After Resurrecting, I Opened a Cat Cafe

Chapter 32: Re-open


If the eyes of Yunchao are the frozen sea, then the eyes of this forest cat are the quiet lake in winter, so gentle that people can't bear to approach it, lest they destroy the calm.

Zhou Yan stared blankly for a long time before turning his eyes away with difficulty to observe other places on the second floor. ,

The glass room is the area with the best lighting on the second floor. The entrance of the glass room is locked, and customers cannot enter. There is a solid wood plaque with excellent texture hanging on the door, on which is written the word "Eastern Palace" in a cursive style. I don't know what font it is. It is domineering and cute, and there are cat scratches engraved around it.

There are neat rows of small boxes in the glass room. The cats that are too young live in the boxes, and the older cats are already active in the glass room.

Three or four-month-old kittens, regardless of their short or long fur, are all round and round, running like a bunch of running cotton balls.

Zhou Yan was completely stuck to the glass, and a curly-eared kitten who was not afraid of anything, ran too fast and accidentally tripped himself, rolled all the way to the glass, raised his head and yelled at Zhou Yan.

This kitten has been more than four months old. It has a natural sweet accent, and its voice is thin and soft. At first glance, it sounds a bit like a baby bird, and its two rolled up ears are like a little hamster.

Zhou Yan: Cub with curly ears! Ah I'm dead!

He squatted in front of the glass door and teased the cat for a while, and finally remembered that in addition to taking pictures of cats (sucking cats in the air), he also shouldered the heavy responsibility of taking pictures of the decoration of the second floor.

As soon as he stood up, the big cat lying in the glass room also stood up slowly and limped when walking. Only then did Zhou Yan realize that this forest cat, which was only as beautiful as Yun Chao, was wrapped in gauze on its legs, making it very inconvenient to move.

The forest cat raised its head and yelled at Zhou Yan, who hurriedly turned around: "Boss!"

Pei Shiyi held a shallow dish in his hand, which contained the cat's ration - freshly made cat milk powder.

"Come to take a video?"

Zhou Yan: "Yes, I want to hurry up and take pictures, and post the edited pictures on the official website."

Pei Shiyi opened the door of the glass room, and said with a smile, "Then you can shoot whatever you want, the second floor has been changed, and the one inside is the studio, and there are some films I bought."

On the second floor, only the wall of the original master bedroom is kept, and it is arranged as a closed play hall, where you can enjoy a movie after closing the door. The walls of the second bedroom and the original kitchen were demolished, and a whole bookcase was placed in the kitchen, full of books, and small square chairs and fabric sofas were scattered beside the bookshelves.

On the opposite side of the bookshelf, there is an almost continuous cat climbing shelf, which is the same color as the bookshelf.

Zhou Yan turned his head to see it and said in shock, "My mother!"

This cat climbing frame is simply spectacular. Zhou Yan has never seen a cat climbing frame that covers such a large area—it occupies two walls, and the highest part almost touches the ceiling. It should be made of solid wood, and it falls firmly on the ground.

"Boss... How much did you spend on this climbing frame?"

This has to be customized.

Pei Shiyi was feeding the cat in the glass room. The full kittens stepped on one by one and climbed up one by one in order to grab the place in his arms. He heard Zhou Yan's question and glanced back at the climbing frame: "That? It doesn't cost much. .”

That thing was his childhood toy. He removed a few boards, put in some bought cat litters and cat houses, hung some butterfly fur balls removed from cat teasers, and made a huge cat climbing frame. Well, no trouble at all.

As for why he bothered with such a big climbing frame, who asked him to raise Yinzhou? Meng Ji lived on a high mountain, and although Pei Shiyi didn't have mountains and seas for him to have fun with, he was willing to do his best to give Yinzhou a place to move around.

There was originally a large climbing frame on the first floor of Maoca, which was prepared for energetic copper coins. Now there are more Yinzhou cat cafes, and forest cats are also large cats that are more active. Although Miss Petunia looks like a quiet girl, cats... still like high places and far distances by nature.

So he simply made an oversized one.

Is this thing expensive? Are solid wood things expensive

Zhou Yan felt that his own cheapness and his boss's cheapness should not be the same thing.

Zhou Yan was about to express his gratitude to the boss for his generosity, when he turned his head and saw the boss picked up the forest cat and put it in his arms, gently removed the gauze on the hind legs to change the dressing, and a group of little milk cats who were cut off when they failed to grab the territory were all dissatisfied shouted.

Zhou Yan squatted at the door of the glass room, pointing at the forest cat: "Boss, what's wrong with this cat?" How could there be an injured cat in their cat cafe

When Pei Shiyi brought up the rhetoric of fooling the reporters, Zhou Yan felt distressed when he heard it, and while taking pictures with his mobile phone, he denounced the thieves for their madness. Until he heard Pei Shiyi say that he had accepted an interview with "Big and Little Things" a few days ago, Zhou Yan's cell phone almost dropped.

"Not the boss, what did you just say?"

Zhou Yan was dumbfounded.

Yuchuan's "Big and Little Things" is a program that has grown up with Yuchuan's generations. Even now that Zhou Yan has grown up, he can still find the feeling of that time when he watches it occasionally, not to mention his parents and grandparents, who are all on this night loyal viewers of the show.

If they could show their faces on this show, wouldn't their cat cafe be famous in Yuchuan

Zhou Yan was in a daze, feeling that he might have heard it wrong, and this was not at the same level as webcast documentaries like "Small World".

Tomorrow, the second episode of "Small World" will be aired, and "Big and Small Things" will be broadcast next Monday. It is estimated that there will be a cat cafe showing up. No, to be precise, the boss will show up, but that doesn't make any difference. The boss is the cat cafe's boss. Isn't his appearance just like the appearance of a cat cafe

Zhou Yan clenched his phone tightly—the second floor is already open, and the cat cafe is developing so fast, he has to work harder to cooperate with the publicity, so that the cicada cat cafe at Station J will become a famous big UP in the cute pet area as soon as possible!

Zhou Yan, who had made up his mind, leaned on the glass door: "Boss, can I go in and shoot?"

Pei Shiyi watched the kittens drink milk, stroked Petunia gently with one hand, lowered his head with a smile and asked, "Is Miss Petunia willing to be on camera?"

He had already explained the daily operation of the cat cafe to Penny and Yinzhou in detail. Yinzhou had lived in the mountains for so long as a cat, and he still couldn't figure it out, but Penny already had a thorough understanding of the cat cafe's usual publicity channels.

She knew that Maoca had an account on a very popular video software in Huaguo, and she had seen a few videos released. Maoca's cat showed amazing spirituality in the video, but after getting along with her, these fans loved her in every possible way. Cats are even more charming and cute than in the video.

The cat cafe account at Station J is an important channel for the promotion of cat cafes, and Penny will not refuse, but Penny looked at Pei Shiyi hesitantly, her eyes were like water: she has always been dull and boring, so she should not be liked.

Pei Shiyi said: "It's just taking pictures, not to mention that Miss Petunia is cute no matter what."

Penny breathed a sigh of relief, and stretched out her front paw to lightly rest on Pei Shiyi's hand: "Meow." That's good.

After obtaining consent, Pei Shiyi said: "Xiao Zhou, come in, and I will give you a key later."

Zhou Yan pushed open the glass door, stepping cautiously, for fear that he would accidentally step on some milk dumpling. His mobile phone is always on, trying to capture the moment when the cats' spirituality suddenly emerges.

Pei Shiyi said: "This is the Norwegian Forest Cat, Miss Petunia, a beautiful little fairy like Yun Chao. But she is not recovering from her injuries, and she will stay in the glass room for a while. And the short girl you saw that day Silver-footed tabby, his name is Yinzhou, and he opens on Friday."

When the two said this, the little curly-eared cat who had been watching Zhou Yan in front of the glass jumped up to Petunia with a high spirit, spread its paws and buried it in the big furry tail.

Bia, the whole cat is gone.

Petunia just turned around and gently picked up the little curly ears, and put them into her arms.

Pei Shiyi, who was sitting by the side, laughed.

Zhou Yan had already started shooting with his mobile phone. After capturing this scene, he pressed the button to end the shooting, and recorded the scene just now on his mobile phone—such a short video is really great as a "first meeting" for new cats and fans but. By the way, there are other new cats who also need to shoot short videos, and finally edit them together as the first video after the expansion of Maoca.

In addition to the new cat, the veterans also have a lot of videos that don’t have separate videos, such as steamed cake-like muffins, his sweetheart fondant, and twin tortoiseshell babies. He must make up for these missing videos.

Even if there is no fan reminder, Zhou Yan is holding his breath and wants to shoot a video for each cat, and finally put it into a series. After that, there will be a separate video for the new members of Maoca, recording the arrival of each one. , bearing in mind the existence of everyone.

In some places, the more you stop, the more nostalgic you will be. Zhou Yan originally only regarded Maoca as a place to do odd jobs, but he didn’t know when he started to think more and more about Maoca, and even set long-term goals, which could not be completed in a short time.

When Zhou Yan was feeling ups and downs, Pei Shiyi said: "Your phone..."

Zhou Yan: "Huh?"

Pei Shiyi smiled: "It's not convenient for you to shoot videos with your mobile phone. I'll pick a camera for you in two days. It's public money."

Zhou Yan was taken aback for a moment, and said happily, "Thank you boss!"

He was originally a game live broadcaster and didn't show his face, so he didn't have professional shooting equipment at home, and he always used his mobile phone to shoot cats in Maoca, and many fans complained about the poor quality.

If you can change to a professional camera, the look and feel of the video will definitely be improved to a higher level!

Zhou Yan fiddled with his mobile phone happily, and began to look forward to the new camera.

Pei Shiyi, who had promised a new camera, stroked Penny who was lying on top of him and fell asleep. While searching for cameras for shooting videos, he soon had a headache from all kinds of cameras.

It turns out that there are so many ways of cameras

Pei Shiyi looked at it for a while, and had to admit that the phoenix is not omnipotent. There are too many strange things for human beings, and he might not be able to figure out this unearthed cultural relic for a while. It's better to go online to make up basic courses, and then choose a better one.

When Pei Shiyi was about to turn off the phone, Bo Jin called. Pei Shiyi looked at the time. By this time, Bo Jin should have delivered the sponge cake.

Pei Shiyi answered the phone: "What's wrong?"

Bo Jin: "I can't leave for a while at the ABC. Are you here to pick up the sponge cake? Or should I deliver it later?"

Pei Shiyi carefully picked up Penny and put her into the cat's litter: "I'll pick him up. By the way, do you know how..." He suddenly realized that he wanted to ask Bo Jin if he knew about cameras.

This question was blurted out without thinking, almost subconsciously.

Want to ask Bo Jin for help

Pei Shiyi thought for a second, and immediately threw this idea into the trash can - this is different from asking Bo Jin for a cat, and Pei Shiyi didn't bother to delve into the specifics of the difference.

It is also habitual to develop a habit of asking for help after being alive.

By the way, the noble bird ignored the question of how this habit came about.

The bird suddenly got stuck in the middle of the sentence, and Bo Jin waited for a while before he got to the second half, and asked in confusion, "Know what?"

Pei Shiyi said with disgust, "It's nothing."

Cat Cafe is back in business!

The official website of Cat Cafe released a panoramic view of the second floor when the decoration was completed on Thursday. The second floor is in Chinese style, and the solid wood furniture maintains the original color, which is a bit more dignified than the fairy tale color system on the first floor.

After the panorama was released, fans looked back and forth at the pictures from various angles, and couldn't help but marvel at how beautiful the decoration on the second floor was.

The style of the first floor is love at first sight, and the style of the second floor is subtle and tactful, and in this subtlety, there is also a "expensive".

The color of the carpet is amazing, isn't it hand-woven

The furniture is all solid wood, and the climbing frames are all!

The playing hall equipment is good, and it is still new.

Let's just say that the glass house is not cheap, so it should be done in a hurry, right

Some sharp-eyed fans picked out these unobtrusive "expensive" one by one, trying to calculate the cost, and finally they were shocked-fuck, the boss has a mine at home.

However, this is not what fans are looking forward to the most. The official dropped a blockbuster at noon—

Cicada Cat Cafe: We have a new partner!

Below is a big picture.

After clicking on it, the screen was full of plush and fuzzy fans' faces.

Fourteen cats grew on the huge climbing frame.

Fourteen fluffy ones, either sitting or lying or lying down, covered a climbing frame high and low, and all poked their heads out and looked down curiously.

Fan: Ah, I'm dead.