After Resurrecting, I Opened a Cat Cafe

Chapter 36: his little princess


"Big and Little Things" is a trump card program of Yuchuan local TV station. Even in today's popular video network, the audience of "Big and Little Things" has not decreased. Many young people in Yuchuan grew up watching this show with their parents when they were young .

The loyal viewers of the show stood in front of the TV on time, waiting for "Big and Little Things" to start broadcasting.

Bei Wenwen was pressed by her mother in front of the sofa, and she sighed secretly: She still prefers to go back to watch variety shows, but... from the corner of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of her expectant mother, and Bei Wenwen sighed: "Okay, isn't it just four?" Ten minutes? It's time for class.

The music of "Big Things and Little Things" sounded, and the host has been in charge of this show for decades. Many people feel kind when they see his face.

Bei Wenwen was secretly playing with her mobile phone while paying attention to what his mother said, and from time to time answered a few words in a wrong way, and suddenly heard her mother's surprised voice: "This boy is so handsome."

handsome guy? Bei Wenwen, who is well aware of her mother's aesthetics, is indifferent—the tall and strong ones are called Junbai. She responded perfunctorily a few times, and was slapped on the thigh by her mother.

"Look, if you find one like this, our family's genes will be saved."

Bei Wenwen: "..."

She raised her head, and she was ready to vomit as soon as she was panting, but when she saw the person on the screen clearly, she suddenly became dumb.

Hey hey hey! Unexpectedly, he is really handsome, very handsome, so handsome that he feels a little unsuitable in such a down-to-earth program like "Big Things and Little Things".

Bei Wenwen took the initiative to approach her mother: "What do you mean?"

Mother Bei: "This boy is a nice guy. Wasn't there a cat-stealing gang before? He stole a lot of cats, and this little Boss Pei saw him, and immediately went up to stop him."

Bei Wenwen was surprised and said, "Is it the case where a lot of cats were lost in our community a while ago?"

Before, their community lost many breeds of cats, including a competition-level Persian, which had won a cabinet of awards and was worth more than 100,000 yuan. As soon as the report was reported, it immediately attracted attention. I didn't expect the case to be solved so quickly.

Bei's mother said: "I heard that there are many kittens that no one wants, and they are all adopted by the boss. The show said that he opened a cat cafe. What is a cat cafe?"

Bei Wenwen was surprised and said: "There is still a cat cafe in Yuchuan City? A cat cafe is a coffee shop with many cats. You can go there to play with cats and eat desserts."

Bei's mother is not very accepting of such a business model: "It's not dirty? It's all cats, how can I eat it?"

Bei Wenwen curled her lips and said, "Then if you have a cat, you can't eat at home? They definitely don't let cats in the kitchen. Besides, they don't go there for the food, but for the cats."

The focus of cat cafes is cats! Food and drink are just supporting roles.

Bei's mother shook her head: "Little young people always do these fancy things."

The two were talking, and the owner of the cat cafe had already finished the whole process of discovering and stopping the theft gang. At the request of the reporter, he showed the reporter the cat he rescued.

The semi-open cat nest is just behind the boss, and there are several big cats lying here and there, each with its own beauty. When the boss turned around, he raised his head and yelled at the boss, softly and coquettishly for a while. The sounds of cats, hoarse meows are mixed together, but they don't seem to be messy.

A leopard cat stretched out its paws and hugged the boss's ankle when the boss passed by, trying to be dragged away by the boss, but the boss reluctantly picked it off and hugged it into his arms.

Bei Wenwen: "Hahaha, this cat is so funny."

Bei's mother also kept laughing: "Hey, it looks like a big fur mop. Is this some kind of leopard cat? The cats in this house are all beautiful, and that puppet is also beautiful." She looked carefully for a while. , I feel that the store seems to be very clean, not full of hairs like she imagined.

On the screen, the owner of the cat cafe motioned the camera to shoot down the cat litter: "This is the cat I adopted."

In the oversized open cat litter, a long-haired big cat is lying on its side in the nest, and the kittens are submerged in the ocean of fluffy fur, jumping around with vigor, sometimes bumping into other kittens, and screaming. They started meowing, and some kittens were sleeping next to the big cat with their paws up, their pink and tender paws shaking twice from time to time.

If you don't say that this is a rescued cat, Bei Wenwen may think that this is a kitten from a high-quality cattery.

The big cat raised its head and let out a soft meow at the camera. Suddenly, the heads of a dozen fluffy little cats lifted up in the sea of long fur, and they all uttered in unison: "Meow—"

Bei Wenwen: "I! Yes! Yes!"

Mom Bei: "What can I do?"

Bei Wenwen threw herself on her own mother: "Mom! Let's go to this cat cafe this weekend!"

Mother Bei hesitated for a while, then said: "That's fine, anyway, it's not far away."

That's right, it's not far away anyway, why don't you go and have a look

Most of the people who are curious about cat cafes tell themselves so, and call friends and friends, and book a trip to cat cafes tomorrow.

And in a certain house in Yuchuan, the hostess did not glance at the TV while cleaning. She mainly watched people, but when the light swept across the TV, she froze for a moment—

That puppet cat looks familiar! Exactly the same as the one he lost!

She quickly put down what she was doing and went to the TV, and found that there was a small piece of white behind the ear of the puppet, which was still in the shape of a heart, exactly the same as her cat!

She stared blankly for a while, then suddenly picked up the phone excitedly: "Hey, Nini, I found the cat you gave me! I'll get it back for you right away."

A friend's unhappy voice came from the other end: "I just gave birth, and I can't keep pets at home. When I gave you the cat, you promised well that you would take care of it. Why did you lose it when you turned around? It's also a cat. Life, you are also responsible for her."

The woman said: "I didn't lose it, it was him... He came back to dinner with his friends last time and saw the fondant. When you delivered it, you also said that the fondant was purebred, so he told his friend that, In the end, his friend said it was a conspiracy, and he felt ashamed and threw it out. He didn't discuss it with me."

The woman said awkwardly: "Then I want to come back?"

The other end snorted and hung up the phone.

Probably Pei Shiyi's face really played a role. The part Pei Shiyi recorded was really not edited very much. Of course, the biggest possibility is that there is nothing to chat about in this issue of "Big and Little Things", so Maoca took a big advantage.

Pei Shiyi really didn't expect that a program that was broadcast could bring such a large amount of traffic to Maoca.

Yuchuan is a wealthy ancient capital, and most people keep a leisurely pace. Sunday is the happiest and brisk day in the whole city. When the family has free time, they will basically go out for gatherings. And now it was 5:30 p.m. on Sunday, and the number of people on the upper and lower floors of Mao Cafe had already become saturated. As a last resort, Maoca had no choice but to close its doors and no longer accept future guests, and temporarily posted an apology statement on the official website.

The last ones to step into the cat cafe were a mother and son. The child was ten years old, just over the age limit of the cat cafe. After the woman came in, she walked to the counter a little cautiously and ordered a glass of pure milk.

There were no empty tables in the cat cafe. A chubby orange cat ran over. The child was attracted by the cat, and followed the cat to the wicker chair in the corner.

The woman was about to tell the child to sit down, but the boy said, "Mom! Cat!"

There was a big snow-white cat sleeping on the wicker chair. Its satin-like fur was dazzlingly white in the sun. It must have been woken up. The white cat stood up, took two steps slowly on the wicker chair, and looked up. He looked at the woman with his head for a moment, then lightly jumped onto the armrest of the rattan chair, and stepped aside.

The boy had already climbed onto the wicker chair when the woman was in a daze, but the white cat did not leave, but jumped off the wicker chair again, and lay down lazily beside the boy.

The boy grabbed the leather rope around the white cat's neck, pulled the soft white fur into a deep hole, and said, "Yun Chao!"

The woman leaned over to take a look, and corrected him gently: "It's a cloud tide, a damp tide."

The white cat—Yun Chao glanced at the woman, and turned his head away to break free from the boy's unfeeling hand, so as not to strangle his own neck. That's why she doesn't like human boys very much. Many boys of this age have not learned the gentle demeanor of the boss, but are full of energy and curiosity.

The woman sat down on the floor. Anyway, there was a thin blanket on the floor, and it was summer.

Although she sat down, she kept looking around. It seemed that she came to the cat cafe for another purpose, which was different from those customers who simply came to suck cats. It seemed that they were looking for someone.

Finally, a puppet ran straight over with a cat teasing stick in its mouth, ignoring all the harassment from the surrounding customers trying to attract its attention, Hailan's eyes were fixed on the wicker chair, and he happily picked up the wicker chair and put the cat teasing stick on the ground. In front of the white cat.

The big white cat named Yunchao was not interested in the cat teasing stick, but just lowered his head to lick the puppet cat, bit the cat teasing stick and jumped off the wicker chair, and the puppet cat immediately leaned over and bit the shaking cat teasing stick.

The customers laughed softly: "Hahaha, the fondant is so sticky."

"Just now I made a bet with my boyfriend that Fondant would definitely come to Yunchao within ten minutes. It's not eight minutes yet."

"Yun Chaochao is really spoiled."

"Little Fairy really should play with Little Fairy."


This puppet is also called fondant! Or maybe this is his fondant

The woman was about to get close to the puppet cat, but her son had already grabbed the puppet's ears: "Mom! It's also called Fondant, and it looks like this. This is my cat!"

The boy's attack was very rough, and Fondant yelped in pain. Although she came to the cat cafe, although she was pampered, she didn't have the problem of being delicate, and she yelled only when the pain was severe.

Before Yun Chao could turn his face, some grumpy customers forcibly broke the boy's hand and said to the woman: "You have to take care of him when you bring the child in! Maoca's cat is for you to see and touch, not for you Hit it!"

The woman apologized again and again: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's just that this cat is exactly the same as the one I lost at home, so my son is more excited..."

Fondant stared at her blankly, slowly twitched her small nose, her eyes gradually opened wide, and she moved closer to the woman.

The woman said excitedly: "It's really my cat! She still recognizes me!"

The customers around were also puzzled—isn’t Fondant the owner’s cat of the cat cafe? How did it become lost in someone else's house again? And looking at Fondant's reaction, it seems that they really know each other.

Yun Chao jumped off the rattan chair, lightly licked Fondant's scratched ear, and vigilantly pushed Fondant away from the woman: she brought the child back from the stray cats, and never questioned who abandoned Fondant. Family, now this family actually found a cat cafe? What are you here for

What did she think fondant was? It was discarded at the time, and now you want to pick it up again? Where in the world is such a cheap thing.

Yun Chao blocked Fondant behind him, avoiding the woman trying to touch his hand, and suddenly let out a cry. She rarely yelled so loudly during business hours. beginning.

Pei Shiyi pressed the copper coin that was about to jump up, walked around a few tables, walked up to Yun Chao, picked up Fan Tang who was in a daze for no reason, and let Yun Chao jump on his shoulder when he bent down.

Pei Shiyi smiled and said, "Hello ma'am, is there anything I can help you with?"

The woman was a little at a loss, and explained: "I saw Fondant on TV yesterday, so I wanted to ask you, can you return the cat to us?"

Yun Chao scolded Mao directly.

And the customers around couldn't help talking.

In the eyes of many doubts, Pei Shiyi raised his eyebrows—to "return" his little princess to a family with a criminal record of abandonment