After Retiring From the Underworld, I Entered an Infinite Game

Chapter 290: Place of Birth (Twenty-eight)


Ji Dai himself did not expect that two players from "Three Thousand Worlds" had infiltrated the game of "Don't Answer" and counterattacked the programmer he chose, not only obtaining information about the game, but also information about the underworld and the world of gods.

The programmer originally wanted to work diligently for the boss of the underworld, but one year passed, two years passed... ten years, twenty years, fifty years passed, and he could still take a break in the human world, go out to chat with people, sing karaoke, and play games.

But in the underworld, because he was shouldering such an important task, Ji Dai didn't want him to communicate too much with other people, and ghosts didn't need to rest and sleep.

This is the real 007. Forget about taking a holiday. You have to stare at this game 24 hours a day. There is no salary, only the big promise made by the boss - "When the game is on track and the right players can be selected to return to "Three Thousand Worlds", I will give you my golden light of merit and guarantee that you will have a happy and fulfilling life for ten lifetimes."

Sounds tempting, right

But one or two days may sound good, but what about one or two years? Ten or twenty years? Fifty years

This bread is like a carrot hanging in front of a donkey. It pulls the mill without knowing it, just to eat the carrot. But humans are not donkeys.

Ji Dai certainly didn't think there was anything wrong with what he said. What were ten or twenty years to him? From the Three Thousand Worlds to the Initial Land, he couldn't remember how many decades he had experienced.

He was full of passion and wanted to return to the Three Thousand Worlds to kill the six little mice for the Dragon God. What was the big deal about working overtime every day? In order to open the passage from Don't Answer to the Three Thousand Worlds, he sacrificed more than his life.

The programmer he chose was indeed very honest at the beginning and was a good person when he was still alive.

But that's because he has never had any power in his hands.

But here, on one hand, his boss is making empty promises every day, and on the other hand, he is in control of an infinite game.

The players in this game are serious people. They were once ordinary people similar to him, and there are even top elites in various industries that people of his class have never had access to. Those people's names are well-known in the world, but now they are struggling in this game.

And he is the manager of this game, the one they look up to, the superior who controls their life and death.

Because Ji Dai changed his own rules, he was rejected by the laws of nature in the original place. In order not to affect the normal operation of the game, he almost never came to inspect the place where he worked.

He was alone in the computer room, and it could be said that he was the emperor of this game.

When an ordinary person who is not a bad person gains enormous power that far exceeds his status, wisdom, talent and overall quality, what choice will he make

This point was demonstrated countless years ago in the "Three Thousand Worlds".

When the Dragon God was choosing his successor, didn’t he take many aspects into consideration

He thought about it.

He selected the six strongest players at the time. These six players had their own characteristics, but generally speaking, they all had conscience and feelings.

At that time, the Dragon God considered picking only one person, because if that person changed, the game would be ruined. So he picked six people, six from different ethnic groups, who had good feelings for each other, but also had different interests and needs due to their different experiences and ethnicities, so they could restrain each other.

But he failed after choosing six, let alone Ji Dai who only chose one

This situation occurs because no matter whether it is Ji Dai, Dragon God, or His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, they all have a natural problem.

They are all too strong.

They are so strong that even if they want to understand the thoughts of the weak from the bottom of their hearts, it is difficult for them to do so.

They also cannot understand what ordinary people who seem to be "nice people" will do when they are given rights that far exceed their abilities.

They couldn't understand it, but Ji Ge and Ji Chaoyang, who had been orphans in the human world for a long time, could understand it very well.

After the two men took control of the programmer, they gained a lot of convenience through his identity and also learned about the existence of the "system".

Zhang Daoan.

When Ji Chaoyang discovered that the "system" was most likely this person, his fingers trembled involuntarily.

Ji Chaoyang had a very deep impression of him.

A person who makes people feel creepy no matter how he controls people's hearts or how he judges the current situation.

In order to encourage players to go for [Reincarnation Experience], use this channel more often, and obtain more data about the link to "Three Thousand Worlds", Ji Chaoyang changed the game's description of [Reincarnation Experience], setting it so that as long as one enters, there will be one person who can return to the present world through the reincarnation experience.

The reason why the number of people is not set higher is because the "people" who can return to the real world need to be reconstructed by them using data, not to mention the materials needed for construction. These people have to be recycled manually by them.

This "person" must also really return to the real world, because pulling people into the game is random and they cannot control it.

What if the person you bring in happens to know someone who has completed the [Reincarnation Experience]

Once or twice it can be explained as the resurrected person going into seclusion and not wanting to have contact with the people from the past.

But what if it happens more than once? What if there happens to be a romantic character who keeps thinking about his lover in the human world in the game, but after going through the reincarnation experience, he didn’t go to find this lover, and later this lover also came to the game

Now that the lie has been told, it must be covered up properly.

Only one person out of a hundred can return to the human world alive. The probability is very low, so players will not get carried away and enter the [Reincarnation Experience]. At the same time, the carrot of "resurrection" is always dangling in front of them - this is not an unattainable pie drawn by the Lord of Mount Tai for the programmer. Many people have seen it with their own eyes that some people have indeed returned to the human world.

Therefore, the opening of [Reincarnation Experience] has been maintained at a relatively stable frequency, allowing the two to collect enough data to link to the "Three Thousand Worlds" without consuming too much energy and time.

Over the years, Ji Chaoyang has been responsible for recycling the "resurrected" people. He will choose a suitable identity, not only to recycle, but also to stay in the human world for a period of time, just like traveling. When he has stayed long enough, he will take action.

There has never been a mistake.

Until that time.

Ji Chaoyang had no idea how he was exposed. Not only was he exposed, but the person he saw was clearly a mortal... He should have been a mortal!

But suddenly, a ghostly aura that only evil spirits could possess emerged from him, and there were even some things that were difficult to understand.

Ji Chaoyang nearly lost his life, but fortunately Lang Gu was there, so he was able to return to the game safely.

At that time, Ji Chaoyang asked Lang Gu to kill him, but the other party brought back some very unfortunate news.

"We can't kill him. There is a golden light of merit on his body. It should be..." Lang Gu hesitated for a moment and did not continue to explain. "In short, if we touch him, it is very likely that someone we can't deal with will discover this game."

Lang Gu is the collaborator they chose, an inconspicuous ghost who hates the underworld and has average strength.

After Lang Gu said that at that time, Ji Chaoyang had no way to force him to kill anyone, so he could only give up.

Later, after knowing that the person might be the existence of the system at the initial location, Ji Chaoyang immediately decided that they must complete their plan as soon as possible.

He knew how terrifying the system was. Since Ji Ge and himself would gradually recover their memories in "Don't Answer", there was no guarantee that the system would also recover their memories.

Once he really recovers his memory, even if he is now a human being and no longer a product of technology... that would be even more terrifying.

The two of them immediately started the Book of Life and Death.

As soon as they moved, Ji Dai outside also noticed it.

Ji Dai's original plan was to let Jie Fangcheng enter the game and destroy it from within.

But it takes time.

He didn't expect that the current manager of the game seemed to know something and immediately decided to use the power of the Book of Life and Death.

If they are really allowed to use it, let alone other things, if they completely open up [Reincarnation Experience] and send all the current players into "Three Thousand Worlds", what will happen to so many souls

Moreover, using the ghost eye to create "Don't Answer" is already the limit of what Ji Dai can do.

His physical condition is deteriorating and he can no longer support himself in making another "Don't Answer".

It was he who issued the mission to the five-man team.

Ji Dai's original plan was to use the special features of the Ghost Eye to transform himself into data through the Ghost Eye, attach himself to the Ghost Eye, and enter the "Three Thousand Worlds" through a five-person team.

But he would never have imagined that while he wanted to leave the starting point, someone was also planning.

"Don't Answer" was created by Ghost Eye. The game administrator cannot control Ghost Eye, but can see the operation records through the management background.

Ji Chaoyang watched Ji Dai create his personal data in the Ghost Eye and knew that he was about to leave.

So the two of them also prepared to leave.

How to leave

The data of "Don't Answer" is copied into Zhang Daoan's thinking space, forming the moment when the first generation system of "Three Thousand Worlds" runs the game, and through this moment it is connected to "Three Thousand Worlds".

As for whether a human being would die if a large amount of data suddenly squeezed into his thinking space... wouldn't it be better to die

The two left "Don't Answer" at the moment of connection, and used the management background to switch their transmission locations with Ji Dai at the moment of transmission.

The two of them followed the five-man team back to Area B, while Ji Dai's data, who had lost the protection of the Ghost Eye, was transmitted to Area F and became a suspended node.

In Ji Ge's heart, this was a perfect operation.

But he still couldn't understand what Ji Chaoyang was thinking.

At this moment, watching him use the management background of "Madam" to kill the Devourer who wanted to launch a sneak attack, Ji Chaoyang touched the operation panel in front of him with great care.

Although he couldn't see his expression, Ji Ge understood something by looking at his actions.

"You... are you so nice to me because of your wife?"

Ji Chaoyang didn't say anything, he continued to click on the screen.

Is he loyal to the "President"

No, his loyalty has always been to "Madam".

At this moment, the president and several other managers were tripped up by the first-generation system, and he finally had the opportunity to log into his wife's management account without disturbing those five people.

Soon, he found the data he wanted in the background.

A ball of bloody data hung on the console like a beating heart.

After Ji Chaoyang regained his memory, he always wondered why his wife was such a good person, but Ji Ge, the new life created from her blood, was so dirty

He couldn't get an answer.

Perhaps because of their experience, the two grew up in an orphanage. The director of the orphanage was a very bad person who treated them, the orphans, as resources.

Especially Ji Ge.

The red birthmark on his face is ugly to normal people, but to some fetish groups, it is very attractive.

For a child, it is inevitable that he will be affected if he associates with abnormal people for a long time.

But it doesn’t matter. With Madam’s complete memory data, he will be able to change back.

Ji Chaoyang's eyes lit up.

Ji Ge felt inexplicably panicked.

"Hey! What on earth do you want to do? Do you remember what you promised me?! You have always been very good to me... You, aren't you my brother? When we were in the orphanage, do you remember? It was just the two of us relying on each other. You helped me apply medicine, and you begged for mercy when I was beaten... Ji Chaoyang... Brother! Look at me! I am Ji Ge! I am not Madam!"

"You are not the lady." Ji Chaoyang repeated heavily.

He seemed to laugh and put away the management background in his hand.

"I remember I promised you that I would find you a new body," he said. "Now, let's go and take a look at the new body."

(End of this chapter)