After Retiring From the Underworld, I Entered an Infinite Game

Chapter 263: initial


Seeing Satan here, Poseidon frowned slightly.

"What's wrong with you?" asked Poseidon.

Satan is the weakest among the six, but that is only among the six managers.

Compared to other players, Satan’s strength is already very strong, so how could he be reborn

The few people didn't know that Satan was going to find a solution to the equation. In the eyes of Poseidon, Satan was going to deal with the five players.

However, the five players were only so strong, and there was no way they could make Satan pay with his life. Especially now, Satan was even a little absent-minded, as if he had been stimulated by something before.

Hearing the question from Poseidon, Satan's expression became ugly again.

Satan himself knows that he is the weakest, so no matter when, Satan will pretend to be strong.

But at this moment, he suffered such a great loss at the hands of that strange guardian.

-eternal life.

Although this rule does mean that the six people can be resurrected infinitely, in reality, the resurrection function has only been used by Satan.

Satan had died in Area F before, but he never mentioned it again and was unwilling to go to Area F again.

Now, Satan used the resurrection function again, which made him very embarrassed.

But at the same time, the fear of the guardian instantly overwhelmed Satan's protection of his own face.

That guardian is not someone that the current Satan can resist.

At this time, facing the question of Poseidon, Satan spoke first: "When will we open the threshold?"

Poseidon simply looked at him calmly: "Why open the threshold? Is there anyone we can't deal with?"

When this issue is mentioned, Satan becomes very angry.

"I just think that the 'President' is being a little too cautious. The reason why the threshold was not opened before was because they were afraid that we would become too strong, so they limited us to a certain range to ensure that we would not become the second Dragon God... But now that the 'Three Thousand Worlds' has grown to this point, even many players have become incredibly strong, and we are still so unchanging... You have never been to Area F, have you? Damn, you don't know what it has become now. If the threshold is opened directly, even if we really start to absorb the 'Three Thousand Worlds' like the 'Elf King', it will take tens of thousands of years, right? After such a long time, I don't believe that the initial place will not collapse."

"This is not something I can decide." Poseidon simply replied.

This is not an excuse. Although all six of them are managers, in terms of operating authority, the "President" has the highest control over the system among the six.

Setting a threshold and suppressing the strength of the six people within a certain limit was also the decision of the "President".

Satan has made trouble several times, wanting to open the threshold and improve his strength, but was rejected by the "President".

Listening to his complaints, Poseidon changed the subject: "By the way, you haven't told me yet, how did you get reborn?"

Satan hesitated for a moment, but still gritted his teeth and told what happened: "I met the guardian of the original place. That person is very powerful... No, not strong. I feel like he seems to have touched the boundary of the rules. If we don't suppress him now, he will become a serious threat to us sooner or later!"

Hearing him say this, Poseidon frowned and repeated his words: "Have you touched the boundary of the rules?"

"That's right!" Satan nodded. "I'm not exaggerating. There's something wrong with that guardian. He's not just a guardian of the origin. One of his eyes is black, and the other is white. Isn't this..."

"Alright." Poseidon stopped him from saying the next thing, "I'll go check on this matter."

Satan was stunned by Poseidon's reaction, but then he understood.

"No... Do you think I'm lying to you? That guardian is really weird!"

"It's normal for the guardian of the original place to be stronger." Poseidon didn't want to say anything more. He raised his long fish tail, and the white mist in the air condensed into a pearl throne.

After Poseidon sat on the throne, he looked at Satan and said, "If you want to raise the threshold, go and talk to the 'President' yourself."

After that, there was a flash of white light, and the mermaid disappeared.

“Damn it!! You don’t believe it!!!” Satan cursed a few times, but in the end he didn’t muster up the courage to go find the “President”.

So Satan didn't know that if he mentioned it directly to the "President", the other party would believe it.

The A1 restricted area is vast and boundless, and the "President's" laboratory is hidden in the white fog.

At this time, the laboratory was in a mess, and blood had painted the surrounding walls red.

After killing the last experimental subject, the "President" stood there holding a bone knife.

His white coat was soaked with blood, and sticky blood dripped down.

Some of it was the blood of the experimental subjects, and some of it was the blood of the "President" himself.

Even though the sword swung by Jie Fangcheng did not hit him directly, the wind from the sword still injured the "President".

The "President" stood quietly for a long time, then he laughed out loud.

"Ha, hahahahaha..."

The test benches around him had been smashed to pieces, and all kinds of precious experimental materials were thrown on the ground like garbage.

Since the rules were changed, the system has become increasingly out of control.

The "President" has been trying to replicate the scene when the Dragon God was still alive - the Dragon God directly connected the system to his own thinking space, without the need for void clicking or an operating console, the Dragon God can communicate directly with the system through telepathy.

It is said that the reason why "Three Thousand Worlds" was created was because the Dragon God discovered a robot of advanced civilization wandering in the wilderness.

Inorganic life is the "people" of that world.

When the small world was destroyed, the robot fell into sleep with all the information of civilization.

Until the Dragon God discovered him.

The strongest magic power and the highest technology meet.

Later, in order to help the Dragon God create a system that could save the small world, the robot abandoned its original mechanical shell and merged with the Dragon God in the form of a data stream.

That was the first generation of "Three Thousand Worlds".

The Dragon God's system is so stable that when the game was first created, there were other rules that tried to break in and change the rules of "Three Thousand Worlds".

But that system is almost perfectly integrated with the Dragon God and has never been invaded or corrupted by any rules. Only the Dragon God has authority over the system.

But the current system is different. After the six people changed the rules, this advanced civilization system, although without human emotions, has unparalleled learning and thinking abilities.

It observes the behavior of current managers like a child and learns from their behavior.

Changing the rules can make your life better.

The system has learned this.

So it is changing the rules, trying to break free from the restrictions left by the first generation system, and wants to grow into a new system that can make its own rules.

By that time, can "Three Thousand Worlds" still be called "Three Thousand Worlds"

The "President" has been trying to replicate the situation between the Dragon God and the system at that time. He has conducted countless experiments, but all failed in the end.

How can the human body be perfectly integrated with the machine

The "President" has always felt that this idea is not urgent and he can do it slowly.

But today—

Is that... the guardian of the original place, or the second Dragon God

A casual sword like that was so terrifying. What was the current situation of the Initial Land? Was it really like what "Jiu" said, that the Initial Land was developing technology, while the rules of Taoism were being weakened

If it really became weaker, why would such a guardian be born

If the guardians of the initial site were all powerful, wouldn't the degree of collapse of the initial site be reversed

You have to know that all their current rules come from the original place. As long as the original place is not destroyed, the rules will take effect.

Only when the initial site completely collapses will they have the opportunity to make their own rules.

Only by setting our own rules can we escape the current situation where we are controlled by the system.

Do you want to open the threshold

The "President" thought about it, pointed his finger in the air, and quickly entered the administrator's backend.

However, unlike Satan’s administrator backend, the “President’s” administrator backend has a “History” in the lower right corner, which allows you to view the system’s operation history.

At this time, the "President" slid twice unconsciously while thinking.

It was originally just a habitual action, but soon, the "President"'s eyes fixed.

[Operation record: 5 minutes ago, players Zhang Daowu and Lu Congshan returned to the Tree of Life teleportation point in Area D1 through the [First Version of "Three Thousand Worlds"] system.]

The first version of "Three Thousand Worlds"

"Did you come in from the starting point?"

The vines were woven into a rattan chair, and Lu Congshan sat down carefully next to the chair.

Next to him, the Tree of Life originally had extremely strong healing properties. At this time, Zhang Daowu also opened his eyes, but his face was pale.

Hearing the elf's question, Zhang Daowu asked back: "What is the original place?"

The Elf King was stunned for a moment before he remembered.

"Oh... you are the 'descendants', so of course you don't know."

The Elf King lowered his head and thought for a moment: "The Initial Land is our abbreviation for your current small world, or the abbreviation for the first small world that the Three Thousand Worlds first linked to."

Zhang Daowu and Lu Congshan looked at each other.

Although the two had never been to the underworld and did not know the specific circumstances of the collapse of the small world, they were placed in the dungeon over and over again during this period of time, and the communication with other players also provided them with a lot of information.

"So what you mean is that the Three Thousand Worlds were created from our little world?"

The Elf King shook his head and said, "No. The creation of the Three Thousand Worlds was led by the Dragon God. The original purpose was to save his small world that was about to collapse."

Dragon God

Who was that? Was it the dragon from their mythology

But obviously, the elf in front of them had fallen into his memories and did not continue to explain to them.

She just murmured to herself: "It's just that after the construction of "Three Thousand Worlds" was successful... the Dragon God's small world completely collapsed."

(End of this chapter)