After Retiring From the Underworld, I Entered an Infinite Game

Chapter 292: Place of Birth (30)


He was genuinely confused.

From the perspective of the Dragon God, the presidents of the six major guilds used conspiracy and trickery to slay the dragon - although there was an implication that the Dragon God was waiting for them to kill him, but these people ended up ruining the game like this. As the founder of "Three Thousand Worlds", it was only natural for him to go up and chop the president down.

Even if we don't consider his identity as the Dragon God, stealing someone's corpse, using it to revive the soul, and even wanting to use his corpse as a game launcher, isn't this worth dying for

Jie Fangcheng really didn’t understand why the president had that expression... How could he still feel wronged

The president felt aggrieved.

Although they did kill the creator of the game and took the game for themselves, because of their pursuit of immortality, the six people changed the rules, causing the system of the game to change.

After that, the atmosphere among the player group changed drastically. One reason was that the game system believed that this was beneficial to itself, so it forcibly collected retained points, forcing the players of "Three Thousand Worlds" to struggle in the dungeon whether they wanted to or not.

Completing a dungeon not only allows players to obtain items and skills, but also brings some rule power to the game system.

This kind of power is undoubtedly a huge nutrient for the system.

This also means that the current players of "Three Thousand Worlds" are no longer the kind of players who simply wanted to do something for the people in other small worlds when the Dragon God was around.

There are basically very few copy missions that contain truth, goodness and beauty, because the rules of the small world that is about to collapse are already on the brink of chaos, and what is spawned on the cracks are basically copies that go against the laws of nature.

Struggling to survive in this kind of dungeon for years, it is hard for a sentient being not to be affected.

If one voluntarily enters the copy with the mission of saving the small world, people with lofty ideals may not be affected by this harsh environment. However, creatures with ordinary hearts and minds struggling in such a copy, even if they originally had basic conscience and bottom line, can easily degenerate into monsters.

Once the valve that allows the atmosphere to deteriorate is opened, it is difficult to close it again.

People will think like this: Others are doing this kind of evil thing, why can't I do it

Later, the game system even developed a hunting ground gameplay to further plunder the power of the rules of the small world.

Don’t the players who enter the hunting ground know that the creatures in these small worlds are real

This is different from the dungeon. The NPCs in the dungeon are born from the cracks and are basically evil.

But there are good and bad creatures in the small world, and their tasks often cause the small world to collapse faster.

However, players who can clear the hunting ground and obtain the title of hunter will be envied, which is already one of the manifestations of the bad gaming culture.

The presidents of the six major guilds saw all of this, but did not try to stop it.

When the lady was still alive, she also tried to change the gaming culture, but failed.

It is impossible to completely change the current status of "Three Thousand Worlds" through a certain guild or a certain person. The root of the rot lies in the rules issued by the system. What's the point of just pruning the bad branches and leaves

Don’t the six of them know what they should do to change the game’s culture

No, they know it very well.

By using their own management rights, they can prohibit games from asking players for so-called retention points.

Without the sword of Damocles hanging over their heads, players can freely choose whether to go to the affiliated small world to be an ordinary person, or to fight to save other small worlds. In this way, the players who stay will go through the first round of screening and quickly screen out a group of people whose moral levels have changed with the external environment.

The hunting ground gameplay has been closed, and it is emphasized that the game is to save other small worlds. It is not difficult to correct the gaming culture.

But in the end, the six of them did not change the rules set by the system.

In the president's mind, there was nothing that could be done about it.

Changing the rules requires using their management authority, but because they changed their own longevity rules, it is like a gear that was originally running seamlessly, but a gap has been created due to the change in the rules. Now, the system occupies this gap and uses it to gain a tiny bit of freedom. If they continue to change the rules, it is equivalent to knocking another gap in the gear.

Cannot be changed.

Their management authority cannot be wasted on such things.

As for what will happen to ordinary players because of this rule, and whether other players will suffer because of their inaction... they are also considering the overall situation. They are worried that changing the rules will eventually make them lose control of the game.

The president didn't think he had done anything wrong.

At that time, the Dragon God was ready to be killed, and he could understand what the Dragon God was thinking.

This benevolent god had long discovered that he had become a stumbling block to the development of "Three Thousand Worlds".

Therefore, when the President first blatantly planned to kill the omniscient and omnipotent god, he was not stopped and he knew what the Dragon God was planning.

This God is willing to be their stepping stone.

At that time, he was very excited, and his gratitude and admiration for the Dragon God reached a peak.

As an ordinary creature, he didn't expect that the Dragon God would do this for them.

He thought that when he came back and became a god step by step, he would be able to sacrifice himself for other living beings like the Dragon God.

But the president never expected that this Lord Dragon God would cut off everyone's path to becoming a god before his death.


The president has wondered countless times, why

The Dragon God doesn't want to be a god, but why can't ordinary people like them become gods

He cut off everyone's path to becoming a god, and the original system refused to stay, forcing them to rebuild the game system themselves.

The reason why they are so afraid of the current system of "Three Thousand Worlds" is ultimately because they cannot become gods.

If you cannot become a god, you cannot create your own rules and must rely on the system to create and change the rules.

Creating and changing the rules would give the system authority, weakening their control over the game.

In the final analysis... it was the Dragon God's final actions that were problematic!

Since you are willing to be their stepping stone, why would you turn against them in the end

Even the president feels a sense of revenge when looking at the current trend in the game.

Dragon God, you originally wanted to do good for everyone, but you were wrong.

Because you didn't allow us to become gods, the game is in its current state. If you were still alive, you would probably reflect on the wrong things you did, right

If you had not blocked everyone's path to becoming gods, now the six of them would be gods, and the six of them could create a better "Three Thousand Worlds" together.

Do you know that your last words have hurt the people you wanted to protect

For so many years, the president has been imagining this: if one day, the Dragon God comes back to life, he will definitely stand in front of the Dragon God and passionately and indignantly accuse him of his mistakes. It was the Dragon God who caused the death of his wife and caused the game to fall into its current state.

He wanted to see the Dragon God reflect on his guilt, and see this proud god admit his mistakes.

As for the president himself... he really thinks he is the hero of this game.

Although the lady has a good heart, she is naive and reckless and is unable to accomplish anything.

Not to mention the remaining four presidents, some of whom have increasingly evil intentions, increasingly lazy attitudes, have no opinions of their own and only know how to follow orders, and are devoted to strange and lewd skills... Only he is conscientiously serving as the manager of the game.

In such a big game, without him, the six regions would have been fighting each other long ago.

He balanced the conflicts between regions and even used the power of rules as bait to make high-level players focus on clearing dungeons instead of slaughtering other players for no reason.

He has done many, many things. It can be said that the current "Three Thousand Worlds" all depends on him.

Of course I am a hero!

But at this moment, when the Dragon God was really resurrected, the president wanted to say something passionately, but the other party just waved his hand impatiently to defeat him. There was no guilt or reflection in the eyes when he looked at him, only disgust.


Is this what we wanted the game to be like now

Didn’t we originally want to do more for other living beings

Why did it become like this? It’s all because you’re stingy! You’re even trying to restrict us from becoming gods before you die!

If we were gods, we wouldn't be restricted by the system! Without being restricted by the system, we can free up our hands to make the game better!

This is obviously your problem!!

"Why are you looking at me like that?!"

The black data stream covered the roaring president like a thick armor.

With his angry roar, strong winds suddenly blew up around him, and the withered leaves of the Tree of Life fell with a rustling sound.

The president's eyes were completely covered by the black data stream, and no trace of white could be seen.

Behind him, one by one, the Devourers controlled by him teleported out from the white light.


Players around quickly activated their props and skills.

There were many of them, and their skills flashed colorfully, surrounding the vast Tree of Life, like rising waves, roaring at the constantly appearing Devourers.

He exhausted all his energy, and the black data rooted in his mind space was like rapidly multiplying flies, constantly pouring out of his seven orifices.

In the sky surrounding the Tree of Life, huge black data was like dark clouds, surrounding the Tree of Life.

It could sense that its last master, the only manager who could restrict it, was dying quickly.

Once he dies, the game system no longer needs to follow any constraints.

The black data stream rolled excitedly, and all six major regions felt the vibration.

The "Son of Heaven" who was slaughtering in Area D frowned slightly. He loosened the broken throat of the elf in front of him with his fingers and looked up at the sky.

Ordinary players can't see it, but advanced players who already have some rule power can see it—

It was like the end of the world, and something as thick as asphalt was wriggling above my head.

"what is that… "

Before he could finish his words, he suddenly felt an attack from behind.

A skeleton hand grew out from behind the "Son of Heaven", which crushed the attacker's wrist and took out his heart.

He turned his head expressionlessly.

A young-looking blond elf vomited blood and slowly fell to the ground.

It was a beautiful young elf he had just received.

And on his ghost car, a head that looked like a blonde elf opened its toothless and tongue-less mouth and cursed silently.

The "Son of Heaven" likes to capture elves who are related by blood, and the closer the relationship between the elves, the better.

The pretty one was kept by his side as a servant, and the ugly one had his head cut off, kept alive using secret methods, and embedded in his ghost chariot.

Such elves who are treated as servants will often not actively seek death for the sake of the other party, but will just obey obediently like a puppet.

When you've had enough fun, kill the servant and sew the head from the ghost car to the servant's body.

Oh, what a beautiful work of art.

Over the years, there have been elves who have fought back in anger, but he is very powerful and no one has ever succeeded.

Just like now.

The bodies of the elves killed by the skeleton ghost hands were torn into pieces by him, and pieces of flesh mixed with blood rolled down. Immediately, the servants who voluntarily submitted to him knelt down and wiped the blood off the ghost chariot.

The "Son of Heaven" didn't even look at it. He just kept looking up at the sky where the black sticky asphalt was rolling.


Cui Jue held Qi Chanyang with one hand and Wei Yuan with the other, and quickly retreated, climbing onto the Tree of Life to avoid the wave of black data.

The president presented a giant appearance that made people feel extremely uncomfortable. The places on his skin that were not cracked were stretched to be transparent, and black data penetrated his entire body. He was bloated and lifted into the air by the data, with his eyeballs bulging, but he was still staring at Jie Fangcheng in front of him.

Jie Fangcheng was surrounded by ghostly aura and cold wind. His long white hair fluttered in the air and his black robe was shrouded in a layer of black mist. His eyes were black and white, his lips were bright red, and his skin was pale. He looked completely different from the gentle and kind Dragon God.

Nie Shuangshuang barely fought off the surrounding black data, kicked his legs, jumped onto the Tree of Life, took a breath and rested for a while, then looked down and couldn't help muttering: "Damn! How come Brother Jie looks more like a villain than that thing?!"

Qi Chanyang held back on saying this, but when Nie Shuangshuang spoke up, he couldn't help but defend Jie Fangcheng: "Hey, how can you say that about Brother Jie..."

Before he finished speaking, Jie Fangcheng swung the huge sword in his hand.

As he waved his hand, the black ghost energy formed several ferocious-looking heads, which rushed towards the direction of the president with howling sounds.

Qi Chanyang stopped talking.

The ghost energy did not rush to the president. The black data streams overlapped to form a barrier network, blocking Fang Cheng's view.

Jie Fangcheng had just retrieved his body, and after soaking in the bottom of the Yellow Springs River for so long, his body was somewhat out of control.

He couldn't accurately aim at the president's location through the feedback of the ghost energy... There were too many black data streams.

Of course, this does not mean that Jie Fangcheng has no way to deal with it.

Since there are so many black data streams, just cut them all off!

The ghost energy rushed into the data stream and was extremely corrosive.

Zhang Daoan immediately discovered his plan.

Without saying a word, he held Jie Fangcheng's hand.


On the Tree of Life, Nie Shuangshuang complained again: "Damn! Don't be so sweet and romantic when we are facing a powerful enemy, okay?!"

"Okay." Jie Fangcheng replied, and then without even looking up, he replied to Nie Shuangshuang, "You're asking for a fight!"

Nie Shuangshuang didn't realize that this was said to her, and she was still muttering: "Brother Jie's mood changes a lot."

Xie Fangcheng has successfully established a border with Zhang Daoan.

This is a good thing for both of them.

Although Jie Fangcheng's thinking space is vast, it is extremely chaotic. There is also black data in his thinking space. He also has no solid land and is very limited.

But after the successful connection, Zhang Daoan opened up his thinking space without reservation, and Xie Fangcheng felt his mind clear instantly, just like a computer that had cleared its cache.

He could even use Zhang Daoan's high-speed processor to analyze the current situation and Zhang Daoan's plan immediately without any explanation from the other party.

After all, Zhang Daoan is not a complete main system. No matter how powerful its computing power is, it still needs a strong platform support.

In terms of the vastness of thinking space, is there anyone in this world whose thinking space is broader than Jie Fangcheng's

After he entered the thinking space, he immediately wrapped up the entire black data stream without saying a word. With the help of the special features of the thinking space and the rights of the master of the thinking space, he forcibly converted the black data stream into a data stream that he could use. In the blink of an eye, he built a new game system in Jie Fangcheng's thinking space.

It can be said to be a mini version of the original Dragon God X system.

When Jie Fangcheng opened his eyes, a stream of white data flashed across his body.

A virtual screen that no one else could see appeared in front of Jie Fangcheng, accurately filtering the black data for him and allowing him to see the president's location.

With the cheats enabled like this, how is it possible that Jie Fangcheng’s sword still can’t hit the target

Boom boom

Like Moses parting the sea, the ghost energy was even more powerful than the black data stream, and was faintly mixed with thunder. In the blink of an eye, it arrived in front of the president.

The president only had time to put out his hand to block it, and then he was chopped away.

He fell to the ground, opened his eyes wide, and looked at Jie Fangcheng.

A road with unobstructed vision temporarily appeared on the track where the ghost energy passed.

Along this road, Jie Fangcheng saw the president's expression again.

"What are you looking at?"

Jie Fangcheng felt that this guy was really mentally ill. He looked at him as if he was looking at a heartless man?

How could Manager Xie understand what he was thinking

However, Zhang Daoan took the time to take a glance, and when he saw the president's face, he immediately understood what was going on.

"It's all the Dragon God's fault. He didn't even bother to help pave the way for us before he died."

(End of this chapter)