After Retiring From the Underworld, I Entered an Infinite Game

Chapter 276: The Place of Birth (Thirteen)


The image grating suddenly shattered.

Zhang Daowu finally saw how this game, which was once hated by countless players, came into being.

It was like a tall building rising from the ground. With the help of the power of the ghost eye, Ji Dai extracted some scenes from his memory and constructed one copy after another.

Before that, he asked the underworld to hire a group of IT programmers first - after all, even with Ghost Eye, Ji Dai, who had no computer foundation, would not be able to create "Don't Answer" in a very short time.

Finally, he really used the ghost eye to copy the first version of "Three Thousand Worlds" and constructed a new game "Don't Answer".

"I originally wanted to absorb the ghosts who voluntarily entered the game, so that they could gain enough Yin energy in the game. When their strength is strong enough, they can go to the [Reincarnation Experience]... Since you have come to Area F and heard my last words, you may have known that the so-called [Reincarnation Experience] is to go to the small world that the Three Thousand Worlds is currently connected to, and after passing the small world copy, become a player of the Three Thousand Worlds."

The Lord of Dongyue did not explain how he made "Don't Answer" connect to the small world of "Three Thousand Worlds", nor did he explain how he made the soul go upstream.

But seeing that not only is there no Yin Qi in his body now, but even his soul seems to be cracked, one can imagine how difficult it was and how much he paid.

"But before that, all the players who entered the [Reincarnation Experience] died. No one could successfully pass the dungeon. Even though the rules of [Don't Answer] were based on the current [Three Thousand Worlds], and even though the players who could enter the [Reincarnation Experience] were quite powerful, there was still no hope."

"Including your mother... I thought she would be a special case."

Zhang Daowu frowned: "Voluntary? But many people in the game were forced to come in..."

After he finished speaking, Ji Dai in front of him tilted his head with a helpless look.

"I can't hear. My five senses have disappeared. But I think you might want to ask, the atmosphere of this game is very bad, why do this? Isn't this consuming people's goodwill?"

Ji Dai was "looking" at him, but in reality, the Lord of Mount Dongyue, who had only a remnant of his soul left, could not really see.

The upright and kind-hearted God of Mount Dongyue, who once stood wholeheartedly in front of mortals and protected the world, looked at this moment as if a jade mountain was about to fall, and appeared confused.

"Actually... I used to complain in my heart, why did the Dragon God not kill the six leaders of the six major guilds in the end, but let them continue to manage "Three Thousand Worlds". Didn't he know that under the management of these six people, the game would eventually become what it is now?"

"Until I created Don't Answer—"

In front of him, in a moment, Zhang Daowu re-experienced the early days of "Don't Answer" as the fragments of memory in front of him changed.

The ghosts who were first invited by Dongyue God to enter the game were all kind and righteous ghosts selected by him.

Although it is a horror game and has a link to "Three Thousand Worlds", all the copy rules of "Don't Answer" are based on "Three Thousand Worlds".

It was very dark and scary.

But these first batch of players were like passionate and thick soil. They built the prototype of the player lobby and the player living area suitable for players to rest. They stuck to their original intentions in the face of harsh rules.

"Ronghua" was not the first tough white lotus to bloom in the mud.

The Lord of Mount Dongyue was relieved.

He couldn't monitor the game all the time. First, he had to look for suitable ghosts to enter the game. Second, his health was really not good... or he and the Elf King had the same disease.

The reason why the Elf King turned into wood and was about to die was because she transferred the black data stream wrapped around the Tree of Life to herself.

As for the Lord of Mount Dong, whether he was going upstream along the River of Rebirth or creating such a game, it was not approved by Heaven.

In other words, he changed his own rules.

But he is different from the presidents of the six major guilds.

In order to continue to control the game after changing the rules and not be excluded by the rules, the six presidents changed the rules of the entire "Three Thousand Worlds".

This is why "Three Thousand Worlds" does not exclude them, and they already have administrator authority.

But this is equivalent to passing the consequences of changing the rules onto all players - the current "Three Thousand Worlds" is like a dam with countless wormholes. If there is even a slight push at the rule level, it will collapse completely.

But this is not the case with Ji Dai.

Before he recovered his memory, he was one of the strongest guardians in the entire initial land, and his strength was infinitely close to that of a creator god of a low level interface.

However, even with the Dragon God's maxims, he cannot control the laws of nature, and cannot change or create the rules of the entire world like the Dragon God did.

But he can change the rules within his own scope.

—It was as if a creator god with different rules from the original land had come here, and the laws of heaven would automatically reject him and want to crush him to death.

So after the game got on track, Dongyue God almost stopped paying attention to the game.

He was worried that his different rules would infringe on the game, but in his heart, he had done everything he could.

In order to make the game run normally, he selected the most honest and conscientious programmer while alive to help him run the game. This programmer had never done anything beyond the moral bottom line in his life. When he was alive, he was also keen on donating money and was a very good person.

Dongyue God did not completely let him go. Although he could not monitor the game in real time, Ji Dai would check the programmer's work reports every now and then, and also motivate him, promising that as long as he could increase the strength of the ghosts in the game, until he could pass the channel of [Reincarnation Experience] and enter the "Three Thousand Worlds", and gain a firm foothold in the "Three Thousand Worlds", Dongyue God would bestow his own golden light of merit on him.

Whether it is to achieve immortality or to have a good result for generations, it is a great temptation for an ordinary ghost.

The other party has always performed very well. He is a quiet, honest man with good skills, and the work reports he submitted are also perfect.

Until that day, he discovered that the programmer who controlled the game had disappeared.

The game was indeed still there, and Dongyue God no longer had time to worry about whether his rules would harm the game. He sat in front of the computer and tried to enter the game backend.

But he no longer has control over the game.

The reason why Dongyue God has so much trust in an ordinary programmer is that he has his own reasons.

—A Book of Life and Death that has already formed a part of self-consciousness. This was originally the power of the Dragon God, and it is also the necessary energy source for starting the game.

Ordinary ghosts cannot touch the Book of Life and Death. Only judges and above have the ability to touch it.

"I have never understood why a great and powerful creator god like the Dragon God could not properly advise on the selection of managers, and in the end he chose six presidents like that."

"I forgot... People change."

To the Dragon God, thousands of years had passed in the outside world while he took a light nap under the Tree of Life.

He is eternity.

Just like for the Lord of Mount Tai, he knew that people would change, but this Lord sat high on the throne of "Lord of Mount Tai". Even if his memory was restored, in his eyes, sixty years for humans was just a blink of an eye.

The original six presidents were selected by the Dragon God himself. The predecessors of the six guilds were similar to neighborhood committees, which were organizations serving the players.

These six presidents were able to gain the favor of the Dragon God and were initially qualified managers.


A voice that made one's teeth ache sounded from afar.

Zhang Daowu was originally still immersed in his memories. He was thinking about the information revealed by the Lord of Mount Dongyue in front of him.

According to memory, the original creator of "Three Thousand Worlds" was a benevolent dragon. Later, he sensed that his strength was rising, and after a certain point, it would cause unimaginable harm to the game - just like a large planet will attract a small planet, the power of rules will be attracted to him.

So even though he knew that the six managers he had chosen wanted to slay the dragon, he was still prepared to be killed.

But he didn't expect that the six successors he chose were no longer the managers of the "neighborhood committee", they wanted to become the new gods.

Before his death, the Dragon God issued his last rule, which meant that there was no longer a creator god in this world.

After his death, Ji Dai returned to the starting point and created "Don't Answer", hoping to use this game to select some powerful players to enter the "Three Thousand Worlds", not only for the Dragon God, but also for the starting point that is about to collapse.

But it was not that Zhang Daowu boosted the morale of his enemies and destroyed his own prestige.

He did come to the "Three Thousand Worlds" with three companions, but their strength was not enough to even deal with Ji Chaoyang.

Savior... This is not a place where you can really save the world just by having a passion.

Although he had seen a small part of the past events through the memory of Lord Dongyue, Zhang Daowu asked himself - what could he do

It seemed as if a collision had occurred in the outside world, and Zhang Daowu's thinking space could no longer allow him to safely look at the memory fragments that did not belong to him. Even the residual soul of Dongyue God was like a low-quality screen with poor contact, twisting and breaking.

The Lord of Mount Dongyue also sensed it.

He turned his head and looked at Zhang Daowu.

Zhang Daowu also looked at him, was stunned for a moment, and then his heart suddenly skipped a beat.

"I'm sorry... This time, I'm going to try to take your life again."

The Dongyue God in front of him had a pair of ghostly eyes moving around, and it seemed that electronic sounds were constantly ringing.

[Ding—Login... failed.]

[Ding—Permission not obtained... Please... try again later. ]

[Ding—Log in again.]

[Ding—Copying the first version of "Three Thousand Worlds"... ]

In an instant, a large amount of data, far exceeding the limit that Zhang Daowu could bear, was being copied frantically in his thinking space. This data was so huge that it immediately squeezed his original memory into a corner.

While Zhang Daowu's thinking space was forcibly expanded, his own memory was dissipating at an extremely fast speed.

Countless other people's memories and data invaded his brain.

—The world is already 70% destroyed, it's very dangerous! Don't worry, I will protect you!

—Brother Liu!! Please don’t die!!

—Let’s add each other as friends and go to Area D together! I heard the elves are having a celebration recently, it’s so lively!

—Don’t thank me, I was able to survive until now because of the help of other old players in the past... Let’s go to dungeons together in the future and help more people!

-Don't be afraid. After we get out of the dungeon, I will take you to find Lord "Sea God". He is the king of our mermaid tribe. He is a very good king and he will definitely heal you.

—We want to create a perfect game.

—Yes! Let me, the Rock Ghost, take on the responsibility of saving the world! Hahahahaha!

—Stop playing and come here quickly! This little world is about to collapse!

Is it…

Zhang Daowu seemed to have sunk into the boundless sea.

He was in a daze and could only see countless overlapping figures on the shore.

That was the original "Three Thousand Worlds", the world that Ji Dai wanted to restore.

So now we have to sacrifice him to help more people

Zhang Daowu wanted to say something, but when he opened his mouth, he only felt a suffocating feeling of drowning.

Just then, an electronic voice came.

[Ding—It was detected that the player: Zhang Daowu’s consent was not obtained, and the game copying behavior has been stopped.]

[Applying to contact [system], please wait. ]

(End of this chapter)