After Retiring From the Underworld, I Entered an Infinite Game

Chapter 122: There is a fee to visit


Xie Fangcheng said this with such confidence and as if it were a matter of course. Zhang Daoan turned his head beside him and glanced at him indifferently, but when Xie Fangcheng turned his head to look at him, the man had already retracted his gaze.

The three of them were quite conspicuous in the player lobby.

Even without mentioning Lang Gu who was dressed like a 2D COSPLAY character, Jie Fangcheng's red, green and yellow outfit alone was enough to dazzle many people's eyes.

However, despite being so eye-catching, not many people know that he is Fangcheng, the cheater that everyone wants to get rid of.

The main reason was that when he appeared in front of the public before, his outfit was very fixed, a T-shirt, jeans, and a white rabbit and carrot hairband on his head, which looked very youthful and low-key.

There are no videos or photos in this game that can be posted on the forum so that everyone can remember his face.

Therefore, when Chaoyang Labor Union promoted his work, they could only focus on his college-like clothing. No one could have imagined that his aesthetic taste was still young and handsome in the previous copy, but in the next copy he turned into a mung bean frog.

As for the hair band that is still on his head... To be honest, most people would involuntarily look away after seeing him and try to avoid taking a second look.

So the three of them just walked out of the bustling player hall in such a calm manner. Because of Lang Gu, the sudden murderer, everyone even deliberately avoided them.

After leaving the player lobby, it is particularly convenient to find the Chaoyang Union.

There are three buildings surrounding the player hall. One of them, which is the Ronghua Union building, has been visited by Jie Fangcheng, and the other two are also easy to identify.

The building of the Professional Gamers' League has a very gaming lifestyle. There are hundreds of advertising banners hanging all over the building, some for sale, some for union recruitment, and even for blind dates, all highlighting that you can get in by paying money.

The other building looked very clean and first-class.

"It's right there." Jie Fangcheng pointed to Lang Gu.

Lang Gu obviously does not have a clear understanding of the current situation, and has been asking questions that even novice players would not ask.

For example, where is this? What is this? Add friends? How to add friends? Who are we going to kill? Who is Ji Chaoyang... It's like a hundred thousand whys.

Jie Fangcheng explained a few words and then he was too lazy to explain anymore. He waved his hand and said, "After you kill Ji Chaoyang, come to the union and let them explain to you."

Lang Gu was very hesitant: "Joining the union? Isn't that bad? Don't I have to file a report when I come back?"

After Jie Fangcheng got his own documents, he was as arrogant as he could be. Hearing what he said, he didn't understand Lang Gu's concerns at all, and accused him unscrupulously: "What do you mean by this? How can you delay your normal work just to avoid filing a report? If you don't join in, how do you know what the whole game is about? How do you know the ins and outs of this matter? Xiao Gu, you must not be lazy and negligent in your work!"

As soon as he said that, the honest Lang Gu blushed, hesitated and gritted his teeth: "Okay, I understand."

So when the three of them really arrived at the entrance of the Chaoyang Trade Union Building, Jie Fangcheng waved his hand and said, "Go in!"

Lang Gu followed him into the Chaoyang Trade Union building without saying a word.

This was the first time that Jie Fangcheng came to the Chaoyang Guild’s territory. When he looked inside from the door, this first guild among the players was indeed very well-organized.

It is tall, big, and built in a very majestic manner.

Compared to the deserted Ronghua, the entrance of Chaoyang Union is bustling with people, giving it a vague feeling of a second player hall.

This is normal. Not to mention that Chaoyang Union now has more than 300 union members, as the largest union, Chaoyang Union also has many other businesses, such as the dungeon strategy business. Especially after the Ronghua Union fell into a slump last year, the number of dungeon strategies shared for free on the forum plummeted, and the strategy business of each major union has leaped forward.

At this time, most of the players coming and going at the door were not members of the Chaoyang Union.

Therefore, after the three of them arrived at the door, they were looked at a few more times because of their attire. The news that someone had suddenly killed someone in the player lobby had already spread like wildfire, but the details were not yet so detailed that the image of Lang Gu was also spread like wildfire.

So when the three of them stepped into the gate of Chaoyang Trade Union, they only felt a kind of everyday calm.

The players who came and went in a hurry just glanced at them and then did what they were supposed to do.

It was so ordinary and peaceful. Jie Fangcheng, who was carrying a sword, would not just rush up and chop up all the players around him. Even a heroic man like Lang Gu would not kill everyone he saw.

"Who to kill?" Advisor Wolf.

Jie Fangcheng touched his nose, looked around and suddenly his eyes lit up.

"What a coincidence, there's an acquaintance!"

In the southwest corner of the lobby on the first floor of Chaoyang Union, there is a machine for self-service selection of dungeon strategies. Tong Xinxin, the player from Chaoyang Union who had previously cleared the Gaoji Academy dungeon together, is hesitating whether to purchase the strategy.

In fact, within the Chaoyang Union, strategies for ordinary dungeons are open to union members for free.

But after arriving at Gaoji College, Yue Chen came to see Tong Xinxin and asked about Jie Fangcheng's situation.

Xie Fangcheng.

The player Tong Xinxin was of course very impressed. After all, if it weren't for him, he would have died in that copy long ago.

Ji Ge made a big fuss in looking for someone. Tong Xinxin knew very well what kind of person this vice president was. If she revealed Jie Fangcheng's information, it would be tantamount to betraying the person who had saved her.

Tong Xinxin finally chose to remain silent, even though she knew very well that with the strength of the Chaoyang Labor Union, it would be meaningless for her to cover up for Jie Fangcheng. If the Chaoyang Labor Union wanted to know his information, they would be able to investigate it clearly sooner or later.

But this message couldn't come from her mouth.

Although Yue Chen didn't say anything, Tong Xinxin knew very well that her behavior was not popular in the union.

Tong Xinxin herself was also very conflicted. Yue Chen treated her very well and she herself had enjoyed many benefits from the union. In the end, she made such a choice. It would be normal if she was kicked out of the union because of this.

so be it.

So Tong Xinxin was struggling and waiting to be kicked out of the union.

But perhaps the management was too busy to bother with a small fry like her, or perhaps Yue Chen did not tell anyone that she refused to provide Jie Fangcheng's information, so Tong Xinxin stayed. But since then, she has never used the internal benefits of the Chaoyang Trade Union again.

Now she was just like any other ordinary player who was not a member of a guild. She was hesitating whether to buy a few guides in front of the self-service guide machine. Suddenly, a familiar voice came from behind her.


Tong Xinxin turned her head suddenly.

So green!

Tong Xinxin couldn't help but cover her eyes and looked at Jie Fangcheng through her fingers.

"Ah... Brother Jie."

Jie Fangcheng greeted: "What are you doing?"

"Uh, I'm buying guides."

"Oh." Jie Fangcheng just said this in greeting, and immediately revealed his thoughts, "Where is your president? I have something to talk to him about."

Tong Xinxin was stunned.

There was a lot of discussion on the forum about Jie Fangcheng being a cheater, and Tong Xinxin certainly knew about it.

But in her heart, saying that Jie Fangcheng was a cheater was most likely something Ji Ge did to get rid of him.

At this time, Jie Fangcheng took the initiative to stand on the land of Chaoyang Trade Union. He was carrying a sword and brought two helpers with him - one of them she knew, the one who went by the pseudonym Zhang An, but was actually named Zhang Daoan, a smart and formidable player.

These three people are looking for Ji Chaoyang so carelessly, and it is obvious that it will not be a good thing.

Tong Xinxin's mind was working quickly, and she wanted to be a peacemaker at this time: "Are you looking for the president because of the rumors on the forum? That shouldn't be the president's intention, but Ji Ge's. Our president is still very reasonable, how about I pass on a message for you, and you two sit down and have a good talk?"

Jie Fangcheng was very good at grasping the key points: "Sit down and talk? Sure."

Wouldn't it be better if they just beat each other to death while chatting

Tong Xinxin didn’t have Ji Chaoyang as a friend, so she opened her friend list, sent a message to Yue Chen, and then started chatting with Jie Fangcheng.

"Brother Jie, what dungeon have you cleared recently? Ah, [Digital Cruise], what is that? Level 5 dungeon! Awesome. Brother Jie, do you have a guild now? Have you joined Ronghua? Ronghua... is not bad either. Ahem... Brother Jie, who is this person next to you?"

Jie Fangcheng introduced: "Wolf Gu."

Lang Gu looked at her coldly and said nothing.

Tong Xinxin didn't care and invited cheerfully: "Let's go out for a meal together later. It's almost time for everyone to copy... Wait a minute, Yue Chen replied to me."

Tong Xinxin clicked on the increasingly heavy message, and her expression gradually became surprised and solemn.

Her gaze shifted from Jie Fangcheng to Lang Gu.

A murderer appeared in the player lobby, killing whoever he wanted without any rules.

This matter was so popular that Tong Xinxin of course knew about it.

But she didn't expect that this murderer was standing right in front of her and seemed to have a good relationship with Jie Fangcheng.

How is this going

Zhang Daoan knew from her expression that the player named Yue Chen might have mentioned the matter of Lang Gu in the message.

He looked at Tong Xinxin: "This wolf is a public official of the underworld."

“…Ah?” Tong Xinxin’s expression was blank, and she felt like she had heard an incredible word.

Zhang Daoan just reminded her: "Didn't you doubt Manager Jie's identity before?"

Tong Xinxin had doubts when she was in the [Gaoji Academy] copy.

She is smart and she knows that Jie Fangcheng's strength cannot be explained by the term "senior player". He must be special.

When Zhang Daoan said this outrageous thing, if someone else wanted to question it, Tong Xinxin would believe it quickly.

After she believed it, another question reappeared in her mind.

"So you came here this time to..."

"Kill Ji Chaoyang." Jie Fangcheng said briefly.

"…" Tong Xinxin was dumbfounded, "Why?"

Xie Fangcheng explained: "It's a long story, but he's worth a kill anyway."

Tong Xinxin couldn't help but take a step back.

This girl would not betray Jie Fangcheng in the past, and she will not betray the Chaoyang Trade Union now.

"Brother Jie... I can't tell you where the president is." Tong Xinxin made a decision quickly after struggling. She gritted her teeth and suddenly took out her weapon from her backpack. "I'm sorry, our union has already issued an order."

The latest announcement from the union channel: Killed in the first floor lobby of the union, a team of three people in green and red.

Tong Xinxin had a heroic look on her face. The members of the Chaoyang Labor Union who had received the message also looked over to the three of them. Some of them took up their weapons and vaguely formed a circle around Jie Fangcheng and the other two.

In this situation, Jie Fangcheng's expression became much more relaxed.

He reminded: "Although we have cleared the dungeon together, I will not hold back if anyone dares to attack me!"

Tong Xinxin pursed her lips, as if she wanted to smile, but she held it back in this environment.

She was a novice player and had not completed the national dungeon. Her skills could not be used in a non-dungeon environment, but she still rushed up.

Tong Xinxin was knocked to the side, but was not seriously injured.

Her attack seemed to be the beginning, and attacks from other players around her followed suit.

Jie Fangcheng pulled Zhang Daoan behind him, and drew a semicircle with the giant sword in his hand, as if opening a fan. There was a series of crackling sounds, and the speed at which so many players around rushed over was as fast as their speed at which they flew backwards.

Lang Gu was horrified and still hesitant: "Some of these people have merits!"

To put it simply, beat these people and report them to death.

Jie Fangcheng reached into his backpack, pulled out a stick and handed it to him.

"What merit? This is what happens when you hinder law enforcement! Hurry up! Let's go eat after the fight!"

Lang Gu's face was already in tears. He seemed to see a palm-thick A4 paper waving at him.

But when the players rushed up again with roars, Lang Gu, with tears streaming down his face, hit them one by one with a stick.

Over there, Jie Fangcheng hacked down a group of people and captured a prisoner.

"Where do you grow up?"

He didn't beat these people the same way he treated Tong Xinxin. The players who were hit by the back of his sword lay on the ground screaming "Ouch, ouch" in pain. The one he caught turned pale and confessed reflexively.

"On the top floor..."

Jie Fangcheng let him go.

"Let's go! To the top floor!"

He carried his sword, leaving behind a crowd of players shouting “ouch ouch” and the legend of the second murderer in the lobby on the first floor.



Thanks to the grand construction of the Chaoyang Trade Union Building, there are four elevators, which are very easy to find.

After reaching the top floor, the elevator door opened and Jie Fangcheng was the first to go out.


Zhang Daoan had anticipated this scene.

Although the forums have always said that Jie Fangcheng is a cheater, that is to deceive ordinary players who are unaware of the situation.

Ji Chaoyang, the person who spread the rumor, certainly knew who Jie Fangcheng was, and he also knew whether he had the strength to fight against Jie Fangcheng.

Therefore, it is normal not to find him. On the contrary, if Ji Chaoyang can be found easily, Zhang Daoan will have to consider whether this person has any way to deal with the people from the underworld.

At this time, there was no one on the top floor, and Zhang Daoan felt relieved.

Compared to other floors, the top floor is smaller. Of course, size doesn’t matter as there is only one room here.

Now that he was there, Jie Fangcheng kicked open the door of the only room and walked in with a swagger, then walked out in a very depressed mood.

"There's nothing here. It looks like it's been emptied out a long time ago."

This also shows that Ji Chaoyang was well prepared and moved his nest early.

Lang Gu asked: "What should we do now? Can't we kill the boss and stop the game?"

Instead, it was Zhang Daoan who answered him.

"Even if Ji Chaoyang is killed, this game may not be able to stop."

Jie Fangcheng had never heard him say such things before, and was stunned for a moment: "What do you mean?"

"The program has been written. It doesn't seem to need constant maintenance. Even if Ji Chaoyang dies, the program will not collapse. If you want to end this game, the most reliable solution is to release the Book of Life and Death."

Jie Fangcheng frowned: "Then what are we doing here?"

Zhang Daoan said nothing, just looked at him.

Jie Fangcheng was stunned for a moment, then realized: "Oh... I was the one who wanted to come."

But returning empty-handed was somewhat inconsistent with Jie Fangcheng's style.

He looked towards the only room behind him.

"Since we are already here..."

Two minutes later, two advertising banners identical to those on the exterior wall of the Professional Players Alliance appeared on the exterior wall of the Chaoyang Union, which has always been majestic and stylish, with black text on a red background.

One of the messages read: Ji Chaoyang, you can run away but you can’t escape the temple. You will get beaten sooner or later.

Another one read: Ronghua Union is recruiting, please contact player Wei Yuan for details.


"Fuck!" In the restaurant, Wei Yuan couldn't help but swear after receiving the news, but his expression was very excited, "It's so cool!"

After Jie Fangcheng left, the people of Ronghua quickly learned about the "clean-up operation."

After all, few people know Jie Fangcheng, but many people know the people from Ronghua Union.

Although the battle was in full swing in the player hall, there were still many players who kept their mission in mind. Seeing so many prosperous people appearing, who didn't seem to be any powerful people at first glance, and former big guys like Nie Shuangshuang and Wei Yuan were now notorious losers, some people actually rushed over with weapons.

But these people overlooked the fact that not only Ning Suisui and the others were still there, but Ronghua itself also had eight new recruits joining.

After all, these eight players are veteran players who dare to enter the level 5 dungeon. They cannot be defeated by just a few people.

"What are you doing?"

After subduing the attacking player, Wei Yuan asked in confusion.

"Boss Wei, we are not attacking you. This is the decision of all of us players!"

All players' decisions

On the other side, Nie Shuangshuang had already learned about the current situation through messages from her friends. As soon as she said it, everyone realized that this was obviously the work of the Chaoyang Federation of Trade Unions.

"Fuck! We haven't even taken revenge on Ji Chaoyang yet, and they dare to come and pick a fight with us!"

"Let Brother Jie beat Ji Chaoyang into a pig's head! Tie him up and let's beat him to death together!"

"We will be sworn enemies with Chaoyang Union from now on anyway, so why don't we go and fight them too!"

Wei Yuan hurriedly stopped them: "Don't hold us back! Brother Jie will have to take care of you when you go over there!"

Everyone cursed him for being so discouraging, but they all knew in their hearts that Wei Yuan was telling the truth.

"So what are we going to do now?"

Wei Yuan looked at the people in front of him.

In fact, there were some Ronghua players who had not entered the dungeon and were also chatting lively in the guild channel. They all wanted to know what had happened.

"Let's go to the restaurant first and discuss it after Brother Jie and the others come back."

A group of thirty Ronghua players, Ning Suisui's team, and some players who had nothing to do and wanted to complete the [Digital Cruise] together went to the restaurant together.

The restaurant itself is a gathering place for gossip. Originally, many players were chatting about the "clean-up operation" in the restaurant, but while they were chatting, the real protagonist arrived.

As soon as Ronghua appeared, the restaurant fell silent. All pairs of eyes were staring at them, some worried, some scrutinizing, and some with ill intentions.

Wei Yuan and his group were familiar with these gazes. After requesting the largest private room on the second floor, a group of nearly fifty people entered the room one after another, and a discussion broke out again in the hall on the first floor of the restaurant.

The door of the restaurant was made by an ordinary player, and the sound insulation effect is very average.

Everyone sitting in the box could clearly hear the noisy noise outside the door.

"Oh my god, that group is Ronghua's people? Why did I seem to see the Golden Leopard Squad just now?"

"They should just come over to have a meal together... But why are they still walking around outside? Aren't they afraid of being attacked?"

"Haven't you heard what was said on the forum? They have cheats now. Maybe everyone in Ronghua now has rare skills and rare items. What are they afraid of?"

"If you ask me, Ronghua Guild is really not the Ronghua it used to be. I heard that they have started charging for dungeons. Look at them now, they are nothing like they used to be. Sigh."

"Need I say more? Of course it's special if there's a cheat."

Nie Shuangshuang slammed the table in anger and stood up: "They are crazy! I will go and argue with them!"

"Alright, alright!" Wei Yuan grabbed her and said, "What can you say to these strangers? We are at a disadvantage in terms of public opinion. There is nothing we can do about it."

The big boss behind the forum is the Chaoyang Federation of Trade Unions, and Wei Yuan was prepared for this.

"Order the dishes, let the chef prepare them first. We'll chat while waiting for Brother Jie and the others."

Nie Shuangshuang has always had a good relationship with Ning Suisui and the others. Although there were some unpleasantness in the copy, the girls soon got together to chat again.

Over there, Wei Yuan was replying to messages from his friends while chatting with Jie Fangcheng.

Wei Yuan was still very angry after knowing that Ji Chaoyang was so cunning and had run away long ago.

But then we found out that Jie Fangcheng had literally demolished the top floor.

The sound of renovations working on the upper floors could be heard throughout the Chaoyang Trade Union Building. From afar, the majestic, towering Chaoyang Trade Union Building had its top floor shaved off in full view of everyone. Then two red banners came out, making the building look as embarrassing as it could be.

Wei Yuan only regretted that he was not there and could only listen to Jie Fangcheng's dry retelling.

“It feels great!”

Although Ji Chaoyang was not killed directly, his union building was directly destroyed. Moreover, Chaoyang Union has such a good geographical location, and the player lobby is so lively today. It is really the right time and place to embarrass Chaoyang Union.

Wei Yuan was in high spirits and encouraged in the message: "Brother Jie, is it convenient for you? Do you want to just demolish the Chaoyang Labor Union?"

Xie Fangcheng asked: "Am I a member of the demolition team?"

Wei Yuan thought that it was about the same, but he answered him honestly: "Of course not, it's just that it's not very pleasant to just tear down the top floor and hang a banner."

After a while, Xie Fangcheng replied: "Indeed."

"That… "

"We found evidence that Ji Ge brought out the key NPC." Jie Fangcheng summoned him, "Stop eating. Your brother Zhang asked if we could hold a paid tour at the Chaoyang Union to let the players see what Ji Ge did."

(End of this chapter)