After Retiring From the Underworld, I Entered an Infinite Game

Chapter 265: Place of Birth (II)


It was very different from the previous times when entering the dungeon. This time the system only prompted the player to enter the dungeon [Birthplace] and there was no sound. There was no introduction to this new dungeon, no content or prompts, and no clear information such as clearance requirements to tell the players how to pass this dungeon.

And Jie Fangcheng clearly wanted to choose another level 4 copy, but now he has inexplicably entered this strange copy.

Thinking of this, Jie Fangcheng couldn't help but frowned.

He looked up, but there was nothing in sight.

There was chaos and nothingness all around.

This is different from the bottom of the underworld where the rules are chaotic.

If the underworld is a place with chaotic rules, then this place is empty. It is so empty that there are no rules at all.

There is no light, no darkness, nothing exists.

Jie Fangcheng floated in the air, vaguely feeling like he was the lord of this area. There were no rules, but he had absolute control authority.

As soon as he thought about it, a sapling was born out of nothingness.

It does not need rain, dew or sunshine. With just a thought from Jie Fangcheng, the sapling will grow from the thickness of an index finger into a towering tree in an instant.

The lush leaves fluttered in the air, looking tender and lovely in this void.

Then, Jie Fangcheng's mind moved, and the towering tree in front of him changed from a lush and green state to one with yellow leaves, shriveled branches and a scarred trunk, as if it was an old tree that had experienced hundreds of years of vicissitudes.

But then the old tree once again returned to the state of a towering tree with lush green leaves, and then changed from a towering tree to the thickness of an index finger.

Time is flowing backwards.

As long as Jie Fangcheng has a thought, everything here is under his control.

In Jie Fangcheng's small world, there is indeed a god who can make clouds and rain with a flip of his hand, but his situation is very different from Jie Fangcheng's current situation.

Those gods need to survive the catastrophe, obey the way of heaven, have faith, and need incense from the human world to become stronger...

But Jie Fangcheng, who is standing in this space, does not need to think about "becoming stronger".

He is the complete master of this world.

At this moment, Jie Fangcheng suddenly thought of the word that has been mentioned countless times by many people -


In this place where there are no rules at all, he can make rules at will.

Reversing time is impossible at any time, but here, he did it.

Where exactly is this place

[Birthplace]... What is the meaning of the name of this copy

While he was still in deep thought, a strange beam of light suddenly shone in from outside his space.

This light was so rude, it was like a searchlight shining directly on Jie Fangcheng's face, and even exploring the situation around him.

Jie Fangcheng frowned at the dazzle of the light. He looked in the direction of the light and was stunned.

Outside his empty space, a creature with three horns stood, and the space behind him was filled with countless strange creatures.

At this time, the horned monster was staring at Jie Fangcheng. A strange sound was heard. It was the horned monster talking to Jie Fangcheng.

That was a language that Jie Fangcheng had never heard before. But at this moment, he miraculously understood what the other party meant.

—Give me your world and surrender it to me.

This was as impolite as it could be. Before Jie Fangcheng could respond, the horned monster impatiently led the monsters behind him and rushed in.

A huge sword suddenly appeared in Jie Fangcheng's hand. Just like before, he used his own strength, raised the sword and swung it towards the bull-horned monster.

The other party just sneered.

The next second, Jie Fangcheng clearly saw his sword hit the monster, but the opponent's skin was not broken at all. Instead, Jie Fangcheng suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood because his shoulder was pierced by his sword.

"What a weak 'God of Creation', who doesn't even have the power of rules. Do you think that the battle between gods of creation is decided by brute force?"

The next second, an incredible scene appeared in front of Jie Fangcheng's eyes.

The horned monster got on all fours, and when its hooves touched the air, a deep blue water bridge appeared beneath its feet.

Under the water bridge, the vast ocean suddenly came over and drowned Jie Fangcheng.

Before Jie Fangcheng could come to his senses, he was already pushed into the seabed - no!

This is not water!

The sticky water drops that looked like sand squeezed Jie Fangcheng's body. After Jie Fangcheng spat out blood again, he finally understood.


According to the bull-horned monster's "rules", the ocean is made up of transparent blue sand.

The horned monster used the rules to allow the "ocean" to drown Fang Cheng.

But this space belongs to Jie Fangcheng... I should listen to him more!


The blue sand instantly turned into blue water droplets. Jie Fangcheng was not yet proficient in the method of creating rules. After he sank and floated in the ocean for a few seconds, he finally understood.

The next second, the ocean disappeared.

The rules prohibited the ocean from existing, so it disappeared.

The horned monster let out a long roar, and Jie Fangcheng was knocked out by it.

Jie Fangcheng twisted his body in the air.

This time it didn't take any seconds. In the blink of an eye, Jie Fangcheng flew back with the help of the rules.

He probably knew.

He can create rules to allow a variety of species to appear in the small world, such as the bull-horned monster in front of him and the strange creatures behind him, which were obviously created by the bull-horned monster who is the "God of Creation".

The horned monster also felt it was a bit tricky that Jie Fangcheng had touched the edge of the rules so quickly.

But the eyes at the back of his head opened and looked out into his own little world.

It is easy to make rules, but difficult to change them. Especially when rules are set one after another, it becomes very difficult to change any of them, and often requires a huge cost.

The small world behind him is already a mature small world, but because there are some rules that should not exist when the rules were first formulated, his small world is now on the verge of collapse.

So the horned monster had to rob other people's little worlds.

The small world of the newborn God of Creation is the best choice. At this time, most of the Gods of Creation have not yet touched the boundaries of the power of rules. Not only are they weak, but the newborn small world is pure, and any rules can be easily injected and changed.

What it didn't expect was that in just two short moves, the opponent had already learned to exploit the rules.

But you can't retreat!

The bull-horned monster let out a long cry, and Jie Fangcheng was broken into several pieces by the cry, but then he put his body back together again.

Rules: I will not die in this space.

Jie Fangcheng stared at the bull-horned monster in front of him.

Rules: Banish these monsters.

The horned monster and the creatures around him disappeared in the blink of an eye, and were indeed expelled from Fang Cheng's world.

Jie Fangcheng was so exhausted that he wanted to fall to the ground.

But there is no ground in the empty space.

But the next second, a piece of land appeared out of nowhere.

Xie Fangcheng sat down and fell into deep thought.

Before, Jie Fangcheng had always heard them talking about rules and rules and so on. Although he knew that the power of rules was probably very powerful, Jie Fangcheng had no specific impression of how powerful it was. But now, after he defeated the horned monster, Jie Fangcheng finally realized that this was not something from the same dimension.

The God of Creation

So the key to clearing this dungeon is to let them create their own little world here

Jie Fangcheng tentatively released a new rule in this small world: clearing the copy.

The next second, a system prompt sounded in his mind.

[Congratulations to the player Jie Fangcheng for clearing the dungeon Birthplace. ]

Is it that simple

While Jie Fangcheng was still surprised, he found that the reminder was just a brief one. There was no settlement evaluation, nor was there a reminder that the transmission would take place in five minutes.

Jie Fangcheng stayed here for an unknown period of time and was never teleported back.

It seems that this rule is not the same as the wishing well, whatever wish Jie Fangcheng makes will come true.

So what is this copy all about? What is he doing here

Just as Jie Fangcheng was still thinking this, he sensed something and looked in the direction where the bull-horned monster came from.

The horned monster that had just been so arrogant and wanted Jie Fangcheng to surrender, now saw a scene of devastation in his space.

In that small world, countless beautiful meteors flashed across the night sky, followed by a large number of meteorites - no, they were starfish-like monsters.

The monsters landed in the small world, and the bull-horned monster used the power of rules to kill the monsters continuously, but no matter how he killed, the monsters were still rampant.

Following a shrill cry, in front of Jie Fangcheng, a world that was originally strange in shape but at least quite vibrant shattered into pieces like pieces of glass.

The fragments floated in the void. Jie Fangcheng waved his finger, and a huge piece of the world's fragment was absorbed into his own small world.

After entering the new small world, the "rules" in the fragments instantly entered Fang Cheng's mind.

The world rules set by the horned monster are very beautiful, with four seasons like spring, and no winter or summer.

The land is so fertile that as long as the species living in this small world sows seeds, the seeds will grow and mature in an instant without any care.

But the fruits it produces are not edible, but plants that can make people feel happy.

Because the Minotaur has no set "food", all species do not need food to sustain life.

In the world of the Minotaur, there is no hunger or death. It is a constant world.

But as time went on, this seemingly beautiful world eventually collapsed.

What destroyed that small world was not the meteorite from outer space, but the imperfect and unbalanced rules.

The species living in that small world have lost the joy of life because of this constancy. When the power of rules cannot be recognized, they naturally cannot continue to function.

Jie Fangcheng let go of the large piece of debris.

He vaguely understood something.

[Place of birth].

Is this the place where the rules of the small world were born

Does he also have to create a world

How to shape it


He raised his eyes almost instinctively.

The next second, a towering mountain rose from the ground and stood in front of him.

The mountain is covered with lush green trees, and at the top, a giant tree that reaches from the sky to the ground hangs down its branches.

Xie Fangcheng sat under the tree, thought for a while, and pointed casually.

A red sun rose in the direction of his finger.

(End of this chapter)