After Retiring From the Underworld, I Entered an Infinite Game

Chapter 293: Place of Birth (31)


Zhang Daoan suddenly spoke.

The president was stunned for a moment, then he shook his head: "I haven't thought about it that way."

"No? Then what are you aggrieved about?" Zhang Daoan asked, "The Dragon God created the game. In order not to affect the game, he could have killed the six of you, but in the end he let you live. But you ruined the game like this, and now—"

Zhang Daoan found it a little ridiculous as he said, "Now, you, one of the murderers, are standing in front of the victim and you are still trying to act aggrieved?"


When hearing this title, not only the president, but also Jie Fangcheng was stunned for a moment.

He is so strong that he can do anything and he is the only one who reigns supreme between heaven and earth.

The word "victim" seems to be exclusive to the weak.

The president never thought that the Dragon God was a victim.

In his eyes, a strong man like the Dragon God...

"If a strong man like the Dragon God voluntarily chooses to die for the game players, then he is sacrificing for all the players. What does it have to do with you six?"

The president was stunned at first, then his hair stood on end.

Zhang Daoan... He seemed to be able to see through what he was thinking.

The first generation system, which was a pure technological product, did not have this capability.

The president certainly thought so.

Zhang Daoan glanced at him and said, "Hmm," "That's right, so you're not one of the players of Three Thousand Worlds, right?"


In the president's mind, he is not an ordinary player.

He is the game manager and the president of the six major guilds who are high above everyone else.

The Dragon God sacrificed himself for the players of "Three Thousand Worlds". For the president, he was moved by the dedication of this god to the game. He acknowledged the kindness and greatness of the Dragon God, but in his heart, he never thought that the Dragon God also sacrificed himself for the six of them.

Zhang Daoan continued to suppress the black data flow around him while chatting, "You think you are an excellent manager of this game, but the game has become what it is now, and you think it is the dead Dragon God's fault. What are you thinking? Aren't you the manager of this game? Why is it that the bad parts of the game have nothing to do with you, but you take all the credit for the good parts? The Dragon God created the game, he has no credit; he was killed in order to prevent himself from affecting "Three Thousand Worlds", he has no credit. You guys are selfish and changed the rules in order to seek eternal life, making this game what it is now - but you think you have a credit, and the mistakes are all the Dragon God's."


The elegant Professor Zhang gave a sarcastic smile but didn't say anything unpleasant.

But Nie Shuangshuang, who was squatting on the Tree of Life, had already understood the whole story from Guan Yingying's whispered explanation beside her. She was stunned and couldn't find an accurate word for a moment.

"Fuck... what a beast!" She sighed, "I thought Ji Chaoyang was a beast enough, but there's actually someone even more beastly!"

Guan Yingying continued to explain: "Ji Chaoyang is Jiu, the president's subordinate."

"Fuck! The beast times two!!"

The president has been in a high position for too long, so long that other players can immediately understand what he means with just a glance from him.

In this game, although there is no Creator God, what is the difference between him and God

It had been a long time since I had heard such crude and blunt insults against him. The president, who had originally wanted to maintain his image, suddenly became furious.

He controlled the black data stream and rushed straight towards Nie Shuangshuang.

But before they got close to the Tree of Life, a giant sword swept away the oncoming black data stream.

Jie Fangcheng asked sincerely: "Do you really think I'm dead?"

The president was knocked back to the ground by the sword. He lay on the ground and closed his eyes sadly at this moment.


With the reincarnation of the Dragon God in front of him and the system assisting him, he had no chance of winning.

What Zhang Daoan said just now seemed to have peeled off his face, but the president was still trying hard to maintain his demeanor as a high-level player.

He looked at Jie Fangcheng and Zhang Daoan not far away for the last time.

In that case…

This time, Zhang Daoan didn't even look at him. He just waved his hand, and the white data stream rushed to the president and tied him up.

The president smiled bitterly: "Don't be on guard against me, I am willing..."

"Sacrificing yourself for this game? Forget it, it's disgusting."

Finally, Zhang Daoan stood up.

With his feet as the origin, the white data stream spread out at an extremely fast speed, as if it were some highly contagious virus.

It was clearly a battle between data, but the black data stream collapsed like a strangled insect, and there was even a faint sound of mechanical friction.

The black data stream that filled the president's body fled in panic, and in almost the blink of an eye, the president of the Giant View shrank back to the size of an ordinary person.

He watched all this in a daze.

"You... since you have the power to curb the existing system, why are you wasting so much time talking to me just to delay time?"

Jie Fangcheng felt bored as he held the sword.

He asked Zhang Daoan: "Ah, have you finished it?"

"There are still some trivial tasks to be done. I need to recycle other fragments... There is no rush for that. The main operating system of "Three Thousand Worlds" has been controlled."

The president was ignored. He frowned and said, "I know how to better control the system. I am willing to share my experience..."

Jie Fangcheng picked his ears: "What should we do now? Go back to the underworld first?"

"Let's go back to the underworld first. This game needs more staff."

Jie Fangcheng understood, and while Cui Jue's ghost messenger was still confused, he quietly approached Zhang Daoan and asked, "Do you want to ask someone to come over for a business trip? Is the work here busy?"

Zhang Daoan also whispered back, "It should be quite busy. The inappropriate district heads and other management of each district need to be dealt with. Players are used to paying retention points, and the status quo needs to be changed as soon as possible, so that players who don't want to continue struggling in the dungeon can go to live in other affiliated worlds... Many things must be done by people from the underworld."

"Ah! Then you must not be selected." Jie Fangcheng said immediately.

"Don't worry. You have to come back with me to study how to repair the cracks in the original place."


The two men acted as if no one was around. The president tried to persuade them at first, but later he started yelling heartbreakingly.

Isn't he their match?!

Isn't he the person they should pay the most attention to now!

Why ignore him!

This is what the president can't stand the most.

Although it was wrong to kill the Dragon God... the president actually felt happy when the Dragon God fell.

Such a powerful god was eventually forced to death and trampled under his feet.

This is not an easy task like crushing an ant, but a feat as great as an ant biting a person to death.

He felt that Jie Fangcheng and the other man should be wary of him and should regard him as a serious threat. Once they had the slightest chance, they must seize it immediately in order to achieve a narrow victory.

But when Jie Fangcheng woke up, the president actually felt... as if he had returned to the time when the Dragon God was still there.

He is still an ant.

He is not an opponent that the Dragon God would take seriously.

After Jie Fangcheng and others finished their conversation, the president finally received attention.

He was a most ordinary human being, with dark skin and thick fingers due to working in the fields for many years.

He was brought to the Three Thousand Worlds from the original place by the Dragon God.

At the beginning, he was a simple and honest good man. Even though he was suffering a lot, he would still help others.

After the Dragon God finished his nap, he inadvertently lowered his eyes and saw this unfortunate good man, so he gave him a choice who had been praying devoutly.

At this time, after removing the "President's" appearance that had been transformed by props and skills, Jie Fangcheng looked at him.

"Liu Er."

This is the name of the "President", but when the Dragon God who brought him to the "Three Thousand Worlds" called out this name again, the President did not react. This was his name.

When did it change

Is it time to change the rules and seek immortality

Was it because of his hard work that he was chosen as the president of the six major guilds

Or was it when you first learned some knowledge and found that your name didn't sound good, so you decided to change it

It doesn't matter.

The ghostly aura from Jie Fangcheng attacked him, and the "President" opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something else, but no one was listening anymore.

He stretched out his hand forward as if trying to grab something, but he grabbed nothing.

After the presidents of the six major guilds obtained the management authority of "Three Thousand Worlds", the first thing they did was to change the rules to gain immortality.

Now all six people have surrendered. As the one who took action, Manager Xie simply put his sword back again, as if nothing had happened, and greeted the people still hanging on the Tree of Life with a normal expression.


Actually, there are many problems with the game now, and it is urgent to change the game atmosphere. In addition, the D area is still controlled by the "Son of Heaven"... Not only the Son of Heaven, but also the people without conscience can get along better with the development of this game. These people are the cancer of the game, and it is also very important to catch them and clean them up. There are also many other miscellaneous matters that need to be dealt with...

But no matter how huge the project is, it will be completed one day.

Of course, Jie Fangcheng is ready to take a hands-off approach to these tasks.

He is self-aware.

He is good at fighting, but he is really not good at management.

Look at the six administrators he picked, it would be better if he didn’t pick any!

This kind of work should be completely left to people who are good at this kind of work, such as Professor Zhang...

"Brother Jie!" Jie Fangcheng was slapped on the shoulder.

It was so unexpected!

Even though Jie Fangcheng was surrounded by cold winds and ghostly auras just now, his real body has only just woken up for less than half an hour and is still in the recovery period.

If Nie Shuangshuang really wanted to beat him to death, Jie Fangcheng could really have escaped.

But Nie Shuangshuang's shot was just a joke.

Xie Fangcheng staggered forward after being slapped by her and almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Zhang Daoan was next to him and pulled him back.

Jie Fangcheng was angry!

Damn! He didn’t get hurt this badly even when fighting the Guild Master!

Zhang Daoan also looked back at the same time.

Guan Yingying was quick to push Nie Shuangshuang to the back.

Cui Jue was following Jie Fangcheng. He just had something to say, but when he saw Jie Fangcheng turned his head away, completely unaware of what had just happened, he frowned and began to recite scriptures.

"Manager Jie, the atmosphere in this game is really too bad. The manager has killed countless lives for his own selfishness. According to my opinion, we must set up a branch of the underworld here! Punish evil and promote good! How can people's hearts be so bad?!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah."

The crowd was still chattering behind him.

"Wow, did we save the world?"

"You are so shameless, is that what we saved?"

"Brother Jie is a DPS, so I am at least a tank, right?"

"Who is T?"

The group of people kept chattering, but at first glance they looked like refugees fleeing famine.

They kept resurrecting and starting over to buy time for Zhang Daoan.

Although Zhang Daoan was running a simulated copy and the death was not a real death, it still hurt.

Dying and resurrecting again and again is a torture for ordinary people. Among those who come, there are not only players, but also one-third of ghost officials.

Even the ghost who was used to seeing life and death looked pale after each resurrection.

But everyone in the player group looked fine.

After all, for players who have struggled in "Don't Answer", it's amazing that you can be resurrected after death in a copy? God, what kind of magical copy is this

After Zhang Daoan opened the teleportation point, everyone lined up to be teleported back.

When it was Nie Shuangshuang's turn, she coughed and looked embarrassed.

"Brother Jie, are you okay?"

Jie Fangcheng found it funny, but he also wanted to scare her. He was about to say something with a stern face, but suddenly his expression changed.

He and Zhang Daoan looked at each other.

Nie Shuangshuang was confused: "Brother Jie?"

The next second, even she felt it—

"Fuck! Is this an earthquake??"

Boom boom

The ground shook, as if even the sky was trembling.

The players who hadn't teleported away yet were confused as the teleportation point showed signs of collapse.

Jie Fangcheng drew out his giant sword again. Zhang Daoan stood beside him and grabbed his hand, frowning, looking nervous for the first time.

But after exchanging glances with Fang Cheng, Zhang Daoan slowly let go of his hand.

"I'll come find you once they're all safely teleported away."

This time Jie Fangcheng shook his head.

"This is a battle that only I can enter."

The thick ghost aura once again covered Jie Fangcheng.

His black and white eyes looked down at his feet.

There seemed to be a chaotic air current rising up all around.

That's natural.

Because the fallen dragon... has been "resurrected" again.

(End of this chapter)