After Retiring From the Underworld, I Entered an Infinite Game

Chapter 274: The Place of Birth (XI)


Ji Dai began his long life alone in the starting point.

He slowly lost his memory and was assimilated into the world.

He forgot his own identity and became the Lord of Mount Dongyue.

The memory fragments also became blurred and fragmented, as if someone had shattered Dongyue God's thinking space in order to cover up something, making his memory messy.

Occasionally, a few images flashed by, which seemed to be related to "Don't Answer".

It was difficult for Zhang Daowu to see the truth in these images. He only felt that something seemed to be trying to land in his mind space.

But this thing is too weak, it needs the consent of the owner of the mind space...


Like a restored tape, the image suddenly became clear.

When Zhang Daowu saw the scene in front of him, he was stunned for a moment.

A familiar face appeared in front of him.

That is…

"mom… "

Zhang Daowu murmured.

A woman was kneeling in front of the statue in the Dongyue Temple, praying devoutly.

"Please pray that my child can be born safely."

She was covered in blood, and countless people were passing through her body.

This is not a living person, but a dead soul.

But the dead souls were afraid of the Dongyue Temple, so she walked into the temple step by step and knelt devoutly before the statue.

There was a faint golden light on her body. If she died normally and went to the underworld obediently, she might have a good life in the next life.

The ghost's abdomen was unnaturally bulging, but it was not a dead baby.

A living soul was born into her body.

"Why did something against the will of heaven happen again?"

Next to Dongyue Divine Lord, a man in a suit frowned, "There have been too many incidents that violate the rules recently. For example, this dead soul, she is dead and there is no way she can give birth to a living soul. But the living soul entered her body and even deceived the ghost messenger... The Book of Life and Death is also in chaos. It's really a troubled time."

After saying this, the man immediately made a judgment: "I will go and kill this living soul first, and take this dead soul back to the underworld."

He was about to step forward after he finished speaking.

At this moment, a figure appeared beside the ghost before him.

The ghost messenger, wearing a black robe but with white hair, stood lazily beside the dead soul. He waited until the dead soul finished bowing before he stretched out his hand to stop the ghost from leaving.

"Hey, it's time to follow me back to the underworld."

The ghost looked up in confusion, and the moment he saw him, he understood the current situation.

She shed two tears of blood.

"My child... He's not dead! I want to give birth to him!"

The ghost shook his head.

The man in the suit looked much better: "Manager Xie is still very disciplined. Indeed, this kind of thing is against the rules and cannot be agreed to..."

Before he could finish his words, the ghost's voice was heard.

"If a child is born without parents, how can he live in the world? Milk powder costs money, right? Schooling costs money, right? You know how expensive housing is, don't you? Do you have such wealthy relatives to help you raise the child? Raising a child is very hard. Even if there are kind people to help, do you want him to be discriminated against because he has no parents? Wow, you only care about giving birth but not raising him? This is not okay, right?"

The ghost was stunned.

Zhang Daowu also stared at it in a daze.

The ghost in front of him looked very lazy, standing there as if he was about to lie down.

But the ghost's eyes were one black and one white.

Not only that, Zhang Daowu seemed to sense it in an instant.

This is... the Dragon God

It really doesn't look like it.

From Ji Dai's memory fragments, Zhang Daowu saw that the Dragon God was a tyrannical god.

He is admired by thousands of people. Although he knows the sufferings of the people, his position is too high.

It was so high that no one could have an equal conversation with him, and few people dared to face him.

Every word he said was the truth and was an absolutely correct "rule".

Even though he is such a gentle god who is willing to sacrifice for all living beings, he is still a God.

What he sees are rules, the way of heaven, and all things.

When he first constructed the world, World No. 01 was composed entirely of his preferences.

It was a beautiful world with plenty of sunshine, warm breezes and always the right temperature.

He didn't know that there were living creatures that needed a damp or cold environment because no one dared to tell him.

All living beings only dare to loudly praise the Dragon God's kindness, and believe that God is absolutely right.

Even if World 01 was destroyed, as a god, the Dragon God did nothing wrong.

Because God's absolute correctness allows him to change life and death at will, just like humans playing single-player games. To a creator god, any living being is just data that can be controlled at will.

If the small world is destroyed, just create another one.

If the creatures in the previous small world cannot adapt to the environment, then create creatures that can adapt to the environment.

The creator gods are always like the sea and rivers. They only create waves according to their will and never care whether there is a creature in the ocean who is troubled by the waves.

He did not shape creatures to fit the rules, but rather changed his rules for the sake of creatures’ willingness.

There is only one such god from beginning to end, and he must explore the rules suitable for living beings by himself, even if there is a system around him later - but the system is ultimately a man-made product, proficient in calculations, and he can never understand the feelings of living beings.

The Dragon God needs to experiment and make mistakes.

But he is the one who cannot afford to make mistakes.

Because all the burdens are on him alone, he is the most powerful god, and if he makes the slightest mistake, the consequences will be unimaginable.

There is no way around it. The formulation and modification of rules, even if the changes are just a little bit, will affect countless lives.

But now, he is finally no longer a god, but just one of the countless living beings.

It’s hard to say whether this is a good thing or a bad thing, but he has indeed changed.

Zhang Daowu even felt for a moment that he was not a dragon god, but just an ordinary ghost messenger.

He had witnessed the rise and fall of a dynasty as a human being, and had faced the irresistible laws of nature as a ghost, and eventually became the executor of the laws.

See yourself, see the world, and finally see all living beings.

Zhang Daowu, who was watching the memory fragments, looked at the ghost catcher who was persuading the dead soul with some not-so-serious words, and looked at the man in a suit beside the Lord of Dongyue who was accusing him with a frown. The ghost catcher was not angry at all. This kind of thing must have happened countless times. He cleaned his ears very skillfully and led the dead soul directly back to the underworld.

With his golden light, this dead soul will work overtime to queue up for reincarnation after returning to the underworld, and should have a good ending in the next life...


The picture became blurry and fragmented again.

Zhang Daowu was sucked forward by a huge suction force and stumbled two steps. When he opened his eyes again, he became Ji Dai again... No, he became the God of Mount Dongyue.

The Lord of Mount Dongyue stood at the bottom of the dark underworld. The rules around him were in chaos, and it seemed that invisible cracks were forming.

Dongyue Shenjun, who had no memory before, didn’t know what happened, but now he knows.

If someone could pass through the bottom of the underworld, come to Area F, and float over Area F, he would find that Area A, Area F, and the starting point are actually in a straight vertical line.

Area A is directly above the starting point, and Area F is directly below the starting point.

The dragon god's body coiled up, wrapping the entire starting point, with its horns bordering area A and its abdomen bordering area F.

The other four areas are scattered around like satellites of the sanitation dragon god.

As time passed, after the Dragon God passed away, the original land was still continuously transmitting the power of rules to the outside, dutifully shouldering the responsibility of the "anchor point".

But on the Dragon God's body, countless black data streams and the power of rules were running in parallel, trying to pass through the Dragon God's body and enter the starting point.

But even if such a powerful god has fallen, the black data stream still cannot enter.

There is a river of rebirth between Area F and the starting point.

At that time, Ji Dai was blessed with the Dragon's Heart and the Ghost's Eye, and was able to be guided into the River of Rebirth.

The "River of Rebirth" is actually not a real river, but an invisible river of rebirth formed by the flow of the rules of life and death. It is an opportunity for reincarnation that the Dragon God opened for the creatures in Small World No. 1.

It was later preserved as a chance for the creation gods in Area F to be resurrected by the Dragon God.

When the creator gods imprisoned in Area F die, their souls can follow this river of rebirth to the original place and be reincarnated as creatures of the original place.

"It's just waste utilization!" This is what the Dragon God said at that time.

After all, these creator gods imprisoned in Area F each have unique skills. After their fall, they arrived at the original place and became living beings. Not only did their strength decrease greatly, but they also had to abide by the laws of nature in the original place.

What a great new force!

That’s what the Dragon God thought.

This river has indeed brought great convenience to the development of the initial area.

You have to know that small world No. 01 is an inferior world, so fragile that a few stronger creatures can cause that world to collapse.

The initial land created later was reinforced by the Dragon God, and the level of the small world itself was high.

But the creatures in the small world are still creatures from the lower world.

Those fallen creator gods came to the underworld through this river of rebirth, lost their memories, and were reincarnated like ordinary ghosts.

However, most of the souls of the gods of creation cannot pass through the River of Reincarnation intact. After all, the power of rules contained in them is in conflict with the laws of heaven. It is highly likely that those who pass through the River of Rebirth will become fragments scattered between heaven and earth.

The fragments of God nourish the small world, which makes the development of the original place leap forward by leaps and bounds.

Now... the origin is collapsing.

Because the rules of "Three Thousand Worlds" are becoming different from those of the original place, the original place as the anchor point is being affected and the rules are also being changed.

However, many of the rules of the "Three Thousand Worlds" cannot be followed by the creatures in the original land.

For example, the rules in Area C only consider strength and not good or evil.

Such rules did affect the original land for a period of time, but as time went on, the creatures in the original land abandoned such ideas.

The laws here are very primitive, almost the same as the laws before the Dragon God fell.

This also led to an increasing gap between the rules of the initial place and the "Three Thousand Worlds".

The axis point and the surrounding parts did not match each other. Slowly, the initial ground was forced to move by the "Three Thousand Worlds", and it could not merge, and finally cracks appeared.

At this time, the God of Mount Dongyue was looking into the distance from the bottom of the underworld.

He finally spoke.

"Are you there?"

Zhang Daowu, who had merged into one with him, was stunned for a moment, and inexplicably felt that these words should be spoken to him.

He soon realized that this was indeed meant for him.

"I don't have much time left... That day I found out that your mother was pregnant with a living soul. This was impossible because the rules didn't allow it. But the heavens didn't punish her, so I had an idea."

"Perhaps I can be 'reborn' into this living soul, deceive the heavens, and travel upstream along the Rebirth River to Area F."

(End of this chapter)