After Retiring From the Underworld, I Entered an Infinite Game

Chapter 277: Place of Birth (XIV)



"Zhang Daowu, Zhang Daowu?"

It seemed as if a voice was calling his name... No, it wasn't actually a voice, but a "message" being transmitted.

who is it

He closed his eyes tightly, his mind space was so crowded with the copied game data that there was almost no room for him. As long as the game continued to copy, the memories belonging to "Zhang Daowu", which were too insignificant compared to the data of the first version of "Three Thousand Worlds", would collapse instantly.

Without the memory of "Zhang Daowu", and with his entire thinking space occupied by a pile of data, is he still "Zhang Daowu"

There is no answer to this question.

Because soon, someone slowly extracted the data in his thinking space, and Zhang Daowu's personality, which was submerged under the suffocating water, was also salvaged.

At the same time, in the underworld, the computer screen storing the first version of "Three Thousand Worlds" was flashing, and Yan Xun, the desk darling on the desktop, was holding a laptop and typing on the keyboard.

At some point before, he stopped typing on the keyboard and adjusted the earphones on his ears - this was actually just an anthropomorphic action. As a set program, Yan Xun, the desk darling, did not need to do this to "listen" to the data feedback.

It's just that the person who made it had some intriguing ideas, so he made it look easy to please people.

[Detected that [Fixed Reserved Node in Area F - Dragon's Burial Ground] has activated a new node, and is copying system data to the new node. ]

[Copying, please wait.]

In a flash, Yan Xun, the desk darling, finished reading the historical operation records and soon found a BUG in the operation records.

[New node: [Zhang Daowu]]

[The new node is running out of memory and is being expanded. ]

Zhang Daowu

For a program that will never forget the data as long as it has it, this name is not difficult to "recall" at all.

The president of the Ronghua Guild, one of the wandering souls who has not returned to the underworld since his [reincarnation experience].

He is also Zhang Daoan's younger brother.

Zhang Daoan—suspected to be some form of existence of the [Main System].

This is extremely easy to analyze in front of Yan Xun, the desk pet, a system composed entirely of data.

When Yan Xun, the desk buddy, took over "Don't Answer", he quickly sorted out a lot of strange data during operation.

This program, which has no thinking ability and is purely created by advanced technology, will not actively analyze the meaning of the existence of this data, but when the administrator makes a certain instruction, the program will immediately analyze and verify the rationality of this instruction.

At this time, an operator with partial management authority over the first version of Three Thousand Worlds wants to activate the new node and copy the system data to the new node.

—It is equivalent to him creating a robot with partial functions.

The purpose of this robot is unknown, and the "manager" of the copy system does not have the authority to copy the system. The reason why it can be copied is only because this "manager" exists in a fixed node in Area F.

To give an example, the entire "Three Thousand Worlds" game system can be likened to an Internet cafe. Every computer, every network cable, even the tables, chairs, benches, ceilings, floors, etc. in the Internet cafe, all these hardware and software are components of the system.

Among them, the first generation version of "Three Thousand Worlds" now remaining in the underworld is equivalent to a computer in an Internet cafe. It can run system programs normally and connect to the server at the front desk of the Internet cafe, but it has no management authority and cannot control the entire Internet cafe.

Now the Internet cafe's main server is out of connection. Although Yan Xun has retained some permissions and data of the main server, he does not have the permission to read these data, nor can he actively connect to other computers.

To be honest, as a program, it is impossible for it to actively connect to other computers because Jie Fangcheng did not issue any relevant instructions.

But if at this time an administrator with administrative authority sets the computer here as the main server and installs a complete management system for it, Yan Xun will indeed be able to control the computers in the entire Internet cafe.

But unfortunately, the administrator is not here, and the main server's main system is also gone... Oh, that main system has been broken into countless pieces, and now a little bit of it is still preserved here.

After all, Desk Pet Yan Xun is just a program that can be run, and now, there is another computer belonging to this Internet cafe that wants to copy the operating system of this Internet cafe to a new computer.

The new computer didn't have much memory, so it wouldn't be able to run at all, and it would cause irreversible hardware damage to the computer.

But the computer doesn't care.

He seemed to want to use the new computer as a springboard, using it as a removable transport hard drive to get to the server of the current version of "Three Thousand Worlds" - that place did not belong to the category of "Main System" Internet cafe, but was another larger Internet cafe with other operating systems.

Ji Dai wants to replace the main server of the current version of "Three Thousand Worlds" with the first-generation operating system. Once it becomes the first-generation operating system, the administrator with the management authority of the first-generation system can use his authority to control the entire "Three Thousand Worlds".

Even if the manager of the original system is not here, and even if the game cannot be controlled, the presidents of the six major guilds can first lose their game management rights.

After all, that first-generation system only obeyed the Dragon God's orders, and management authority was only open to the Dragon God.

In fact, this matter has nothing to do with Yan Xun, the desk darling. After all, the copied data comes from other computers and is not connected to this computer at all.

As a program that cannot think, Yan Xun, the desk darling, should not have any other excessive reactions.

Because when this program was first created, the creator gave only one core instruction: to help Jie Fangcheng.

It only obeys all of Jie Fangcheng's instructions, but it is not the real Yan Xun.

It will only make corresponding calculations and provide help when Jie Fangcheng needs it.

After reading the historical operation records, the data belonging to the [main system] that had been silent suddenly reacted.

[Ding—It was detected that the copy process does not comply with the system rules of "Three Thousand Worlds".]

There was too little data left in the main system, and the data was disordered, so it was quite difficult to issue such instructions.

But this one instruction is enough.

The main system's instructions quickly rechecked the program, immediately interrupted the copying, and then scanned and detected Zhang Daowu's thinking space.

This kind of copying is definitely not something that ordinary people can withstand. Although Zhang Daoan's thinking space was so solid and strong at the beginning, when the data was copied in large quantities, he lost all his memories in the blink of an eye and almost disappeared.

This time the copying was terminated in time and the thinking space was not damaged.

The remaining soul of Ji Dai flickered twice, trying to replicate again, but this time it was interrupted as soon as it showed signs of doing so.

[Ding—It was detected that the player: Zhang Daowu’s consent was not obtained, and the game copying behavior has been stopped.]

The reason why Ji Dai was able to copy data within Zhang Daowu's thinking space was because he was using Huimeng Fish.

This thing was left in the River of Rebirth by the Dragon God when he created the underworld, and it carries the Dragon God's divine power.

All programs left over from the first generation system were extremely sensitive to things related to the Dragon God. Even if one only used Huimeng Fish, one could still have some management authority.

That is why, when Ji Dai's residual soul failed in its attempt to copy, the program instructions with the same origin were immediately fed back to Yan Xun, the favorite in the underworld.

As a rigorous program, when it fails to run, the program will proactively provide a solution.

[Ding—obtaining player [Zhang Daowu]’s consent.]

How can I obtain the player's consent

The program calculation is completed in the blink of an eye.

Calculation results: After enabling the [Zhang Daoan] data, it is easier to convince the player Zhang Daowu.

Until this moment, the questionable data left in the main system was finally repaired and awakened.

An illusory electronic figure appeared in Zhang Daowu's thinking space.

He was wearing a black windbreaker and gold-rimmed glasses, looking very elegant.

The moment he appeared, his expression seemed to be a moment of initial confusion, but soon, this dilapidated data image read the memory data stored in the computer in the underworld and immediately understood everything.

At the same time, Zhang Daowu finally woke up.

He half-knelt on the ground, opened his eyes, and stared blankly at the person in front of him.

"elder brother… "

The figure in front of him looked down at him, then smiled when he heard his address.

"Hello, Zhang Daowu." The electronic figure with the face of Zhang Daoan introduced, "'Zhang Daoan' is one of my forms of existence. I am [System]."


A1 restricted area.

Under the dragon horns, the sea god sat on the pearl throne with his eyes closed, listening to the prayers of the mermaids.

Compared to other ethnic groups, it is difficult for mermaids to enter dungeons to complete tasks.

In fairy tales, mermaids can drink the witch's potion and grow legs that can walk on land, but real mermaids cannot do that.

Their fish tails mean they can only survive in the ocean, but the dungeon environment is ever-changing, and the mermaids, who are not good at walking, rarely encounter a dungeon environment that is beneficial to them.

Even the sea god must use the pearl throne behind him to survive on land for a long time, let alone other mermaids without legs

The Pearl Throne is not made of pearls, but is made up of countless mermaid pearls.

In order to allow their king to walk on land, and to give the "mermaids", a race that is extremely powerful but has huge innate defects, a chance to survive, countless mermaids were killed in exchange for such an illusory future.

The Sea God finally lived up to everyone's expectations, and relied on his own abilities to sit on the position of president of one of the six major guilds.

Back when the Dragon God was still around, he thought that with his ability and status, he could ask for a rule for the mermaids so that they could enter and exit dungeons freely like other races.

But his request was rejected.

Perhaps he was too busy, or perhaps he was disdainful, the Dragon God did not give any explanation.

—That’s normal.

Because the Dragon God basically won't give any explanation to anyone.

He is high above, overlooking the Three Thousand Worlds, maintaining the operation of the rules with powerful force, and will never allow anyone to modify the rules he made... Or to put it another way, as long as he exists, the rules he made can never be changed.

This god is used to seeing life and death. In his eyes, the demise of a race is like the dissipation of fireworks, which does not move him at all.

This is why Poseidon agreed to join the dragon-slaying operation.

He is the king of the mermaids. The mermaids paid a heavy price, almost risking genocide, to raise him. He must bring his people from the backward and lonely ocean world to the prosperous "Three Thousand Worlds" so that they also have the opportunity to evolve into stronger strength.

If the Dragon God blocks them, he must destroy the wall that blocks them.

When the Dragon God fell, and he was free to change the rules, the Sea God did create a new rule for his people.

He gave the mermaids legs that could go ashore, allowing the mermaids to leave the ocean freely. The huge fish tails could transform into a pair of nimble legs when they reached land.

As a result, they didn't even last ten years. The mermaids, who were extremely powerful in themselves, broke free from the last taboo. Such a powerful race that had the strength of an A-level hunter at birth became the target of public criticism.

Mermaids are not nature-loving elves. There are just as many dangerous species in the ocean as on land. Mermaids are the overlords of the ocean world. They advocate the use of force, have a natural love of killing, and have the characteristics of marine creatures, making it almost impossible for them to get along with other land races and civilizations.

The Sea God had tried many methods before. He forced his people to abide by the rules of the game, but he was not a real god and could not restrain these powerful tribesmen at all.

At that time, the game had not yet collapsed morally, most players still adhered to the bottom line, and the gaming atmosphere was positive.

The mermaids, a race that often killed people at will in dungeons, soon incurred public anger.

There are many posts on the forum criticizing mermaids, and even the god of the sea himself has been attacked.

Fifteen years after the Dragon God's fall, the Sea God had no choice but to change the rules once again.

He moved all the mermaids into Area E and provided them with a good living environment in the designated small world. At the same time, he no longer allowed his own people to enter the copy at will, and took back their right to walk on land.

So many years have passed, and the mermaids continue to live well in the world defined by the sea god.

The sea god listens to the prayers of every mermaid every day.

They are all trivial matters.

Today's kelp is too old, a mermaid said he would pay me back but still hasn't, and yesterday a customer said my fish tail wasn't blue enough...

All mermaids know that they have a benevolent king who plans for every mermaid.

Poseidon dealt with these prayers one by one.

Mermaids have a long lifespan, but a very low fertility rate. Even if they are relocated to Area E, they do not need to enter dungeons or hunting grounds, nor do they have to pay detention points. Yet, there are less than 10,000 mermaids alive today.

But back then, when the Dragon God, who was considered an obstacle by the Sea God, was still alive, there were more than three million mermaids living in the ocean world.

It's only been fifteen years.

Of course... it's not just the mermaids.

When the Dragon God fell, everyone thought it was a new beginning for the game.

The six presidents have the power of gods, and they can do more for more players.

Now that living beings are free from the oppression of God, they will definitely be able to create better games.

Quite the opposite.

In the hundred years since the Dragon God's fall, what no one expected was that everything turned out to be the exact opposite of what they had imagined.

The game didn't get better, war and killing became the main theme.

When the Dragon God was around, his existence made every player a "player", but now that he's gone, every player has become a mermaid, a demon, a human, an elf...

They have more divisions than just race.

Region, place of residence, place of origin, level of strength...even appearance, gender, looks, etc.

Differences of all kinds grew like weeds wherever the wind blew. Countless groups emerged, and the number of unions increased every year.

The bloodline sequence was also born at this stage.

And there was also a war among the six presidents.

After all, as an administrator who can change the rules, it is impossible for every rule to completely meet the wishes of six people.

Just as mermaids can walk on land, Satan also requires the demons' weaknesses to be changed.

Madam, Rock Ghost and Sir, these three presidents are completely considering the overall situation, but don’t they have any selfish motives

They are not the creator gods who can treat everyone equally.

The war spread to the six major guilds.

Because of the rule change, none of the six would die. Such a war had no impact on the six of them, but it caused heavy casualties to the players of the six major guilds.

There have also been huge changes in the game.

A hundred years passed, and when countless players died and there was no need for war anymore, the game finally entered a peaceful period again.

Sometimes Poseidon would think... they seemed to have done something wrong.

This game wasn't like this when the Dragon God was around.

Although the mermaids could not come to the "Three Thousand Worlds" at that time, they lived well in the ocean world given by the Dragon God.

What about games? Although games were not as popular as they are now, players relied entirely on their instinctive dedication to complete dungeons.

But it seems like everyone is... happy.

If I could do it again...

A flash of white light appeared before Poseidon's eyes.

The "rock ghost" who had not been seen for a long time and was almost unrecognizable as a human appeared in front of him.

"The first generation [system] appeared in Area F!" His expression was gloomy, and a virtual screen appeared on his rock-forged arm.

On the screen, a Devourer slowly collapsed as if its bones had been pulled out.

When it fell down, two tiny ant-like figures in front of its huge body quickly enlarged.

A figure appeared in a leather jacket, and trees suddenly grew under his feet.

He turned to look at the other person beside him.

"President...his brother, where are we going?"

Next to him was a man in a suit who looked elegant and intellectual.

But around this man, countless mechanical tentacles are flying—the raw materials come from the devourer in front of him.

Data flashed in his inorganic pupils, and soon, the man suddenly looked up.

The innate instinct of "Rock Ghost" is to be connected with all rock senses. After its body is mechanically transformed, it can monitor most places in the "Three Thousand Worlds".

This kind of talent should be unnoticeable to anyone.

But at this moment, the person being monitored by "Rock Ghost" clearly looked at "Sea God".

He nodded elegantly, looking extremely polite.

The next second, the mechanical tentacles around him accurately smashed a rock used for surveillance.


The screen went black instantly.

"Who is that? The system???"

Poseidon's expression changed drastically.

The system is not aggressive at all because he abandoned his external body in order to merge with the Dragon God.

Later, as "Three Thousand Worlds" developed, the system also evolved. Except for the Dragon God, no living or non-living things could accommodate his huge amount of data.


But Yan Gui nodded.

"It's the system. He's much weaker... but he has a new body."

The Rock Ghost and the Sea God looked at each other.

Even though just now the Sea God was still wondering whether they had made a mistake and whether the Dragon God's decision was correct.

But at this moment, Poseidon still spoke without hesitation.

"Kill him, and the Three Thousand Worlds must be in our hands! Where's the president?"

When mentioning "President", Iwakuni's expression became a little strange.

"I just went to see him, and he said," Iwagami frowned, "he said that he knew how to completely control the game. Because he got... a new body."

(End of this chapter)