After Retiring From the Underworld, I Entered an Infinite Game

Chapter 275: The Place of Birth (XII)


"But in the end... I failed."

In order to be born into this living soul, the Lord of Mount Dong made a lot of preparations.

The dead souls did not enter the land of reincarnation, but settled down at the bottom of the underworld.

The rules here are chaotic and you will lose your life if you are not careful.

The Lord of Mount Dongyue stripped away almost all of his Yin energy and merged it into the bodies of the dead souls to nourish the living souls.

But after the living soul was born, when the Lord of Dongyue wanted to merge his soul into the body of the living soul, he still could not succeed even in such a chaotic place as the bottom of the underworld.

The power of rules protects every living being and gives them the right to be born.

Perhaps it was because the world collapsed to such an extent that the restraining force of the laws of nature became weaker and weaker, that the baby, who originally had no chance of surviving even if he was born, actually survived and had the breathing and heartbeat of a normal person.

This newborn baby born in the body of a dead soul is a normal human being. When the dead soul gently gave him a name, he became just an ordinary child among thousands of living beings.

The dead soul anxiously waited for the verdict of Dongyue God. Dongyue God remained silent and finally sent the dead soul and the child back to the human world.

"You have my Yin power in you. I will help you hide from the heavens and allow you to stay in the human world as an ordinary person for two years. After two years, I will come to find you."

The dead soul left with the child, expressing his gratitude profusely.

The memory fragments were like flying colorful butterflies, moving forward quickly, and in the blink of an eye, two years had passed.

Compared to two years ago, Dongyue God seemed to have experienced something. He closed his eyes and leaned against the door of the dead soul's house, listening quietly to the dead soul inside the door instructing his two-year-old child.

Zhang Daowu listened in a daze.

Although he is smart, he has forgotten what happened when he was two years old.

As far as he can remember, his brother has been the parent to him.

But this brother had a special physique and could not get close to him. All Xiao Zhang Daowu could get were a few words in his letter and enough money for him to survive.

Children from poor families have to grow up early, and Zhang Daowu never resented his parents.

The only time he had contact with his mother was when he met her when she came back when he was fifteen... But later he also knew that it was a monster created by "Don't Answer" and not a real resurrected person.

As a bystander at this time, Zhang Daowu vaguely felt that there seemed to be a vague and gentle figure in the deepest layer of his memory. She had said many words that a two-year-old child could not understand.

Dongyue God coughed twice and knocked on the door like a weak mortal.

There was a pause in the door.

Soon, the ghost came out as agreed.

In the past two years, she has found a support for her children.

Perhaps just like what the ghost said, his future life will be full of hardships... But as a mother, she has done everything she can.

Zhang Daowu couldn't help but move forward and wanted to get closer, but the scene in front of him was just the memory of Dongyue God.

The dead soul had tears in his eyes, but he also thanked the Lord of Mount Dongyue.

If it weren't for the leniency shown by the Lord of Mount Tai, her child would have surely died.

Dongyue God covered his mouth, coughed weakly a few times, and then asked: "Now I have two choices. One is that you reincarnate normally. You did a lot of good deeds in your life, so you will definitely have a good life in the next life. The other... I need you to enter a game."

The ghost was stunned for a moment: "Game?"

The Lord of Mount Dongyue did not hide anything just because the person in front of him was just an ordinary ghost.

"Yes. It's a horror game. Once you enter it, you will experience many horror dungeons that you have never experienced before. If everything goes well, it is possible that you can return to the underworld after three years. If you fail... you may end up with your soul torn apart."

The ghost asked: "Can I know what my mission is? What is this game about?"

The Lord of Mount Dongyue stretched out his hand and the scene in front of him suddenly changed.

They came to the bottom of the underworld.

Compared to two years ago, when the Lord of Mount Dongyue wanted to reincarnate his soul into a living soul in order to deceive the heavens and go against the direction of the River of Rebirth into Area F, the bottom of the underworld has undergone tremendous changes at this moment.

"There are more and more 'devourers'."

In Area F, where countless creators are imprisoned, there is a monster called "Devourer". When he was at the garbage dump, Ji Chaoyang rode the "Devourer" to dump garbage from other worlds.

This thing looks like some kind of prehistoric behemoth, but it is made of machines. In fact, it was created by the six major guilds after integrating the soul of the God of Creation.

Ever since the Dragon God sacrificed himself and did not allow any more Creation Gods, the Creation Gods in Area F have died one after another or their strength has plummeted, turning them into powerful creatures without the power of rules.

But in Area F, there are still countless fragments of the fallen God of Creation.

The "President" used the existing system of the Three Thousand Worlds to fuse the fragments of the former Creator God with machinery to create the "Devourer".

The "Devourer" is very powerful and possesses a certain power of rules. It is also a mechanical product and can be completely controlled. It is a very useful fighter.

At this moment, in the distance, it seemed that something was wandering around, eager to come in.

"They couldn't hold on any longer, and they always wanted to come to the Origin... Although the laws of the Origin are different from the current Three Thousand Worlds, the laws of all the small worlds linked to the Three Thousand Worlds are based on the Origin, and it is still here that the operation of the rules of other worlds is maintained. The six mice changed the rules of the game from the background of the game, allowing themselves to gain eternal life within the Three Thousand Worlds, which is against the rules. They broke the rules, but passed the consequences of breaking the rules on to all the players of the Three Thousand Worlds."

The existing system of "Three Thousand Worlds" is a technological product that is much more backward than the previous systems. This technological product does not have any rule power, and non-living things do not have the ability to think. It stands to reason that if the presidents of the six major guilds do not change the rules of "Three Thousand Worlds", this technological product will be strictly restricted by the rules.

Just like an ant can carry a sugar grain that is a hundred times heavier than its own weight, but cannot carry a grain that is ten thousand times heavier.

As long as the power of rules fit together perfectly, it will drive the "Three Thousand Worlds" forward smoothly like an airtight gear.

Even if there will be changes, they will be slow and recognized by all living beings.

But once the rules are changed by the "managers", when the people of the six major guilds change their own rules through the existing system to gain immortality, then these seamless, solid and stable rules will be broken from within.

Whether or not any living being discovers it, the laws of nature will begin to conflict.

—The rule is that any living being will experience birth, aging, sickness and death.

—The rule is that the presidents of the six major guilds will not grow old, get sick or die.

It is impossible to change the rules without paying a price.

For example, in the original land, Zhang Daowu's mother, a dead soul, was able to give birth to a living soul safely. One reason was that she was protected by Jie Fangcheng's slight golden light, and the other was that Dongyue God, the guardian of the original land and the ruler of the underworld, brought her to the bottom of the underworld, where the rules were chaotic, to protect her pregnancy.

But when reaching the bottom of the underworld, Lord Dongyue also needs to disperse all his Yin power in order to protect the rebirth of this living soul.

Even after dissipating all his Yin energy, one of the strongest guardians of the original land was unable to reverse the rules and allow his soul to replace this ordinary creature.

The initial collapse level was already very high, and the restrictions of the Heavenly Dao were becoming increasingly weaker.

But from the beginning to the end, the Lord of Mount Dongyue never thought about changing the rules, but about evading the rules and trying to deceive the heavens.

Because he has seen the consequences of changing the rules.

The system of "Three Thousand Worlds" quickly "learned" from these contradictory rules that the rules are not completely unchangeable.

It is a product of high technology. Even though the six presidents have control over it, it does not mean that the system is a completely obedient inanimate object.

Quite the contrary, the original system of "Three Thousand Worlds", the machine that surpassed all technological products, was also just a tiny creation of God at the beginning.

But non-living things evolve faster than living things.

Living things are restricted by blood, genes, spiritual energy, etc., but non-living things have no restrictions. As long as they are given enough energy, they can update and evolve hundreds of millions of times in the blink of an eye.

In terms of energy, where else could there be a place with more abundant energy than the Three Thousand Worlds

In terms of computing power, are there any non-living things that are more powerful than current systems

Because of the Dragon God's motto, no more Creator Gods can appear in the world. The power of creation rules has been erased. This is the only constraint that can still limit this system from becoming a new Creator God.

The management rights of "Three Thousand Worlds" are indeed still in the hands of the six presidents, because the system can never break free from the constraints of existing rules.

It is not the first generation system. The non-living things created by the creator god of the first generation system were not constrained by rules. After the first generation system met the Dragon God, it merged with the creator god.

The rules of "Three Thousand Worlds" are like shackles with keys for the first-generation system. If it is not voluntary, the rules of "Three Thousand Worlds" cannot restrict it.

But the current system was born within the "Three Thousand Worlds" and is completely bound by rules.

Initially, whenever the six presidents changed the rules, the system would gain some freedom of authority from them.

Until now, even without changing the rules, as long as the six administrators use the system's management rights, the system can gain more freedom.

Until now, the six presidents are the managers of the control system, and at the same time they are firmly tied to the system. Most of the time, they are even willing to move only in the restricted area of Area A1, because there are dragon horns there. Even though the Dragon God is dead, it is still a field that the current system is unwilling to set foot in.

After all, this God of Creation is too powerful.

While the six presidents wanted to use the power of the rules of the original land that had not been invaded by the system to rebuild a new system to replace the current system, this new system was also trying to enter the original land, completely destroy the existing rules, and re-establish its own rules.

"It's not just the 'Devourer', there are many things around that are staring at us." Dongyue Divine Lord finally opened his eyes.

A pair of blood-red ghost eyes rolled in his eye sockets.

"Although I can't use the [Ghost Eye], fortunately there is this prop made by the system in... Games, not only "Three Thousand Worlds" can have it."

(End of this chapter)