After Retiring From the Underworld, I Entered an Infinite Game

Chapter 286: Place of Birth (Twenty-four)


The surviving soldiers were repairing the city wall and dragging out the bodies of those who were crushed by the wall and whose original appearance was unrecognizable.

If the corpse of the common people still has family members, they will be returned to them. If there are no family members, the corpse will be buried on the spot.

Zhuang Mingqi led 30,000 soldiers to rush out of Luoxia Pass. The god just waved his hand, and the 30,000 elite soldiers were reduced to ashes, without even leaving their corpses.

Some generals were unwilling to give up, so they personally led people to the place where the 30,000 people disappeared, hoping to bring back at least something, even a horseshoe or a set of armor.

But when they came back they just shook their heads.

"Nothing is left."

It was as if these 30,000 mortals were just a fallen leaf, blown away by the wind without leaving any trace.

These are not the gods that came before.

Those gods would also take action. With a wave of their hands, they could kill hundreds of people suddenly, or with a snap of their fingers, the city wall would be hit by a siege vehicle as if it were hit.

But it still seems to be within human reach.

The one who came now made it impossible for people to have any thoughts of resistance.

The gap is so huge, so huge that it makes people despair and even give up the idea of resistance.

The entire Luoxia Pass was so quiet at this moment that no human voice could be heard, only the sound of the silent carts pulling corpses.

The camp was also as quiet as death. His Royal Highness the Crown Prince sat at the head of the group wearing a cloak. The generals said nothing, and everyone had the same dead expression.

Suddenly someone spoke.

"Let's lower it."

Everyone turned their eyes and looked at the person who said this.

It was Qi Yeyi, one of the original defenders of Yuewu Pass.

Now that he had spoken, it was not difficult for him to continue with the rest of the words.

"This Supreme God is so powerful, how can we resist him? Thirty thousand soldiers, he just waved his hand, and not even a corpse could be found. You are all aware of how thick the wall of Luoxia Pass is, how can we fight this battle? It's not a matter of morale at this point, it's impossible to win! Your Highness, can you defeat that immortal?"

"Qi Yeyi!" someone scolded him.

Qi Yeyi stared back without dodging: "Am I wrong? Even if we have 200,000, 300,000, or 500,000 elite soldiers, what can we do in front of that kind of god? Is this a being that you and I can defeat by just standing on the city wall and shouting a few times?"

What he said was unpleasant to hear, but everyone wanted to refute it, but they didn't know how to refute it.

Qi Yeyi looked at the prince.

"Your Highness! Even if it's for the sake of the people of your country, this war cannot be fought!"

If they open the city gates and surrender, perhaps the God will not make things difficult for the people of your country because of their knowledge and understanding.

But if you don’t surrender, when the gods themselves break into the city, there’s no guarantee that they won’t be enraged and massacre the country.

No matter how strong a person is, he cannot defeat a god like that!

Qi Yeyi felt that there was nothing wrong with what he said. He was not a coward. If he was, how could he and other generals defend Yuewu Pass to the death, and not retreat in the face of the gods before the country was destroyed, and even in the face of the imperial edict

Because at that time he felt like everyone else, that although they were gods, they were not without a way to win.

Things are different now than they were then.

This God is a God that they can never defeat.

How to fight a battle that is bound to fail

There were also a few sporadic voices of agreement.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, who was sitting high on the first seat, remained silent and just shook his head in the end.

"Let me think about it."

Everyone didn't know what he was thinking, and as they were looking at each other, they suddenly heard a shrill and painful voice coming from outside the tent.

"You can't surrender!!"

Qi Yeyi's expression changed, and he shouted coldly: "Who's outside?"

The curtain of the tent was lifted, and two soldiers came in carrying a stretcher.

It was a civilian whose leg was injured by the city wall.

Perhaps he heard the rumor that the prince was going to surrender, so he struggled to crawl to the front of the tent despite the injuries on his legs.

After seeing the prince, this man's eyes became bloodshot and tears rolled down.

"If Your Highness surrenders, then kill all the people of Luoxia Pass first!!"

Luoxia Pass borders the State of Gan. The people in the city live a hard life, but they have lived here for generations. No one would be willing to become a refugee unless they really couldn't make ends meet.

Speaking of blood feuds, who’s family didn’t have relatives who died at the hands of the traitorous cavalry

There are many brave people among the city's citizens. Every time there is a war, the soldiers hold the front line and the city's citizens help transport food and fodder and mend clothes.

How can I be willing to surrender when I hear that we are going to surrender

The prince was silent, and asked: "If you don't surrender, I have no guarantee of victory. Then the gods will be furious..."

"Even if the gods are not angry! If the gods come, will we have a good life?" The soldier carrying the stretcher couldn't help crying and said, "Your Highness, I originally had both parents at home. Although my younger sister was naughty, she was also smart... But the gods said that he wanted a bamboo forest and wanted boys and girls to plant bamboo. My younger sister was taken away and never came back! They said that in order to make the bamboo grow well, they killed all the children who went to plant bamboo to use as fertilizer! My mother cried every day and her eyes became blind. She fell into the well and died while scooping water. My father is now crazy and unrecognizable. He yells that he wants to plant bamboo for my younger sister... Your Highness!"

The soldier took two steps on his knees and kowtowed heavily.

"If we surrender, my little sister and my parents will become the millions of people of your country!"

There was silence in the tent.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince left his seat, walked in front of the soldier, and stretched out his hand to help him up.

The soldiers looked at him expectantly, but the prince just brushed the dust off him.

"It's night time, let's go to rest first."

After he spoke, everyone in the tent quickly dispersed.

Qi Yeyi wanted to say something, but in the end he just opened his mouth.

After everyone had left, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince coughed twice quietly, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his sleeve, and then stood up.

He wandered aimlessly around the city.

There is indeed another way.

He holds the method to become a fierce ghost, but Zhuang Mingqi is dead. Who can he choose to be the master after he becomes a fierce ghost

After transforming into a ghost, he will become violent and bloodthirsty. The stronger he is, the easier it is for him to lose himself.

Moreover, if the master who shaped him does not have a strong character, not to mention whether he will use him to do something that will anger God and man, just the execution process alone, if he hesitates, his death will be in vain.

The execution process was torture not only for him but also for the person who carried it out.

Zhuang Mingqi is the best choice.

Although he is kind-hearted, he is also courageous and tenacious. For the sake of the people of Dawn, even if he can't do it, he will definitely do it in the end.

Without Zhuang Mingqi, most of the generals in Luoxia Pass were transferred from Yuewu Pass, and they were not familiar with him. He could not pick out someone to entrust this matter to in a short time.

If you entrust your trust to the wrong person, is a powerful evil spirit in your country better than a god coming to the world

Just as he was thinking, he suddenly heard someone calling him.

"Your Highness."

They looked a little worried, but forced a smile.

Someone stuffed a bag of snacks into his arms, and someone stuffed a few eggs into his arms.

"Your Highness is also injured, right? Eat more good food and take care of your body."

The prince was stunned and was about to refuse, but was pushed back firmly.

"Your Highness... No matter what choice Your Highness makes, please take care of yourself." The old farmer smiled, "If it weren't for Your Highness, Luoxia Pass would have been gone long ago."

Someone whispered, "If it doesn't work, then go. It's better to stay alive. When you can defeat the god, you can kill him. Then we can rest in peace in our graves!"

The young Crown Prince listened to their words and looked at his arms full of food. His throat seemed to be blocked by a ball of cotton and he was unable to speak.

He didn't know what he could say.

Should he say, "I will definitely kill God"? But he didn't know if he could do that.

But are the other answers the people want to hear

At this moment, someone suddenly called him loudly from a distance.

"Your Highness! Your Highness! Someone is coming from the army!"

When His Royal Highness the Crown Prince followed the soldiers who came to report the news back to the camp, he was stunned for a moment from a distance.

The military camp, which had originally looked somewhat empty due to the lack of 30,000 soldiers, now seemed somewhat crowded.

There are countless new soldiers.

Carriages were unloading food and weapons, and new soldiers were registering their names. It was already dark, but under the torches, the military camp felt bustling with activity.

A general who was busy directing the unloading of grain turned around and saw a familiar face.

The other party also saw His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, and immediately walked over quickly, kneeling like a mountain and saluting: "Your Highness! Liu Feng and others are here to help!"


At that time, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was stationed at Luoxia Pass, eating and living with the soldiers. The 100,000-strong army in Luoxia Pass was under his command and united as one, so he drove the Gua State back to Sand City and forced the Gua State generals to defend the city and not leave.

Later, gods came to the world and the country of Ru surrendered without a fight. The current emperor was worried that these 100,000 troops only knew the prince but not the emperor, so he withdrew the 100,000 troops and dispersed them to various places in the country of Ru.

At this moment, 70,000 soldiers returned to Luoxia Pass.

Inside the tent, everyone had familiar faces, gathered together just like they did three years ago.

Only then did His Royal Highness the Crown Prince know that the Emperor had fallen ill.

"It's not an illness." Zhu Mingjun, who came from the capital, had a flash of anger on his face. "When the emperor heard that the gods had descended on the country of Kara, he wanted to pay tribute to Kara. He also sent the city guards to the capital to search for virgins, both men and women, and took all the good-looking ones to the palace, and also wanted to build a fairy palace. When this order was issued, the people cursed it. Several court officials were beaten to death on their way home from court. Even the city guards complained. Later, our emperor was worried that refugees would commit crimes, so he closed the palace gates and dispatched the army to guard it strictly. He only said to the outside world that he was sick and refused to go to court. At this moment, the capital is in chaos. Fortunately, not all the people in the court are just sitting there doing nothing. When I come, the right prime minister Yu asked me to bring a message to your highness."

"A country cannot be without a ruler for a day."

When he said this, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince asked, "You came to Luoxia Pass, did you know that a new god has descended to the Kingdom of Gan?"

Everyone in the tent looked at each other, and then knelt down on the ground.

Liu Feng took out a familiar booklet from his arms.

"Your Highness, please forgive me. After Your Highness left the Fairy Palace, a peasant woman found me and said... Your Highness might have been seriously injured. I was worried, so I went into the Fairy Palace to investigate. I accidentally saw this booklet."

The Crown Prince seemed to know what he was going to say and immediately said, "No."

Liu Feng's eyes were burning: "But Your Highness kept this booklet, is it because you want Zhuang Mingqi to take action and turn himself into a ghost servant? He can't do it, and neither can we!"

"Your Highness must be a great ruler, how could he fail in a place like this?"

"If it weren't for Your Highness, I would have been a ghost long ago. Now that Your Highness needs me, please use me as a weapon!"

"no… "

"Commander Niu is fat and broad. If you were a ghost servant, I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to be a weapon. You can only be a meteor hammer, right? Let me do it first. I'm already a martial arts expert, and I'll be even stronger as a ghost!"

"You little thief is reckless and ignorant of poetry and literature. You should let us, the famous scholars, take the lead, which can also show the elegance of our country!"

"My parents are healthy, I have a younger brother, and I have never married or had children. Am I not more suitable than you?"

"According to what you said, I have no father, no mother, no wife, and no children. Isn't that the most suitable person?"

There was a lot of noise all around, as if everyone was not going to the execution ground, but competing for credit.

After arguing for a while, everyone quieted down and looked at His Royal Highness the Crown Prince who had remained silent.

"Your Highness, now is not the time to hesitate. The immortal is watching us covetously. We must make plans early!"

“No…” The prince’s face turned pale.

Everyone kowtowed.

"Please, Your Highness, fulfill our love for you and our country."

"Your Highness." Liu Feng's eyes were filled with tears, but he smiled, "I'm sorry, Your Highness... You have to send us off in person."

The night is cold.

At some point, dark clouds gathered in the sky, and the thunder seemed to be rebuking something.

In the military camp, the candlelight went out at some point.

Some soldiers who followed from Yuewu Pass to Luoxia Pass were confused.

"Why didn't those generals who were once at Luoxia Pass come out?"

The soldiers beside him were wiping the knives in their hands.

Upon hearing this question, the soldiers paused.


The soldier who asked the question muttered "What kind of answer is that", but got no further response.

There were thunderstorms at night.

Until the next morning, the sky was still covered with dark clouds.

It was also at this time that the tent curtain was lifted.

The soldier who asked questions yesterday was shocked when he saw His Royal Highness the Crown Prince coming out.

"Your Highness, how..."

But the soldiers beside him knelt down straight without saying a word.

In the entire military camp, all the soldiers who had once been from Luoxia Pass knelt on the ground in silence.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince spoke in a steady voice. He issued military orders, integrated the army, and counted the food and fodder, intending to continue the war against the Kara State.

After doing all this, he moved forward step by step.

As if he disappeared from everyone's sight like a puppet, and after arriving at a remote courtyard, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, who seemed to be doing fine as usual, swayed.

He leaned against the wall and looked at his bloody hands.

It was at this time that he discovered—

The once high-spirited young general turned gray overnight.

(End of this chapter)