After Resurrecting, I Opened a Cat Cafe

Chapter 37: solve


Fondant is sweet and clingy by nature, limp and has no temper. There is no cat in Maoca who does not love her, and Yunchao regards this furry child he brought back as a treasure.

Who would want to be rough on a little sweetheart? Fondant has been in Cat Cafe for four months and has already forgotten the past.

Fondant rubbed her head in Pei Shiyi's arms in a daze. Her ears still hurt a little. This kind of pain was very familiar. She stared blankly at the boy on the wicker chair with her ears stretched out.

She remembered that this family used to support her.

Fondant put her head against her boss's chest, listened to the regular heartbeat, and softly called out: "Meow." I didn't want to leave.

Pei Shiyi lowered his head and kissed her little face, and said softly, "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

As long as he heard this voice, he could feel at ease. Fantang raised his head and touched Pei Shiyi's cheek, and the arm holding Pei Shiyi stopped moving.

Pei Shiyi glanced at the customers around him, and there were already many people taking pictures with their mobile phones. The cicada is considered an Internet celebrity cat cafe, if this matter is not explained clearly in public, there may be much trouble in the future.

The employees on the first floor of Maoca gathered around and looked at Pei Shiyi nervously, with a little anger in their eyes.

Pei Shiyi gestured for them to disperse first, and then stopped one person: "Xiao Chu, go to the kitchen and get two glasses of lemonade, I think the two of you are still a little hot. Oh, by the way, call Xiao Zhou to store things Move a small table over here."

Xiao Chu nodded quickly, and after a while Zhou Yan came over and set up a low table. After the table was placed, no one would leave, so he found a place to take out his mobile phone.

Pei Shiyi nodded slightly to Zhou Yan, then hugged the cat, and made a gesture of invitation to the woman: "Don't worry, please sit down."

The woman looked embarrassed and sat down on the carpet in embarrassment.

Pei Shiyi was not picky, so he sat down and said, "I found fondant at the door of the cat cafe. I thought she had no home, so I wanted to keep her. What's your surname? Just now you said this is your cat, may I ask?" Is there any proof?"

The woman clasped her hands: "My surname is Yu, and there is a small piece of white hair on her right ear, which is heart-shaped."

Pei Shiyi was very polite and said, "Ms. Yu, this cannot be used as evidence. All regular customers know that we have this piece of white hair behind Fondant's ear. Do you have any photos before Fondant?"

Yu Zhen was a little embarrassed: "No..." She is not interested in taking pictures of cats, and her phone is full of photos of her son going out to play.

Just at this time, the lemonade was brought up, and Pei Shiyi said calmly: "I think you're quite hot, take a sip of lemon tea slowly, I'll treat you. Is your home not close to the cat cafe? It would be nice to come here Trouble."

Yu Zhen said unpreparedly: "It's very far away. I live on the Guishan side. As soon as I saw a cat on TV yesterday, I hurried over and asked for the way for a long time."

"Oh," Pei Shiyi said suddenly, "Cat Cafe is in the urban area, and it takes more than 40 minutes to get here by subway from Guishan. The puppet is strictly an indoor cat. How did she run to me across such a long distance? Where is Cat Cafe coming?"

The customer whispered: "Yes, this is too far!"

"The puppets are all kept at home. How to go out is a problem. How can they run so far? I've seen dogs walking Maine, but I haven't seen a few of them slip past the puppets."

"Uh... I feel like it was lost. Someone brought it here, otherwise the puppet could run so far by itself? How convenient it is to make a subway, just throw it outside, and it can run by itself."

The last sentence was echoed by many people.

Yu Zhen quickly explained: "I, even if I lost it, I don't know how it ran so far. Maybe the cat is bigger and has a wider range of activities."

Pei Shiyi didn't have the habit of stealing people's words. While brushing Fondant, he listened to her speech slowly, and repeated lightly: "As a breed of cat, puppet cats are very friendly and strictly kept indoors. I think this Everyone who comes to Maoca knows that.”

Customers nodded one after another: as one of the most popular cat breeds, the puppet is well known for its rough breeding.

It doesn't mean that Zhen opened his mouth, Pei Shiyi asked again: "Then after your cat was lost, did you try to find it? Did you send a cat-finding revelation? Did you ask around?"

Yu Zhen was extremely embarrassed.

No need to ask, this is no.

The customers tut tut tut and shook their heads: How dare you say that you like fondant? The boss asked her for a photo at first, but she didn't. I asked her if she had given out flyers to find cats, and she hadn't.

Pei Shiyi took out his mobile phone. His lock screen wallpaper was a family portrait of cats and cafes. The screen was full of plush and good-looking, and many customers were very excited when they saw it—hey, they also want to get one.

Pei Shiyi clicked on a photo album, and swipe backwards from the first photo one by one: "This is when Fantang and Yunchao first came to hold the cicada. Yunchao has been drifting outside, and she has taken care of herself very well, but I The fondant is different, she can't take care of herself."

In the first photo, Fondant is next to Yunchao, a skinny one, a skeleton that cannot be supported by long hair, and a wound that oozes blood, and a pair of eyes looking timidly at the camera. It is very different from the big hairy dumplings in front of the customers now, where is the delicate air now.

In the second picture, Fondant is fluttering on the cat teasing stick, her face is quite round, and the wound is still bald, but Hailan's eyes are exceptionally bright and clear, even a still photo can't stop her expression.

In the third picture, all the fur on the wound has grown back, Fondant is lying on the climbing frame, with a big dark fluffy tail hanging down, looking up at the chandelier on the ceiling, as if ready to pounce on it at any time, full of vitality.

In the fourth picture, the little princess Meimei is officially open for business. She is already a big slick dumpling. When she is next to the big white dumpling Yunchao, her beauty is doubled.

From the little pity of Sese growing up into today's little princess, it can be seen how carefully the owner of the cat cafe has raised her, and how much she loves her at ordinary times. Customers who have always liked fondant even had sour eyes and tears almost fell:

"Fortunately, I met the boss. It's great. Both the beautiful people and the cats are safe."

"It's so heartbreaking to see. We Tangtang have endured so much hardship, yet are still so sweet and so close."

"Drunk, let's not talk about whether this woman is an impostor. Even if she really belongs to her family, we Fondant will be abandoned, right? Can you be a little responsible? You have to be responsible for everything you raise!"

"I always thought that Tangtang must be so clingy because he spoiled her. Damn, I feel so distressed. Fortunately, there is a boss and Yunchao. If it doesn't work, I'm going to cry. Tangtang will always be this happy."

There are hundreds of pictures in Pei Shiyi's photo album. Of course, he can't flip through them one by one. He showed a few pictures and then took off his phone: "There are too many pictures, so I won't let you take a closer look at them one by one."

He has hidden needles in his words, and every sentence has a pitfall. Ms. Yu couldn't show a photo in front of him, but he could easily pull out a photo album of fondant.

Yu Zhen was a little anxious: "But this is really my cat, I won't make trouble just because of a cat."

Pei Shiyi said: "Ms. Yu, I still say the same thing. You have no evidence to prove that she is your cat, and you have no way to explain how your lost cat traveled so far to the city. But I can prove that I brought it back. Yes, the camera outside the cat cafe has not been cleared, do you want to call the surveillance with me? I still have a list for taking medicine for Fondant."

At that time, Fantang was malnourished and dehydrated, so he went to the hospital for several days of intravenous drip.

Pei Shiyi propped his chin with one hand, stared at Yu Zhen with his dark eyes, and said in a tone as if rubbing the fragrance of fascination, "Ms. Yu, did your cat get lost, or was it lost?"

Under such gaze, one's mind has nothing to hide, like a blazing fire, making that little thought more and more self-defeating. Yu Zhen dared not raise her head in shame, and blurted out the truth: "My husband... lost it."

The onlookers were outraged:

"Really! I despise irresponsible people the most!"

"If you don't want to raise it, you can give it up! Why lose it?"

"Hehe, I can't take care of myself well. Seeing that Tangtang is beautiful now, come here to ask for it again?"

Yu Zhen said anxiously: "But it was originally mine! I also raised it for a while! You should return her to me now."

"According to what you said, do stray cats taken by well-meaning people have to be returned to their original owners?" Pei Shiyi said unhurriedly, "Let's start with the last one, will you compensate me for the money I paid for Fondant?" You can ask how expensive the pet hospital on Baimei Street next door is. We don’t need to mention the money, but can you compensate me for the care and love I have paid?”

When it came to money, Yu Zhen suddenly lost her temper.

Pei Shiyi felt a fire in his heart, he let out a breath gently, he didn't want to lose his composure in front of the hairy kids, and he didn't want to set an "example" for the hairy kids to solve all problems violently.

He pinched his knuckles and said in a graceful manner: "Are you willing to compensate?"

Yu Zhen flinched. People have medical insurance, but cats do not. How much does it cost to go to the hospital

Pei Shiyi stood up: "In this case, we will make a verbal oath in front of everyone today, and in front of all the cats in the cat cafe. I don't need your compensation, but after Fondant is the little princess of our cat cafe .”

Yu Zhen stood up subconsciously, and when she got up, she was startled—at some point, several cats squatted behind the owner of the cat cafe, all of them staring at her.

Yu Zhen felt cold in his heart, and quickly said: "Okay, I won't come looking for it in the future, you, you can raise it."

Pei Shiyi turned around: "Have you heard that? Can you testify for me?"

The customers were about to respond when they suddenly heard a uniform meow: "Meow!" The sound seemed to come from the ground.

When they lowered their heads, they were surprised to find that all the big cats in Quanmao Cafe had reached the first floor at some point, squatting in two rows on the ground, and they were the ones who meowed just now.

Customers: I suspect they have grown up and have proof!

After solving this problem, Pei Shiyi said lightly: "The milk you ordered and the free lemonade are all here. Please use it slowly and don't disturb you."

He turned around and apologized to the customers: "I'm sorry for disturbing everyone's relaxing time. Today, Cat Cafe will give every customer a glass of fruit juice for free. I'm here to express my deep apologies."

The customers waved their hands one after another, expressing their indifference: Maoca's fruit juice is not cheap, and the taste is particularly good. They are in a good mood after watching the excitement, and they can still drink a glass of fruit juice. How can they be unhappy

Pei Shiyi went upstairs with fondant in his arms, not intending to let his little princess continue to work.

Yu Zhen was restless, so she had to urge her son to drink up the milk and lemonade quickly, and take the rest away.

While the boy was drinking milk, Yu Zhen was staring at Maoca's big cat with eight pairs of big eyes, making his heart chill.

The copper coin grinned at the boy, this is a cat coffee, he can't greet people, but he can still: drink? Don't even think about swallowing a mouthful of it in my face!

The boy couldn't help but hide back.

Even the egg yolk looked at Yu Zhen coldly, and the guests stopped entertaining, just sat here and stared at Yu Zhen: You just want to forget about bullying Fondant? Where are they when they hold the cicada? business? What kind of business is there!

Six big cats and two small tortoiseshell cats sat quietly in front of Yu Zhen, all meowing viciously.