After Retiring From the Underworld, I Entered an Infinite Game

Chapter 103: Digital Cruise (XVI)


Wei Yuan didn't say whether he agreed with Sun Ting's application to join the club. At that time, he used his skills to cover Jie Fangcheng and the other three, isolating them in a space. After coming out, he saw that Jie Fangcheng and the other two didn't seem to have any objections to Sun Ting. This girl didn't look like one of those idiots who thought that they should make selfless contributions for glory. She was quite sincere in applying to join the club.

"I said this indeed to get the protection of Ronghua, but I also really want to join the current Ronghua. Of course, I know that at least in this copy, I am not a member of Ronghua. If I want to get protection, I have to pay props worth 20 million points. I will abide by this rule. But now I don’t have so many props. I wonder if I can wait until after the national copy before I give it to you?"

Her expression was very sincere, but when Wei Yuan heard what she said, he was stunned for a moment.

The present glory.

The current glory... seems to be more attractive to players!

Wei Yuan couldn't help but look at Fang Cheng and Zhang Daoan, the two of them were huddled together, whispering to each other, and no one knew what they were talking about.

It's definitely different than before.

Wei Yuan thought so and went to seek the advice of the two people who were whispering to each other.

Xie Fangcheng had made up his mind to be a hands-off boss. When Wei Yuan said this, he turned around and looked at Zhang Daoan without saying a word.

Zhang Daoan nodded slightly and spoke in a very politically correct manner, just like a spokesperson: "Since we want to get more players to participate in the next struggle, we should naturally strive for all the strength we can."

Wei Yuan couldn't help but ask: "What if it's a power that we shouldn't fight for?"

"Is there any power that we shouldn't fight for?" Zhang Daoan said kindly, "In essence, we are all a united front, of the same class. Except for a few comrades who have some ideological problems, the other players are the same."

Individual! He is also a comrade!

Wei Yuan was completely confused by these words.

"Then... Sun Ting," Wei Yuan hesitated, "Let's talk about it after we go out. We don't know what her past situation was..."

Zhang Daoan also asked in return: "Why do we need to look at what happened in the past? Suppose she was a scum who committed heinous crimes before, but now she has put down her butcher knife and become a Buddha?"

Wei Yuan burst into tears: "Brother, can you please say something I can understand? I really don't understand what you are trying to do! How about you become the president?"

Zhang Daoan's expression was still very gentle: "I am not suitable."

What he said was true, and Wei Yuan knew it very well.

Zhang Daoan is a smart guy, and a very capable intellectual player, but you can tell from his popularity that even someone as brainless as Nie Shuangshuang doesn't like to get around him.

This guy is really a tough character who is hard to like. He always makes people feel that he is too different from ordinary people and too far away from them. He is a person who makes people feel scared no matter what he does.

This kind of person is suitable to be a think tank, a villain, or a boss, but he is not suitable to be a leader.

If he were to become the guild president, all the existing players in Ronghua might want to die.

Even if he had the huge halo of "Zhang Daowu's brother", it wouldn't work. Now he didn't know what he wanted to do, so Wei Yuan could only do what he wanted.

Sun Ting’s application for membership can be put on hold until the dungeon is released.

Regarding "let's pay the debt first", Wei Yuan hesitated for a moment and nodded in agreement.

Sun Ting breathed a sigh of relief.

"Is everyone moving anything? Is there anything I can help you with?"

Sun Ting asked.

"Oh, it's all moved."

As they were talking, Sun Ting finally understood what they were moving.

There are not many rooms on the third floor, but the space is large. Each room is a suite, twice the size of the rooms on the second floor.

But now, a giant guest room has appeared on the third floor.

Sun Ting opened her mouth wide as she looked at the dozen or so rooms in a row with holes in the walls. There were two beds in each room. The original luxury cruise ship guest room suddenly became a large gymnasium that could sleep more than 20 people.

"This..." Sun Ting was stunned.

On the way here, Nie Shuangshuang couldn't help but ask what the girl had said just now. After listening to her, she felt quite fond of her and was very enthusiastic at this time: "Sun Ting, right? Come on, come on, move another bed, we will stay in the same room tonight."

This scene was something Sun Ting had never heard of or seen before... Mainly because no one could tear down the wall of a copy so easily.

If people are worried that it is unsafe to live alone in a room, they are more likely to choose to squeeze together.

When will they just tear down the wall? What a bold move!

If she asked this, Jie Fangcheng might answer her calmly: It's not a big deal.

Anyway, each wall could be knocked down with just two sticks. After that, he went to find other players to get points. The rest of Ronghua stayed here like porters, moving out the construction waste, and then moving in beds from other rooms.

This was proposed by Zhang Daoan.

"After all, this is a level 5 instance. We don't know if the NPC has any other tricks... Besides, maybe some players are planning to attack us."

But his statement does not seem to be correct.

Some were robbing, some were moving beds. It was already noon. After tidying up their rooms, everyone opened the door and prepared to eat.

When they opened the door, they saw a few players standing at the door, and they looked very surprised when they saw them.

"Boss Wei!" Someone's eyes lit up. Although he was calling Wei Yuan, his eyes were looking at Jie Fangcheng with an excited expression. "I wonder if I can join Ronghua as well?"


When this word was spoken, Wei Yuan immediately understood that the news that Sun Ting was now working together with Ronghua's people might have spread.

The few players who had paid for props worth 20 million points did follow Ronghua, but they just followed. Unlike Sun Ting, Nie Shuangshuang even took the initiative to help her move the bed, and they seemed to have a very harmonious relationship.

At this time, someone got wind of the news and immediately came over to ask for Ronghua's help. Not only that, the person had already introduced himself.

"My name is Han Zhiyan, I'm number 246 on the points list. I used to be a member of the [Iron Wall] Union, but I had a falling out with the union yesterday. Those people have bad character, and I can't stand them. I've always longed to join our Ronghua Union, but I never had the chance! Now I still have 75 points left, which I can contribute! I just hope to join Ronghua!"

Han Zhiyan looked very sincere. Wei Yuan was still hesitating. Over there, Zhang Daoan suddenly said, "Your union is very good to you. You paid the boat fee and still have 75 cents left. They didn't ask you to pay it all?"

Han Zhiyan was stunned for a moment, his expression a little unnatural.

"Ah... I can't help it if I don't hand it over to them."

Wei Yuan reacted.

How is it possible that this is not possible

According to Han Zhiyan, he came to Ronghua because he couldn't stand the other people in the union. Not to mention that his "bad character" has been around for a long time, why did it take until now to fall out? If his character is really bad, there are many opportunities to cheat Han Zhiyan's points. How can this kid leave with so many points? It must not be as simple as he said.

Such people would never come to Ronghua in the past because there was no profit in it.

Ronghua is a place where it is obvious that contributions outweigh rewards. Most players say they admire it, but when asked whether they want to join Ronghua, they shake their heads.

Wei Yuan said coldly: "Want to join Ronghua? Wait until the dungeon is out! If you want to get shelter in this dungeon, you must first pay 20 million points of props."

"Ah?" Han Zhiyan was shocked and asked, "Do you charge your own people too?"

"Who says you are one of us?" Nie Shuangshuang has a bad temper. She knows that there are so many eyes watching her, so she said bluntly, "It's not that easy to join Ronghua! We have our own admission standards!!"

Nie Shuangshuang turned her head and said, "Is that so, Brother Jie?"

"Oh... really?" Jie Fangcheng hesitated.

"Why hesitate? Can anyone come to Ronghua?"

Zhang Daoan suddenly asked again: "Isn't it now? Ronghua hasn't formulated the membership criteria yet, right?"

In the past, Ronghua basically accepted everyone who came, mainly because Ronghua at that time did not have many benefits. Although it was the second largest guild, to put it bluntly, it was more like a utopia established by a group of idealists. There was no decent reward mechanism within the guild. If the players who applied for membership had other intentions, they would soon leave because they could not stand it.

What Zhang Daoan said at this time made Wei Yuan stunned again.

Damn it!

Wei Yuan suddenly realized, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Brother, just say what you want to say! Isn't it enough for you to just say that Ronghua hasn't set the standard yet? Why did you say so much just now?"

It was both an individual and a comrade. Until now, Wei Yuan still hadn't figured out what he meant by that.

But Zhang Daoan just looked at him and said: "What I just said is my personal opinion, you think too much."

"What personal opinions? Unite all forces that can be united? Accept all who come?"


What are you talking about? Why are you accepting everyone who comes

Looking at Han Zhiyan's expression, he obviously came here with other purposes! Would he be allowed to enter Ronghua

At this time, Han Zhiyan gritted his teeth after hesitating: "Then I will give you 30 million points, and you can join Ronghua after you get out, okay?"

Wei Yuan turned his head expressionlessly and looked at Zhang Daoan.

Zhang Daoan remained calm and silent, and seemed to have no objection to Han Zhiyan's joining the organization.

Wei Yuan simply gritted his teeth and said, "Okay!"

After he agreed, he turned to look at Zhang Daoan, but Zhang Daoan's expression remained unchanged.

Over there, Han Zhiyan had readily taken out all the props and stuffed them into Wei Yuan's hands. After that, he peeked into the room behind Ronghua and the others, while making indirect hints.

"President Wei, my strength is not that great. This level 5 book is very dangerous. How about... what do you think?"

Zhang Daoan nodded: "I have no objection."

Damn! This guy is so annoying! Is this really okay?

Han Zhiyan was pleasantly surprised and started looking for a bed: "Then can I move that one? Where should I put it? Which room should I live in?"

It was as if he had started a new journey. Several players who had paid 20 million yuan for the package before looked at each other and gathered around him.

"President Wei! If I pay another 10 million points worth of props, can I also apply to join Ronghua?"

"And me, and me! But I don't have enough props. I should have them after I get out of this dungeon. I can hand them in then, right?"

"Boss Wei, can I have a friend come too? Are the points given to me 30 million or 10 million?"

A crowd of people surrounded Wei Yuan, and he immediately felt overwhelmed.

Paying 10 million points will allow him to enter Ronghua. He just agreed to it out of spite. Now he really can't agree to it?

All major trade unions have their own membership standards, and most require membership dues.

For example, the Chaoyang Union’s minimum requirement for membership is to possess rare skills that can be developed. After acquiring the skills, one must pass the membership test, and finally pay one million points, or props of equal value, to join the Chaoyang Union.

The reason why players are attracted to large guilds is that they offer various benefits, such as exclusive guild strategies and guild item rewards.

The relationship between a union and its members is like that between a company and its employees. Every year, the national copy not only has personal points ranking rewards, but also ranking rewards from major unions.

The union ranking rewards are quite generous. This part of the rewards is received by the president, who can then distribute it to members who have made great contributions to the union.

The various rules and contribution calculations are quite complicated, and it is generally recognized that the more union members there are, the better.

In terms of the number of people alone, no matter whether it is the first guild Chaoyang or Ronghua when it had the largest number of people in the past, they will never be able to compare with the tens of thousands of professional league players.

Most of these professional players are newcomers who have only completed the game once. After entering the game, they cannot adapt to the game atmosphere, but they are reluctant to die, so they rely on their skills to survive another year in the game. By the time of the national copy, at least 80 to 90 percent of them will be dead.

Therefore, the professional alliance will intentionally "expel" most of the players before the national copy, hire some experts into the guild, and then accept the surviving professional players into the guild after the national copy. This approach can be punished to death by the arbitration tribunal in the modern world, but it has long been normalized in the game.

Almost all guilds with ambitions will strictly control the number of guild members. Now that the dungeon is about to be launched for all, how can Ronghua accept all players as Zhang Daoan said? Is this a joke?

Seeing so many players holding 10 million points to join the club at this time, Wei Yuan's first reaction was a headache.

Players who can afford to pay 10 million points are certainly not bad in strength. In other words, players who can enter the fifth-level dungeon are basically strong enough to join any guild.

However, from the beginning of its establishment, Ronghua did not want players with "enough strength".

Can you enter Ronghua with 10 million points

Compared to points, glory requires ideals and passion! People are not that kind of union!

"Everyone, be quiet! Be quiet!" Wei Yuan immediately stopped the people around him from holding props and trying to stuff them into his arms. "Thank you for your support. As for joining Ronghua... let's discuss this matter outside!"

Immediately, a quick-witted player continued to stuff props into his arms: "It's okay, it's okay, I know the rules of Ronghua! From now on, a community with a shared future for mankind will be my ideal! Boss Wei, you can take the props without worry, and you can come and test me when the dungeon is out!"


The people around are still very enthusiastic.

Someone was more active and suddenly took out a pair of shoes from his bag and stuffed them into Fang Cheng's arms.

"Boss Jie, take a look at this! See if you need this!"

Jie Fangcheng lowered his head.

[Item: Smart Magic Boots·Rare]

[Introduction: Hello, do you know how terrifying this pair of boots is? They are the magical boots worn by the God of Wind! ]

[Hint: The boots worn by Feng Shen are indeed very fast, but I wonder if Feng Shen has athlete's foot? ]

[Function: Increase speed]

[Unique attribute: Increase a small amount of speed]

Although the speed value is not given, just by looking at the word "rare" you can tell that this item is not ordinary.

Nie Shuangshuang, who had completed the game many times, came over and was even more surprised: "This item is worth at least 70 million! It's amazing!"

The person who took out the boots must have felt very painful, but no matter how painful it was, everyone could see the strength of Jie Fangcheng.

With such a big boss in charge, Ronghua will soon surpass the Chaoyang Union!

As for the civil servants in the underworld... Seriously, who cares about this

If it's true, then isn't that better? Building good relationships with the people below in advance will provide some protection if you really die, right

If it's fake, since Boss Jie is already so powerful, what does it matter

Look at the people in Ronghua now. It’s not that everyone looks down on them. Let’s just say that even Sun Ting’s strength is slightly higher than Nie Shuangshuang.

They were demoted too badly, and if they join Ronghua now, they will be the backbone and the veterans! Shouldn't they be promoted to management

Since he is a member of the management, it should be easy for him to pester Boss Jie to do business together in the future, right

Some of them came with other purposes, but as long as they join, they will not lose anything.

Jie Fangcheng said that speed is a big problem. After Nie Shuangshuang finished speaking, he looked at his boots but hesitated for a moment.

"Does the Wind God have athlete's foot?"

he asks.

Nie Shuangshuang couldn't help but say, "Brother, just wear whatever you have. Isn't this better than the broken flip-flops on your feet?"

After she finished speaking, Zhang Daoan on the side glanced at her.

At this moment, someone else was inspired and quickly took out a set of very eye-catching green clothes from the system backpack.

"Brother Jie, look at this one of mine! This one suits you very well too!!"

[Item: Spirit Blessing·Rare]

[Introduction: Elves! Elves in the forest! No one can stop them from rushing towards freedom! ]

[Tip: If you have a pair of wings, you might be able to better utilize the effect of the elf's blessing! ]

[Function: Obtain the blessing of the forest elves, and increase speed and archery hit rate. ]

[Unique attribute: Gain affinity with nature, and the power of skills and items will be slightly improved. ]

Nie Shuangshuang was even more surprised: "A divine outfit! The starting price must be 100 million, right?"

The one who took out the magic suit was even more proud: "Brother Jie, look at this suit, both in terms of attributes and appearance, it suits you so well! Is this the three-piece suit from the system? Props without attributes are useless, why don't you give me this one! Put it on and you will be the fastest person in the whole game!"

Jie Fangcheng was at a loss as to what to do, picking up one in each hand. Even he hesitated.

He was at a loss: "If I were to rob someone, I would take it, after all, I put in the work. But if it's... a tribute, should I take it or not?"

As soon as he said this, everyone around him broke out in sweat.

The two players who gave the equipment were sweating profusely. They felt what Jie Fangcheng meant. If they knew they had the equipment, they might have been robbed.

Jie Fangcheng turned his head and looked at Zhang Daoan. Zhang Daoan was looking at the player who had just said "Items without attributes are useless". After receiving Jie Fangcheng's gaze, he smiled.

"It can be used, but I don't know if there is anything better."

After he said this, Nie Shuangshuang suddenly seemed to understand.

—Let some people get rich first.

At that time, Nie Shuangshuang thought that this was referring to the entire Ronghua... Maybe it was true, but now it seems that Zhang Daoan’s purpose from the very beginning was to make Jie Fangcheng "rich" first!

Just like now, Jie Fangcheng doesn’t even need to go out to rob, because naturally there will be people who want to please him and will send him fast props.

Of course, people in Ronghua can pool together some points, but having points in the game does not necessarily mean they can buy suitable props, like this [Elf Blessing], the market price is definitely over 100 million. If you want to buy it, you can't just use points to buy it. Many times you have to wait in the auction house.

But now, before Jie Fangcheng could say anything, the equipment was already in his hands.

This Zhang Daoan... Could it be that he had expected something like this to happen

But before Nie Shuangshuang could figure it out, someone immediately spoke up, "What's better? Brother Jie, if you need it, I'll buy you a skill that can increase your speed by about 100! I know who's selling it!"

This gave everyone more inspiration, and immediately countless “I know I have a way” were heard.

Damn it!

Nie Shuangshuang looked up at Zhang Daoan. Zhang Daoan looked normal and did not seem surprised.

This kid... really expected this

Jie Fangcheng still looked confused: "Ah? Is that so? Is this okay?"

He might as well go robbing, as the income from hard work would make him feel more secure!

Nie Shuangshuang couldn't help but patted his shoulder: "Just take it."

Nie Shuangshuang leaned close to Jie Fangcheng's ear and secretly said bad things about him behind his back while Zhang Daoan was looking at a few players who were recklessly saying things like "Your clothes and shoes are rubbish now".

"Look at Lao Zhang, think about his methods and style, it's obvious that he has planned this all along! Hey, I have a feeling that under this big brother's plan, if you clear the level a few more times and your basic speed goes up, you will soon be the fastest person in the whole game."

(End of this chapter)