After Retiring From the Underworld, I Entered an Infinite Game

Chapter 284: Place of Birth (Twenty-two)


The woman waited anxiously in the fairy palace.

By the time the sun set and the moon reached its zenith, the Crown Prince still hadn't returned.

There was indeed rice and noodles, as well as some vegetables and fruits in the kitchen of the Fairy Palace.

God does not eat grains and does not need them, but the children who serve God do.

Although she was very hungry, the woman did not dare to move.

She has already troubled His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

The night gradually deepened.

The woman even began to doubt whether she should not have come to see His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. Perhaps this kind-hearted prince would get into trouble for helping her.

Just as she was thinking this, she suddenly heard a noisy sound coming from far away outside.

She immediately walked to the entrance of the fairy palace in fear, secretly opened a crack and looked out.

After seeing the scene at the door, the woman opened her mouth in surprise and opened the door of the fairy palace completely.

On the mountain that was originally deserted, there were now torches connected together, stretching up the mountain like a line.

At the very beginning of the line, the returning Crown Prince looked no different from when he left.

Beside him, several old farmers were pulling a cart, on which there seemed to be a corpse covered with a white cloth.

The woman soon realized something. She walked out of the fairy palace with weak hands and feet, and finally crawled to the front of the cart with her limp foot and pounced on it from a distance.

Under the white cloth was a face whose original appearance was no longer recognizable.

But after spending so much time with this man, the woman still knew who he was at a glance.

It was not until this moment that she was finally able to lean over her husband's body and cry bitterly.

The light from the surrounding torches was dim, as if a rising sun had been lit in this fairy palace.

The morning sun shines on the tattered and patched clothes, on the faces that are wrinkled like old tree bark after being exposed to the sun, and on the spines that are bent over the years.

No one knew what this meant at the time.

All we know is that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince pushed out the mighty and intimidating judge who was sitting high in the courtroom in the county government office, and held him in front of the government office, wanting the people to try him.

The common people who were specially invited from the city and surrounding villages stood uncomfortably at the gate of the county government office.

This is strange, they have always been tried by the masters, when will they be able to try a master like this

No one dared to speak at first.

But there will always be people who are forced into a desperate situation and have nothing to hold on to except their lives and stand up.

"Please Your Highness, please make the decision!"

During the three years, when His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was busy trying to eliminate the gods, in addition to the major event of "killing the gods", countless seemingly insignificant little things also happened.

For example, there was Master Liu who wanted to choose a silver necklace for his daughter, but accidentally bumped into the eldest master's relative and ended up having his leg broken; there was Li Ba's family who were farming in the fields but were hit and killed by a powerful young man on horseback.

The names of the dead souls were called out one after another at the gate of the county government office.

The county magistrate was originally staring at anyone who dared to speak with anger, but when more and more people gathered at the door, fear finally appeared on his face.

"Your Highness, Your Highness." The county magistrate smiled flatteringly, "I really didn't do a very good job before. I am willing to apologize to these... these villagers."

He seemed to feel that his apology was such precious compensation, and when he said this, there was a look of grievance and humiliation on his face.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince did not look at him, but only looked at the crowd gathered around him.

"County Magistrate Hua Shixin has served as Rui County Magistrate for five years without much achievement. As county magistrate, he allowed the powerful and their relatives to kill and rob, and not only failed to discipline them, but was also mediocre and incompetent, and even repeatedly protected them. He also bullied men and women, and oppressed the people under various pretexts! Today—"

The tall and sharp gentleman's sword was placed at the neck of the county magistrate. It was not until this moment that the county magistrate finally understood why he was panicking.

Are you afraid of the people in front of you

There is nothing to be afraid of! These are just a group of livestock that are no different from the livestock in the mansion. If you hit them with a stick, they will just kneel on the ground and tremble.

He was not afraid of these people, but he was afraid of this deposed prince who even killed gods!

"Your Highness! Your Highness! We are in the same group!! How can you kill me?? I am a Jinshi, and my father is a scholar! If you kill me, can Your Highness bear the criticism from the world's scholars?"

They were literate, officials, dignitaries, and high-ranking people who did not have to work in the fields to make a living. They were completely different from those peasants.

Is this prince crazy? Why is he standing up for those people

The surroundings were extremely quiet, and everyone's eyes were fixed on the gate of the county government.

What would His Royal Highness do? Beat the county magistrate with a stick

Isn't this kind of thinking a bit outrageous... Well, you can just scold him.

The sword of the gentleman flashed with a cold light, and the prince in black robes said coldly: "Verbal criticism? I am waiting for the verbal criticism of the so-called nobles! Your crimes are so heinous that they cannot be listed! There is no need to wait for another day! Today, I will kill you according to the law of the country!"

The county magistrate opened his eyes wide and was about to make any excuses, but the sharp sword had already chopped off his head cleanly.

Blood splattered and covered the ground in front of the county government office, mixing with the old bloodstains of those old untouchables whom he looked down upon.


The master who was more terrifying than gods is really dead!

The dream-like scene before one's eyes left one speechless, and it was only after a long time that the first earth-shattering applause was heard.

“Great kill!!”

This sound seemed like a beginning.

Crying, thanking, cursing...

Many people only realized today that there really is a bright mirror hanging high under the blue sky.

Later, it was learned that the prince had been studying Taoism and immortal books in the Immortal Palace. He came down the mountain this time because a peasant woman knocked on the door of the Immortal Palace. The surrounding residents spontaneously searched for the body of the peasant woman's husband for him, and finally fished the body out of a sewage ditch and transported it back.

The peasant woman thanked His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, and with the help of others, she pulled the cart back to her village. After burying her husband and children, she set out again on the road to the fairy palace.

When she arrived at the foot of Xiangong Mountain, the originally empty town at the foot of the mountain now had some liveliness.

Originally, this town was built by powerful people from all over the place just to have contact with the gods.

When His Royal Highness the God-killing Prince moved into the Fairy Palace, these people ran away in a hurry. They took away whatever they could take away and smashed whatever they could not take away, even smashing the house into pieces.

As soon as the peasant woman entered the town, someone welcomed her warmly.

They said that His Highness said that if you are homeless, you can choose a house here to live in.

But the houses here are very dilapidated and need to be repaired by ourselves; there is only wasteland here and we need to cultivate it ourselves.

His Highness gave a batch of grain, and the people who were willing to open up the wasteland and settle down could stay there, and he would provide them with food for a year.

However, the food was not much. They were all offered to the Fairy Palace from various places. His Highness had the fine rice and rare birds sold in exchange for some coarse grains.

You may not eat very well, but you can survive.

The woman nodded immediately.

As long as they can survive, this is the only wish of many people.

The town is getting more and more populated.

Everything that happened in Rui County was like a stone thrown into a lake, causing ripples to spread to the lifeless Ru State.

—National law.

It seemed that until this moment, those high and mighty people who were still immersed in the dream of immortals finally remembered that, oh, this is not the realm of gods, this is a country.

During the three years that the gods came to the world, they treated the people as animals and sacrifices, and all national laws and family rules had to give way to their deification.

Is there any objection


Apart from His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, there are naturally some dignitaries who can speak out and think that this is inappropriate.

But even the prince was reprimanded with a stick in the court because of this matter, let alone others

Slowly, the sounds disappeared.

Maybe the people who could speak have died, or maybe they no longer dared to speak, but in the end, the powerful people in your country finally united as one and began to dream of becoming gods.

Every noble who has the opportunity to see the gods thinks that he will soon become a god. Once he becomes a god, even the emperors of the world will be dirt under his feet, not to mention those ants who are also dirt. What does their suffering matter

But now, the gods are gone.

The Ru Kingdom has a powerful prince who is almost a god, but he does not stand with the powerful and wealthy, but instead stands on the side of the untouchables.

After hearing about what happened in Rui County, the atmosphere in the entire Ru State seemed to have changed.

Officials who oppressed the people began to tremble in fear, and there were faint voices among the people in the fields saying—

Hey, you know what? We are not without support now! His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is willing to be our backer!

The lame woman in the small town had no idea what was happening outside.

She only knew that in the small town, those who came were all miserable people.

They reclaimed wasteland during the day and gathered together at night, lit firewood to keep warm and talked about the past.

Everyone’s suffering is different, and some are more miserable than the woman’s.

Their families were broken up and they were bullied, but in the end, the people who bullied them were alive and well. They were obviously honest, but they could only swallow the tears and blood in their throats and continue to live with resignedness.

Is life hard now

It's bitter too.

What we have here is not fertile farmland, but wasteland, where even if you hit the ground with farm tools, you can only dig a hole.

It would take enough effort to cultivate wasteland into fields suitable for growing crops. Even cows would be exhausted to death, and they didn't have many cows, so they could only cultivate the land bit by bit through manpower.

But every night, the firelight danced in the eyes of the people around, and those originally numb pupils seemed to come alive.

The woman knew why.

Because here they are not animals, they are human beings.

Someone who has never been one.

At the end of every day, everyone always says the same ending.


The peasant woman's room was not far from the mountain. She often saw people knocking on the door of the Fairy Palace from time to time. His Royal Highness the Crown Prince never refused guests. He would lift up the people who were kneeling on the ground and crying so hard that they could not get up, and bring them into the Fairy Palace.

Soon afterwards, he left the fairy palace with his sword in hand.

Soon, some poor people with half-naked clothes and pale and skinny faces will come to the town from afar, supporting each other.

The peasant women would also enthusiastically bring them to the town and tell them about His Royal Highness the Crown Prince's decrees and how good he was.

As time passed, when the wheat ears in the wasteland finally sprouted new buds, the bitterness seemed to slowly flow out of the body.

As the town grew in population, the existing houses became too small to accommodate everyone, so everyone worked together to build new houses.

The literate residents said: "This is a paradise on earth."

A paradise on earth

What a great name! Just reading it makes me feel… What did the teacher say

Oh, happiness.

They are so lucky, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is so awesome, and everyone will surely be able to live here for a long time in the future.

That’s what the peasant woman thought.

Until one day, she saw that the steps leading to the fairy palace seemed a little dirty, so after finishing her work during the day, she went up the steps with a broom in the evening.

Soon, a touch of red on the steps pierced her eyes. It was fresh blood that had not yet dried.

Is it some poor soul who couldn't survive that went to knock on the door of the Fairy Palace

The peasant woman thought about this, but felt a little nervous.

She lives at the foot of the mountain. If there really is such a person going to the Fairy Palace, she should be able to see him.

But the only person she had seen walking up and down these stairs was His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

At the end of the steps, a bloodstain suddenly appeared on the door of the fairy palace.

Someone with blood on his hands pushed open the door and walked in.

The broom in the peasant woman's hand fell to the ground.

His Royal Highness is very strong, so... maybe he is not injured? Maybe, maybe it is someone else's blood

But the woman felt it was impossible.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is a very clean person, and she has heard how he dealt with those evil people.

Just one sword!

Even if there were dozens of people surrounding him, as soon as His Highness swung his sword, the person would fly backwards.

He is the Crown Prince who can kill gods!

The peasant woman wanted to go up and knock on the door to ask if His Highness was injured and if he needed help.

But if he needed help, he would have to pass through the small town when going in and out of the fairy palace.

Why doesn't Your Highness ask for help

Although the peasant woman was illiterate, she was not stupid and could understand that His Highness might not want others to discover that she was injured.

So she left the gate of the fairy palace quietly.

She herself couldn't figure it out, but there were intelligent and knowledgeable people in the town.

She was going to ask these wise people.

But those who are observing these memories know better what happened.

It's a god.

Just like the gods that appeared before, another god has descended.

And it’s not as simple as just one or two.

Is this the fifth one

No one knew what had happened, but the gods, who had rarely appeared before, suddenly arrived in large numbers.

Not only in Ru State, but also in the surrounding small countries, gods seemed to have descended.

It’s just that the gods of Ru country died one after another.

As long as His Royal Highness the Crown Prince senses that a god has descended upon your country, he will rush over immediately and kill the god before he has the chance to do evil.

At this time in the Fairy Palace, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, who had just experienced a great battle, was breathing heavily and tearing open his robe.

He likes to wear black not because he likes black, but because he has injuries all the time and they will be easily seen if he wears other colors.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, the young general, has scars from years of battles, old wounds from three years of trying to persuade the emperor or experimenting with magic that have not yet healed... and new wounds from fighting with the gods during this period.

A gash that cut through half of his chest continued to ooze out blood, but compared to the blood of ordinary people, the blood of this Crown Prince seemed to be mixed with some black substance.

no way.

He refused to become a god, so it was difficult for him to mobilize the divine power scattered between heaven and earth.

Although he has been compiling Taoist methods, they are not for his own use, but for the use of others.

He himself used something called evil witchcraft.

A ball of black mist emerged from his palm, and faint screams could be heard from within.

This is ghost energy, which is the most powerful force he can mobilize to restrain divine power.

At the moment the ghost spirit appeared, there seemed to be thunder in the sky.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince coughed twice, and blood oozed out of his nose and mouth.

“Stop scolding me.” He seemed to sigh and jokingly negotiate with the angry Heaven, “How about you kill me and all the gods with lightning? I definitely won’t use that method.”

The thunder grew louder.

"Alas, you don't agree and you won't help me... Hmm."

The wound was corroded by the black mist, and the flesh rolled and curled up as if it was burned, but the bleeding really stopped.

There is no way around it. After all, if you bear the evil spirit with your flesh and blood, how can you not pay a price

The prince leaned against the wall and rested for a long time. Then he closed his robe, stood up, and moved back to the study.

He sat at his desk, thinking and continuing to write to the best of his ability, hoping to write down everything he knew before he met a more powerful god that he could not deal with.

But this time the injury was too severe. His hands were shaking so much that he couldn't hold the pen. After writing two words, he could only put the pen down helplessly and sit at the table in a daze.

At that time, he was just a young man in his early twenties. Although he was wise and powerful, he rode into the battlefield at the age of fifteen and became famous in one battle. He saved the decline of the Ru Kingdom and forced the Gan Kingdom to retreat to Shacheng in two years, not daring to fight back.

But everyone seemed to have forgotten that he was just a mortal.

The wound hurts.

Even the young general, who had experienced many battles, could not maintain his posture at this moment. He slumped in the chair, thinking about the current situation.

He can only fight alone and cannot ask for help.

Because if he really failed, perhaps the emperor of Ru would still respectfully pay homage to the gods, crush him to dust, and vent his anger on the gods, saying: "This was all done by this traitor, and the people of Ru have been waiting for the gods to come and rescue us!"

In that case, this supreme god can still spare your country.

But once he has helpers, he is no longer a traitor.

Moreover, in this country of Ru, the techniques he compiled have not yet been promoted, and everyone is still a mortal. Who can help him

At this moment, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince looked towards the bookshelf.

A book with torn corners was placed in the position that was most convenient for him.

He hesitated for a moment and picked up the book.

When you open the first page, you will see a nauseating scene of execution.

"To make a ghost servant, one must subject it to the punishment of being cut into pieces, suffering the pain of having its tendons pulled out and its skin peeled off..."

The Crown Prince, who was always bright and cheerful, did not frown as he flipped through the book that had been worn out by him.

He knew every step clearly.

This book is a banned book. His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is well-informed and intelligent. When he was young, he opened the first page and threw it aside with a frown, refusing to read any more.

Now I deeply understand how important the methods in this book are.

If it really comes to the point where it is a last resort, who can help him become the ghost servant

The ghost servant completely obeys the master. If the person is not chosen well, and the ghost servant becomes a powerful ghost servant, it will be bad if the person is also a bad person.

But this person seems to be a good choice.

I have to let Zhuang Mingqi down. He is a calm and kind person. I don't know if he is willing to be the executioner.

The booklet is very thin and I finished it after flipping through two pages.

There was a sudden knock at the door of the fairy palace.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince put the book in his hand aside and was unable to stand up for a moment.

After trying two or three times, he finally stood up straight and changed his blood-stained robe first.

No matter who was outside the door, he couldn't show his weakness in front of others.

After all, his enemies are not limited to the gods. No matter whether they are the dignitaries in the court or the current emperor, once someone knows that he is at the end of his strength and seriously injured, they will probably lead their troops to raze the fairy palace to the ground.

I don't know who is coming...

He opened the door.

It was late at night. At the door, Zhuang Mingqi came hurriedly on horseback. He was dusty, his armor was dirty and stained with blood, and there were dark circles under his eyes. It was unknown how many nights he had not slept.

Only after seeing His Royal Highness the Crown Prince did he stagger to his knees, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Your Highness! Our army suffered a defeat at the border! A god suddenly descended upon the Kingdom of Ka! All 50,000 soldiers and horses were annihilated at the border! Luoxia Pass... was breached!"

(End of this chapter)