After Retiring From the Underworld, I Entered an Infinite Game

Chapter 280: The Place of Birth (XVII)


In the president's laboratory in the A1 restricted area, Satan looked gloomily at the person wrapped in the black cocoon.

The system has obviously been copied, and only the last step is left. As long as he can successfully connect, he can control the entire "Three Thousand Worlds".

For so long, under the leadership of the president, the strength of the six of them has been limited to a certain range.

Compared to other players who can obtain skills and props in the dungeon to improve their strength, the so-called six presidents have not improved their strength for many years. They can't even absorb too much power of rules.

It was because the six of them all knew very well that the reason they were able to kill the Dragon God was not because their strength had surpassed that of the Dragon God.

It’s because the other party actively sought death.

For so many years, the Dragon God suppressed his own power and did not allow his strength to continue to rise. Otherwise, the overly powerful Dragon God would attract the power of the rules of the "Three Thousand Worlds", causing the "Three Thousand Worlds" to return to the old path of small world No. 01.

Therefore, when the president proposed to establish rules to prevent the strength of the six of them from increasing, the other five naturally agreed.

After all, their strength is already so strong that it is difficult for ordinary players to match it. In addition, they have management authority, so their strength is at the ceiling in the game, and it doesn’t matter whether they need to go further.

But Satan is different!

He was originally the weakest among the six, and later suffered the most serious injuries in the battle with the Dragon God.

The devil had two horns, but one of them was broken by the Dragon God. Even if he could be resurrected, the horn that was broken by the Creator God would never grow back.

Satan's strength is not much different from that of the district chiefs of the six districts, so he is naturally worried that he will be tricked by a stronger player.

For this reason, Satan has proposed many times, hoping that the president can open up the strength threshold. Even if the five of them do not need it, Satan still hopes to improve his own strength.

But this request has never been met.

According to the president, opening the threshold will not only make Satan stronger, but will also allow the other five people to exceed the upper limit.

If it continues to grow, it might be like the Dragon God, and the power of rules would affect the game.

That is why Satan has always been very dissatisfied with this in his heart.

But now, he was clearly about to become the sole manager of "Three Thousand Worlds" and would never have to be looked down upon again, but he was just missing this last step.


Is this operation really possible

Even without mentioning the pain during the connection process, the attacks from the opponent's thinking space are definitely not something that ordinary people can win.

But he absolutely could not let Satan give up this great opportunity.

The president is not the only manager of the game yet, but he already has that attitude towards him. When he is allowed to take full control of "Three Thousand Worlds" in the future, we don't know what will happen to the others. How can the president be kind to him

How can it be!

If that doesn't work... then there seems to be another way.

There was a flash of red light in Satan's hand, and a sickle appeared in his hand.

He clenched the Grim Reaper's scythe in his hand and stared at the person in front of him.

Destroying this body would make all the president's efforts go to waste.

If that's the case, at least I still have the authority of an administrator and the rules are still in effect.

Maintaining the status quo is always better than making the situation worse.

As for what they said, "If this plan succeeds, they will no longer need to be restricted by the system", even if it is true, what does it have to do with him, Satan

It's ruined.

Thinking of this, Satan actually tried to destroy the corpse in front of him.

Just then, a voice came from behind him, "What are you doing?"

Satan immediately turned around.

Behind him, the president looked at him coldly with a frown on his face.

Satan's heart skipped a beat.

He forced a smile and tried to explain something, but the president in front of him coldly ordered, "Get out."

Damn it, it happens again!

Satan cursed angrily in his heart.

It was clearly the six presidents, but every one of them was bossing him around. Even the Sea God, who seemed to have a good relationship with him, always gave him instructions from a high position.

Hearing the president's instructions at this time, Satan was extremely dissatisfied.

But after the president turned his head and looked at him with a slightly dissatisfied look, Satan had no choice but to retreat.

There was no way, he was indeed no match for the president! Moreover, this was near his laboratory.

But even though he didn't dare to take action, he still had a chance to control the game in the last second, but was immediately beaten back to reality in the next second. How could Satan be willing to accept this

So after walking out of the experiment, Satan hid nearby, and with a slight rub of his fingers, a small bat acted as his eyes, spread its wings and flew through the wall of the laboratory, then stuck to the wall, faithfully broadcasting everything that happened in the laboratory to the devil.

He just didn't believe that the president could succeed in connecting the borders when it hurt him so much as if his brain was being cut with a knife.

In the laboratory, through the eyes of the bat, Satan saw that the president first picked up the virtual screen with a normal expression.

He slid the screen skillfully, not in a hurry to take the final step, and seemed to be processing something.

Soon, he put down the screen and raised his eyelashes.

For some reason, Satan felt that the president's expression seemed a little strange.

What's that expression? Is it heartache? Or something else

But the expression on the president's face only flashed by, and soon he approached the person in the cocoon with a normal expression.

He solved the equation with his eyes closed, looking as if he was asleep.

The president in front of him did not use the data stream to connect the two people as stated on the virtual screen.

He simply reached out and gently held the corpse's cold hand.

The next second, when he opened his eyes again, he had arrived in the gray, hazy thinking space of Jie Fangcheng.

The black data stream has built a huge system here, but because there is no power source, it can only be copied without the energy to run it.

And at this moment, the "President" finally took off his disguise.

Zhang Daoan looked around quietly.

In order to avoid having his consciousness controlled by the black data stream, Jie Fangcheng chose to kill himself.

But now, in the empty mind space, the master's figure has disappeared.

His consciousness was like shattered glass, fragments scattered everywhere, protected by those inconspicuous fragments of memory.

Zhang Daoan stood on the land of his own thinking space. At this moment, he completely opened up his thinking space and successfully completed the connection.

He took a step out from the solid ground.

The black data streams around him sensed the danger and tried to eliminate him.

Zhang Daoan looked around.

Are you going to collect the fragments of consciousness? For Zhang Daoan... this is something very, very familiar.

He closed his eyes.

The next second, several cracks appeared on Zhang Daoan's body.

He suddenly broke apart, like stars, spreading towards the entire thinking space.

Each star is a small piece of data, looking for all the information left by the owner of the thinking space.

Finally, a piece of data touched a piece of memory fragment and gently spread inward to find the consciousness protected by the memory.

at the same time.

The evil spirit who was suppressed under the Dongyue Temple and was wearing a black brocade robe and a nine-tasseled crown on his head moved his fingers slightly.

He had been imprisoned in the boundless Dongyue Temple for who knows how many years, his entire body sealed with black forbidden patterns, and four chains firmly locked him at the bottom of the Yellow Springs River.

In the past, black dream fish would pass by him from time to time, but they were too afraid to approach, which formed an empty barrier around him.

But at a certain moment, a black dream-returning fish that passed by the evil spirit seemed to smell the scent of dreams, and swam around the evil spirit hesitantly with a fierce look, unwilling to leave.

The evil spirit closed his eyes quietly.

Countless fragments of memory were being called upon, and he seemed to be sinking into a dark dream.

Finally, the memory was gently touched.

In an instant, images and sounds came flooding in.

"… Your Highness, Your Highness?"

Jie Fangcheng suddenly opened his eyes.

He seemed to have had a very long dream, but after waking up he could no longer remember the content of the dream, yet at this moment he still felt as if he were in another world.

He rolled his eyes and looked at the people around him.

“… Mingqi.”

Zhuang Mingqi smiled, but the smile seemed forced.

"Your Highness, we are almost there."

Xie Fangcheng nodded.

He straightened his clothes, and soon, he could hear faint voices coming from afar.

"Is he really a god? God bless you! God bless you!"

"We are the people favored by God! Will we have the opportunity to become gods in the future?"

"Now that the gods have come here, will the Kara Kingdom no longer be able to invade our borders? Will we no longer need to recruit soldiers?"

Listening to the noise outside, Zhuang Mingqi was silent for a moment, his voice dry.

"It's a good thing that the Kara country surrendered."

His Highness did not speak, but just opened the curtain and looked outside.

They were on their way back to the imperial capital after achieving success.

Da Ru and the Gua State had a deep blood feud and had been fighting to the death for more than a hundred years. Although the Gua State had surrendered now, it was not defeated.

Last year, a god descended from the state of Gan, hoping to use a letter of surrender from the god to force Da Ru to surrender.

Jie Fangcheng sneaked into the immortal's mansion alone and brought back the immortal's head.

At that time he said he was a liar, but Zhuang Mingqi knew that he was indeed a god.

But what they didn’t expect was that a year later, a god also came to the world in their Da Ru.

That was not a magic trick. The generals at the border watched helplessly as the immortal waved his hand gently, and a strong wind blew up between heaven and earth, and the dust was blown towards the distant city.

The city wall collapsed with a loud bang, and hundreds of soldiers from the Kara country died in this light wave of the hand.

This is God.

With a flip of his hand, clouds appear; with a flip of his hand, rain falls; in a single thought, he can decide the life and death of mortals.

The state of Gan surrendered immediately.

At that time, Jie Fangcheng was standing on the city wall. Behind him in Luoxia Pass, the people were kneeling devoutly to worship this god who had come to the world. Even the generals around him were bowing their heads in anticipation, expecting this god to perform more miracles.

Jie Fangcheng did not kneel. He looked at the immortal's elegant and confident back from afar and clenched the tall sword in his hand.

Your country... does not need gods.

In other words, there should be no gods in the world.

But after the news reached the capital, the emperor issued dozens of imperial edicts, each of which urgently asked him to welcome the god into the capital as soon as possible.

The Kingdom of Gan has surrendered, and as the crown prince, he has no other reason to stay at the border.

Jie Fangcheng accepted the order and returned to the court. The immortal seemed to have a good temper. Not only did he agree to go back with him, he also did not make any requests.

Is he a good god

The army's return to the capital should have been a matter of great attention, but under the presence of the gods, no one, whether the common people or the people in the court, thought of the country or the generals who had fought outside.

It was obvious that so many generals had been guarding the border for many years and were able to resist the troops of the Kara State. Even if there were no gods coming to the world, they would have defeated the Kara State sooner or later.

But when the gods came, the perseverance of so many people for so many years became a topic of conversation after dinner: "Thanks to the help of the gods."

At that time, after the prince returned to the court, he asked for rewards on behalf of the generals at the border, but the emperor refused and reprimanded him for being disrespectful for not kneeling to the immortal.

It was not until this benevolent god spoke well of the generals that they were able to obtain the rewards that were rightfully theirs.

But no matter how kind and noble this god behaved, and no matter how he seemed to fit the descriptions of gods in all the storybooks, Jie Fangcheng could still feel... that something was about to happen.


After a temple was built for this benevolent god, the god stood in the air, looking down at the tiny mortals on the earth.

"My magic requires ninety-nine beautiful boys and girls as sacrifices. Please find them for me, Emperor. I can guarantee you ten years of good weather and good harvests."

(End of this chapter)