After Retiring From the Underworld, I Entered an Infinite Game

Chapter 288: Place of Birth (Twenty-six)


After so many years of training, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has become extremely powerful.

He reached the divine realm again without any effort.

This time even the Lord of Mount Dongyue was unable to suppress him. Almost in the blink of an eye, this man destroyed all the gods who used their divine power to cover up the way of heaven and block the operation of the power of your country's laws.

But when he killed these gods, their divine power disappeared, but the chaotic power of rules that shrouded Ru country was not corrected.

Just like a piece of rotten meat, even if it is separated from the source of evil, it will no longer grow well.

If His Royal Highness the Crown Prince had eyes that could see the operation of the power of rules at that time, then he would be able to see that a huge crack had appeared in this small world, and the crack ran across the entire Ru Kingdom.

Originally, this small world was in the process of collapse. In order to deal with the Ru Kingdom, the God Realm took the initiative to tear the original cracks in this land even wider.

The consequences of this behavior are irreversible. Even if the Ru Kingdom disappears from now on and the gods take the initiative to remove their disguises, this rift will grow larger and larger with the passage of time until it drags the entire small world into an abyss of no return.

The so-called gods are nothing more than people with great magical powers. They cannot see the operation of the power of rules. The ancient gods native to this world can indeed see it, but they have long been slaughtered.

No one knows how serious the consequences of this crack will be in the end. Only His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, who is rejected by the Heavenly Dao but can sense the rules of Heaven and Earth, vaguely understands it.

This small world was trying to save itself, so people like him were born, who could compete with the gods as mortals.

But because he was too powerful, so powerful that he could actually kill his way to the God Realm, he obtained the exquisite method of cultivating immortals, and passed it on to other people in the Ru Kingdom. As a result, these gods in the God Realm felt threatened, and they were willing to deceive the Heavenly Dao in order to kill the Ru Kingdom.

Therefore, they tore open a crack that accelerated the collapse of the small world. However, this group of people still thought that they were just doing a few small things that might have serious consequences in order to destroy the Ru country.

The reason why these gods from the divine world descended to the mortal world in large numbers was because they had finally completely destroyed the ancient gods. After getting rid of the shackles of those powerful ancient gods, they wanted to compete for faith in the human world.

It was also because of the demise of the ancient gods that the small world felt dangerous, and thus its guardian was born.

Every sip and every bite seemed like a destiny that had predetermined him to this point.

What should he do

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has returned to Ru Kingdom.

The territory of the Ru Kingdom, which was constantly in conflict, was a scorched earth. Because there was no restriction of death, no need to farm, and no survival crisis, people had nothing to worry about.

The little quarrels that I could laugh off in the past have become blood feuds. If you kill me today, I will kill you tomorrow. Not only you, but your entire family.

Since there will be no real death, how can this hatred be reduced

But this is not the original intention of the creatures on this land.

When the rules are disrupted, even originally kind people will be unconsciously affected by the surrounding environment, and become irritable, bloodthirsty... these emotions that originally appeared in evil spirits will appear repeatedly in them.

The land he cherished so much has become what it is today—

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince sighed deeply.

He opened his arms, and the Eight Hundred Demon Generals emerged from his body and knelt before him.

"Thank you. You have worked hard over the years." He smiled and thanked them. A surge of golden light surged out of his body and was forcibly divided into tiny golden fragments, which attached to the eight hundred evil spirits.

With the golden light of merit protecting them, they will surely have a happy and fulfilling life in their next life.

Liu Feng's expression changed and he tried to grab him anxiously.

But a cold wind suddenly arose, and the invisible power of reincarnation pulled them away from the mortal world and entered the path of reincarnation.

There was a loud thunder.

It is absolutely not allowed to disperse the golden light of one's own merits to others.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince made a “tsk” sound.

"You don't agree to this? Then... you will disagree even more!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly clasped his hands together.

On his body, the rich golden light of merit instantly split into millions. As he spread his hands, the golden light fell like a river of stars, covering the land of Ru.

Speaking of rules, is there anything stronger than the rules of life and death

At this moment, the golden light of merit is life, and the ghost energy in his body is death.

There is no one in this world who is more suitable than him to fill the gaps in the rules.

The messy rules within your country were finally affected by this vast force of life and death, like a river that had been combed open, flowing in the right direction.

The golden light of his merits and the yin energy in his body turned into a spring rain that nourished the land and fell on the dry scorched earth.

The man who was hostilely attacking stopped in the rain and looked up in a daze.

Between heaven and earth, the rules are in their proper place, the huge gaps of chaotic rules are forcibly filled, and the laws of heaven are once again operating in this land.

Thunder roared across the sky.

Perhaps it was originally intended to strike His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, who violated the laws of heaven and distributed all of his own merits and golden light to all living beings.

But the thunder from the sky could no longer find him.

Without the golden light of merit and the yin energy, he would be just an ordinary mortal.

An ordinary mortal should have died the first time the evil spirit entered his body. What’s more, he would later have to use this flesh and blood body to raise eight hundred ghost generals and become an enemy of God

He was just like the spring rain, scattered on the land and buried with thunder.

This was supposed to be his end.

But in the end, everything he did was not like a rain that disappeared silently after it fell and no one remembered it anymore.

The eight hundred ghost generals he sent back to the underworld refused to enter the cycle of reincarnation and were determined to return to Ru Kingdom even at the risk of their souls being torn apart.

And in your country, even though the person who received the favor of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has grown old, his story has been passed down.

The reason why there is a glimmer of hope here may not have been known at first, but when the eight hundred ghost generals returned to the human world, the reason became known.

People entered the fairy palace covered with weeds, overturned this palace that was once built for the gods, and rebuilt a temple.

They found a "weird" method on the bookshelf that was not allowed by heaven, and rebuilt the golden body for His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

The Ru Kingdom is indeed on its last legs. Even with the Crown Prince's golden light guiding the power of rules to restore order, rotten meat is still rotten meat.

No new children are born here, and years of war have made the entire country unable to function. Besides your country, other countries have become stronger in the years without the advent of God, and the destruction of these countries is an established fact.

There are still some people who, knowing that this is the last time, want to be "free" like before, but more than these people are the people who are tired of war and want to live a good life in the end.

They have always been like the land beneath their feet, seemingly dull, but people who grow crops know that land is the most honest and heavy. If you sow seeds and take good care of it, fruits will grow.

They are silent, but they also know who is good to them.

Since we are all going to die sooner or later, shouldn't we let the Crown Prince enjoy life in the human world

No one knows who first proposed it.

According to the strange method, the temple of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was built in the shape of a coffin with the best materials and the whole country's strength.

The golden statue of the prince was not made of ordinary statues of gods made of clay or metal, but a ghost statue made of corpse bones.

Ordinary people who attach the most importance to returning to their roots are willing to throw themselves into the furnace after death, burn into a handful of ashes, and mold their own gods.

Countless people kneel devoutly in front of this strange and evil ghost statue.

I heard that the prince went to the battlefield at the age of fifteen and never had a rest since then, even though he was still a teenager.

May His Royal Highness the Crown Prince return to the human world so that he can live freely and at ease for a few years.

There is constant incense burning in the temple all year round, and two obvious shallow pits have formed in front of the ghost statue. I wonder how many people have knelt here to worship.

Not only for His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, they also built temples for the eight hundred ghost generals so that they could also receive worship from the human world.

The golden light of merit that had once been scattered gathered again in an unexpected way, more and more powerful than before.

Finally, one day after the Ru Kingdom was destroyed, the ghost statue opened its eyes.

His body is destroyed, his country is dead, and he is no longer His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

When this lonely newborn ghost king was born, there was a loud thunder. The heavenly thunder sensed that such a powerful and evil ghost had been born, and wanted to punish him, but there was such a strong golden light on his body, so it could only strike him angrily on the open ground.

The lightning illuminated the surroundings, but His Royal Highness the Crown Prince did not even raise his eyelids. He just sat alone on the throne, with no one around him.

Just then, a familiar guest suddenly appeared in front of him.

It is the God of Mount Dongyue.

The Lord of the Underworld told him that the gods had sensed his birth and would not let him go.

Even if he cannot be dealt with, the souls of the people of your country and the eight hundred ghost generals are now waiting to return to the human world. He can protect them for a while, but not for a lifetime.

His ghost statue was forged by evil methods, and the heavens would not allow him to walk freely in the human world...

Dongyue Divine Lord said a lot, but the lonely prince just listened. At the end, he asked, "Compared with me, how many gods in the divine world can defeat me?"

Dongyue God frowned slightly.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince asked again: "How many gods, demons, and monsters are there in this world that I cannot kill?"

This was too arrogant, but Dongyue Divine Lord was silent for a moment, and only replied: "I am in charge of death, and I am the embodiment of death. You can't kill me."

But for others, this evil ghost lord has a more eerie ghost aura than any other ghosts, and possesses a golden light of merit that even gods cannot match.

Perhaps his strength may not be able to defeat some powerful gods. Even among the Ten Kings of Hell in the underworld, there are three or four who are stronger than him.

But if he really insists on killing people, regardless of the consequences and at all costs, apart from the Lord of the Underworld who is in charge of death and has the support of Emperor Taizong, who else dares to say that they can survive his attack

This is the Ghost King.

If the underworld is the destination of the dead, then ghosts are experts in turning people into the dead.

The Lord of Mount Dong looked at the youthful Ghost King, his brows seemed a little dazed.

"You..." He paused for a moment before continuing, "The ghost energy in you will continue to erode your mind. You may not feel it now, but if you leave it alone, one day you will lose all your sanity and become a weapon of killing. Come back to the underworld with me. Your ghost generals and your people are still in the underworld."

The Ghost King thought about it - he was now a ghost statue made of ashes, and his brain was not working as quickly as before.

But no matter how much I think about it, there seems to be nothing to refute about the proposal of the Lord of the Underworld.


He really followed the Lord of Mount Tai back to the underworld.

This ghost king has a special identity. Although he is a ghost, he has golden light of merit that is no less than that of gods. His yin energy is too heavy to ascend to the realm of gods, and his merit is too high to take the path of reincarnation.

He was very powerful, and after arriving in the underworld, he stayed there like a guest.

Before the people of your country are reincarnated, he will still break off some golden light of merit.

There was no other way, so these people finally chose to burn the corpses and make ghost statues. This was a huge karma. If they did not have the golden light of merit to protect them, they would have to go through several lifetimes of torture before the karma could be completely eliminated.

Without him to give them a ride, they would have suffered a lot of injustice in vain.

As for the eight hundred ghost generals, after experiencing so much, they had no intention of entering the cycle of reincarnation at the beginning.

Until one day, when a ghost general got tired of the life in the underworld and wanted to return to the human world, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince learned that these eight hundred people could not enter reincarnation either.

"They are evil spirits and cannot be reincarnated. This is the rule of the underworld."

This time, no matter what he said, the underworld refused to give in, and even the Lord of Mount Tai came to persuade them.

"As long as they are here, you are the undisputed ghost king. Who dares to challenge you in the world? Let them reincarnate. Let's not talk about their future lives. Without these eight hundred ghost generals, how much strength will you have left?"

The prince asked: "They are all generals who defended the country of Ru. For the sake of the people, they voluntarily turned into evil spirits. Even so, they cannot be reincarnated? After they turned into evil spirits, did they do anything against the will of heaven?"

Dongyue Divine Lord was silent for a long time before he said, "But they have killed gods."

There is no point in saying that evil ghosts cannot be reincarnated. It is all because of the suppression from the divine world.

—God again.


His Royal Highness the Crown Prince went back and thought for a while, then clapped his hands.

"We might as well rebel against the underworld, and then fight our way to the divine realm!"

The ghost generals cheered.

When he fought his way to the divine realm for the third time, this time it was not as smooth as before.

The evil god at the time wanted to plunder the power of faith in the human world, but his strength was mediocre.

The current divine world has changed at some point.

They really began to become the gods in the storybooks.

Although they are still competing for the power of faith, the gods now rely on their own divine power to help the world, making the people grateful and trusting, and voluntarily offering incense.

Such a belief is solid and reliable, with a long history.

Thousands of golden rivers connect the world of gods from the human world. When he rushes up, these gods can not only stop him, but also hurt the ghost generals around him.

He could indeed destroy the God Realm by destroying himself along with the enemy, but what about those people around him who had followed him in the battles of heaven and earth for so long? Would he take them with him to die

That was his first defeat.

The Lord of Mount Dongyue unexpectedly came to the divine world without bearing any grudges, and with his mediation, the two sides reluctantly reached a new contract.

The eight hundred ghost generals will be able to enter reincarnation again, while the king of ten thousand ghosts voluntarily allows himself to be suppressed under the statue of Dongyue.

He stopped the eight hundred ghosts from violently killing people and just smiled.

“This is a great result.”

Everyone got a happy ending.

As for him, since he is sealed, he doesn’t have to worry about being corroded by ghost energy. Isn’t this also a good ending

Four chains passed through his body and black spells covered his entire body. He finally let go of all his worries and was able to have a good sleep.

Don't worry about your country, don't worry about yourself, fall into a deep sleep.

This is truly the best ending...


I really want to continue sleeping.

“… Professor Zhang!! Be careful!!”

Next to the Tree of Life.

Yu Yizhou and Cui Jue, the presidents of the Death God Guild, stood on the left and right and finally stopped the attack of the demon in front of them.

Satan cursed angrily.

“Damn it! Damn it!!”

Ten minutes ago.

He saw the "President" enter the laboratory and asked him to leave, but Satan did not give up and secretly monitored him using his skills.

He saw the "President" holding hands with the corpse, and then he closed his eyes.

Is it on the border

Satan looked at the silent president and a thought kept coming to his mind.

Take this opportunity to kill the president!

If he really succeeds in taking over, even if I survive, I will no longer have the title of one of the six presidents.

Why not take a gamble! Bet that he has no ability to fight back at this time!

He bet right, but he also bet wrong.

The "President"'s body was shattered by his blow, but this body was not the President's at all!

That fucking body is made up of data and machinery, in other words, a robot!

How dare this broken robot fool him! !

Satan was furious and wanted to grind the robot and the corpse to ashes, but the robot reassembled a new body in the blink of an eye. Data flashed in its eyeballs, and then it created a transmission platform out of thin air, carrying the corpse with it, and disappeared in the laboratory in a flash of white light.

Satan’s management role was not in vain, he quickly found the robot’s whereabouts.

tree of Life

He doesn't think the Elf King is still alive, does he

Satan followed directly. But after he got there, he realized... Why are there so many people?!

After landing, Zhang Daoan set the Tree of Life as a new node without thinking and created a simulated copy.

This is a better connection. Although the tree of life has withered, its trunk is still there.

The Taizong in the original place was formed from the main body of the Tree of Life, and the Tree of Life in "Three Thousand Worlds" was regrown from one of its branches. The two have the same origin, and the connection efficiency is even higher than that near the Rebirth River in Area F.

This time, he issued dungeon missions to all registered players. Almost all the players who were still in the underworld and registered ghost messengers who had no work on hand came over.

Their strength is indeed not strong. Even a judge like Cui Jue is at most a C-level player here.

But there were too many of them and they had the ability to resurrect.

After all, it is a ghost. Ghosts are only killed by the heavens and their souls are scattered. Who has ever heard that a ghost can die again

The overlapping crowds blocked Satan's vision, and Zhang Daoan immediately hid in the Tree of Life after landing.

He extended his data tentacles and connected to the Tree of Life without hesitation. He began to copy game data, calculate loopholes, and prepare to hack into the backend.

At the same time, he held Jie Fangcheng's hand tightly.

The cold corpse was motionless, but Zhang Daoan had almost connected his memory fragments.

Still lacking the power to "live".

This little bit of life force could not be found and given by Zhang Daoan, the "machine", but he knew that there was a life force in Jie Fangcheng's body now.

It's the Elf King.

Before she died, she melted the gem on the crown, which contained the rich rules of life, into Fang Cheng's body.

The robot's computing speed is extremely fast. Although the existing game system data is larger than his, in the three thousand worlds combined, there is no technological product with a more sophisticated structure or stronger computing power than the first-generation system.

Sensing the tired feeling coming from Jie Fangcheng's mind space beside him, Zhang Daoan squeezed his hand.

"It's okay, just sleep well, we can handle it."

Whether as the Dragon God, or His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of Ru Country, or now as Manager Xie, he always carries too heavy a responsibility.

Now this responsibility has been taken over by Zhang Daoan.

It's time to let him have a good rest.

The shield wall formed by countless players provided Zhang Daoan with ample time. When Satan finally rushed to his side, Zhang Daoan's calculations finally achieved initial success.

The robot raised his eyes.

Just as Satan was feeling a bad feeling, he heard the person in front of him speak softly.

[Command: Disconnect the game link of Administrator No. 07 [Satan].]

(End of this chapter)