After Retiring From the Underworld, I Entered an Infinite Game

Chapter 105: Digital Cruise (XVIII)


First floor restaurant.

Zhou Heqi's face looked ugly, and Ning Suisui remained silent.

The whole restaurant was silent. The restaurant with 25 people was like an examination room. Everyone sat in their seats without saying a word.

Finally, Liu Guangming was the first one who couldn't help it.

"Are we just going to endure this?"

He has experienced a lot of ups and downs in this book.

Originally when he entered the dungeon, his personal score was not high, but fortunately, the strength of their team was acceptable in this dungeon.

Liu Guangming himself is a quick-witted person. He quickly became familiar with other small groups and successfully formed an alliance in the morning.

Just when he thought he could become the strongest force in this copy, he was taught a lesson by the Golden Leopard Squad.

It was difficult for Liu Guangming to get rid of the psychological shadow and reset himself, but he was taught a lesson by Ning Suisui again.

It was painful enough for his score to drop to zero, but the most painful thing was that soon his score was raised to 100 because of Jie Fangcheng!

Liu Guangming was still feeling happy that the 100 points were a good thing, it was a windfall!

Then Xie Fangcheng moved a table to the door and sat down. Whoever paid their points could leave.

Ning Suisui tentatively fought with Jie Fangcheng... It couldn't be called a fight, because no one could understand why there was someone in this world who could beat Ning Suisui to the ground with a broken stick.

With this precedent as a lesson, who would dare to act recklessly

It was just after Liu Guangming handed in his points that an idea flashed in his mind. He turned into glass fragments and went out of the hole that was pierced by the skull.

Immediately, the players who had not yet paid points used similar skills, such as turning into water, mud, and wind, and disappeared in front of Liu Guangming.

Gaining and losing is not the scariest thing. The scariest thing is to gain and lose and then realize that you could have avoided losing it.

When Liu Guangming spoke, the players around him looked at him, many of them with sympathy and pity.

Liu Guangming felt extremely upset, but he thought that he was the leader of a group of twenty-three people and could not embarrass himself at such a time, so he could only pretend to be calm.

"Look at Ronghua. They have a killer weapon like Jie Fangcheng. They can be said to be invincible in this instance. Are we just going to watch them snatch our points? We all saw it when we paid the boat fee this morning. Ronghua is no longer the Ronghua it used to be. They won't care if we don't have points to pay the boat fee! If we don't have enough points, we will be kicked off the boat by the NPC. So aren't they just trying to watch us die?"

After Liu Guangming finished speaking, people around him responded one after another, and even Zhou Heqi was moved.

Only Ning Suisui frowned and no one knew what she was thinking.

Although Ning Suisui's strength cannot be compared with Jie Fangcheng, this player is already the strongest in this dungeon besides Jie Fangcheng. Liu Guangming is determined to win her over: "Captain Ning, I think the rest of us players should cooperate."

Ning Suisui looked at Liu Guangming: "What do you mean?"

"The current situation is that no one on our side can beat Jie Fangcheng. If he comes to rob us, we can only give him points. If we continue like this, we will be doomed! Only if all of us players unite, can we have a chance to compete with Jie Fangcheng and his group!"

"How do we unite?"

"Jie Fangcheng will definitely give the points he robbed us to the people from Ronghua after he returns. I don't believe he will stay with the people from Ronghua forever. It will be enough for us to gather a player with a high score to rob the players from Ronghua."

Ning Suisui looked at him.

Liu Guangming was very straightforward at this time: "Captain Ning, I believe you. To be honest, our union still has a little bit of money left, and we are willing to contribute it."

As he said this, he looked at the other teams around him.

The others looked at each other in confusion, but Liu Guangming's words made sense.

Jie Fangcheng's strength is too terrifying. Not to mention that they don't know if there is any other way to increase their points now. Even if there is, what if they are robbed again after the increase

If they don't solve this problem, no matter how hard they try, they will be doing nothing for others.

As for giving points to Ning Suisui, it is indeed because Ning Suisui's strength is the ceiling among the remaining players.

Of course, Liu Guangming still had other concerns in mind... For example, what if he offended Ronghua's people by trying to snatch points from Ronghua

With a figure like Jie Fangcheng, Ronghua's return to the top is a foregone conclusion, and no one wants to offend this future number one on the list.

Especially since Jie Fangcheng said that he was from the underworld... This term is indeed very strange and weird, and it is hard to believe, but there are even infinite games, what if it is true

Anyway, it’s better to let others do this offensive thing!

Ning Suisui was so smart that she saw through Liu Guangming's tricks at a glance. She just looked at him with a half-smile: "Is that so? Then can you help me collect 500 points first?"

Liu Guangming was stunned for a moment, and just as he was about to agree, his companion tugged at his clothes speechlessly and reminded him in a low voice: "Old Liu, have you forgotten why she came to the restaurant?"

Why come to the restaurant... Damn!

Liu Guangming came back to his senses.

Ning Suisui's original purpose was also to rob, but she was not as powerful as Jie Fangcheng.

If the points are given to her, will this woman give them back

Zhou Heqi was somewhat moved: "Captain Ning, I think what President Liu said makes some sense."

Ning Suisui stood up and looked at the twenty-three players in front of her.


She sneered in her heart.

Apart from anything else, Liu Guangming's imagination of getting 500 points is something that no one can do.

Even though everyone knows that uniting to fight against Ronghua is the only option now, Ning Suisui believes that only the people of Ronghua can truly unite, and no other players can do this.

In this game, it is normal for players to cheat each other. The trust between everyone has collapsed long ago. How is it possible to rebuild trust

The points in the copy represent the hope of passing the level and the chance to survive. No one is willing to give up their points unconditionally, especially to other strangers.

"Let's continue discussing. We'll leave first." After saying that, Ning Suisui signaled Zhou Heqi.

Zhou Heqi reluctantly followed her out of the restaurant. When they reached the door, he couldn't help but ask, "Are we really not going to cooperate with other players?"

"Cooperation?" Ning Suisui shook her head. "A bunch of people with their own ulterior motives can't cooperate."

"Ah..." Zhou Heqi hesitated, "Then what should we do?"

Ning Suisui looked at the calm sea. Under the transparent water, she could see countless strange-looking marine creatures, staring at the people on the boat with greedy eyes.

“I can’t work with them… but that doesn’t necessarily mean I can’t work with others.”

"With whom?"

"Talk to the NPC."


Zhou Heqi was at a loss.

"Jie Fangcheng and his men don't follow the rules on the ship. We players are not the only ones who are troubled by this. I think the NPCs must also want to get rid of him." Ning Suisui said, looking upstairs, "This is just an idea, but I think we can give it a try."

At the same time, in the corner of the second floor, the Golden Leopard Five, Yan Xiaotong... No, Yan Xiaoqian pressed her right hand on her ear, and soon, she conveyed new information.

"The captain and the others decided to go find the captain and cooperate with him."

"Ah?" Someone was stunned for a moment, very anxious, "We don't know what kind of NPC the captain is now. What if he is a killer type? Wouldn't that make the captain very dangerous?? Our scores are so high, if we can't do anything, we can just lie dormant for a while. In the end, we should be in the top three, right?"

Yan Xiaoqian pursed her lips and said, "The top three won't do. With Ronghua here, I'm afraid only the first place will do."

Although the NPC didn't say it explicitly, there must be good and bad treasures. If there really is a ranking skill, I'm afraid only the first place will have the chance to obtain it.

Several people looked at each other.

Yan Xiaoqian turned around and asked, "Guan Xi, where is Jie Fangcheng now?"

Guan Xi immediately took out his watch, clicked it and reported his location.

"Still on the third floor!"

If someone could see the watch of a player named "Guan Xi" now, they would be surprised to find that compared to the black watches of ordinary players, Guan Xi's watch is gold.

Ning Suisui and her friends entered this level 5 dungeon two weeks before the national dungeon because they had a dungeon fragment in their hands. The purpose of the fragment is to [obtain the greatest benefits of the dungeon after use], and they indeed obtained the greatest benefits.

Ning Suisui wanted to plot against Ronghua, but when she was pointed out by Zhang Daoan, Zhang Daoan guessed that their number might be very high.

He was indeed right, the number on the golden watch was 1764.

Yes, when most people only had one or two hundred points, and when some players couldn't even afford the first day's boat fare, the Golden Leopard Team managed to gather nearly two thousand points.

Fragments only work for a single player. When Ning Suisui entered the dungeon, she used the fragments and scored 925 points.

Perhaps even the system god sympathized with them that this was their last time to clear the dungeon, so he gave them incredible luck. The sisters Yan Xiaotong and Yan Xiaoqian scored 300 points and 400 points respectively, and the others also scored above 100 points.

It was these more than 100 points that made Ning Sui Sui realize that other players' scores might be very low, and that's when she started to think about it.

Now most of the points of the Golden Leopard Team were concentrated on Guan Xi, and when the score exceeded one thousand, the NPC knocked on Guan Xi's door and exchanged a new watch for him.

The gold watch is very powerful and can monitor the location of the six highest-scoring guests.

Jie Fangcheng's score had already gone up when he killed Gu Zailai yesterday, and later in order to help him rob better, he was given another 300 points.

After robbing the restaurant, his score had reached over 790, almost 800.

As long as the score exceeds one thousand, the watch will be changed to gold. By then, with this thing, wouldn't Jie Fangcheng be able to locate them

"We know that NPCs have points, and Jie Fangcheng and the others know that too... Although I don't know why they haven't taken action against the NPCs yet, it's only a matter of time."

Yan Xiaoqian frowned: "Sister Sui Sui has gone to find the NPC. We have to make another preparation - make the other players lose their current points as soon as possible, and don't let Jie Fangcheng get them!"

Everyone looked at each other and nodded heavily.

"Let's go." Yan Xiaoqian stood up and clapped her hands, "We should go find the player who is currently ranked third on the standings."

Guan Xi immediately reported the player's location: "Yu Hui, now on the far right side of the first floor... should be in the room on the first floor, the score is 327 points."


While the Golden Leopard Team was busy looking for NPCs and robbing other players, Liu Guangming actually persuaded the leaders of the remaining groups, and everyone put together the remaining points and reached 200 points.

As for whether it is only this pitiful 200 points, everyone knows it.

"The average player's score won't exceed this."

The points were graciously given to a player who was slightly higher up on the leaderboard. This player was a bit like Nie Shuangshuang, also a speed player. At this time, he took out a robe that looked familiar to everyone from his backpack.

"Isn't this the uniform of the Death God Guild?"

The Death God Guild is also well-known, but not for its strength. The players in this guild are all different from ordinary people. Other guilds have a membership test based on strength, but theirs is a "100-question radio compatibility test". This group of people's catchphrases are "bonds", "April's Lie", "giving away your heart for XX", etc. Each of them is independent in the dungeon and basically does not interact with other guild players. However, their strength is generally good, and the president is currently ranked third on the leaderboard.

The union's uniforms are also quite unique, and there is absolutely no possibility of making a mistake.

The man who took out the robe shook his head: "This is a pirated copy I bought. Most people can't recognize it, only their own people can see it. Anyway, the vice president of the God of Death and Nie Shuangshuang are notoriously at odds. If I get caught by them, I will say that I am a member of the God of Death reserve and will never implicate anyone!"

The players in his guild were in tears. The leader of the team was the vice president of his guild, who was very moved and patted his shoulder. "Go! The organization will remember you!"

The player nodded heavily, draped the pirated Reaper skin in his hand over himself, waved it, and left.

Someone couldn't help but murmur, "Why does this guy look so dead? Could he really be a reserve member of the Death God Guild?"

It is no secret that Ronghua Union is now on the third floor.

The player wearing the Reaper skin tiptoed up to the third floor.

They didn't just rashly pick a prosperous person to rob; they had their eyes on the target.

Joe wheat.

This girl is not an expert, and she is a girl.

No matter how reckless Jie Fangcheng is, he wouldn't stay in a girl's room for no reason, right

Everyone has tried it, the front desk is a good thing. Just go to the front desk and ask which room a certain guest is staying in, and the front desk NPC will tell them.

So the player tiptoed to the door of Buckwheat's room.

He took a deep breath, used his lock-picking skill to open the door a crack, and looked inside through the crack.

The structure of the third floor is different from that of the second floor. I can only vaguely see a bed through the crack in the door. There seems to be some sound in the room. Is this girl doing something

It's just right. While her attention is not here, we can finish the fight quickly! Run away immediately after the robbery!

Jie Fangcheng's speed is not good, so as long as he succeeds in robbing, he will definitely be able to run away!

Thinking of this, the player took a deep breath, quickly slipped into the door, and quickly closed the door.

Then he turned around and said, "Robbery! Hand over your share!"

After shouting this, the players at the door stared blankly in front of them.

In front of him, there were two beds placed side by side in the room, and Qiao Mai and Wei Yuan were looking at something with their heads close together.

Not far away, where there should have been a wall, there was nothing there. Soon, a bright green light shone in, and a head wearing a green hat popped out from there.

"Huh?" Jie Fangcheng was surprised. "Here comes the third one to give away points!"

Wei Yuan skillfully stretched out his hand to the ground, and the stone wall covered the doorway.

Jie Fangcheng took out his stick and moved his wrist.

"Whose turn is it?"

"I, I, I, it's my turn, Brother Jie!" A voice came from the other side of the wall. Soon after, another strange head popped out and greeted in a good mood, "Hi! How many points did you get?"

The player standing at the door came to his senses and quickly stepped back.

Jie Fangcheng rushed over with ease and hit the wall beside him with a stick.

"You...what are you doing?"

A touching smile emerged on Jie Fangcheng's face, which looked particularly strange and eerie under the green light.

"Robbery, hand over all the points."

(End of this chapter)