After Retiring From the Underworld, I Entered an Infinite Game

Chapter 266: Place of Birth (III)


Although this was the first time he used the power of rules, Jie Fangcheng acted as if he had used it countless times before.

Red sun, silver moon, streams, lakes…

The boundless sky covered the vast blue sea, and rain, snow, wind and dew appeared on the land.

Mountain after mountain rises up, and river after river flows by.

The stars are moving, the sun is rising and the moon is changing.

This place is no longer empty nothingness, it has become a small world with four seasons.

Jie Fangcheng sat on the highest mountain, on the tallest tree on the mountain, overlooking the land beneath his feet.

At this moment, perhaps because the time was too long, he seemed to have forgotten everything and returned to the memory of the "God of Creation".

This is a world created entirely by him—but it seems that he is not the only one.

There are many broken "rules" floating in the void. They are the fragments of the former "God" who once tried to create a small world in this void but failed in the end.

After this small world was initially formed, the rules of heaven and earth began to operate, and Jie Fangcheng suddenly understood.

He wants to create living beings here.

Only by gaining the faith of these creatures in the small world can he truly become a qualified "god".

Creation of living beings—

When the newborn God of Creation thought about something, the first thing he touched was not his own little world.

His eyes looked at the countless fragments floating in the void.

How could a newly arrived God of Creation have the experience of creating the laws of heaven and earth so easily? These fragments were guiding him invisibly.

At this moment, these fragments are telling of their hopes.

—Want to be resurrected.

I want to live in this small world that integrates countless rules.

They have various rules on their bodies, which are different from the laws of heaven and earth created by the God of Creation.

In fact, the safest way is to create creatures that can adapt to the current laws of heaven and earth. These creatures will perfectly adapt to this small world and will naturally become believers of the Creator.

This is also what the creator gods in other void places do.

It would be very dangerous to accept these fragments, each with its own rules.

They are not followers of the existing laws of heaven and earth. They have independent thoughts. After they are born, they may not provide the power of faith, and they may also affect the operation of the laws of heaven and earth...

But the creator god did not hesitate.

He looked at the void... No, this was no longer a void, this was a prosperous little world.

Here there are towering mountains that no one has climbed, there are winding rivers where no fish have played, there are things like the golden sun hanging in the sky, and there are things like the round moon.

Such a world would remain the same even if it operated according to completely fixed rules for tens of millions of years.

It is still a world with only one creator god.

But this creator god stood on a towering mountain, his black and white pupils were filled with gentle yet blazing light by the golden sunlight.

If possible, he hopes to have more "gods" to build this world together.

He wants endless possibilities to exist in this world.

Will faith be dispersed

The gods don't bother to care about such things.

While he enjoyed the rights of this small world, he naturally shouldered the responsibilities of this small world.

The God of Creation looked at these “predecessors” in the air.

He bowed slightly: "Welcome everyone."

The next second, in the sunlight, colorful plants grew wildly from the gaps between the green woods, and fish scales in the river flashed the red light of the sunset.

The whole world became lively in the blink of an eye.

Indeed, the power of rules brought by these new "gods" who have come to the small world is affecting the operation of the laws of heaven and earth, but just like a machine that needs to be run-in, they will eventually be run-in into one.

As the seasons change, these different rules gradually merge together to form new laws of heaven and earth.

All things coexist and the four seasons coexist.

Naturally, there are also some "gods" who can never live in this small world, so they choose to leave and go to other empty places to rebuild their own world.

But in the final analysis, they are creatures created by the God of Creation of this small world, and the rules they have to follow are essentially still influenced by the rules of heaven and earth of this world.

These gods created countless other small worlds, and the Land of Nothingness gradually became extremely prosperous.

But finally one day, a crack suddenly appeared in the prosperous little world.

Just as where there is light there is darkness, when prosperity reaches a certain level, destruction is not far away.

This crack appeared suddenly, and the God of Creation saw the rules of disorder in the crack.

The Creator tried to reshape these disordered rules back to the track they should operate on, but to no avail.

No matter how he reshaped them, the rules would break again soon after being reshaped.

The rift is getting bigger and bigger, and the disordered rules are affecting the entire small world.

Only the God of Creation is not affected by such disorder. After other gods come into contact with such "disorder", they either die or undergo mutations.

Why is this happening

Jie Fangcheng was deep in thought at the crack.

Soon, he seemed to notice something and looked around himself.

It's weird, he should be wearing a T-shirt and jeans... No, he is a [Dragon].

His huge dragon tail coiled around the crack, almost as big as the crack itself.

The giant dragon rode on the clouds and floated in the air, overlooking the world he created.

Countless rules that are invisible to others are operating on this land, like one nebula after another, staying in their own orbits, maintaining the normal operation of the entire world.

But some of them were attracted by the dragon and were gathering in his direction.

It is the loss of these seemingly tiny forces of rules that causes cracks in the world.

The dragon understood.

Because his strength has surpassed this small world.

Just as weak grass tends to hide under tall trees, the more powerful the god is, the more attractive he is to the surrounding rules.

It’s just that this small world was the strongest before, so the power of rules will obediently obey the dispatch of the laws of heaven and earth and maintain the operation of the small world.

But now, a dragon has appeared that is stronger than the laws of heaven and earth, so these rules of power will be attracted by the dragon.

—What will happen if you leave it alone

When this thought emerged in the mind of the Creator God, the omniscient and omnipotent Creator God naturally got the answer.

The little world will collapse.

But the power of the god who has absorbed all the laws of the small world will be further improved.

Although he is already the God of Creation, the current dragon is only the God of Creation of one world.

—Don’t you want to visit other worlds? Don’t you want the creatures in other worlds to bow down at your feet and become your believers

You should know that the small world you are in now is actually the lowest level world.

Outside this world, there is a world that is larger than this world and has more living beings.

There is more excitement, more faith, and more power of rules—

A voice in the dragon's mind said this.

But the dragon just looked at the small world beneath its feet.

In this small world created from nothingness, countless "gods" are living in it.

The laws of nature cover this place, and the dragon is so familiar with every river.


The dragon rejected the temptation.

He hid in the clouds and mist, and took one last look at the place where he was born and grew up. This was his hometown, but he had to leave.

The clouds condensed into a gentle spring rain, and when the clouds dissipated, the figure of the dragon disappeared in this small world.

He began to wander alone in the endless other worlds.

Unlike the small world he created, the rules of many worlds are imperfect. In order to gain more power of faith, the creator gods of some small worlds regard the creatures they created as sugarcane for squeezing faith. Once the sugar has lost, they will be discarded aside.

The dragon originally held the idea that he was a guest and should not get too involved in the disputes of other small worlds.

But the more he saw this kind of creator god, the more he couldn't hold back.

Thus, the rumor that a giant dragon was challenging the God of Creation to beat him up in countless small worlds quickly spread throughout the Land of Nothingness.

The dragon drove away those creator gods who he thought were too evil, accepted their world, and re-established reasonable rules.

His power grew stronger and stronger, and his followers increased in number.

But as gods, these creator gods can only disappear when the power of faith is completely dissipated.

These creator gods will not disappear. Once they come back, the rules created by the dragon will return to their original state.

So the dragon thought of a solution.

He found a piece of nothingness and used his power of rules again.

But this time it is not to create a perfect little world, but to create a place of imprisonment.

The rules here are chaotic, it's dark, and you can only enter but not leave - or in other words, the creator gods who have been marked by him cannot leave.

The dragon traveled through countless void lands, and packed up these creator gods who were worthy of being locked up and brought them here.

Of course, he did not forget to build a door here to prevent some creator gods who shouldn't come in from accidentally coming in.

The considerate dragon also left a mark on the door to remind later gods not to enter easily.

In order to ensure that some rebellious gods who entered would not lose their way out, the dragon also left a passage for this place.

After doing all this, the dragon continued to travel to other places with satisfaction.

But at this moment, he seemed to hear someone crying in his ear.

No, it wasn't actually crying in his ears.

That was the crying in the little world he created. It was not just one person, but many creatures crying together.

The dragon swung its huge tail and headed towards its own little world.

From afar, he saw the small world that had only a crack when he left. When it appeared in front of him, the whole world was covered with cracks.

The giant dragon approached incredibly close, and saw whirlpools appearing in the small world, which were caused by the absorption of the power of rules.

As their power grew stronger, other gods began to compete for the power of rules in the small world.

This cannot be done—

At the same time, Jie Fangcheng suddenly woke up.

[Drip-Link... Initially... Success.]

[Ding... Applying for your... backend.]

[Ding—Administrator 001 [Dragon God], welcome to [World No. 1] [Dragon Burial Ground]. ]

(End of this chapter)