After Retiring From the Underworld, I Entered an Infinite Game

Chapter 268: Place of Birth (V)


the other side.

When Lu Congshan and Zhang Daowu followed the signpost to the end, a door appeared in front of him.

A lifelike dragon is carved on the door, with a round dragon ball inlaid at the head of the dragon.

Lu Congshan took two deep breaths.

As they walked, the black data stream behind them kept chasing the two of them, but for some reason the speed was much slower and the number was far less than what they had seen at the garbage dump before.

At this time, the black data stream was still far away behind Lu Congshan. He stood in front of the door, stretched out his hand, and pushed the closed door.

The door didn't move.

what happened

Lu Congshan's eyes were fixed on the dragon ball inlaid on the dragon head.

As a player of Don't Answer, spotting clues is a skill that is literally in my DNA.

His intuition told him that this dragon ball might be the key to opening the door.

Lu Congshan pressed his hands on the ground, and a fir tree grew out from under his hands, carrying him quickly towards the dragon ball.

When Lu Congshan got closer, he found that the dragon ball was not embedded in the dragon's body, but was suspended in the middle of the dragon's horn, like a white planet, rotating at a tiny angle.

The closer he got to the dragon ball, the more Lu Congshan felt a sense of unspeakable danger in his heart.

But the black data stream behind him was approaching, and it was impossible for Lu Congshan to keep fleeing endlessly in such a vast area with the unconscious Zhang Daowu.


Thinking of this, Lu Congshan stretched out his hand.

The moment his hand touched the dragon ball, his entire arm seemed to be struck by lightning and turned black from the inside out.

[Beep beep—Warning! Warning! [Administrative authority] not obtained! Do not touch [Heavenly Law 06]! ]


Lu Congshan was confused, but the burning pain in his arm reminded him that even if this was a clue to pass the level, it was not something he could obtain now.

Looks like I can only keep running...

Lu Congshan lowered his head, and the trees gradually shrank back to the ground.

Just then, he saw a flash of white light out of the corner of his eye.

The [Heavenly Law 06] that he couldn't touch just now actually floated down by itself, and even at the moment of floating down, it turned into a strangely shaped silver fish like a white fighting fish, and drilled into the body of the unconscious Zhang Daowu in the blink of an eye.

"Hey!!" Lu Congshan had no time to stop it, and the fish had disappeared.

The black data stream in the distance was approaching like spreading magma. Lu Congshan had no time to think about it. He could only carry Zhang Daowu beside him again and continue running towards the distance.

After the white fish crawled into his mind, the unconscious Zhang Daowu began to have a very long dream.

In the dream, he was not "Zhang Daowu" - he became a player of the "Three Thousand Worlds" game named "Ji Dai".

The memory of the dream is very confusing.

Ji Dai was not a player who lived in "Three Thousand Worlds" from the beginning. He came from an extremely backward and primitive magic world.

In that world there are orcs, dwarves, elves... Humans, a species that rarely possesses magical powers, have a low status, and almost 80% of humans exist as slaves of other species.

Ji Dai started working in an underground mine when he was very young... Of course, he was not called Ji Dai at that time. To the supervisor, he was number 76.

There are more than 500 people in the entire mine, and the oldest is only 20 years old. Here, people usually get beaten to death before they reach 20 or die of illness from inhaling too much magic crystal ore dust.

As far as Ji Dai could remember, he had never seen the blue sky.

But as he got older, Ji Dai felt that he was getting stronger, so strong that the ore basket that he couldn't carry when he was a child could now be easily carried on his back, and now he could knock down fist-sized ore with a hammer, so strong that... He felt that the supervisor was no more than that.

No one instructed him, and no one taught him, but this urge to rebel seemed to be innate.

On a thunderous evening, Ji Dai smashed the overseer to death with a mining hammer. With the help of thunder as cover, he and a few braver slaves tied up the other overseers who were resting and killed them in front of everyone as a sacrifice.

After coming out of the mine, Ji Dai slowly assembled an "army" of slaves and began his revolutionary journey.

But the gap in strength was too great, and the slave army could only shoot from behind and take advantage of opportunities everywhere.

In this situation, an incredibly powerful tiger tribe suddenly appeared among the orcs. He was like the master of heaven and earth. Any person or species in front of him was just an ant that could be destroyed with a wave of his hand.

He was not only powerful, but also violent. He slaughtered all the dwarves who had always been at odds with the orcs, and then captured and killed the dwarf king, followed by the elves and orcs...

In the end, only the slave army was still struggling.

But it didn't last long, as the orc rushed into the slave army and killed all of Ji Dai's companions, leaving only him behind.

There were beautiful elves kneeling beside the orc, they were all his trophies.

At this moment, a playful look emerged on the tiger's face: "I admire your courage, but I'm still missing a footstool."

Ji Dai started cursing and was tied to the rack.

The tiger sat leisurely on the spine of an orc, and was interested in watching him being cut into pieces.

It was then that Ji Dai realized... there seemed to be a crack in the world.

There are many obvious lines between heaven and earth, as black as the abyss.

Before he died, Ji Dai was still wondering why this happened

Why does the world seem to be collapsing

Why did this half-orc appear like this? It was as if the whole world was using all its strength, ignoring all living things, just to support such a "god".

But he didn't have the energy to think.

When Ji Dai thought he was going to die, he opened his eyes again.

A blonde elf was sitting cross-legged in front of a tree, with a chessboard between the elf and the tree.

The elf frowned and thought, and finally made up his mind to place the black chess piece on the chessboard.

The tree opposite shook its branches, and after the white chess piece fell onto the chessboard, the elf let out an annoyed "ah". After catching a glimpse of Ji Dai from the corner of her eye, she immediately stood up and looked at Ji Dai as if she had something serious to say.

"you're awake?"

Ji Dai looked at her blankly: "Where is this? Who are you? How did I get here?"

"This is the Three Thousand Worlds. I'm Suoliya. Lord Dragon God brought you back."

From his memory, Ji Dai quickly understood the whole story.

His small world began to collapse because of the appearance of a powerful god like the Tiger Orc, who robbed other creatures of their vitality.

After the system of "Three Thousand Worlds" detected that a world sharing the "Laws of Heaven" was beginning to collapse, the Dragon God went to rescue it.

The level of that small world was too low, and the tiger tribe absorbed too much of it, so it could not be restored.

So the Dragon God brought Ji Dai and other surviving creatures back.

The other creatures had already chosen their own places to live, and the elf asked him, "Where are you going to live?"

Ji Dai opened his mouth: "Can I still choose for myself?"

"Of course. The Three Thousand Worlds has housed many small worlds that have collapsed. The Dragon God has redefined the laws of heaven for these small worlds and used them as 'resettlement sites' for all the creatures that come to the Three Thousand Worlds."

“What do I need to give?”

The elf shook his head: "No need."

She said in a reverent tone, "Lord Dragon God is the most powerful god. He does not need 'rewards' from weaklings like us."

Ji Dai frowned: "Then why..."

"Why should I save you? Why should I provide such help to these creatures?" The elf has answered this question countless times. She is cheerful and innocent. "Because he is a god."

The dragon enjoys the faith of believers and possesses unparalleled power.

So he naturally protected the weak creatures under his wings.

"Friends, let's believe in the Dragon God together!" The elf put his hands together and said, "Ah, Dragon Gate!"

Ji Dai just listened.

How is it possible? Is there really such a God in the world who does not ask for anything in return

Unlike others, he did not choose to settle in a habitable world, but stayed and became a "player".

It is said that by becoming a player, you can save other small worlds that are about to collapse.

But it is very dangerous to go to those small worlds, after all, they are small worlds that are about to collapse.

Even Lord Dragon God gave away his own divine power as a reward in order to increase the survival rate of the "players".

These divine powers will be transformed into skills and props, and distributed to players after they complete the dungeon, in order to increase their strength.

But the road to the unknown small world is still very dangerous.

Ji Dai did not hesitate.

When he registered as a player, he had a hard time with the ID.

He has only one surname, which was given to him after he established the slave army, based on the most common surname of the living human being.

The name has not been decided yet.

An idle elf on the side came over and said, "Dai! That is the most majestic mountain in the hometown of Lord Dragon God! It is the first mountain created!"

The tallest mountain

So he entered the ID "Ji Dai" on the panel in front of him.

The memories that followed were quickly skipped.

That was a very long period of time, and Ji Dai kept entering the small world to find out the truth behind the collapse of the small world and repair the cracks in the small world.

Most small worlds collapse because of the appearance of overly powerful gods. For players, they are called "BOSS".

Some BOSSes will listen to advice and are willing to leave the small world with them, but basically, the BOSSes who have absorbed the small world to the point of collapse want to sacrifice the entire world as their own nourishment.

The skill items obtained after fighting and clearing dungeons quickly armed him. It was not until a hundred years after entering the "Three Thousand Worlds" that Ji Dai finally met the Lord Dragon God.

It's different than what I imagined.

The dragon appeared with scars and blood all over its body. It landed beside the tree of life of the elf Solia. After landing, the dragon transformed into a human form. As soon as it landed, it could not hold on and was about to fall.

Beside him, another figure appeared as if blocks of color were reorganized.

The figure stretched out his metallic arms and held the Dragon God firmly.

Ji Dai unconsciously tried to move forward, but was pulled behind the Tree of Life by the elf.

The elf pressed him under the roots of the tree and made a gesture to silence him.

Only after the Dragon God left did the elf let him go and sighed.

"Lord Dragon God didn't want others to see him get hurt, so he landed here."

Ji Dai asked: "Can gods also be hurt?"

"Yes." The elf nodded, looking at the top of the tree of life, which was so tall that no one knew where its branches extended. He looked a little melancholy. "The higher small worlds are very scary. Their gods are very powerful, but Lord Dragon God has divided a lot of his power among us, and we are just creatures from the lower small worlds. In fact, we can't provide him with much faith power. In addition, there are gods who have set their sights on the Three Thousand Worlds, so Lord Dragon God is often injured. The players are still too weak to help him. If the gods of the higher small worlds absorb the power of the small worlds, they will be stronger than Lord Dragon God... just like the [System] around Lord Dragon God."

Speaking of the [system], the elf seemed to sneer: "That [system] doesn't seem good either. I think he just absorbed his little world. Otherwise, how could he be so strong?"

(End of this chapter)