationship with Yu Fei. He walked fast just now, and I don't know what they exchanged. If he ran away immediately, he would look very suspicious. .

He can't recognize himself now, can he

"Yes." Taking a fluke, Fu Yuanzhou turned around and responded, barely showing a smile, "How did you know?"

"I'm a friend Yu Fei met abroad. I heard that one of his friends went to the bathroom. I think it might be you."

Shen Xi Gu was smiling, his eyes swept over Fu Yuanzhou little by little, and looked at him from head to toe, looking at him very carefully, his eyes were full of appreciation, as if he was watching a precious artwork.

This look was exactly the same as when the two of them met for the first time in the previous life. Fu Yuanzhou was so flustered that he didn't know if Shen Xigu recognized him, or if he simply admired his appearance.

Shen Xigu threw the tissue away, walked up to him and asked with a smile, "Go back together?"

"No need." Fu Yuanzhou endured the fast heartbeat, shook his head and said, "I'm not feeling well, so I'll go back first."

"What's wrong?" Shen Xigu's eyes never left him, as if distracting his attention was a great waste, "I'll take you to the hospital."

"I'll go back..." Fu Yuanzhou wanted to say that he was going to go home directly, but he was afraid that Shen Xi would consult his home address. He thought it would be bad. If he left first, Shen Xi would ask Xiaofei what to do? He hadn't had time to tell Xiaofei.

He had to change his mind and say, "I asked Yu Fei to send me." That way he didn't have to worry about Xiao Fei being asked what.

"I'll accompany you." Shen Xigu said, "It will be more convenient for multiple people to take care of you."

"Really not..."

Fu Yuanzhou was about to refuse again. The door of the bathroom was pushed open from the outside. It was Yu Fei who came to him. Seeing him here, he smiled and said, "Far, you haven't been out for a long time. I'll come and see you." He looked at the two in front of him, "Are you talking?"

"Yes." Shen Xigu finally stopped looking at Fu Yuanzhou so much, "Your friend said he was not feeling well, so I asked him if he needed to go to the hospital."

"Are you not feeling well?" Yu Fei came over worriedly and held Fu Yuanzhou's shoulder, "Where is it uncomfortable?"

"It's okay, it's much better."

Fu Yuanzhou realized that he might not be able to leave, so he shook his head and said, "Go back to eat."

"It really doesn't matter?" Yu Fei was still worried.

"It's okay." Fu Yuanzhou pulled his sleeve, "Let's go."

Being held by him, Yu Fei was stunned, his expression more gentle, he held his hand with his backhand, and followed him out.

Shen Xigu followed behind the two of them, focusing all his attention on Fu Yuanzhou's back, the corners of his lips twitched, and a smile appeared from the bottom of his eyes, but when his eyes swept over the hands that the two were holding, he was more concerned. There was a haze.

The three were seated, Ran Shutang and Xie Lin were waiting for them. When ordering, Fu Yuanzhou deliberately avoided all the dishes he liked, while Shen Xigu ordered all his favorite dishes. This scene fell in Xie Lin's eyes. Inside, he glanced at Fu Yuanzhou and didn't say anything about it.

Apart from Yu Fei, Xie Lin and Ran Shutang both met Shen Xigu for the first time, and Fu Yuanzhou was also on the surface, so Yu Fei was responsible for introducing the two sides. When introducing Fu Yuanzhou, he smiled and said, "This is something I have known since I was very young. My friend, his name is Fu Yuanzhou."

"Fu Yuanzhou..." Shen Xigu said slowly, smiling at Fu Yuanzhou, "It's a very nice name."

Fu Yuanzhou also smiled at him, and the hand holding the knife was sweating a little.

"This is Shen Xigu, I usually call him Lorenzo, you can call him whatever you want." After Yu Fei introduced him, he asked Shen Xigu, "Why are you coming back this time?"

"Come to see a friend I met online." Shen Xigu said, "but I haven't met him yet. I may have made him angry, and he refused to contact me."

He kept looking at Fu Yuanzhou: "Yuanzhou feels a lot like my friend. I want to ask you, if you were my friend, why would you be angry with me?"

"I don't know." Fu Yuanzhou avoided his gaze, "I'm not him, I can't guess what he would think, maybe the reason is very complicated."

"Really?" Shen Xigu sighed softly, "Maybe so. He suddenly ignored me, obviously we had a good relationship before."

"You take him seriously?" Yu Fei asked.

Shen Xigu nodded with a smile: "Of course, otherwise I wouldn't come to him. Before that, I didn't even know his appearance and real name."

Hearing this, Yu Fei's expression changed a little, he looked at Shen Xigu, and Shen Xigu had been watching Fu Yuanzhou, Fu Yuanzhou lowered his eyes and said nothing, quietly eating what he ordered, completely unlike usual A cheerful look.

"Lorenzo." He said, "Come with me." Shen Xigu raised his eyebrows and followed him to a quiet corner of the restaurant.

Yu Fei leaned against the wall lightly, first turned on his phone and glanced at the message just sent, and then turned his head and asked him, "You have been looking far away just now, do you suspect that he is your netizen?"

Shen Xigu looked at him for a while, then nodded and replied, "Yes, he is very similar."

"What evidence do you have?" Yu Fei asked, "You said just now that you don't know the face and real name of your netizen."

"Seven sent me a photo of the back." Shen Xigu said, "I've seen it many times, and it's very similar to Yuanzhou's back."

"Just because of his back, you think it's him?" Yu Fei asked.

"And his attitude towards me." Shen Xigu said, "Although he is covering up, he is uneasy, and he is rejecting me. If I was a stranger to him, he would not be like this. Performance."

He paused, then said, "So he knows me and doesn't like me, which is in line with Seven's sudden action to block me. He may have learned about my appearance through some means, and for some reason I'm repulsive." He looked at Yu Fei, "Does this have anything to do with you?"

"Me? Do you think I said something to Yuan Yuan?" Yu Fei smiled, "You can really imagine it."

Shen Xigu ignored his sarcasm and said in a light tone, "I'm pretty sure that he is Seven."

"Whether he is or not," Yu Fei said, "don't hit him."

Shen Xigu smiled but not: "Are you warning me?"

"It's not a warning, just a reminder." Yu Fei said, "It's far from someone I've liked for many years. If you want to make friends with him, you can, but you can't pursue him. Besides, as you said, if he rejects you, then I won't help you, I respect his wishes."

"Respect?" Shen Xi smiled, "Isn't that kind of medicine bought for him?"

Yu Fei's eyes sank: "It has nothing to do with you."

The banned drug he used to simulate pheromone insensitivity was introduced to him by Shen Xigu, in order to reduce the use of inhibitors and allow Fu Yuanzhou to adapt and rely on his pheromones little by little.

He didn't intend to trigger Fu Yuanzhou's estrus, so after Fu Yuanzhou fell into a fever that day, he kept regretting it. It didn't matter how he himself was, but he didn't want to cause problems with Fu Yuanzhou's body. Later, he threw away all the medicine and kept using it well. Inhibitor, accompanied Fu Yuanzhou carefully to avoid unexpected situations.

Compared to him, Lorenzo, who is just an ordinary friend, is of course nothing. Although he doesn't know why he hates Lorenzo, since he doesn't like it, he will definitely not help. He doesn't want to be with him. disgusting.

What's more, Lorenzo is not a good person.

Thinking of the text message Fu Yuanzhou sent to him just now, in the text message, Fu Yuanzhou asked him not to tell Shen Xigu his contact information, Yu Fei simply said.

"I've never seen ins from a distance. He shouldn't be the Seven you're looking for. I advise you not to put your energy on him, so as not to delay your finding someone."

Shen Xigu smiled and shook his head: "Yes or no, it's up to me to confirm."

"Don't test him with your pheromones."

Yu Fei remembered some things from the past and aggravated his tone. Lorenzo's pheromones are dangerous, and he doesn't want to be touched from a distance.

"I won't." Shen Xi said with a smile, "I think I'm here, Seven—or Yuanzhou, he'll be very unhappy, I'd better go first."

"There is a chance to get in touch." Yu Fei's tone was perfunctory. If he still had the idea of reminiscing with Shen Xi Gu, now he just wants Shen Xi Gu to get away as far as possible.

Shen Xigu said meaningfully: "We will have more opportunities to meet in the future."

While the two of them were communicating, Fu Yuanzhou sat in the same place, and after sending a text message to Yu Fei, he got into a tangle, thinking about whether he should run or not, and if he left in such a hurry, would he be shocked? Shen Xigu doubted

But it seemed a little late now, he felt that Shen Xigu might have discovered something, he was just testing him.

Fu Yuanzhou held his fork and poked at the almost untouched food on the plate. His face was even more ugly. In order to avoid the suspicion that he was Seven, he also ordered what he hated the most, and now he can't eat it anymore...

Suddenly a hand reached out, took Fu Yuanzhou's plate away, and pushed another plate of untouched food over. It was Xie Lin who exchanged the main dishes for the two of them.

"Don't force it." Xie Lin lowered his eyes and cut the steaks on the plate, "Go back and talk about something."

Ah, yes, Xie Lin knows what he hates to eat...

Fu Yuanzhou was stunned for a moment, and felt a little moved, but Xie Lin's words made him in trouble again, and he had to go back and explain to Xie Lin? How should he deal with it? You can't tell what happened in your past life, can you

"You don't like that person." Even Ran Shutang said the same.

"...Is it so obvious?" Fu Yuanzhou was a little ashamed, and Xiaofei and Shen Xigu must have seen it.

Ran Shutang pursed her lips: "You used to have this attitude towards me too."

"How can you be like him!" When Fu Yuanzhou heard this, he instantly forgot the troubles just now, and immediately sat down beside Ran Shutang to please him.

Who is Ran Shutang? That's his benefactor, friend, he doesn't allow him to say that about himself!

"Come on, what do you want to eat today? I invite you."

Fu Yuanzhou was so enthusiastic that he was about to wrap his arms around Ran Shutang's shoulders and call him brothers and sisters. Ran Shutang couldn't adapt and was very shy, so he kept hiding until Xie Lin put the knife and fork on the table.

Fu Yuanzhou, who suddenly got stuck: "..." Did he do something wrong

Xie Lin was looking at him, Fu Yuanzhou was a little stiff, he slowly moved away from Ran Shutang, and sat back to his original position. Fortunately, Yu Fei came back at this time, not only saving him, but also bringing good news, Shen Xigu I have left beforehand and will not come back for dinner.

Fu Yuanzhou jumped up and down in an instant and greeted the waiter: "Hello, I want to add more dishes!"

After lunch, Ran Shutang and Fu Yuanzhou said goodbye. Before leaving, he said to Fu Yuanzhou, "I am very happy today, thank you."

"I'm also very..." Just as Fu Yuanzhou wanted to say this, he thought of Shen Xigu, and his good mood instantly flew, and finally said, "See you at school."

"Okay, see you next week." Ran Shutang said.

The driver came to pick up Fu Yuanzhou and the three of them. Fu Yuanzhou was supposed to be sitting in the co-pilot, but Xie Lin held down the door and said to him, "Come and sit."

"Isn't it too crowded for three people to sit in the back?" Fu Yuanzhou whispered, "Look, Xiaofei has all gone in..."

"come over."

However, Xie Lin glanced at him, and Fu Yuanzhou didn't dare to speak any more. He obediently sat in the back row, and was sandwiched between Xie Lin and Yu Fei.

"You can say it."

After the car started, Xie Lin held Fu Yuanzhou's hand, tilted his head to look at him, and said.

"What?" Fu Yuanzhou pretended not to understand, and tried to withdraw his hand, but Xie Lin was not sure, and instead held his hand even tighter.

"You and Shen Xigu." Xie Lin said, "and Ran Shutang."

Fu Yuanzhou was taken aback, what does this have to do with Ran Shutang

"Why are you suddenly very close to him?" Xie Lin said, "You used to have a bad relationship."

Fu Yuanzhou: "..."

Damn, he wouldn't be jealous again, how could he even eat Ran Shutang's jealousy