After Retiring From the Underworld, I Entered an Infinite Game

Chapter 272: Place of Birth (IX)


It has been rumored that the Ghost Eye was obtained from the underworld in the original place and it gathers the power of death.

Actually, it is not. This is a gift from the system.

In the fragments of memory, Ji Dai saw that this God of Creation, who was about to retire and quietly face death, received a gift from someone else for the first time.

This gift indeed possesses the power of death, because only the undead can pass through the power of rules that permeates the surroundings of the original place, and only props covered with the power of death can see the original place.

Although this system has extremely powerful computing capabilities, it is unable to do many things after losing its physical mechanical shell.

No one knows how he copied these death powers from the underworld bit by bit, and how he made them into such an exquisite prop that allows the Dragon God to see his hometown again.

The Dragon God was curious and looked around the original land with his ghost eyes with great interest, watching a new and brilliant civilization being born on this solid land.

But after just two days, the Dragon God no longer looked towards the original place.

“That’s already the world of living beings.”

The God of Creation said with a smile.

His eyes were determined, as if he had finally made a decision.

The fragments of memory contained in the ghost's eyes became very scarce, so scarce that it made people feel lonely.

The scene in the fragments becomes fixed, always the lush tree of life—no, it is the branches of the tree of life.

The body of the Tree of Life turned into towering mountains, which is the origin of Ji Dai's name.

During the long years, he briefly met new friends and said goodbye to old friends. Ji Dai also saw himself in the fragments of memory.

For Ji Dai, the appearance of the Dragon God is the coming of God from heaven and the savior.

But for the Dragon God, this is just a corner in his endless years.

This tired creator god now always curls up lazily, with only two shiny dragon horns exposed.

The Dragon God, who lived by killing, had long ago shed his sharp edge and became a gentle, kind and powerful creature under the Tree of Life.

He seemed to be recuperating for something.

During the endless lonely years, only the system was always by his side.

Until one seemingly ordinary day.

The system issues a warning: [Someone is trying to modify the game background program.]

[Hmm? What do you want to modify? ]

The system quickly retrieved the data: [Madam, the manager of the six major guilds, is trying to re-enter the small world [973688] that she entered last time.]

Players cannot enter the same small world continuously. This is a rule set by the Dragon God.

First of all, for a small world, players are ultimately invaders.

Just like a rubber ball with a hole in it, when a player enters the small world, it is equivalent to poking a small hole in the ball.

For a small world with self-repair functions, piercing a small hole is not a big problem, but if the same player repeatedly enters the same small world, it is tantamount to repeatedly piercing the hole. The power of rules on the player may not be 100% consistent with the small world, which can easily increase the degree of collapse of the small world.

Secondly, this is also a limitation.

There are good and bad players. Although the God of Creation has tried his best to improve the living standards of the livable small world, many players have even complained that being a player is not as good as being an ordinary creature. Under the protection of "Three Thousand Worlds", the players' lives are not as good as those of ordinary creatures.

But it is also because of this that most players now have the pure desire to save other worlds.

But even so, there are always some players who go to other small worlds for props and skills.

By repeatedly entering the same small world and staying in it for too long, the Dragon God is worried that a second small world No. 01 will be created.

But now "Madam" is trying to return to the same little world.

But soon, the message from "Madam" came first.

"Lord Dragon God! Please let me go back! That small world is already 95% destroyed! But I found a way to save them!!"

The system scanned her clearance record in the previous small world.

[Yes, the original collapse level of Small World No. 973688 was 95%. After the last instance, the collapse level was reduced to 92%.]

It seems that the degree of collapse has not been reduced much, but it is indeed not an easy task to reduce the collapse degree of the small world from 95.

"Forbid Madam's re-entry application first, and let's go and take a look." The dragon left the Tree of Life.

The fragments of memory in the ghost's eyes did not record what happened next in that small world that was about to collapse.

But soon, the Dragon God came back with scars.

He landed silently beside the Tree of Life, and after landing, he turned into a human form. He sat on a branch and looked up at the dome with twinkling stars.

Obviously, that little world finally collapsed.

This is actually very normal. Among the countless small worlds linked by "Three Thousand Worlds", only one in ten worlds can reverse the degree of collapse and complete redemption.

Most small worlds will turn into smoke and dust and drift away in the void space.

All the game can do is provide a last chance for these small worlds that are about to collapse.

After all... not even the Dragon God can protect his world.

New news from the Dragon God kept flashing.

"Madam" was sending messages one after another anxiously.

"Lord Dragon God, my team and I found the source of the collapse in that small world! It's just that we ran out of time and were teleported back! Let's go back! After we enter this time, we will definitely be able to help that world!"

"If it's not feasible for us to go in as a team, can I go back by myself? I'm confident that I can lead them alone!"

"Please approve my application!!"

The messages were sent very frequently, but suddenly stopped.

Obviously, "Madam" had also discovered from her own historical clearance list that the small world had fallen.

The Dragon God just looked at the information in front of him. He seemed to want to reply something, but finally closed the interface.

The clues found by "Madam" may be correct, but it is too late.

That little world simply couldn't sustain her feat of saving the world.

What's more, the rules cannot be changed at will, and exceptions cannot be made for someone at will.

These are the only memories I have of the incident, but there are others.

For example, some people in the six major guilds want to change the rules, some want to improve the treatment of players, and some want to gain the right to connect to the unknown world...

The Dragon God seemed to be gone and didn't say a word in response.

But he has the management authority of the game, and these rules cannot be changed without his consent.

[Why don't you tell them that it's not that you don't want to change it, but that the laws of heaven haven't changed yet, so the rules of the game can't be changed? Only when the players of "Three Thousand Worlds" have a strong desire to change the laws of heaven, and the laws of heaven are changed, can the game be changed? ]

The Dragon God shook his head, his expression calm.

"It's no use telling them. As long as I'm here, I'm a higher level administrator than the laws of nature."

He is waiting.

What are you waiting for? The inanimate system, which has always had superior computing power, finds it difficult to believe the results of its own calculations.

But as time goes by, the system cannot help but believe the only result it points to.

[The management of the six major guilds is planning to replace you. ]

"Really?" The Dragon God didn't care about this. "That's not bad. I'll just resign and we can go to the void and find a small world to live in in our old age."

No, they want to kill you.

"Ah? Is that so far-fetched?"

Yes, a fantasy.

Even if all the power of the current "Three Thousand Worlds" were combined, it would not be enough to threaten the life of such a powerful god.

The proud, undefeated dragon didn't seem worried that they could kill him.

But Ji Dai, who was watching from the sidelines, couldn't help but get nervous.

He always remembered the final outcome of the Dragon God.

The evil dragon was slain.

Killed by many players together -

If the power of enough players is combined, will he be defeated

"No!!" Ji Dai couldn't help but step forward.

But a thin film separated him from the memory fragments, leaving him with nothing but to watch.

He wanted to remind the Creator God that although those were the souls you saved, they would stab their sharp blades into your heart.

Don't be careless!

But the Dragon God did not hear Ji Dai's cry in his heart.

He did not take any precautions against this, as if he still had 100% confidence in his own strength and that there would definitely not be any problems.

But in the memory fragments, it was clear that the system reminded him again and again, and the inorganic electronic sound seemed to be tainted with anxiety.

In the end, the system had no choice but to admit it.

[Why...are you going to die? ]

"Oh, I really can't hide it from you."

The Dragon God laughed, then looked at the game he created, and then looked up into the sky.

A lot of messages are accumulated in the background of his system.

Those were sent by some old players who still knew about the existence of the Dragon God.

Some players are dead, some are alive.

Anyone who has survived to the present day is either as powerful as Ji Dai, or has gone to a habitable world and become a hegemon there.

The shadow of the Dragon God may have faded among the players of "Three Thousand Worlds", but in the vassal worlds of the Three Thousand Worlds, there are countless believers of the Dragon God who are continuously contributing the power of faith to him.

Sooner or later, these complex forces of faith will push the Dragon God into another new dimension.

[Why? You can live in seclusion, retreat behind the scenes, and we can live in another empty place.]

"That kind of life is so boring."

The Dragon God's distant gaze seemed to see the original place again.

New creatures are born there and a new civilization is being created.

The world that originally had only one creator god now has countless "creator gods" who are building a new world.

He likes the lively and prosperous world very much.

Enduring loneliness and solitude, wandering outside like a stray dog, this lonely and arrogant god cannot accept such an ending.

He would rather die in battle, die by the sword, than die in the void of wandering.

"Moreover... the fall of divine authority requires witnesses."

The Dragon God is ready, he will escort this game one last time.

He saw the plots of the six major guilds, and this was the first time that a player had shown his butcher knife to God.

Although this is their God of creation, the God who saved the world.

But when such a god is like a huge mountain blocking the development of the game, when he is like a tumor, worthless to thousands of creatures and will drag the game into an endless hell, what will these creatures choose

"I will die sooner or later, so let me be their first step toward rule by man."

[If the creatures are completely autonomous, it will be like World 01. The strong devour the weak. Is this the ending you want to see? ]

The Dragon God listened quietly: "But my choice may not be right. I have already failed once."

The Dragon God, who had never been weak, rarely showed hesitation and regret.

"System, although I am the God of Creation, I have lost the world I created. Compared to these creative creatures, I now have neither the power to change the rules nor the ability to create new ones. If I fail again, I can no longer afford the responsibility of making up for it once again."

"Just think of it as me being lazy... I've carried this burden for so long, and now I'm handing it over."

The wind ruffled the Dragon God's hair, and he tilted his head.

"You are the system with the most powerful computing power. You should understand that this is the best choice."

There were too many scars on his body, and the dragon's body was always curled up wearily.

The so-called technology of soul separation was invented for fun, but that is just a far-fetched statement.

He will eventually fall one day.

But the power of faith was still continuously injected into his body. He suppressed his growing strength so as not to hurt others due to his excessive strength.

This was already a huge burden for him, and death was a relief.

Similarly, only when the most powerful creator god dies at the hands of players can it be proved to the world that "Three Thousand Worlds" has officially broken free from the constraints of gods and entered a stage of autonomous rule by living beings.

The system was silent for a long time, and then asked: [Do you have any wishes? ]

"Hmm." The Dragon God paused and shook his head, "No."

[Don’t you want to go back to the starting point?]

"Ah?" The Dragon God hesitated for a moment, but still shook his head, "It's too dangerous."

After all, it was he who established the laws of the original place. If he returns to the original place and affects the operation of the laws, wouldn’t all his efforts be in vain

"It doesn't matter where you die, so let's just leave it at that."

The Dragon God said calmly.

The system said: [But you still have me. ]

The Dragon God did not expect that this high-tech inanimate object would suddenly say such a thing. He could not help laughing. After laughing, he patted the shadow of the "system" beside him in his own thinking space.

"Then let's sign one last contract. After I die, you will take care of my body. My conditions are still..."


"Hey! I'm a cunning life form, won't you listen to my conditions?"

[If this is your wish, I will comply.] The electronic voice of the system remained calm, without any ripples.

But the words seemed like the firmest vow.

[Dragon God, I am your believer, and I only exist because of you. ]

Memory fragments are quickly skipped.

Soon, starting with the system's [They have begun to act], the Dragon God saw the first butcher knife displayed by a living being.

There is not only one creator god in the void space. I don’t know what method these creatures used to attract a creator god from an unknown space.

The Dragon God swung his huge body and went forward to fight.

Not long after that, the second and third unfamiliar creator gods appeared.

But the Dragon God is still too powerful.

Although the Creator God had made up his mind to be martyred, he did not intend to give in completely.

If these players are not strong enough to defeat him, he will need to hold on for a while longer.

The whetstone must be hard enough to forge the knife.

With such strength alone, it is absolutely impossible to defeat the Dragon God. People from the six major guilds naturally know this.

Originally, these gods of creation were not meant to deal with him—

In order to chase after a newly emerged creator god, the Dragon God has almost run to the boundary of the Three Thousand Worlds.

At this moment, the voice of the system suddenly came from his mind.

[Beep beep—Warning! Warning! Unable to… connect… Already… disconnected…]

For the first time, the system's electronic sound came intermittently.

You have to know that the system and he are not linked by "Three Thousand Worlds". His thinking space and the system overlap 100%. They are in a state of complete integration and should not be disconnected at all.


The Dragon God asked in his thinking space.

His mind was silent for a moment, as if the system was suppressed by something.

At this moment, the Dragon God sensed something.

He slowly raised his head.

In the dark void, where even the wind could not blow, six white lights flashed around the dragon.

Compared to the giant dragon, these six white lights seemed so insignificant... but they made the giant dragon feel angry instantly.

Standing in front of the dragon was a gentleman who looked elegant, except that he was wearing a white coat, and when he moved his hands and feet, there was a faint flash of metallic luster on his limbs.

The "President" looked at the Dragon God in front of him and bowed slightly.

"Thank you for saving me from the Land of Nothingness and allowing me to follow you to the Three Thousand Worlds, Lord Dragon God."

The Dragon God understood.

His expression turned cold in an instant, and there was even a hint of murderous intent.

"You have merged with other Creation Gods?!"

Next to the "President", "Iran Ghost" frowned, but did not flinch and met the gaze of the true God of Creation.

"Is there anything wrong with that?"

What's wrong with that

The Dragon God felt it was extremely absurd at this moment.

He was prepared to die, believing that he would die at the hands of the "player".

But he didn't expect that the six "successors" he chose did not rely on their own player power... but instead turned to other creator gods.

As for where these powers of the God of Creation were obtained... Area F!

The suppressed creator gods are all in Area F!

If he died at the hands of the God of Creation, was he paving the way for an era of rule by man, or was he shaping a new God of Creation


The dragon god transformed into human form.

In the land of nothingness, boundless gale instantly swept around, blowing away countless fragments of rules.

In the void, there was a faint sound of thunder.

The Dragon God's black robe and his silver hair danced in the wind. He spread his arms and drew a tall gentleman's sword from the void.

"Just let me see...what progress you have made!"

The sword light is like a rainbow!

The sword in the hand of Long, who had been associated with killing for many years, was like a whip of heavenly punishment, constantly piercing the bodies of the six presidents who were attacking him.

But these six people responded quite skillfully, as if they had rehearsed it countless times.

Every time the sword in the Dragon God's hand pierced through their bodies, the power of rules around them changed, and they soon reshaped new bodies.

Seeing that they are using the power of rules that only the God of Creation possesses so flexibly, it is obvious that this is not the first time that these people have used the power of the God of Creation.

The dragon let out a long roar.

He finally transformed into a dragon again. The giant dragon that covered the sky and the sun swam in the void, with its horns flashing with lightning.

Although he lost the power of rules, as powerful as he was, he was still able to catch the attacker in front of him even without relying on rules.

The next second, the dragon invoked the judgment of the laws of heaven and earth, and lightning struck from nothingness, smashing Satan in the dragon's hand into pieces.

He is not a completely kind and gentle creator god. Killing these six people is what he wants to do most at the moment.

Satan died, followed by the Lady, then the Rock Ghost, the Sir, the Poseidon... In the end, there was only one survivor left.

When the dragon finally held the "President" in his hand, he suddenly felt a shock in his heart.

Why are there faint cries coming from all around

As the giant dragon was distracted, the "President" in his hand suddenly changed into a singing bird.

He was spitting out blood, and with his last bit of strength he asked, "Why? You have the power of the God of Creation, but we can't have it?! Why can we only be ordinary creatures! Why can't you let us become gods!!! Evil dragon!!!"


The dragon's body was blasted apart by something, and finally human voices were heard in the originally silent void.

"What's going on? Isn't this dragon one of the managers of this game? Why is he killing people all of a sudden?"

"What? Is it management? Why have I never seen it?"

"Ahh!! Why are you killing my sister!!! Evil dragon!!"

"Quick! There are players here who can be saved! Are there any players with medical skills?!"

The Dragon God was floating above the player lobby, with a wound in his abdomen caused by some weapon.

But he seemed not to feel it and just looked at the player lobby.

In the messy player lobby littered with corpses, players would occasionally raise their heads, their eyes staring at him with either resentment or panic.

He is clearly... in the void...


Having lost the power to create rules and the guidance of the system, the Dragon God was deceived by his eyes.

Just then, the "President" appeared around him.

He stood beside the Dragon God, also looking at the players in the player lobby.

"Lord Dragon God, I know you are an excellent creator god. But you are too powerful. If one day you are controlled by the system, no one will be able to stop you from killing. So I'm sorry, we can only choose to do this."

The "President" looked at the God of Creation in front of him seriously: "I also know that you are willing to sacrifice for the game. Don't worry, I promise you that I will make "Three Thousand Worlds" the most powerful existence, and I will provide protection for more people."

They all knew that even if they merged with the God of Creation, there was no possibility of defeating this powerful Dragon God.

Only if the Dragon God himself gives up resistance will they have a chance of victory.

So the "President" took charge and decided to let the Dragon God see what the consequences would be if he lost control.

So far it seems to be successful.

The Dragon God in front of him laughed at himself.

"I understand... I have always felt that after the development of Three Thousand Worlds, there is no need for gods. It is the right choice to completely hand over the game to the players."

"Indeed, this is true."


The next second, the Dragon God flashed, grabbed the "President's" neck, and broke it without hesitation.

"I made the wrong choice, successor."

Said the Dragon God.

(End of this chapter)