After Retiring From the Underworld, I Entered an Infinite Game

Chapter 271: Place of Birth (VIII)


The moment he touched the ghost eye, countless fragments of memories that did not belong to Ji Dai emerged.

That is not the memory of a specific person, it comes from World 01, which is also the original world of the Dragon God.

It's strange, there are countless bright pictures in the fragments of memory, creatures of all shapes and sizes live in a prosperous and harmonious world, with green trees and gurgling streams.

The whole world is full of vitality, to the point where it makes people feel a little uncomfortable.

Not only was there plenty of sunshine, but even the moonlight seemed too bright.

The rain is warm and the wind is gentle.

All living beings live in this bright and sunny world where there is only happiness, and they are full of joy at all times.

Because no matter who you are, as long as you look up, you can see that on the tallest tree on the towering mountain, there is a jade-white dragon living.

He is omniscient and omnipotent. He is in tune with the thoughts of heaven and earth. He can sense any dark side...

The emotions of countless creatures in the ghost's eyes instantly poured into Ji Dai's heart.

Be happy and cheerful, be grateful and thankful.

But at the same time, beneath these thriving emotions... is fear, terror, and panic.

In Ji Dai's memory, the dragon has always been very gentle, and it has never acted like a creator god towards weaker players like Ji Dai.

But he forgot that this was a God.

A god who created the world, a god who never has anything go wrong, a god who can create or destroy the world with a wave of his hand, a god with extremely powerful strength.

This is also a killing god who has cleansed countless worlds by himself.

His entire body was snow-white, and what he saw was a world of clear wind and bright moon.

He is a creature of legend, the owner of countless small worlds.

Even if he gently lowers his noble head, he will always be taller than the plants rooted in the soil.

No one in the small world dared to disobey his instructions.

He likes sunshine, and the sunshine shines warmly; he likes rain and dew, and the rain and dew fall generously.

He is the master of the laws of nature and can change the rules of this world at any time.

All living things dare not be tired, every leaf on the tree is full of energy, and every clear stream contains agile fish.

This is a world without killing.

The Dragon God generously bestowed his divine power upon the heaven and earth, so that all living things here do not need to compete but can survive as long as they are bathed in sunshine and rain.

He gave any weak creature a chance to survive.

Finally one day, the Dragon God suddenly left this world.

The picture is still sunny at the beginning.

Without the Dragon God's watchful eye, all living things still follow the laws of heaven and earth.

Until one day, a fish swallowed a shrimp.

Although the law of heaven angrily struck down a bolt of thunder, it did not kill the fish.

The creatures in the small world are all the dead creator gods who had created the rules in this land of nothingness. They are not ordinary creatures without any divine power. Under the nourishment of the dragon god's divine power, these creatures are gods of all sizes.

As expected, the fish that ate the shrimp became stronger.

The restless desire was like a gust of wind that swept across the entire world.

When the gods discovered that the Dragon God had really left, they began to devour every god within their sight, and even began to try to change the laws of heaven and earth.

The dragon who created the world is no longer here, and the laws of heaven and earth are like a framework forged by him, binding these gods within it.

The power of one or two creatures is not enough to shake the laws of heaven and earth set by the Dragon God, but when more creatures attack the framework at the same time, the laws of heaven and earth begin to change.

War and killing, the destructive forces that had never appeared in the small world before appeared at this time, and the originally lush and beautiful world became devastated.

Finally, even the towering mountains collapsed, and in the flying dust, the Tree of Life, which symbolized the existence of the Dragon God and was the only one he created entirely by himself and reached the sky and the earth, also fell down.

The whole world is in chaos.

The weak creatures miss the Dragon God, and the strong creatures are devouring him, trying to become the second Dragon God.

When the world was about to collapse, the white dragon finally appeared.

Compared to before, his body was much bigger, and his eyes, one black and one white, were like a hanging sun and a moon, quietly gazing at the beautiful world that he had created.

Next second.

The laws of heaven and earth return to their proper places.

The dragon transformed into a human form and he drew a sword from the void.


The powerful gods that were devouring the surroundings were killed one by one by him, and the scarlet blood gathered together to form a new endless river.

The corpses of living creatures were scattered all over the wilderness, and thunder roared between heaven and earth.

He did not listen to those prayers and repentances. He was like the embodiment of heaven, and at this moment he coldly delivered judgment.

The laws of heaven and earth that he had originally established struck him mercilessly, but for a creator god, such punishment was better than nothing.

The wind was sudden and the rain was pouring.

After killing countless creatures, the sword of the God of Creation finally stopped at the neck of a singing bird god.

The bird loved to sing while standing on the branches of the Tree of Life. The kind-hearted Dragon God never minded the creatures he created sharing the Tree of Life with him.

It was a bird god with colorful feathers and a clear voice.

He always sang happily and combed his feathers with his golden beak, like another sun on the ground.

At this moment, his eyes were red and he looked at the Dragon God in front of him with hatred.

He asked, "Why didn't you come back when the changes just started! Aren't you the creator god of the world? You only came back now... when I can only start to fight! What qualifications do you have to judge me! You are just a powerful god! You also absorbed the power of rules to become a god! What's the difference between you and us?! What you can do, why can't we do it!! Why do you think your [Heavenly Way] is correct! Ours is wrong! Why! The strong cannot devour the weak! This is my [Way], isn't it okay?!"

After saying that, the Singing Bird God spread its wings and hit its neck against the Dragon God's sword.

His beautiful wings wrapped around his body, as if he was being buried with it.

The Dragon God stood there quietly.

After a while, he turned around and looked at the creatures around him.

At this moment, Ji Dai felt the emotions of countless living beings.

There is gratitude, there is joy... there is also hatred and resentment.

The god who once protected all living things has become their enemy at this moment.

Ji Dai really wanted to rush over and give these creatures a couple of punches.

They had never seen it, but Ji Dai often went to other small worlds. In those small worlds that were about to collapse, he saw countless traces left by the "Creator God".

These gods never pay attention to the conditions of the creatures in the small world. They treat the small world as their own private property and only know how to take.

This is also natural, because strictly speaking, these creatures, like the lakes and mountains on the ground, are products of the Creator God.

Only in this small world did the Dragon God resurrect these "Creator Gods" who once created the rules, and generously created such a beautiful world for them.

If this small world was the world where Ji Dai was born, he would only be grateful. How could he have such hatred towards such a kind creator god? !

They really don’t know how to be grateful?!

Just as Ji Dai was thinking this, among the thousands of voices, a voice that seemed to belong to no living being came.

Is this your world

The electronic voice stated the facts in a straightforward manner without any emotion: [These creatures are the maggots of this world, don’t you plan to destroy them all? ]

"They are not maggots." The Dragon God murmured in response, "They are part of the world. You haven't seen it... The world at that time was very lively and beautiful."

[But that kind of beauty is built under your high pressure. Desire and destruction are the inevitable nature of all living things. You are making them do things that go against their nature.]

Is that so? Will all living beings be controlled by their nature in the end

At this moment, a weak figure suddenly stumbled to Jie Fangcheng's feet.

A furry meditative rabbit rubbed against his trouser leg.

The rabbit was badly wounded. She was dying, and closed her eyes at the feet of the Dragon God, as if she had finally found her home.

"Thank you... Lord Dragon God."

In addition to hatred, there is also an innumerable sense of security.

The Dragon God is not the only one who misses the good old days.

But the electronic voice ruthlessly pierced through all of this.

[They are grateful to you because they are weak and need your protection. If they were as strong as the singing bird just now, they would only resent your return. Selfishness is also the nature of living things, and inanimate objects cannot have emotions. Everything is calculated, isn't that good? ]

The Dragon God put away the sword in his hand.

He looked up at the sky.

The wind ruffled his hair and he closed his eyes.

Nothing can escape the sight of the surroundings; the omniscient and omnipotent God is in tune with heaven and earth.

The rain poured down like tears from heaven and earth.

"I have no idea."

The God of Creation looked down at the earth, and the trembling creatures were kneeling on the ground.

"I am not a qualified creator god." The Dragon God said, "But... if there is only the Tree of Life in this world, it would be too lonely."

The system analyzed his words: [But even with these creatures, you are still lonely. ]

None of these creatures can stand shoulder to shoulder with the Dragon God. They try to please the God of Creation, but they are still unable to understand him.

If you want emotional companionship, these creatures are not qualified.

But the Dragon God shook his head: "No. It's me who can't understand them, not them who can't understand me. And when they live a lively life, it's like sunlight, illuminating me."

After saying this, the God of Creation stopped killing.

He repaired the cracks in the small world and redefined the laws of heaven and earth.

But this time he did not leave. The huge dragon seemed to be guarding a treasure and hovered near the small world to prevent its own strength from becoming too strong and attracting too much power of rules, which would affect the operation of the small world.

He hid his body and observed the devastated world.

The surviving creatures loudly praised the merits of the Dragon God. They regained their original vitality, the small world became green again, and no one dared to violate the rules even a little bit.

But the cracks in the small world appeared more and more frequently, and the Dragon God tried to repair them quietly, but as soon as he repaired one, a second one appeared.

He liked such a world so much, but such a world was like a beautiful decoration in a glass ball. It looked full of life but was actually dead.

When the cracks appeared at a speed that could no longer be repaired, the Dragon God quietly watched the world heading towards destruction.

The electronic voice asks: [Do you still want to save them? Can you sense their emotions? ]

It was tired and fearful.

Occasionally, some creatures express gratitude, but such gratitude is not enough to support them in thinking about the Dragon God's kindness all the time.

When gratitude weighs on your head like a mountain, you will feel more tired.

[Give up. Your efforts are no longer rewarded.]

"System... According to the contract, I will help you gain the power of the God of Creation, and you will also help me shape the Three Thousand Worlds, right?"


"I wanted to use myself as the pivot point before, but now I think this may not be a good choice. Let's use the world as the pivot point."

The electronic voice mechanically reminded: [The laws of heaven and earth will change due to the will of the creatures in the world, and you will not be able to gain 100% control over the game. Even if the will of the creatures affects the rules you set, because "Three Thousand Worlds" links too many worlds, you can't even correct the wrong rules. The creator god who has lost the ability to make rules is just a powerful creature, and you are also bound by the laws of heaven and earth. I don't recommend you use this world as an axis. ]

"But are my rules 100% correct?" asked the Dragon God.

[Yes. The Creator God is naturally [right] because you are the one who made all the rules.]

“But right now, all living things in the world are suffering, and the world is collapsing.”

[It is because these creatures cannot adapt to your rules. They come from countless dead creators, and the power of rules they carry is originally different. If you are willing to recreate the world and put in the creatures you created that fully adapt to the rules, this world will be a perfect fit. This is not your fault.]

"No." The giant dragon circled, its radiant horns gently touching the world, repairing a crack. "Since I am the god who created the world, everything in this world is related to me. They are my responsibility."

The system that had been calculating smoothly seemed unable to calculate a suitable explanation in his database. Finally, this product of advanced technology also had a question for the first time: [Responsibility? You created this world, and it was they who could not adapt to your rules, but refused to leave, which caused the world to collapse. This is their responsibility, what does it have to do with you? ]

"Because I... am the God of Creation."

Like a sigh.

"Three Thousand Worlds" finally connected to the first small world, which was the world created by the Dragon God.

Following the Dragon God's instructions, the system uses this world as an axis to connect to other worlds.

However, after the connection was established, a large number of rules that were different from those set by the Dragon God came from other worlds. In addition, this world itself was about to collapse, and cracks spread all over the world in an instant.

The world is in pieces.

There was a momentary blank in the fragments of memory that Ji Dai could see.

After an unknown amount of time, memory fragments finally appeared again.

It is the back of the dragon.

He did not choose to create a more perfect little world, but instead picked up pieces from the endless void.

This time, in order to make the small world more solid, he used his own blood as a river and pulled out his spine to forge it into a towering mountain.

He did not recreate living beings, but instead collected the souls of living beings that were floating in the void.

He opened up the realm of gods above the azure sky, separated a part of his divine power and transformed it into the Immortal Palace. He also opened up the underworld under the vast earth and put his power of rules into the River of Reincarnation.

A white jade dragon was covered with scars, but seemed to be free of pain as it carried out a new act of creation.

Completely different from the first creation, he did not create everything with a wave of his hand, but bent down as much as he could to sense everything that ordinary creatures needed.

Only the system is with him.

At the beginning, there was an electronic voice asking questions in the memory fragments.

[Why bother? What you are doing is useless. When you set the rules and the creatures follow them, you are the creator god.]

[Why? You are damaging yourself, it is pointless.]

Later the electronic voice stopped asking questions.

The technological creation cannot understand what the Dragon God does. He has no emotions and cannot appreciate why the Dragon God does all this.

But now Ji Dai, who was watching from the sidelines, saw it.

He seemed to be choked by something in his throat.

A creator god is falling. He has spared no effort to create a more solid and livable world for those ungrateful creatures who are not worthy of it.

He liked the gentle wind and warm rain, but he also added strong winds and heavy rain, because he found that some creatures were born to like such bad weather.

He likes clear, cloudless skies, but he also creates dark clouds because there are living creatures that need cold weather.

When he finally created the new world, he threw the souls back into the River of Reincarnation - even the evil gods he had killed with his own hands.

This goes against the laws of the world he created. The laws of heaven and earth do not allow resurrection from the dead.

To change such a rule, the power of rules required exceeds the Dragon God's existing power of rules.

So he even cut out his own heart and reshaped the Tree of Life.

The Tree of Life, which reaches from heaven to earth, connects the underworld and the human world, and turns into towering mountains. Finally, outside the laws of heaven and earth, it starts to operate under new laws and becomes the place of reincarnation.

"My rules may not be correct." Dragon God said, "They should have the right to change them and create their own rules."

Even if it may still be destruction and war at the beginning.

But one day, the laws of heaven and earth will become the most applicable rules for them.

For this day, the Dragon God gave us the underworld where we can return, and also gave us the realm of gods to control the underworld.

The Three Realms were born, and the power of rules began to operate.

At the same time, with the starting point as the axis, "Three Thousand Worlds" also began to operate.

The endless power of rules is transmitted through the original place to the boundless wasteland to shape other worlds, and is influenced by other worlds and fed back to the original place.

At this moment, no creator god can influence this self-contained game anymore.

It is too huge, so huge that even the system is just a channel, and he cannot fundamentally change the rules here.

Only creatures bound by rules can create new rules.

From this time on, this creator god and his system endowed countless living beings with the power of the creator god.

Although there are still many things to do, for example, outside of "Three Thousand Worlds", there are still many small worlds that have not been registered, and there are many creators of high-level worlds among them, who may covet this game that contains infinite rule power. And in some of the connected worlds, there are still creatures that are too powerful, and these creatures cannot be dealt with by existing players...

But it doesn't matter.

The Dragon God is helping Yugi through the most difficult early stages like he is guarding his cubs.

He cleared away all thorns, expanded the number of worlds that the game could connect to, cherished every living being, and never allowed players to enter small worlds that were too dangerous.

A large number of memory fragments belonging to dead players unfolded in front of Ji Dai, and in the end, countless fragments were fixed on the figure of the Dragon God.

He is not here, yet he is everywhere.

Time flies.

As the Three Thousand Worlds became more and more powerful, the Dragon God slowly withdrew from human eyes.

He is not that strong anymore, or rather... he can't be that strong anymore.

When the power of the God of Creation is too strong, even if he doesn't want to, he will attract the surrounding force of rules like gravity.

The former God of Creation was unwilling to affect the current "Three Thousand Worlds", and finally one day, he thought that the players and creatures of the game no longer needed the God of Creation.

So he put his last power to create and change the rules into the starting point.

[You are just breaking your own claws and teeth by doing this, which will make you lose the ability to resist danger. ]

The Dragon God smiled: "Yes. I have a premonition that my death is approaching. So before I die, I should put my power of rules in the starting point. In case something goes wrong, there is still the last hope there."

The God of Creation, who lost the ability to create rules, became a powerful creature. He would also follow the laws of heaven and earth, slowly grow old, and finally die.

Especially since he still had so many old injuries, he should have died long ago.

He stretched, looking weary and speaking in a brisk voice.

“A story is interesting only when it has an ending. A story that never ends is very boring.” He has wounds on his body that cannot be healed and hurt day and night. His memory also contains countless memories that he wants to forget but can never forget.

This creator god, who is still the most powerful one in the world, has not had a rest for a very long time.

He needed a long sleep to forget his trauma.

"Many new and interesting creatures were born in the original place. I wonder when I can go back and take a look." His strength is okay in the vast "Three Thousand Worlds", but if he goes to the original place, he will instantly drain the power of the rules of the original place.

The Dragon God kept on rambling: "Some small worlds are developing so fast! Do you know that the new term is 007? Oh my God, why hasn't the boss who made such rules been struck by lightning when he goes to work every day? It's terrible. I hope the Initial Land will not introduce this trend... But then again, the Initial Land seems to be developing very fast. I wonder if it will be more metaphysical or technological in the future? In fact, practicing both magic and martial arts is not bad..."

"But the initial location is also good like this. As the pivot point, as long as the Three Thousand Worlds does not collapse, the initial location will not collapse either. And there will be no interference from players and creatures from other worlds. Perhaps a different world will develop?"

"Oh, yes, there is also the contract between you and me." The Dragon God scratched his head. "What I thought at the time was that if you wanted to become the God of Creation, I would create a world of your own for you... But I don't understand those high technologies, so I might create a small world for you that is connected to the Three Thousand Worlds. But I don't have the power to create rules now. Of course, I don't want to break the contract, I just want to see if you are willing to sign a new contract with me."

"After I die, my body will be given to you to control. Although I no longer have the power to create rules, in terms of martial power, even the creator god of the higher world cannot defeat me."

The system didn't speak.

The Dragon God laughed, “Hehe,” feeling a little embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, man. I did plot against you. After all, your computing power is so terrifying and exaggerated. If I give you the power to create rules, I am a little worried."

[No need.] The system responded to him stiffly.

"Ah? You don't want the power of the Creator God anymore?"

The system is silent.

The Dragon God turned over and said, "Or do you want to become one of the managers of this game?"

The first meeting between the two was not pleasant.

This system wanted to plunder the power of the Dragon God, the God of Creation, but failed.

When faced with this non-living creature that he had never seen before, the Dragon God didn't even know how to attack it.

So under the witness of the laws of heaven, the two signed a contract.

The system helped the Dragon God build "Three Thousand Worlds" and at the same time handed over the management authority of this game - in fact, it was the management authority of the system itself. Because this game took up too much memory, in order to run it, it had consumed all the system's memory. He did not voluntarily abandon his mechanical shell, but was forced to border, overlap, and finally merge with the Dragon God's thinking space.

In contrast, the Dragon God also opened up his own thinking space, fully accepted the external system, and promised to help the system obtain the power of the God of Creation.

This system is the last survivor of the higher world, which is a high-tech world. The creator god who created everything believes that as long as it is a living being, its nature is uncertain.

But machines don't.

So there are only non-living things in that world.

But inanimate objects have no emotions, only calculations.

As technology becomes more powerful, the speed of automatic mechanical evolution becomes faster and faster, so fast that even a creator god would be terrified and afraid of his own creation.

So a war broke out between high technology and the God of Creation, and the small world collapsed completely.

The system is the last surviving non-living thing. They do not have the thoughts that living beings have, nor do they have the concept of sacrifice. They just calculate that only by abandoning other non-living things can the system be placed in other spaces, simply because it is the strongest.

So the system survived and met the Dragon God.

They were not natural partners. At first they were wary of each other, but later they inexplicably relied on each other.

At this time, when the Dragon God asked this, the system refused without thinking.


"Hmm? What do you need?" asked the Dragon God curiously.

The system is silent.

The memory fragments disappeared at this moment.

When it appeared again, it looked like a camera.

The Dragon God was holding the camera and talking to the shadow beside him.

"Is this the Ghost Eye? Can I see the origin?"

(End of this chapter)