After Retiring From the Underworld, I Entered an Infinite Game

Chapter 112: Digital Cruise (Twenty-Five)



Ning Suisui and the others' plan to find other players went quite smoothly. Jie Fangcheng's wave of robbery made it extremely common for players with single-digit scores among the remaining 69 players. More than 40 players didn't even reach 10 points, and the highest one only had 50 points. It was obviously impossible for them to safely survive the three days on the ship.

Originally everyone was still thinking about what to do and what other methods could be used to obtain the values, when Ning Suisui came to them.

Even though this girl was extremely miserable with Jie Fangcheng, she was actually a well-known high-level player. When most players heard that she was going to gather players together to discuss countermeasures, no matter what they thought, they all came.

A large group of sixty or so people gathered together to discuss how to pass the level, and from what we can see so far, everyone was really sincere. To be honest, even Ning Suisui had never experienced such a scene.

It won't work if there are so many people without a commander, so there's no need to ask who will be the commander.

"Everyone, be quiet!" There were too many people. Although Ning Suisui was strong, her height was a disadvantage. She stood on tiptoe in the crowd, but the crowd around her was still like a city wall. Many players on the periphery couldn't hear her speak, and they were still asking questions one after another.

"Will 'Gold Rat' lead us through the dungeon? Where is she?"

"Who knows, but I think I heard her voice?"

"Hey brother, have you heard? Ronghua can now be entered by paying money! Props worth 20 million points! Once you pay, you will immediately become a member of Ronghua!"

"Really? You look excited?"

"Nonsense! I'm just expressing my feelings about how Ronghua has changed so much... By the way, where's Captain Ning? Didn't he say he would lead us through the dungeon and beat up that guy?"

People outside the crowd couldn't see her. The only ones who could see Ning Suisui were the presidents and captains surrounding her, who were asking her questions all at once.

"Captain Ning, you said you want to cooperate with us. What do you want to cooperate with? To deal with Ronghua?"

"Captain Ning, what is the solution you mentioned? Have you found any clues? Can we all work together?"

"Captain Ning, what's wrong with your hair?"

Ning Suisui had never led such a large group before. There was a lot of noise around her, and she felt her head was buzzing with all the chatter.

At this moment, a president who was also short like her noticed her predicament. He took out a platform more than half a meter high from his backpack and placed it at her feet, and also gave her a trumpet prop.

Ning Suisui was very grateful: "Thank you!"

The president who was cleaning the table had an expression that said, "Those of us with our heights will understand."

When Ning Suisui stood on the stage, the people outside finally saw her and exclaimed again.

"Oh my god, he is indeed the 'Golden Rat' at the top of the leaderboard! He has prepared all the necessary items!"

"Why does this trumpet look so familiar? It looks a lot like the prop of our 1.5-meter-tall president..."

"What's wrong with Ning Suisui's hair? Why do I feel like she's a little bald?"

Ning Suisui tried the sound of the speaker, and then shouted "Quiet" a few times, and the players around her shut up.

Ning Suisui looked at them and said, "Hello everyone! I'm Ning Suisui. To be honest, my current score is zero. I believe that many of you have also reached zero. Our situation is very serious. To talk about the recent situation, our lunch - some players may not know this, but Guild President Zhou Heqi and I have already gone to the restaurant to check. The cheapest single meal on the first floor is now worth 46 points."

There was an uproar.

"Quiet! Quiet!" Ning Suisui shouted twice. Although the players knew that she was a big shot at the top of the scoreboard, a big shot is a big shot, and not everyone will listen to what the big shot says. Even after she finished shouting, the players were still making a lot of noise.

Ning Suisui directly pulled out her golden axe and smashed it on the ground. The loud noise had the same effect as a gavel, and the noise around her quieted down.

Ning Suisui continued, "The original price of a single meal is one cent, but now it's sold at such a high price. Everyone knows why. As time goes by, for the same reason, our ship fares will get higher and higher, and so will our accommodation fees. I know that some of us may have a relatively high number right now, but I believe that your number will not exceed three hundred, right?"

Everyone looked at each other.

"Without a number above 300, can you really survive three days on this ship? I think everyone has the answer in their hearts."

Someone impatient was already asking: "Captain Ning, if you have any clues that can help you pass the level, tell us now! We are all old players, and we all know the situation now. There is no need to explain this anymore, right?"

Ning Suisui did not answer him, but scanned the sixty-eight people in front of her one by one.

"I know that after everyone entered this copy, some unpleasant things happened between some groups." As she spoke, her eyes swept over the four people including "Yan Xiaotong" standing at the edge.

Everyone knew that the Golden Leopard Squad was falling apart, and now they all looked at them.

Ning Suisui continued, "But I hope that from this moment on, no matter whether it is new or old hatred, everyone can temporarily put it aside and talk about revenge after we get out of this dungeon. We are really not strong enough now. The people from the Ronghua Union are eyeing us covetously in front of us, and the NPCs behind us also want to kill us to drink our blood and eat our flesh. If we continue to fight among ourselves, our strength will continue to decrease, and no one here will have the chance to pass the dungeon alive."

Everyone was silent.

Those who can enter the fifth-level dungeon are not fools. Some of them may have thought about "eliminating" some players to reduce the competitive pressure.

But because of Ronghua's interference, it is now obvious that the more players there are, the better. It would be best if no one died. The more people there are, the safer it is.

"So I ask that if everyone agrees to join this group, within three days, until you see the final ocean treasure, you are not allowed to attack your own people... Of course, the final ocean treasure depends on our own ability, regardless of life or death. If anyone violates the rules within three days-"

Ning Suisui waved her hand violently, and the huge axe in her hand smashed to the ground again, making a loud noise.

Everyone looked stern and looked at each other.

There are too many times when players scheme against each other, making it difficult for them to cooperate. Most of the time they smile on the surface, but they will stab each other in the back.

At this time, Ning Suisui obviously wanted to create a non-mainstream and sincere cooperation group... but it seemed that there was no other choice.

Soon, Zhou Heqi was the first to raise his hand: "I agree! Anyway, if you don't cooperate, you won't be able to get through the night safely, not to mention the meal."

He started, and soon, people around him raised their hands.

The members of the Golden Leopard Squad stood on the outskirts of the crowd without saying a word, and the five of them did not leave.

But at this moment, someone also raised his hand cautiously: "Captain Ning... I, I am too weak, I will not participate in this cooperation."

"What are you going to do?" The man standing next to the person who raised his hand should be the president of their union. His expression was very ugly at this time. "Liu, do you want to be a traitor?"

There were so many people around, and the man who raised his hand seemed to want to say something, but in the end he just lowered his head and said "sorry", then turned around and quickly walked up the stairs.

What's upstairs? There are prosperous people.

The departure of this person immediately reminded the players on the first floor that their only choice was not to follow Ning Suisui through life and death. There was another way to survive - paying props worth 20 million points to join Ronghua.

Twenty million points was painful, but just like the eight people thought, joining Ronghua now would be like Buffett doing stocks, there would be a lot of opportunities! Many people thought about it and immediately came to their senses.

"Then I won't participate either. After all, my strength is really a drag. Sorry!"

Some left after saying a few polite words, others turned around and left without saying a word, and soon there were only about ten people left.

Liu Guangming, who had been looking for revenge on Ronghua since he was beaten, was the first to say, "Fuck! A bunch of rubbish! Captain Ning, are you going to do nothing about it?"

Ning Suisui had already considered this. She thought that some people would succumb to Ronghua's tyranny, but those who left were not very strong.

This is normal. Strong players basically have some official position in their original guilds. Those who choose to leave now are either small and invisible people who are always excluded in their own team, or individual players without a team.

Don't be fooled by the fact that individual players sound trendy and powerful. There are only a few people like Gu Zailai who are willing to be perverts alone. Humans are social animals. Most individual players originally had very good teams. Later, other people in the team died, and the last person left gradually lost their spirit. The strength of the lone rangers is mostly not strong, and it is difficult for them to cooperate with others.

These people wanted to leave, and Ning Suisui did not stop them.

"It's okay, let them go."

The crowd leaving lasted for a minute or two. After the surroundings became quiet again, Ning Suisui breathed a sigh of relief.

Fewer people left than she had expected, and those with some strength like Liu Guangming did not leave. They had already made a name for themselves in their own union and certainly would not easily switch to another union.

"No one's leaving, right? Well, that's the fifty-nine of us left."

Ning Suisui glanced around, her expression determined and calm.

"I know everyone has a lot of questions, like what should we do now, how should we defeat Ronghua when they are so powerful... These are not the main points. The main point right now is how we can earn today's boat fare and get through today safely... Maybe there is one thing you don't know yet, these NPCs on the ship also have numerical values."

As soon as she finished speaking, there was a burst of discussion from the audience.

Ning Suisui let them talk, while still thinking in her mind how to continue to guide these players to find the NPC who helped Sun Ting.

Yes, Sun Ting survived. Zhang Daoan could tell at a glance that Sun Ting must have received help from the NPC. Although Ning Suisui's reaction was not as quick as his, she was able to figure out a general idea after going back and thinking about it slowly.

It seems that there will be some NPCs on this ship with higher scores, but I don’t know where these NPCs are hiding and how strong they are.

The dead eel steward has such a high score. I wonder how many points I can get if I kill the captain.

And Ronghua... Although the ten people who left were not powerful players, they were still ten fresh forces.

Ronghua's strength has been improved again. We can't let them continue to grow like this. We have to find a way to limit them...

At this moment, Ning Suisui saw something out of the corner of her eye. She was stunned for a moment and suddenly raised her head.

At the stairs, the ten people who had just left appeared again. They stood there with blank expressions, and their expressions seemed a little embarrassed.

Seeing that Ning Suisui noticed them, the one leading them coughed, came down the stairs dejectedly, and returned to the big group.

"Captain Ning, how about... I just follow you guys?"

Ning Suisui was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "Of course you are welcome. But can I ask what happened?"

"Well... Well, the people at Ronghua said... they are full and are no longer accepting people."

(End of this chapter)