After Retiring From the Underworld, I Entered an Infinite Game

Chapter 259: Ghost in the Mirror (Twenty-Two)


"Wait." Jie Fangcheng was a little dazed.

"You mean to say that Professor Zhang Daoan is a system?" Jie Fangcheng has always known that there is probably some magical connection between Professor Zhang and the game "Three Thousand Worlds". After all, the other party is a ruthless person who can give Jie Fangcheng a desk pet and help Jie Fangcheng upgrade "Don't Answer".

But Jie Fangcheng himself had thought about that connection. He felt that Professor Zhang might be a high-level player, or his brain was simply too good, so he could even overcome the system.

But Xie Fangcheng never thought that he would get such an explanation from Guan Yingying.

Is this possible

Regarding this, Guan Yingying just shook her head: "I don't know about this. The president didn't want to talk about it."

Guan Yingying had never even met Zhang Daoan. She had only heard of the president's brother.

When talking about him, Zhang Daowu was even a little in awe.

"If Ji Chaoyang is the culprit behind all this, then most likely he is the only one who can help us."

This is what Zhang Daowu said.

Guan Yingying didn't know why the president had such great confidence in someone who hadn't even entered the game and was still alive, but she believed in the president's vision.

Hearing Jie Fangcheng's reaction to the name, Guan Yingying couldn't help but ask, "Do you know him? Who is he?"

"Ah." Jie Fangcheng scratched his head, thinking about what Professor Zhang usually did, "Smart man."

After that, Jie Fangcheng couldn't help but add selfishly: "On the surface, he seems difficult to get along with, but in fact he is a very kind person, who values affection and loyalty. He is quite good."

Guan Yingying nodded thoughtfully.

After listening to what she said, Jie Fangcheng asked, "Can you take me to find Zhang Daowu? Or we can go find him directly and I will take you all back."

It seems that the golden light has an effect on them. At least for Guan Yingying, she now has a trial version of the "Three Thousand Worlds" interface.

Although they didn't know how this trial version would convert Guan Yingying into a formal player, Jin Guang could at least allow them to have a trial version of the game interface, which was better than having nothing now, not even the status of a wandering player.

Maybe when Jie Fangcheng completes this copy, the copy will disappear and Guan Yingying will also become one of the players.

As for the golden light... Although the golden light of merit on Jie Fangcheng's body was shattered into pieces and was slowly dissipating with the passage of time, the speed of this dissipation was not slow. For any god with golden light, the basic way to continue to obtain the golden light of merit was to accept incense from the world and gain the power of faith.

This is also why the divine world has been vigorously developing human beliefs. Even if there are people who like to slack off, in order to maintain the magnitude of their own golden light and not completely shattered, they must develop believers.

But Fang Cheng's situation is special. He has golden light but he is not a god, but an evil spirit. The karma he carries on his body is already stronger than the golden light.

It can be said that one of the reasons why Jie Fangcheng accepted the seal of the underworld was because he had too many karmas. If he was not sealed, the resentment and hatred would also affect him.

Although his strength was greatly reduced after being sealed, the possibility of Jie Fangcheng losing his mind and completely turning into a world-destroying evil spirit also decreased.

The suppressed evil spirits have no way of accepting offerings. Even if someone in the world burns paper money for them, a ghost like Jie Fangcheng who is not tolerated by heaven and earth cannot receive it, and naturally, he cannot continue to gain the power of faith.

Therefore, Jie Fangcheng is like a cup with an exposed bottom. Sooner or later, when the golden light is completely extinguished, his death will come.

However, even if it was a cup with an exposed bottom, the amount of golden light that Jie Fangcheng originally possessed was too huge.

That is the merit of sacrificing one's life to save the country, and the merit of reversing the destruction of the entire country with one's own strength.

Xie Fangcheng was buried as an emperor. After his death, in order to summon him back again, the entire Ru country used all its strength to create a ghost image with evil magic and sacrificed the blood of tens of thousands of people. Only then did his soul, which had been split into pieces, re-condense and return to the world.

Therefore, the amount of golden light on his body is as vast as the sea.

However, after so many years, the Ru Kingdom has completely disappeared, and the amount of golden light has changed from as wide as the ocean to as small as a stream.

But for ordinary people, there are enough streams.

For Jie Fangcheng to use the golden light to save people is just like scooping a cup of water from the stream, Jie Fangcheng really doesn't care.

After all, death is death whether it is early or late. He has been working as a civil servant in the underworld. How can he not let go of this

So at this moment, Jie Fangcheng was as decisive as he could be. He really wanted to help Zhang Daowu and the others.

If nothing else, these people are at least from their own little world.

But when he asked, Guan Yingying just shook her head and said, "I don't know. The place we are in is very chaotic and there are no rules. I only know that every few days, one of the three of us will be pulled into the dungeon and become an NPC of the dungeon."

"Like you did at the beginning?" Jie Fangcheng asked.

Guan Yingying nodded: "Yes, just like at the beginning."

The only difference is that compared to when they first came to the game and became the guardians of the humans in that copy, after entering the copy again later, the copies of the three of them were very targeted.

For example... everything Guan Qing experienced was indeed Guan Yingying's memory.

The copy was made based on fragments selected from their previous lives, and after the three of them came out of the copy, they also communicated with each other.

Even if it was Zhang Daowu, who relived the most hateful and resentful period in his life, even the most rational person would be invisibly affected by the copy and eventually turned into a vicious ghost who killed everyone.

And the memories in the copy will remain in the mind. When the copy ends and all players die, the three of them can come out of the copy.

Guan Yingying paused and said, "So we have killed many people."

When she was transformed into a fierce ghost, Guan Yingying was filled with hatred towards everything around her and she believed that everyone deserved to die.

When she turned into a ghost, Guan Yingying felt that this man deserved to die, but now when she saw Zhu Ping lying on the ground, she was filled with apology.

As Jie Fangcheng said, people have tall mountains and big trees, as well as low bushes.

Should cowards die? Didn’t Guan Yingying herself ever feel fear

If it weren't for Jie Fangcheng, Zhu Ping would have been dead by now.

But you have to know that in those copies before, there was really no solution to the equation.

If Guan Yingying hadn't been thinking about her companions in "Don't Answer" and wanted to go back for revenge, she would have collapsed long ago.

Uncovering the scars in one's heart over and over again and bearing the guilt of hurting innocent people is not something that ordinary people can bear.

Hearing her say this, Jie Fangcheng just nodded calmly: "You are also a victim."

In the final analysis, killing was not Guan Yingying's intention, or in other words, Guan Yingying was just a knife. The one who was guilty was the person who wielded the knife, not the knife itself which could not even control itself.

If they want revenge and sanctions, they should go after the game's creators... No, the actual controllers of the game.

At the moment it seems to be the presidents of the six trade unions.

No one knows how they got this game. From the information we know now, it was clearly created in the beginning to give each small world that was about to collapse a glimmer of hope.

But everything now makes Jie Fangcheng a little confused.

He is not good at this, and those who are good at this are not here... Professor Zhang’s identity is really amazing!

System? If Professor Zhang is a system, then it seems that many things can be explained.

For example, his desk pet...


Xie Fangcheng finally figured it out: "I seem to be an administrator now."

That can’t be said. He is now the manager of the current first-generation machine that can use the desk pet Yan Xun…

Doesn't he have any special privileges? ? To recruit a younger brother... No, can't he recruit a player

As if knowing what he was thinking, a "beep" sound came into Jie Fangcheng's ears.

[Ding—A player who can log in [Guan Yingying] was detected. Whether to approve the other party's login application.]

What is there to hesitate about

Jie Fangcheng waved his hand and said, "Pass!"

Over there, a system prompt also sounded in Guan Yingying's mind.

She was stunned for a moment: "What does this mean? The first version?"

"Yes, it's a long story. In short, this version is now in the underworld, and Nie Shuangshuang and the others are also there. You can go there and listen to her explanation." Jie Fangcheng said.

"So after the copy is over, I can go back? Is that what you mean?" Guan Yingying opened her eyes wide.

“I don’t know, but I think so!”

After hearing what Jie Fangcheng said, Guan Yingying's eyes reddened.

She blinked rapidly, and hesitated for a moment. "But if I go back, only the president and the others will be left. I don't want to leave. If the three of us are here, at least three of us can take turns entering the dungeon. If only the two of them keep entering the dungeon, sooner or later they won't be able to hold on."

"If we can save as many people as possible, we'll save them all." Xie Fangcheng replied, and then asked, "Or you can describe where you are and I'll come back to see if I can locate you."

After all, he is an administrator. Can't he find it by searching the map? Doesn't he have the authority to do so

"I see." Guan Yingying hesitated for a moment. "That place is called the 'garbage dump'. It's where the debris from various planets is dumped. There are no rules... or rather, the rules are very chaotic. It often happens that there is fire one second and the flame turns into water the next."

Guan Yingying gestured as she spoke, and the more she described, the stranger Jie Fangcheng's expression became.

Her description... isn't it the bottom of hell

Oh, not only that, there is also the small world that is about to be destroyed...

Eh? Isn't this little world going to be destroyed too

Jie Fangcheng was startled: "I have an idea."

"what idea?"

"Could it be that they are actually... in a small world outside this instance?"

Just at this moment, as if realizing what he was about to do, the system prompt sounded again.

[Drip—NPC Guan Yingying's abnormal state is lifted, and the branch copy has been completed. ]

[Drip—NPC Guan Yingying's abnormal state is lifted, and the mirror world ends. ]

[Ding—Congratulations to the player Jie Fangcheng for clearing the dungeon [Ghost in the Mirror]. You will be teleported back to the player lobby in five minutes. Please wait.]

(End of this chapter)