After Retiring From the Underworld, I Entered an Infinite Game

Chapter 269: Place of Birth (VI)


The elves had nothing good to say about the [System], but to sum up, the other party had not done anything substantial to harm any living being.

"Too cold and inhumane."

Ji Dai couldn't help but remind her: "People are not people..."

The elf glared at him.

But Ji Dai understood.

The operation of their current "Three Thousand Worlds" relies on the existence of the "System". It is hard to imagine that such a huge game is completely constructed by the robots that just flashed before their eyes.

[The system] is completely rational, which may be a good thing in other places, but it seems very different in the current "Three Thousand Worlds".

The Dragon God saved so many lives out of kindness and did not ask for anything in return, but gave them two choices.

A way to leave the game and become a resident of a stable little world floating nearby, where one will experience birth, aging, sickness and death, and follow the laws of nature.

Another way is to become a player and go to other small worlds to be a savior.

Even with the items and skills bestowed by the Dragon God, the death rate of players has always been very high. Even veterans face a death risk of nearly 30%.

But until now, there are still countless players traveling in "Three Thousand Worlds". Just like the Dragon God saved them, they are also saving other small worlds.

There are indeed some people among them who want to obtain the same powerful divine power as the Dragon God, or even become the second "Dragon God", but more people just have the simplest wishes.

Just as the Dragon God protected them in the past, they also want to protect others in the same way.

In such an atmosphere, the absolute rationality of the [system] seems out of place.

Ji Dai knew very well that rather than saying that the elf "hated" the system, it would be more accurate to say that she was afraid of this absolutely rational creation.

Powerful, cold, rational, and without human emotions, no one knows whether this high-tech robot that runs the huge "Three Thousand Worlds" will one day turn against existing creatures.

Especially a robot like this, he has a huge advantage that is incomparable to any living being - he is immortal.

The nature elf has extremely keen foresight. She has already sensed in advance that such a high-tech system will sooner or later become an opportunity to destroy the game.

But in his memory, Ji Dai just smiled and didn't fully understand why the elves were afraid.

In countless fragments of memory, the scenes at that time were almost all bright.

Although there is the pain of parting with relatives and friends, most of the time, as long as you return to "Three Thousand Worlds", you can look up and see the phantom of a giant dragon circling the player lobby.

That was an illusion formed by part of the divine power that the Dragon God had extracted because he was worried that the Three Thousand Worlds would be attacked by surprise.

A large number of memories kept flashing, and Zhang Daowu saw that over the endless years, he had grown from a novice player to an excellent veteran step by step.

He finally saw the Dragon God again.

That was a real god. He was kind and friendly, yet also had the loneliness of a god. He walked out of the endless nothingness and appeared in the player lobby.

Perhaps it was because he rarely appeared in human form, and none of the players around him recognized him. However, Ji Dai was the first to notice his one black and one white pupil.

Facing this lifesaver, Ji Dai thought for a moment and walked forward.

He was still thinking about how he should introduce himself and how he should express his gratitude when the Dragon God sensed his gaze and turned his head away.

When he saw Ji Dai, he nodded amiably: "Hello."

Seeing his gaze, Ji Dai immediately understood.

—The Dragon God actually still remembers it.

More than three hundred years have passed, and this busy Dragon God, who is currently fighting with other gods, still remembers the tiny humans he once saved.

Ji Dai choked up, then smiled and bowed respectfully to him: "Thank you."

The Dragon God patted his shoulder gently.

"You're welcome, and thank you for saving so many worlds."

Ji Dai exclaimed, "Ah!" Faced with the praise from this god, he didn't know how to respond for a moment.

He wanted to say something awkwardly, but the Dragon God suddenly raised his head, frowned slightly, and put his hand on his ear.

The virtual headset appeared, and he seemed to hear some sound. Without saying a word, he took a step forward, and in the void he turned into a giant white dragon again, flying towards the abnormal area.

Ji Dai was close, and he could see that at the moment the dragon god transformed into a dragon, there were clearly some unhealed wounds on his body.

That is truly a God who is... very, very worthy of respect.

The memory flashed back quickly.

In the year when Ji Dai came to "Don't Answer" for exactly two thousand years, finally, in the small world that was the farthest away that the "Three Thousand Worlds" could connect to, all the tyrannical and barbaric gods who only wanted to absorb the life of the entire small world but were unwilling to shoulder the responsibilities of gods were driven by the dragon into the area specially customized for these gods.

The Dragon God even put up a sign for this area, designating it as the sixth largest area in the "Three Thousand Worlds", for players with stronger strength to enter and practice.

It was also in this year that the Dragon God's strength had become so strong that no living being could imagine it.

He can destroy a small world at will and create a new world at will.

He no longer needs to make the rules; he has become the rules themselves.

But such a powerful god seems to have never changed and still abides by the rules he set for himself.

"Three Thousand Worlds" developed rapidly, and strong players emerged among them.

And the Dragon God retreated behind the scenes.

After years of fighting and killing, this dragon has accumulated too many wounds and needs to recuperate.

The place for cultivation is next to the Tree of Life.

The tree grows very tall, with its leaves spreading out, almost covering half of Zone D.

As a good friend of the elf Solia, Ji Dai often comes to the Tree of Life.

Although Soliya is a natural elf, her body is injured, and only the Tree of Life can help her stabilize her soul.

It was also because of this that Ji Dai gradually came to know the Dragon God.

Unlike the serious and solemn god in people's imagination, this god is actually a very annoying and lazy dragon god in private.

He was too lazy to move, and his huge, long dragon body would always lie next to the Tree of Life, and could lie there for two or three years without moving.

Later, he even developed a new skill - soul separation.

When talking about this skill, the dragon was very proud.

"I built a hell in my hometown, where the dead souls can return to the hell, and then judge the good and evil in the world from the hell, and then reincarnate as humans again. But that can only happen after death, and I can do it while I'm still alive, so my skills are pretty good!"

After the soul leaves the body, the dragon's body can heal its wounds while his soul plays chess with others, or uses his slender sword to fight with others.

Later, in order to make it easier for himself to watch TV series and read novels, the dragon simply made a [Ghost Eye].

To him, the eyeballs that contained a huge breath of death were just a pair of VR glasses for watching TV series.

Every time Ji Dai came out of the dungeon, exhausted, and saw the Dragon God like this, he would feel his pain index doubled.

It is said that the system beside the Dragon God, in order to better assist the Dragon God during a battle, abandoned its own mechanical shell and completely merged with the Dragon God.

But when the Dragon God's soul leaves the body, this long-known system will reappear in the form of a phantom.

He was an elegant gentleman who carried the brilliant civilizations of countless worlds and looked no different from an ordinary human being.

Every time Ji Dai came back, he could see the two of them either discussing the plot of a certain drama together, or going to a small world together to save a certain number of people, and planning the future of these lives together.

But it seems that good and bad do not need to be formulated, and will always occur naturally.

Not all creatures that came to the "Three Thousand Worlds" were good. During that period, conflicts occurred among some creatures. It seemed that two ethnic groups were fighting for a small world with rich resources.

So after thinking it over, the Dragon God decided to set up a committee, divided into six departments, stationed in the first district.

Any living being with any problem can come to the first area and find these "managers" to express their demands according to their functions and needs.

Ji Dai was a little confused: "Why not let the system make the rules directly?"

The Dragon God paused, just smiled and said nothing.

Time flies.

Ji Dai always felt as if something was changing. For example, the atmosphere of "Three Thousand Worlds" was changing over time.

At the beginning, the number of players saved by the Dragon God decreased, and the creatures living in other worlds gradually had offspring.

After an unknown amount of time, when Ji Dai suddenly had the idea to go to a low-level small world suitable for newcomers to help, he mentioned Lord Dragon God, and the new players who had just entered the game were actually confused.

"Dragon God? Who is that?"

Ji Dai was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that as the number of players increased, most of the new players came from the small world.

They were not saved by the Dragon God, but by the old players.

Is this why the name of the Dragon God has gradually been forgotten

How can this be possible!!

Ji Dai instantly felt extremely unhappy.

The Dragon God is the god who created "Three Thousand Worlds". Without him, there would be no game and no players.

How can his name be forgotten!

With such anger, Ji Dai went to the Discipline Inspection Commission... No, the Discipline Inspection Commission grew bigger and bigger, accommodating more and more people.

Later, the Dragon God even handed them some management authority, so now it is no longer the Discipline Inspection Committee, but... the six major guilds.

But even though the name had changed, Ji Dai still found a place to file a complaint.

He demanded that the achievements of the Dragon God be popularized and that current players not be left ignorant of that god.

The six major guilds responded quickly and told him that this was the Dragon God's intention.


Ji Dai didn't quite understand.

With this question in mind, he went to ask the god.

The Dragon God was watching cartoons under a tree with the system's phantom. This was a new trend in a small world with fast technological development.

The Dragon God didn't even turn his head, his eyes still glued to the cartoon.

"Isn't this good? If I die one day, the game can't collapse completely." He said, "Autocracy doesn't work. Look at the development history of other small worlds. The development history of almost all worlds will converge on the same line - it's important for the people to be the masters of their own country, right?"

(End of this chapter)