After Retiring From the Underworld, I Entered an Infinite Game

Chapter 294: Place of Birth (End)


It was as if chaos had just begun and the universe was boundless.

The white dragon opened its eyes, and rolled its eyeballs as if it didn't understand what was happening.

But soon, it understood—


In fact, when the "President" decided to use a container to store the system of "Three Thousand Worlds", the first thing he thought of was the corpse of the Dragon God.

But he couldn't do it.

Like Jie Fangcheng, when the owner of the mind space is shattered and loses control of the mind space, the president can successfully copy the game data into his mind space.

But the Dragon God can't.

He is the God of Creation. Even if he is dead, his body cannot be occupied by anyone.

But Ji Chaoyang’s method was not to occupy the Dragon God’s thinking space, but to possess him.

Just like a ghost possessing a person, this evil spirit has natural advantages.

There is a huge difference between the two. What the "President" did was like performing brain surgery on a dead fish to revive the fish, while what Ji Chaoyang did was inserting a wooden stick into the fish's body. Controlling the stick is equivalent to controlling a dragon.

Of course, there is no Ji Chaoyang now.

The dragon's body was almost as big as the six main areas of the Three Thousand Worlds combined. For such a huge dragon, Ji Chaoyang was not enough to use himself as a wooden stick to control the corpse. He used the management console left by his wife, extracted the data left by his wife, and injected it into the dragon's corpse along with his own data.

And Ji Chaoyang did not lie to Ji Ge. He found the strongest body for Ji Ge.


Ji Ge's soul let out an inhuman scream, and the game management background of "Madam" authenticated his identity. When infusing Madam's data into the dragon's corpse, it was also copied into Ji Ge's thinking space.

It seemed as if two people were fighting for control of "Ji Ge".

One is "Ji Ge" and the other is "Madam".

No, this is not a fight, but a devouring.

How could someone as shallow as Ji Ge compete with the data left behind by the Madam

Although Ji Chaoyang was dead, when the data of "Madam" forcefully devoured Ji Ge's thinking space, the dragon's corpse seemed to feel joy.


He exists only to resurrect his wife.

At the beginning, Ji Ge wanted to kill Zhang Daowu many times. Ji Chaoyang never cared who he killed before, but he just refused to let him kill Zhang Daowu. He even allowed Ronghua to grow to the point of suppressing Chaoyang Labor Union.

Ji Ge always asked doubtfully: "Why can't we kill him and let him grow up? This will not be good for either of us!"

Zhang Daowu's character is so distinctive. He hates evil, but is also kind and gentle, like a pure rising sun, shining on many people.

In the game atmosphere of "Don't Answer", he strives to dispel the darkness, establish the rules of human society in the chaos, protect the weak, punish evil and promote good.

The Ronghua Union can become the final utopia for so many people, and the president of Ronghua has made great contributions.

Once he knows the truth about this game and what Ji Chaoyang and Ji Ge did behind the scenes, Zhang Daowu will definitely become their biggest enemy.

But... it really looks like it.

Like Zhang Daowu and his wife, they both bloomed passionately, wanting to illuminate the people around them even if it meant exhausting their own blood.

Ji Chaoyang missed the time when his wife was still alive... Just like Ronghua, the members of their union once gathered together for the same ideals.

Everyone was very happy at that time. Although we didn't know when we would die in the dungeon, we felt satisfied that we could do something for the game and for thousands of lives.

Therefore, Ji Chaoyang refused to take action against Zhang Daowu. Even if Zhang Daowu discovered something, Ji Chaoyang did not treat him like other players.

He simply put Zhang Daowu into the [Reincarnation Experience]. In order to give him more chances to survive, Ji Chaoyang also took great pains to throw half of Ronghua's players into the reincarnation experience.

Later, Ji Chaoyang and Ji Ge returned to "Three Thousand Worlds". In order to prevent Ji Ge from leaking the news and letting the president know that the Dragon Heart was in Zhang Daowu, Ji Chaoyang absorbed Ji Ge's blood as soon as possible.

He likes this younger brother.

When they were alive together, they were his relatives.

Later in "Don't Answer", before he recovered his memory, Ji Chaoyang would still take care of him, because at that time Ji Ge was still someone he cared about.

But after regaining his memory, Ji Chaoyang just regarded him as his "madam's" blood bag.

Such a despicable person actually possesses the lady's blood. Is he worthy of it

And now, the lady can finally be resurrected.

Although she might no longer be able to live as a vampire, and she was now data, or perhaps more like a system, Ji Chaoyang didn't care. He believed that his wife wouldn't care either.

Now that the lady has the body of a dragon, her strength has greatly increased. She will definitely be able to achieve her dream.

What kind of wonderful world will she create

Ji Chaoyang died contentedly, dreaming of his wife's resurrection.

But just when the Madam's data was about to completely devour Ji Ge, the data belonging to the Madam suddenly disappeared as if it was strangled.

Ji Chaoyang only considered that the Dragon God was the God of Creation, and imagined that it was impossible for him to occupy his thinking space like the President did and restart the dragon's body.

So he did not use the Dragon God's thinking space, he thought it would be safe enough.

But he forgot that the Dragon God had once merged with the most powerful technological creation.

Even if the first-generation system followed the Dragon God, the tiny traces left by the system were enough to kill any data that dared to invade the Dragon God's body.

Ji Ge's soul, which was almost devoured, finally escaped death, and the remaining memories of his wife and Ji Chaoyang also flooded into his mind at this moment.

The figures of Ji Chaoyang, who was like a real brother to him in the orphanage, and Ji Chaoyang, who did not hesitate to attack him in order to resurrect his wife, overlapped.

Ji Ge laughed out loud.

"Hahahahahahahaha... So... you think I'm a clown! Is that how you see me, Ji Chaoyang? Huh? You want to revive Madam? Madam will create a better world?"

He thought it was ridiculous: "Wasn't Madam one of the six major managers in "Three Thousand Worlds"? Wasn't she the strongest union president? What did she accomplish at that time?! Do you think she will do better than before after she is resurrected? What are you dreaming about!! How ridiculous! Hypocritical!! You think I am contemptuous, cruel and disgusting... Then who are you who have always supported me, acquiesced to what I did, and cleaned up for me!! Is one of us a good person? Are the things you did in "Don't Answer" written off? Are the people in the original place not human?! Stop dreaming! You are the same as me! Just a villain!! When we are alive, we can only go down one path to the end, and there is no room for turning back from beginning to end!"

"You want to lay down your butcher knife? You want to become a Buddha right now? No, Impossible!"

"I won in the end! I survived to the end! Ji Chaoyang!!"

Ji Ge started cursing and then started crying.

But Ji Chaoyang had died long ago, and he didn't even see his wife's data being killed. Instead, Ji Ge, whom he looked down upon, became the biggest winner.

Naturally, he couldn't hear what Ji Ge was saying.

"You want to revive Madam, Madam wants to be the savior? Ha."

The white dragon raised its head unfamiliarly.

This dragon was so huge that as he raised his head, the main area of A1 near the dragon's head instantly experienced huge turbulence.

At this moment, the system prompts of all players sounded.

A strange electronic sound spread throughout "Three Thousand Worlds".

[Ding—Emergency! Please leave the main area of each district quickly! Go to the affiliated small world for refuge! ]

Players do not need to queue up at the teleportation point. The system of all players seems to have been upgraded for the second time. The interface has changed and a teleportation button has also appeared.

Zhang Daoan was almost completely mechanized, and he used the withered Tree of Life to complete the system replacement.

A large amount of white data streams flashed on his body, and behind him, dense mechanical tentacles connected him to more data instructions that were invisible to the naked eye.

Zhang Daoan's face was almost pale. His system was not complete, and it was not easy to process the teleportation instructions of so many players synchronously.

But Zhang Daoan knew better that his place was not dangerous. The real danger was -

The giant dragon shook its body, and its long tail fin inadvertently swept across Area F. The devourers in Area F screamed and turned into nothing.

As the giant dragon unfolded its body, the original land that was originally surrounded and protected by it was revealed.


Is this the original place that the Dragon God spent so much effort to build

Is this the core of "Three Thousand Worlds"

As long as we destroy this place, then everything will be over, right

The dragon's eyes were fixed on the starting point.

It was obviously thousands of miles away, but at this moment, it saw it.

It was raining at first.

It was pouring rain and the sky was dark.

The streets were busy with traffic, and because of the bad weather, everyone's mood seemed to be bad.

At the intersection, only two cars passed at a green light, and the drivers stuck behind were cursing.

"Shit! Do you know how to drive?!"

On the street, two students who had just finished school were discussing what excuse they could find to go to each other's house to watch anime; in the shop, a shoe clerk was idly watching videos on his mobile phone.

The girl accidentally stepped on the moving bricks and got splashed with mud. The child was sitting on the seat at the bus stop waiting for the bus to come...

It can see the dimples on a baby's face and the rain-soaked feathers on a bird's wings.

You can hear the sound of water drops falling into the puddles and smell the spicy scent of plants in the rain.

And it only needs to wave its hand gently and the rain will stop.

It only needs to wave its hand and everyone will die in its hands.

No, it's more than that.

It can disperse the dark clouds, flatten the mountains, cause the wind to blow up the waves and flood the land, and it can also cause the earth to crack and bury all living things!

This is God.

This is a God with such great power that he can create civilization or destroy everything.

The dragon looked towards the street and saw a middle-aged man who looked to be of an unusual status getting out of a car. Someone immediately stepped forward and held out an umbrella for him.

Ah, is this some powerful person in the world today


This is a tiny ant whose life and death can be decided by God.

The giant dragon watched viciously, and with a thought, the enormous power of rules in its body surged towards the origin, wanting to kill whoever he wanted to kill.

Kill some first.

It thought carelessly.

Kill some, then create new games in the starting area for it to entertain itself.

Not only the starting point, but also the "Three Thousand Worlds".

That many creatures should be enough for him to create an interesting new game.

The current copy... is so easy!

Why can't there be a copy where only one person can be alive

The ants have to resist the power from the copies and also kill each other.

There will be no more friends or lovers. Everyone can be an enemy and must be an enemy!

Look, his dear "brother" would treat him as an enemy, why couldn't others

They have the closest relationship. He has given everything to his "brother". If he loves me as always, I would be willing to die if he wants me to.

Among these creatures, who has the deepest feelings as us

Such feelings are all fake... Then what else is not fake!


The dragon sighed comfortably. It saw the fate of these creatures, and it was the starting point of all destruction.

Such a powerful and almighty god actually gave up his life for a group of ants

How ridiculous!

Just then, it faintly heard the sound of a bell.


The power of rules heading towards the starting point was actually eliminated by the sound of the bell.

The dragon frowned and looked in the direction where the bell sound came from with its huge pupils.

A man in a black robe stood in mid-air, standing between the dragon and the original land.

He is as tiny as a speck of stardust, and will turn into ashes with just a slight blow.

It's... Oh, the reincarnation of the Dragon God.

He is also the Jie Fangcheng who once beat himself in "Don't Answer".

The dragon wanted to laugh.

He looked at Jie Fangcheng: "You don't think you are still a god, do you?"

The reincarnation of the Dragon God

Yes, it is reincarnation.

But he is not the Dragon God.

Without the body of a dragon and without such power of rules, he is just a stronger ant.

How dare you stop him?!

The dragon watched at ease, wanting to see what funny show the ants in front of him would present.

When the giant dragon was looking at Jie Fangcheng, Jie Fangcheng was also looking at the dragon in front of him.

This is the creature standing at the pinnacle of all living beings. Even Jie Fangcheng would still tremble instinctively when standing opposite to the "dragon".

So... this is how they felt when they stood in front of "me".

No wonder no one dared to say anything in front of him at the beginning. Even the Elf King Soliya, the companion elf of the Tree of Life, never dared to question him.

When he created Small World No. 01, the Dragon God wanted to listen to what the creatures living in this small world were really thinking, but he could hear nothing.

It's all praise, eulogy, and respect out of awe.

The Dragon God knew that they were afraid, but he didn't understand what they were afraid of.

When the "Three Thousand Worlds" was first created, the Dragon God wanted to be the controller of the "Three Thousand Worlds" forever and protect the players here from any harm.

But now, when he really stood opposite the "dragon", Jie Fangcheng understood.

No matter how kind and friendly the Dragon God was at the time, and no matter how much he did for all the players, the final result was the same.

The reason is simple: he is too strong.

He is so strong that no one can resist him if he wants to.

The point is not whether anyone will resist him, the point is that no one can resist him, and no one can disobey him.

All players dare not to anger him, just like in Small World No. 01.

Therefore, the result of "Three Thousand Worlds" is almost the same as that of Small World No. 01. He died, and the people from the six major guilds were making trouble here, and now the game is almost broken up.

At that time, the Dragon God wanted to die on his own initiative and use his death to prove to everyone that any powerful creator god could be defeated, and they had entered an era of "rule by man".

There is no need to be afraid anymore, no need to worry about not being able to resist, as long as they are willing, they will succeed.

The Dragon God wanted to give them one last helping hand.

But at that time, he failed.

The dragon slayer he chose still relied on the power of the God of Creation. After all, the Dragon God was too strong, so strong that they dared not even think of any other methods and could only use the power of the God of Creation to deal with him.

And what they want to be is God, not human.

But now, by accident, the Dragon God has become a human.

A person... Although very strong, he is still like an ant compared to the giant dragon in front of him.

He would tremble because he was standing in front of the Dragon God, and would clearly feel the gap between himself and the giant dragon in front of him.

He no longer has a powerful body, and he no longer has the ability to create and change rules like a creator god. All he can rely on is his strength as a "human".

What the successor chosen by the Dragon God had failed to do... Now, he was going to do it.

Facing this familiar giant dragon, Jie Fangcheng looked at it and laughed.

He always carries a lot of baggage, and he dares not leave any of it behind.

He had done many wrong things, and he tried his best to make up for each one.

Along the way, Xie Fangcheng did not have a clear conscience.

On the contrary, when he was a prince, he insisted on fighting against the heavens, and eventually caused eight hundred generals to be executed; when he was the manager of the underworld, he failed to arrive at the scene in time, and many innocent people died; in "Don't Answer", he also caused the death of good people due to his negligence.

When he regained the memory of the Dragon God, he remembered all the time that he had personally chosen his successor. That was an unqualified successor.

He did a lot of wrong things, although people always say that it's not his fault.

When he was a prince, he did it for the common people behind him, not for himself; when he was a manager, he was burdened by various things, not because he was not diligent; and in "Don't Answer", his thinking space was damaged and he couldn't think comprehensively and long-term at all.

As for the Dragon God... He single-handedly created "Three Thousand Worlds". For this game and for the sake of countless other lives, he peeled off his skin, cut off his bones, and even dug out his heart. It's the players themselves who are not up to the task.

These words seemed to make sense, but he couldn't let it go.

Because he is strong.

The heavens and the earth consecrated him, chose him as their protector, forged him with a steel skeleton, and endowed him with talents far beyond those of ordinary people.

He must hold up this crumbling sky.

But now, the burden on his shoulders was slightly lifted.

Apart from what he considered his "faults", he did... I can honestly say that he did a pretty good job.

He is the one who mended the sky, he is the one who created the game, he is the one who saved people from danger... now, at this moment, here.

He is also the one who slays the dragon.

The boundless ghost energy suddenly appeared, here, in this vast universe—

All living beings that fall here must obey my orders!

On the body of the King of Ten Thousand Ghosts, the black shackles that imprisoned the ghost energy around him broke into pieces, and his black and white pupils turned dark red.

A cold wind suddenly blew up, ghosts cried and wolves howled!

The three-headed ghost dog, the ghost messenger covered in ghost fire, the crying bird soul with broken wings... All the ghosts obeyed the orders and leaned over to help their king.

The Ghost King drew out the clumsy long sword in his hand - it was made from the weapons of his eight hundred ghost generals. At this moment, the sword body shattered as he wished, breaking into eight hundred bloody sharp blades, standing in the air behind him, with the blades pointing at the dragon in front of him.

The dragon smiled contemptuously.

A mere ghost actually thinks he can stop him


The bell rang again.

A misty palace appeared behind the Ghost King, and the huge statue opened its eyes.

Not enough—not enough—


When the death knell rang for the last time, the huge requiem bell shattered.

At the same time, the golden light of merit around the Ghost King, which had already seemed precarious under the erosion of ghost energy, suddenly shattered and scattered.

The golden light of merit is both a protective talisman that prevents the heaven from striking his soul to pieces, but it also suppresses the evil spirit in him.

At this moment, the evil ghost who had completely abandoned the golden light of merit had flying white hair, and the ghost energy formed a second crown on his body.

On the intricate black robe, blood-red red spider lilies bloomed in large clusters, spreading from the clothes all the way to his body, even his forehead was covered with bright red lines.

In the boundless primordial universe, the laws of heaven angrily struck down thunder from the sky, wanting to send this evil ghost into hell.

The statue behind the Ghost King held a tall gentleman's sword and split the thunder from the sky with one blow.

He raised his head arrogantly and faced the angry laws of heaven.

The law of nature

Since it is the way of heaven—

The Ghost King swung his sword.

He is a fierce ghost, but he is also the guardian of the original place—the guardian of the Three Thousand Worlds!

Heaven! How could it not be on my side?!

"Ling—Tian Dao! Help me!"

Thunder suddenly arose in the Hongmeng Universe!

The giant dragon in front of him only felt fear at this moment.

The fear does not come from the evil spirit in front of him, but from the surroundings.

It twisted its head and looked around in surprise, but it didn't understand where such a threat came from.

What is it

No matter what it is! Crush this ant in front of you first! !

The giant dragon roared towards the sky, and the small world around it shook violently.

From its forehead, the murderous power as surging as the ocean waves attacked the person in front of it.

The ghost in front of it, which looked like an ant, just waved the sword in its hand.

One sword.

A sword mixed with heavenly thunder and ghostly energy slashed straight into the dragon's head. The sound of thunder mixed with cold wind penetrated into the dragon's body.


The dragon only had time to let out a scream before eight hundred sharp blades and the surrounding ghosts, staring at it hungrily, swarmed over.

The white dragon was like a bubble, struggling and being swallowed up bit by bit.

The ghost king in front of it finally touched the shiny dragon horn gently.

"Goodbye." The Dragon God whispered goodbye.

And when the dragon disappeared, Jie Fangcheng could no longer hold on.

He is an evil ghost, and the power of heavenly thunder is the nemesis of ghost energy. He drew the thunder into his body and used the power of the laws of heaven to slay the dragon. Now that he has no enemies, the King of Ghosts who has just accomplished a great feat can't even hold his own sword.

The sword fell first.

Immediately afterwards, Xie Fangcheng fell downwards uncontrollably like a stone.

Although he felt weightless, Jie Fangcheng did not feel nervous.

Because he knew very well that there was someone who would not let him fall to his death.

Almost instantly, countless mechanical tentacles spread out from the Tree of Life, weaving into a soft net, and caught him as he fell.

Soon, Jie Fangcheng was safely sent back to the Tree of Life by the tentacles.

Zhang Daoan, who was waiting here, dropped the work in his hands and hugged him in his arms.

Jie Fangcheng's veins were broken and he was surrounded by ghost energy... But fortunately, Zhang Daoan, who was holding him, was no longer a human but a machine, so he didn't have to worry about the ghost energy affecting him.


Jie Fangcheng coughed twice, and his body looked as if his soul had been scattered away. His soul was extremely unstable, as if it was about to shatter.

But the ghost energy stuck him together again, and the golden light of merit that he had dispersed came back again and lingered around him - as if it was a little thicker.

Maybe it was given by those believers of the Dragon God who have not forgotten it until now.

Zhang Daoan patted him on the back gently: "You've worked hard, take a good rest."

After he said that, Jie Fangcheng rested his chin on his shoulder with confidence, and was still thinking before he passed out.

If he is struck by lightning again next time, he will not be afraid at all.

After all, even his inner demons are gone, what can the heaven do to him? !

Chop! Chop at will! Whoever hides is a cuckold!

As if sensing that someone actually had such a rebellious idea, there was a faint sound of angry thunder, but in the end, it was reluctant to stop.

Zhang Daoan patted him on the back and smiled, then continued to work overtime to create the clone, controlling the entire game, striving to disinfect all the black data streams.

But the Tree of Life has withered, and can no longer provide as much energy...

Or go back to the starting point and continue

At this moment, a tattered figure staggered towards them from a distance.

It’s Ji Ge’s ghost.

He limped, his eyes fixed on Zhang Daoan and Jie Fangcheng in the distance.

Almost there!

He is obviously already a god!

If I had known earlier... I should have killed that guy the first time I saw him!!!


Zhang Daoan, who was still working, was too lazy to even look up and pay attention to the data flow.

He simply reopened the passage.

The next second, densely packed figures appeared all around.

Nie Shuangshuang was almost dying of anxiety. After being teleported over, she rushed in front of the two of them, carefully placed her finger on Jie Fangcheng's nose, and then immediately cried out "Ouch".

"Brother Jie is not breathing!"

Qi Chanyang asked speechlessly: "Was Brother Jie breathing? Isn't he a ghost?"

"Oh oh oh!" Nie Shuangshuang felt relieved.

Over there, the King of Hell of the Fourth Palace also came in person and saw Ji Ge first.

The King of Hell, who possessed the power to decide between good and evil, immediately waved his hand and said, "Catch him!"

Workaholic Cui Jue was already asking Zhang Daoan: "Are you calling us here to do some work? Oh!! Have you solved everything? Can we set up a branch of the underworld in Three Thousand Worlds now? Can you send a few people to arrest the players who have done the most evil? Can you open a backend for us? No problem! Then... uh, Manager Jie, is he..."

"He needs to rest."

"Oh!" Cui Jue asked again, "Will you come to work after you recover?"

With Manager Jie here, it doesn't seem to matter whether the system has a backdoor or not.

Manager Jie's fighting power is like a stabilizing force.

Zhang Daoan said without hesitation: "No, he has to take a vacation."

"Ah... Well, okay... Then the report..."

"I do."

Cui Jue was reluctant to let him go: "After he recovers, can he really not come to help? Really? Not even for a day? Then when will Manager Jie start his vacation?"

Zhang Daoan finally looked up.

He looked around first.

After the screening of "Don't Answer" and the simulated copies during this period, the players and the ghost messengers get along well.

There were so many people in front of me, at least 20,000 to 30,000 people... 20,000 to 30,000 ghosts.


No need to sleep or eat, the chosen corporate slave 007.

Manager Xie has been doing this job for so many years, it’s time to transfer the burden of 007 to someone else.

This many 007s are enough for the time being.

Besides, we can recruit players of "Three Thousand Worlds" to work for us in the future.

very perfect.

Zhang Daoan looked down at Jie Fangcheng who was unconscious in his arms with a gentle expression.

"Let's start the manager's vacation... right now."

——End of the text————

(End of this chapter)

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