After Retiring From the Underworld, I Entered an Infinite Game

Chapter 267: Place of Birth (IV)


In front of me is a place with more chaotic rules than the bottom of the underworld, but it seems vaguely familiar.

In the unclear void, countless fragments of rules are floating quietly.

Jie Fangcheng had just come back to his senses from the Dragon God’s memory, and when he saw the scene in front of him, he reacted immediately.

Is this the small world that the Dragon God originally created

His current state is a bit strange. He seems to be Manager Jie of the underworld, and also seems to be the Dragon God of Creation.

Jie Fangcheng has returned to his original T-shirt and jeans look. He takes one step and runs ten miles at a time, aimlessly but as if he has some sense in his heart.

There were countless fragments of rules passing by, and when Jie Fangcheng touched most of them, he could sense that they contained the same laws of heaven and earth as his own small world.

There is another part that is slightly different and obviously appeared here later.

[Dragon's Burial Ground].

Jie Fangcheng recalled the memory of the giant dragon he had just seen.

The dragon discovered that after he left, the small world had more and more cracks. That was because countless "gods" like him, whose strength was growing stronger and stronger, were absorbing the power of rules, thus causing the collapse of the small world.

But the dragon chose to leave this small world and wander elsewhere.

The remaining gods chose to absorb the power of rules.

In order to fight for the power of rules in the small world, the once prosperous and peaceful small world was devastated, the weak gods were absorbed, and the powerful gods were fighting.

The little world is in danger... What happened in the end

After the dragon returned to that small world, did it kill those powerful gods and set new rules

If that's the case, why is this place called the [Dragon's Burial Ground].

Is this where the dragon ended up being buried

These questions seemed to have simply passed through his mind, and Jie Fangcheng vaguely felt that he knew the answers to these questions.

I don’t know how long it took, but a streak of white finally appeared in the void in front of me.

Even from an extremely long distance, Jie Fangcheng could still see that it was a piece of dragon scale, covered by endless fragments of rules.

Jie Fangcheng approached quickly, but after rushing forward for a distance, a huge door appeared in front of him.

There is a warm reminder carved on the door, warning future generations that inside is a void with chaotic rules.

Jie Fangcheng understood instantly.

This is probably the place marked out by the dragon before to imprison those not-so-good creator gods.

But why would the dragon's corpse appear here

Jie Fangcheng pushed open the door.

The next second, he finally understood why he felt this place was familiar.


The place he had seen before after coming out of the previous copy, but it looked like a marginal location. Although the rules were chaotic, they were slightly more orderly than the rules here.


How big is this dragon

Jie Fangcheng looked around and could not see any boundaries. The area called the "garbage dump" that he had entered before was also nowhere to be seen.

Jie Fangcheng frowned slightly, but his attention was soon attracted by the road sign next to him.

The considerate dragon marked the route for those who accidentally strayed in. After taking two steps, Jie Fangcheng realized that if he relied on the experience of "Jie Fangcheng", he would never be able to get out in his lifetime.

The next second, Jie Fangcheng's pupils turned black and white, and the power of the rules of the God of Creation flowed through him.

Although his strength was not as good as that in the Dragon God's memory, with the power of rules, Jie Fangcheng followed the signposts and moved forward quickly.

What he didn't see was that black lines flashed across his forehead.

at the same time.

Two figures stumbled and appeared under the sign that read "Area F, go this way."

"Where is this?!" Lu Congshan looked a little frustrated.

At that time, in order to avoid the attack of the Elf King, he teleported into the copy with the unconscious president.

This is a very strange copy. After Lu Congshan entered the copy, he forgot his identity as a player.

In his memories, he was a fir tree growing in the woods... or rather, a fir tree god.

It was a fairly prosperous and harmonious world where all things coexisted and the gods lived happily in this world.

Until suddenly one day, a crack appeared in the world.

Lu Congshan understood it naturally in his mind.

When the power of gods becomes strong enough, it can devour the faith of other gods and the power of the rules of the entire world.

Each small world can only give birth to one "God", and the winner will obtain all the power of rules.

Logically speaking, the only god in their small world should be a dragon.

That dragon is very powerful and is the creator god who created the small world.

But for some unknown reason, the other party gave up the opportunity to become a true God and left this small world.

So the remaining gods began to compete for this opportunity.

Lu Congshan is weak and has no intention of competing.

But his failure to fight doesn't mean he will be let off. It's already difficult for powerful gods to devour weaker gods just to save their lives.

It was unknown how long Lu Congshan had been a "god", barely trying to survive in this way of hiding.

Finally one day, the dragon came back.

His huge body blocked out the sky and the sun. During the time he was outside, although the Dragon God did not deliberately accumulate believers, he had saved and reshaped too many small worlds.

This original small world can no longer accommodate such a huge dragon.

His black and white eyes looked at this cracked world with compassion.

Lu Congshan heard him mumbling to himself.

"Everything perishes... Is that an established rule?"

The powerful god who was fighting for the power of rules trembled in fear, thinking he was going to be killed by the dragon.

But the dragon did not do so.

He just nodded.

"I see."

After saying that, the next second, the scene in front of Lu Congshan changed.

"Depend on… "

Lu Congshan looked at everything around him in amazement.

Under his feet, the huge dragon's body stretched as far as the eye could see, and most of the dragon's body was buried in black debris.

Lu Congshan clasped his hands together, and a seed sprouted from under him. It quickly grew into a towering tree nearly a hundred meters tall, carrying Lu Congshan on its back.

Lu Congshan sat on the branch and looked down. Even at such a high position, he couldn't even see a single dragon scale.

This dragon... can't be bigger than the entire Three Thousand Worlds...

Lu Congshan thought with some horror.

But as he was watching, Lu Congshan also discovered that there seemed to be black data streams around him that smelled the scent and wanted to rush over.

What is this black data stream? It's everywhere.

Lu Congshan did not dare to delay and hurriedly helped up the still unconscious Zhang Daowu.

He identified the direction and soon found strange road signs around him.

[Go this way to Area F.]

F Zone? The F Zone in the game


Lu Congshan went in the direction of the sign without saying a word.

He naturally didn't know that shortly after he left, a figure appeared where they were just now.

Jie Fangcheng twitched his nose, as if he smelled a familiar scent.

He looked at the road sign in front of him.

In his eyes, the road sign reads [Go this way to the starting point.]

The starting place? The underworld

Jie Fangcheng followed the direction of the sign.

The black lines on his forehead flickered and became clearer as he used the power of rules.

After running forward for an unknown amount of time, a door appeared in front of Jie Fangcheng again.

This door is so familiar... Isn't this the ghost gate? The place where I clock in and out!

Is this really the underworld

As Jie Fangcheng was thinking this, he stretched out his hand, and just as he touched the door, he heard intermittent system prompts in his mind.

[An unknown... connection source has been detected... Do you agree to connect? ]

The underworld is an unknown connection source

Thinking of this, Jie Fangcheng nodded.


The next second—

A cold wind suddenly blew.

Jie Fangcheng suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood. He covered his eyes, and black data streams flashed wildly in his eyes.

Countless black chains appeared around him. They were originally used to imprison the dragon, but at this moment they also appeared on Fang Cheng.

Jie Fangcheng groaned and fell to his knees.



The bell above the palace kept ringing without wind, as if it was anxiously trying to calm its owner's restless soul.

But Jie Fangcheng could hear nothing.

[Ding—Link successful.]

[Ding—[System] is applying for [Administrative Permissions], please wait. ]

[Ding—Application failed, reason for failure: [Incomplete management authority]. ]

[Start the partial stripping of [Administrative permissions]. ]

[Stripping off.]

[Ding ding ding—peeling failed! Peeling failed! Attacking [Mind Space], please wait.]

The next second, Xie Fangcheng’s eyes suddenly went dark.

He sank into the thought space.

In the fragmented thinking space, Jie Fangcheng, wearing a crown and a black robe, opened his eyes.

The moment the black data stream invaded his thinking space, a large number of memory fragments that had been forcibly blocked by him finally broke through the ban and reappeared.

In an instant, Jie Fangcheng understood everything.

But at the same time, countless chains of black data streams passed through his body, nailing him in place.

Jie Fangcheng yanked his hands violently.

He knew exactly why these black data streams wanted his management authority.

Before its death, the "Dragon God" coiled up and protected the core of the "Three Thousand Worlds" in the middle of its body.

The abnormal state of the "system" cannot completely control the "Three Thousand Worlds" because the laws of heaven are still in operation.

But now, this "core"... ran out by itself.

Jie Fangcheng used up his last bit of strength and pulled his sword out from nothingness.

The next second, he thrust the sword fiercely into his heart.

The black data stream angrily skewered him and waved him in the air, as if that would wake him up again.

But Xie Fangcheng's body had already gone limp.

He was like an ice flower, slowly falling from the sky.

Then it slowly shattered and melted in his own thinking space.

Before his thoughts completely dissipated, Jie Fangcheng seemed to hear a familiar electronic voice.

[Beep, beep—calling administrator number [001].]

[Detected that No. 001 did not respond, activated the backup strategy, [System (Changed ID to: Zhang Daoan)] is about to wake up. ]

[The rules of heaven and earth are in operation, and are being transformed into a ? ? form for you. It will take a long time, please wait. ]

(End of this chapter)