After Retiring From the Underworld, I Entered an Infinite Game

Chapter 262: rule


at the same time.

Jie Fangcheng opened his eyes and in front of him was the bustling player lobby of "Three Thousand Worlds".

This made Jie Fangcheng feel lost for a moment.

I didn’t see Professor Zhang, and when I opened my eyes, I didn’t go back to the underworld, and this crappy game came again...

When Jie Fangcheng was thinking about this, he found that his friend's message was jumping.

When Jie Fangcheng clicked on it, he saw a message from Zhan Xiaoming.

"Boss, I got a super awesome item! I want to give it to you! Do you have time to come find me?"

The letter was sent shortly after Jie Fangcheng entered the [Ghost in the Mirror] copy.


Jie Fangcheng always felt that something was strange when he read the news.

But Xiao Ming is a good comrade.

Jie Fangcheng replied to him nonchalantly while walking out.

"Take it and use it yourself."

After sending the message, Jie Fangcheng handles the following messages from friends.

In the [Ghost in the Mirror] dungeon, other players had little communication with Jie Fangcheng, and the one who communicated the most was Zhu Ping.

But at this time, there is a long list of messages requesting to be added as a friend.

After all, for players, it is very important to know such a big boss. If they encounter a life-and-death situation one day, the big boss's name in the list will be a source of confidence.

Even if people may not agree, at least there is a chance.

Jie Fangcheng now has complicated feelings about this game.

When he first entered the game, he thought that the players of "Three Thousand Worlds" were generally evil and no good like the five people who killed Professor Zhang.

But as he discovered that the original purpose of creating the game was to save the small world, and that the game maker might be related to Professor Zhang, Jie Fangcheng began to feel a little sympathy for these players.

There were so many friend requests at this time, and he was not familiar with any of the IDs, but Jie Fangcheng accepted them all.

Of course, another reason is that Jie Fangcheng said in the copy that there would be a fee.

It doesn’t matter whether he wants it or not, these players have to give it.

Zhu Ping was rescued by him. As soon as Jie Fangcheng passed by, the other party immediately sent a message.

"Brother Jie, where are you? I'll give you all the points and items from this dungeon."

This girl is good!

Fang Cheng did not refuse her props and points solution at all, he looked up.

Huh? Where is this

When Jie Fangcheng was teleported here just now, he didn't notice that he was not at the lush and green log-wind teleportation point in Area D. Although the surroundings are bustling now, there is always an unspeakable poverty.

Just then, someone behind Jie Fangcheng urged him impatiently.

"Make way! What are you doing blocking the teleportation point?"

Jie Fangcheng quickly took two steps away, and when he turned around he finally saw where he was.


Zone E

This was another area that Jie Fangcheng had no idea about. When he took a quick look, all he saw was the word "poor".

The operating table is crude, and the number of robots is far less than that of Area D - you have to know that the Elf King of Area D hates high technology, so Area D is already considered an area with fewer robots.

But there seemed to be even fewer robots in Area E, and almost every one of them looked tattered.

I don’t know if it’s because of the environment, but Jie Fangcheng always feels that the players in Zone E also seem to exude a sense of poverty.

Soon, Jie Fangcheng realized that this was not his illusion.

At the teleportation point, a player fell out with blood gushing out. It felt like he was going to die from excessive blood loss in the next second. The first aid robot nearby approached with a beep, but the player just waved his hand.

Soon, his two friends also teleported out from the teleportation point, one on each side, and sprinkled a kind of homemade powder made by players on him. The powder almost drowned the player completely, and only then did the bleeding stop.

After the bleeding stopped, the three people once again refused the robot's kind treatment and left with support, leaving only a pool of blood mixed with khaki powder on the ground, like a crime scene.

The cleaning robot finally arrived after a while, by which time countless players had already passed by inadvertently, leaving powder and blood all over the hall.

What a backward area this is!

Jie Fangcheng was stunned. He didn't expect to see such a scene in a place like "Three Thousand Worlds".

After he finished his stay, he replied to his friends' messages one by one.

Other players were also asking where he was, offering to hand over money and props, and also inviting Jie Fangcheng to dinner.

Jie Fangcheng only regretted that there was no group messaging button for him to click, so he could only reply to each message one by one.

This reply had become his muscle memory, and without noticing he had also replied to Zhan Xiaoming's location message.

After replying, Jie Fangcheng saw that Zhan Xiaoming's new message was also strange.

"Boss, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have been able to pass the level. You must accept this item!"

What happened to this kid? Was he kidnapped

Jie Fangcheng scratched his head.

It just so happened that he also had some questions to ask Zhan Xiaoming, so he just replied, "Then come to me."

Jie Fangcheng stood near the teleportation point.

Players don’t need to pack their luggage to go wherever they want. After he replies, the teleportation point over there will keep lighting up with white light.

Soon, all the players who came out of [Ghost in the Mirror] alive were teleported in front of Fang Cheng.

In fact, only Zhu Ping understood this dungeon clearly, while the rest of the players were a little confused.

At this time, everyone came over and talked at the same time, but the core idea was the same: let's have a meal together to strengthen our relationship.

Jie Fangcheng was very ruthless at this time. He made it clear that there was no need to maintain relationships and everyone could just give out props and points and then go their separate ways.

Although he seemed to have a good temper, his strength was there. If he didn't want to go, no one dared to force him.

As a result, a scene that made people turn their heads frequently appeared in the player lobby of Zone D. A group of people lined up to hand in props like offering sacrifices, and after handing in the props, they asked "Is it enough?"

Not everyone is willing to do it, but everyone has to give it whether they are willing or not. Since the result is fixed, what does it matter if they say something nice

Therefore, this scene that seemed like a robbery was unexpectedly joyful at this moment.

Jie Fangcheng accepted all the items and put them all in his backpack, waiting to identify them later.

As he was collecting the items, a lone hand holding a prop came towards him.

Jie Fangcheng raised his head.

Zhan Xiaoming smiled warmly.

"Boss! You are here!"

Jie Fangcheng looked at him and said nothing.

The other party didn't care at all. He stuffed the "powerful prop" in his hand into Jie Fangcheng's hand and continued to speak enthusiastically.

"Long time no see, big brother, how about your last dungeon? Come on, my uncle has just fried some melon seeds, let's go eat them together!"

Jie Fangcheng didn't say anything, but continued to collect the offerings from other players, and also collected Zhan Xiaoming's props.

That is indeed a powerful prop, an A-level prop. It is hard to imagine that Zhan Xiaoming could obtain it.

Seeing him put away the props, Zhan Xiaoming's smile deepened.

The players around looked at each other, knowing that the boss's "friends" had arrived, and after the offerings were made, they finally scattered.

Zhan Xiaoming said excitedly: "Shall we go?"


Zhan Xiaoming led the way, and soon the two arrived at the teleportation point. After Zhan Xiaoming earned the points, he made an invitation gesture.

"Boss, please!"

Xie Fangcheng finally spoke: "Where are we going?"

"Go to Area D!"


The next second, Jie Fangcheng threw a punch without even saying hello.

He was even foresighted enough to grab "Zhan Xiaoming" by the collar with his other hand when he threw the punch, to prevent the other party from flying out and escaping.

The punch came unexpectedly, and the moment "Zhan Xiaoming" was hit, a dent appeared on his cheek.

The touch of his hands was the same as that of a human being, and "Zhan Xiaoming" behaved as usual after being hit by the punch.

He looked shocked and aggrieved: "Brother Jie, what are you doing?"

Xie Fangcheng looked at him expressionlessly: "You are not Zhan Xiaoming, who are you? Where is Zhan Xiaoming?"

"I'm Zhan Xiaoming!!"

The other party quickly clicked his finger, and the next second, Jie Fangcheng's friend message came over.

Message from Zhan Xiaoming: "Brother Jie, it's me!"

But Jie Fangcheng just continued to hold his clothes: "You are not."

Now that he is not in his little world, Jie Fangcheng cannot see whether Zhan Xiaoming is being possessed by someone else and has been resurrected.

But Xie Fangcheng was extremely confident.

No matter how a person's personality changes, his soul will not change.

Even if the soul is broken into countless pieces, each piece will have the characteristics of the individual.

But now, Jie Fangcheng can't see any characteristics that are unique to Zhan Xiaoming. Even if his temperament has changed drastically, the basic color should always be the same.

The "Zhan Xiaoming" in front of him still wanted to deny it: "Brother Jie, what's wrong with you? I'm not Zhan Xiaoming, how can I use his information to send you a message! The system can't be fake, right?"

Thanks to this sentence, Jie Fangcheng suddenly understood.

—The system can’t be fake


Is the current system of "Three Thousand Worlds" the same as the original system

Then why did "Zhan Xiaoming" appear to send him a message... Is there any need to ask? Aren't Xie Fangcheng's biggest enemies now the six administrators of this game

It shouldn’t be difficult for the administrator to go into the backend and send a message to Jie Fangcheng, right

Since it is very likely that he is one of these six managers... Anyway, even if he is not, he must have no good intentions to approach Jie Fangcheng with such ulterior motives.

It’s definitely worth it to fight!

Xie Fangcheng raised his fist again.

The punch just now had already made the "Zhan Xiaoming" in his hand feel like his heart was pounding like a drum.

He knew that the guardians that came out of the original place were strong, but he didn't expect them to be this strong.

"Jiu" clearly said that the other party was a fool with a dull mind! How come he didn't fall for it now?

The moment Jie Fangcheng swung his fist down, the "Zhan Xiaoming" in his hand "flowed" out of Jie Fangcheng's hand like a puddle of mud.

After the mud flowed away from his hands, it re-condensed into a human shape not far away.

A "devil" over two meters tall, with a devil horn on its head and huge bat wings spread out behind it, appeared in front of Jie Fangcheng.

"Satan" tilted his head and looked at Jie Fangcheng.

"You're very powerful. I originally thought you could help me loosen up my muscles, but now I feel like you're a danger to us."

Satan said to himself, "Forget it. I didn't want to use my authority directly... After all, the current system is too unstable, and we don't want to be hurt by it. But as for you... I believe the president and the others will understand."

After saying this, "Satan" smiled, revealing his two pointed canine teeth. His sharp nails scratched the air, and what others could not see was that the "devil" entered the administrator's backstage.

The originally white administrator's backend is now riddled with holes. The black data flow has corroded the white console as if it were crawled by worms. At first glance, it still seems white, but upon closer inspection, it is full of wormholes.

In order to clear out these black data streams, the presidents of the six major guilds used the "Tree of Life" as a carrier, trying to transfer all the data to the Tree of Life first, and then select the clean data to transfer back.

But no one expected that after the data was transferred back, the black wormhole appeared again not long after.

Once the presidents of the six major guilds use their management authority, there will be more and more black wormholes, and even black data streams will be eager to corrode the six of them.

“Because once the established [rules] are broken… it’s like a crack on a piece of paper, which can no longer be repaired.” This is what the Elf King said at the time.

That is why "Satan" did not try to use the administrator's backend to deal with Jie Fangcheng from the beginning.

But now it's different.

Many of the players around had already recognized this famous demon, and the clever ones ran away quickly without looking back.

Some people who were left to watch the fun even moved forward.

Satan grinned.

The next second, with him as the center, the entire player lobby... no, the entire E9 area turned into a scarlet purgatory in the blink of an eye.

The originally pale light turned into blood red, and twisted and screaming figures appeared on the floor of the player hall. They were the souls of the innocent people who had died in Area E.

Blood oozed from the walls and the air was filled with a foul stench of corpses.

There are bones everywhere, and the dead souls sense Satan's call and are about to return to the human world.


Screams could be heard from time to time all around the E9 area, and players in the player lobby would be taken away by the undead if they were not careful.

At this moment, Jie Fangcheng waved his arm.


The sound of the bell has a strong soothing effect... No, it is no longer soothing.

The huge black bell above Jie Fangcheng's temple was originally built because the souls of the people of Ru country could not rest in peace to reenter the reincarnation after their death. Jie Fangcheng melted his own weapons and the weapons of eight hundred ghost generals to create a soul-soothing bell. He used the remaining scraps to make himself a huge unsharpened sword to show that he was sealing the sword and also to turn the sword into a shield.

But now that the bell has rung, I don't know if it has any effect in soothing the soul, but the effect of suppression is at its maximum.

The undead fell to the ground, and even Satan's hands, who were operating the backend management, stopped in confusion.

The origin... This place is the source of all rules and the source of the Three Thousand Worlds.

The six people wanted to go back all the time, bring back the uncontaminated rules, and rebuild the system of "Three Thousand Worlds".

But they can't go back.

In order to avoid a situation like the Dragon God, the six people had already used their identities as managers to change their bodies in the hope of achieving eternal life.

But immortality breaks the rules.

The rules of the original place conflicted with their own rules, so the six people could not go back.

They have also thought of many ways, such as using the [Ghost Eye], a prop from the underworld that contains the power of death, to balance their own "immortality" in the hope of deceiving the rules of the original place.

But it's no use.

Rules are something that are interconnected and have both yin and yang.

For example, if there is day in the world, there is night.

Where there is death, there is birth.

The rules of the original place are balanced, and [Ghost Eyes] cannot perfectly balance the changed rules on them.

This is also why when Ji Dai stole the [Ghost Eye], the six people valued the power of death contained in this item, but did not pay special attention to it.

The small worlds that are now connected to "Three Thousand Worlds" are on the verge of collapse. In the final analysis, it is because the balance of the rules of those small worlds has been broken.

Once the balance is destroyed, it is possible to repair it... but what is the point of repairing it

The six of them are not dragon gods and they really want to save the three thousand worlds.

Instead, their goal is to absorb these small worlds that break the rules as nutrients for the system and grow the game of "Three Thousand Worlds".

The death of the Dragon God and the iteration of the system allowed them to completely control the game system, but this also pushed the game from the end of salvation to the end of destruction.

All six people knew that all their hopes rested on the starting point.

Either they can obtain the perfectly balanced rules from the original land, or they can obtain immortality in another way. After all, the current "Three Thousand Worlds" has grown into a behemoth that is tens of thousands times larger than when the Dragon God was here.

With "Three Thousand Worlds" here, no matter how strong they are, even if it grows to the level of the Dragon God back then, "Three Thousand Worlds" can still be the other side of the scale.

Or... destroy the starting point directly.

Since the Dragon God can create rules, they can too.

And now, the "Satan" standing in front of Jie Fangcheng is obviously a supporter of the second method.

From the beginning, he wanted to kill this guardian who came to "Three Thousand Worlds" from the starting point. Although he didn't know how the other party passed through that chaotic land and came to the game... But no matter how strong he was, since he had logged into "Three Thousand Worlds", he just had to disconnect.

At this moment, seeing that Jie Fangcheng had suppressed the undead and his gaze turned to himself, "Satan" showed a bloodthirsty smile.

"go to hell!!"

After saying that, he pointed his sharp finger at Jie Fangcheng, and the "rules" stolen from the administrator's backstage attacked Jie Fangcheng at this moment.

System prompts came to both of their minds at the same time.

[Ding—Administrator 'Satan' is disconnecting you from the Three Thousand Worlds system... Disconnection failed.]

This is from Jie Fangcheng.

However, in Satan's mind, completely different prompts came.

[Ding—Processing command: Disconnecting the link between player 'Jie Fangcheng' and the "Three Thousand Worlds" system. ]

[Ding—Disconnection failed! Management authority is too low! Unable to process! ]

Too low administrative privileges

What does it mean

Satan opened his eyes wide.

The next second, Jie Fangcheng, with the power of "rules" that he himself could not perceive, grabbed the "devil" in front of him.

For a moment, "Satan" felt as if he saw a pair of familiar eyes, one black and one white.

who is it…

While Satan was still in a daze, Jie Fangcheng grabbed his neck and asked, "Where is Zhan Xiaoming?"

Zhan Xiaoming...

That cannon fodder

Why would the guardian of this starting point care about such a weak ant

Shouldn't he be looking down on all the players from a high position and looking down on these low-level players

Just like people don't care about the ants at their feet, just like "Satan" has always done.

Why is this guardian of the origin land before me... just like the Dragon God from before

That powerful dragon would care about the people in the lowest level small world. Even if those people were ignorant, the dragon would still be willing to repair the world rules for them.

Who is this guardian

"Hey! I'm asking you a question!" Jie Fangcheng tightly grasped his neck, making sure to break it the moment this demon dared to turn into mud. "Where is Zhan Xiaoming?"

The "devil" just looked at him. Regarding this question, he still didn't think about Zhan Xiaoming who died in his hands, but Jie Fangcheng's identity.

So Satan didn't even bother to lie: "Dead."

Jie Fangcheng could vaguely guess the result, but when he heard "Satan" say this, he was silent for a moment and exerted force with his fingers.

Satan opened his eyes wide in disbelief: "Are you going to kill me? For a low-level player who can't even pass the hunter assessment?? Do you know who I am??"

The next second, Jie Fangcheng didn't even continue listening to him.

He exerted force with his fingers suddenly, and the powerful "Satan" in front of him let out a scream, then his neck twisted and his head drooped limply to the side.

With the death of Satan, the surrounding purgatory scene was destroyed.

Jie Fangcheng snapped his fingers silently, and a cluster of blue ghost fire lit up at his fingertips, burning Satan's body to ashes.

Zhan Xiaoming is dead.

You don’t need to ask to know that this is because of Jie Fangcheng.

He was probably targeted by Satan and his gang because of him, and all this... Maybe Zhan Xiaoming's friends don't know yet, otherwise Jie Fangcheng's friend information wouldn't be so quiet... Wait.

Are Liu Feiyao and the others still alive

Xie Fangcheng immediately sent messages to several people and soon received replies.

Liu Feiyao just happened to come out of the dungeon, and her reply seemed to be her own.

"Brother Jie? What's wrong? Oh, I remember you asked Xiao Ming about the initial information about Area A1. I found some information in Area D, and I'll pass it to you now."

Han Ruixing and Pei Xiaodong also replied "Brother Jie", which made Jie Fangcheng feel relieved.

But Zhan Xiaoming's death still sounded a wake-up call in his heart.

The people from the six major guilds have already set their sights on him. Even if he has absolute strength and confidence to defeat those six people, the players close to him cannot do that.

We must quickly level up, go to area A1, capture those six people and kill them!

Thinking of this, Jie Fangcheng went straight to the teleportation point in Area E without looking back.

What he didn't know was that the A1 area was a restricted area.

In the misty, flat, pure white land, there grow two white jade trees.

Each tree is larger than the Tree of Life, with its branches lost in the infinite universe.

When I got closer, I realized that it was not a tree.

That is a dragon horn.

The dragon's horn was surrounded by white mist. In the mist, a mermaid with a blue fish tail and transparent fins covering her ears was taking a nap under the dragon's horn.

At this moment, the fog near the dragon horn boiled and rolled, and an inhuman roar was heard.

The blue eyes of the "Poseidon" looked towards the white mist, and soon, a tall demon walked out of the mist.

The devil horn on his forehead was flashing scarlet light, exactly the same as when it appeared in front of Jie Fangcheng.

It's Satan.

After the rules were changed, he could still be reborn even if he died hundreds of millions of times.

It doesn't cost anything and won't be blocked by anything.

That's the rule.

This is eternal life.

(End of this chapter)