After Retiring From the Underworld, I Entered an Infinite Game

Chapter 34: The spoils of war


"How is it possible?" Qi Chanyang frowned, "I've never heard of a player being able to bring an NPC out of a dungeon! This ability is very special, and the NPC is generally stronger than the player. If the player can really bring an NPC out, then he must be someone famous!"

Gu Shanshan asked: "But if an NPC dies in a dungeon, the dungeon will automatically repair the NPC when it is reopened, right?"


Gu Shanshan looked at her wrist.

She was wearing Lu Xiaoqin's hairband on her right hand. Due to the fight with Mud and No. 1, the hairband had broken in the middle, so Gu Shanshan carefully tied a knot on it, and it now fit perfectly around her wrist.

Gu Shanshan's eyes were cold.

"There are very few clues in this dungeon. In the end, Brother Jie had to demolish the entire hospital to complete the dungeon. Brother Qi, do you think a level one dungeon... no, even a level two dungeon, would be so difficult? How many people can be like Brother Jie, who can demolish a hospital just by saying so?"

Qi Chanyang was stunned: "Very rarely."

He also knew that there was something wrong with this level one book. Not to mention it was a level one book, the difficulty... No, it was not just the difficulty.

Qi Chanyang came back to his senses.

An experienced player like Qi Chanyang who has completed six dungeons is not only like a fish in water in an ordinary level one dungeon, but he also has at least a 30% chance of survival compared to the 90% mortality rate of new players.

But in this copy, Qi Chanyang asked himself, if there were nine veteran players like himself, could they pass it


The NPCs are too powerful, so the only chance to clear this dungeon is to solve the puzzle.

But after staying in the copy for three days, the clues they could find were scattered and few, and there were many restrictions on them.

Gu Shanshan took out paper and pen, and projected her handwriting onto the projector.

"The NPCs in this instance are divided into four groups. One group is doctors, including the dean, Han Qi, and He Xin. One group is patients, numbered from one to nine. Another group is NPCs with specific functions, such as fake Ge Juan, kitchen NPCs, and security guards. The remaining group... or one group, who is almost completely independent of the hospital, is Liu Hanyue."

Gu Shanshan scattered the four groups of people in four corners, and then wrote the player in the middle.

"The doctors are always hostile to us. They want us to take three pills and then eat us like food."

"NPCs with specific functions are also hostile to us. The fake Ge Juan has a killing rule against us. The kitchen NPC emphasizes that food cannot be wasted, which should also be a killing rule. The one in the security room... Although he was beaten to death by Brother Jie on the first day, when we came, he kept staring at us with drooling in his mouth. Obviously, he also regarded us as food."

"Liu Hanyue passed on messages to us during the day, but she never showed up. We can infer that she cannot come out during the day. At night, she will hunt down anyone who enters the room. We can say that during the day, she is on our side when she has no attack power, and at night, she becomes hostile to us when her attack power increases dramatically."

"The same goes for patient NPCs."

After writing this, Gu Shanshan continued, "On the last day... NPC No. 6, Wang He, almost killed me when I called out his and his wife's names. He responded, but soon returned to his unconscious state."


Gu Shanshan tapped gently on the paper marked with red arrows representing hostility.

"At night, all the NPCs in this hospital are hostile to us. During the day, the patient NPCs who are kind to us are no match for the doctors, and Liu Hanyue cannot come out."

"It can be said that we are completely at a disadvantage in this dungeon. If it weren't for Brother Jie, if we were a team of new players with no strength, we would be restricted to the first floor during the day. We have also looked for clues on the first floor, but we only found Wang He's diary and Liu Hanyue's papers, an introduction to the hospital, and a few notes. At night, we must take medicine and sleep. If we don't take medicine, we will be attacked by the patient NPC. Even if we escape, we will be targeted by the fake Ge Juan when we go out."

"But if we don't go out at night, we won't find Ge Juan's body and the ring. This clue will only appear at night. If it is a puzzle-solving copy, this important clue must be discovered by the player. In other words, we must be able to go out at night."

"The question is - how can a team of new players withstand the attack of the mutated patient NPC at night, defeat the fake Ge Juan, and successfully obtain this clue?"

Gu Shanshan drew a question mark next to the player.

"The dean, Han Qi, He Xin, and the functional NPCs are those we cannot compete for, but they happen to be the strongest in the entire hospital. We can compete for the patient NPCs, and their strength after alienation is also considerable, but how can we solve the problem of them losing their minds after they alienate at night? - Maybe there are clues on the third floor that can prevent them from losing their minds, but the door is locked. If it is a team of new players, how can they get to the third floor? The same is true for Liu Hanyue."

"But if there is an NPC at this time, and she can be won over by us, and she is either quite powerful and can fight the doctor back and forth... like Brother Jie, then we can go to the first and third floors to look for clues at night. Or she has a special identity and knows how to solve the problem of patients losing their minds after alienation. Is there anyone in this hospital who can do this?"

Xue Kai reacted: "Ge Juan! She is a deputy chief physician! Even if her ability is not as good as Han Qi, she should not be worse than the intern He Xin! And she is a doctor, she must know how to control the patient NPC! She, she is different from Han Qi and He Xin! The patient NPCs like her, so it can be imagined that she should be a good person!"

Gu Shanshan filled in Ge Juan's name next to the player, pointed at the player with a green arrow representing goodwill, and then changed the red arrow after the patient's mutation into a green arrow.

On paper, the player's strength suddenly made a huge leap.

"Not only that, Ge Juan is everywhere in this dungeon."

Gu Shanshan continued to mark.

"All the NPCs we met, the dean and her suspected lover, Han Qi, He Xin, the kitchen NPCs, the security guards, are her colleagues. The fake Ge Juan is her daughter's class teacher. She has been the most popular among the patient NPCs for three consecutive years. Liu Hanyue is her daughter, and the only normal person, Liu Hanxi, is her son. But such an important NPC... is a fake. Is this possible?"

Qi Chanyang also looked at the paper.

The lack of Ge Juan's copy is like a puzzle without a reference picture, the clues are completely messy.

But once you join Ge Juan—

"With Ge Juan, we can not only get support from the patient NPC, but also know exactly what experiments the doctors are doing, what the consequences will be after taking the pills, who the dean is, how to defeat the dean, and the secret of Liu Hanxi's control of the sludge... The answers to all the mysteries in the dungeon are in Ge Juan, and Ge Juan can answer them all. But we... just lack her. We are not missing Han Qi, He Xin, or the patient NPCs, but we are missing the most core NPC."

"In terms of strength, Ge Juan is not stronger than the dean who is the final boss. Why didn't the people who took Ge Juan away take away the dean who has a higher martial arts value, but took away Ge Juan who is the most important link among all the clues?"

"If nothing else, we were able to pass the dungeon this time. It can be said that... it was because Brother Jie was so strong that we were able to survive."

"How did the last team that cleared the dungeon do it? Assuming they have someone as strong as Brother Jie, their survival rate shouldn't be much worse than ours."

"But Brother Qi, you said that the current highest copy survival rate is only 40%."

"So there is no player like Jie Ge among them who is strong enough to completely surpass the dungeon. They should have passed the level by deciphering the code. But without Ge Juan, how did they decipher it?"

"So I concluded that this team of players who cleared the level still had Ge Juan when they cleared the level. Ge Juan disappeared after they cleared the level, but if Ge Juan died in the dungeon, the dungeon would automatically repair itself. Only if she was taken away, the system would not be able to repair it, so they could find a fake to replace Ge Juan."

Gu Shanshan used the pen in her hand to cross out the name "Ge Juan" next to the player.

"And I am increasingly certain that the person who took Ge Juan away did it on purpose."

"He knew very well what the consequences would be if he took this NPC away, but he deliberately took the NPC out of the instance."

"Brother Qi, you said you've never heard of anyone being able to bring an NPC out of a dungeon... This is the scariest thing."

Gu Shanshan said softly, "He brought the NPCs out in some way, but he didn't use these powerful NPCs... I guess, because he couldn't use them. The NPCs he brought out... might not be alive."

Qi Chanyang was stunned for a moment, and his hair suddenly stood on end.

If taking the NPC out of the copy is because of coveting the NPC's strength, Qi Chanyang can understand that.

But bringing out the NPC is not for the purpose of using the NPC... Then what could be the purpose of this person other than making it impossible for later players to pass the level

The basement of Chaoyang Guild.

Ji Ge opened the door of the basement skillfully and walked in leisurely.

He was in a good mood and humming a song. The red lights above his head lit up one by one as he walked by.

He discovered this in a certain copy. When this red light was lit up in the corridor on the third floor of that copy, it gave off a terrifying feeling.

Ji Ge likes it very much.

In fact, that dungeon was not difficult. After Ji Ge and his friends entered the dungeon, they quickly determined the strategy for passing it and successfully achieved a 33% survival rate. In fact, if someone could open Ji Ge's personal panel, they would see in his completed dungeon records that the survival rates of all his first-level dungeons were between 20% and 40%. The only dungeon with a survival rate of 42% was gray, indicating that this dungeon had disappeared.

This is also a secret of the game that only some high-level members of Chaoyang Guild know: as long as the survival rate of a copy is greater than 40%, the copy will be judged as "too low in difficulty" and will disappear.

But so far, Ji Ge has achieved a survival rate of over 40%, so only a few people know this secret.

He walked happily through the glass cases.

These cabinets are filled with formalin solution, soaked with strange objects of various shapes and colors.

They are basically all "people" - or they cannot be called people, some still retain their human form, and some only have some organs left.

There is no other way. It is not easy to forcibly take the NPC out of the copy. The "bubble space" cannot store living things. Forcing a living thing in it will easily cause the object to decompose. It is very common that only half of the body is left when it is finally taken out.

But it doesn’t matter, the effect is the same whether dead or alive.

Ji Ge happily walked to the last cabinet and opened the "bubble space".

Once the player leaves the dungeon, the skills obtained in the dungeon can no longer be used, but Ji Ge’s "bubble space" is different, as it is not obtained in the dungeon.

This is the reward for the universal copy.

The ranking rewards for the national copy are not copy rewards, but can be used in the base.

Most of the time, the ranking rewards will fall into the hands of the three major guilds. This is why the three major guilds have remained at the top for so many years and no one dares to shake them.

He threw a body that looked completely unrecognizable as a human being, with only a head and internal organs attached to it, into a new glass cabinet.

On that head, the eyelids had completely disappeared, leaving only the eyeball pulled in the eye socket by a few blood vessels.

"Huh? Not dead yet?" Ji Ge was surprised.

The "person"'s eyeballs moved only a few times, and his teeth seemed to want to open and scream in pain, but he had no vocal cords or throat, and soon his pupils dilated, and he died quietly.

Ji Ge took out a marker with a smile and wrote on the mark under the cabinet.

[Serial number: 19]

[Dungeon: Mushroom Forest]

[Survival rate: 27%]

[NPC: Jiang Yulan]

[Note: The elves are indeed different. Their eyeballs can move!]

He admired his masterpiece, sighed with satisfaction, then leisurely put away his pen and walked past his trophies one by one with a smile on his face.

Just as he was about to walk out of the basement, Ji Ge caught sight of something out of the corner of his eye. He was stunned and then turned his head sharply.

An empty cabinet with only formalin solution in it stood in front of him.

[Serial number: 3]

[Survival rate: 33%]

[NPC: Ge Juan]

[Note: Wow, what a great motherly love]

Ji Ge pressed his entire face against the glass cabinet, and the solution reflected his distorted face.

He remembers this NPC!

In that mental hospital, this NPC has a pair of children. In the final battle, her son controlled the mud monster to fight with the final BOSS, and her daughter was almost dragged into the BOSS's mud in order to protect her brother.

The woman rushed forward desperately to die, and when she was dying, she was taken into the "bubble space" by Ji Ge.

Unfortunately, only the flesh on her body was brought out.

Her skull would have been very nice.

But at this time, there was no more meat left.

Who! Who stole his loot

Ji Ge stared at the empty solution. He tilted his head and quickly came up with an idea.

If the copy disappears, the NPC will naturally disappear as well.

Someone cleared this dungeon with a survival rate of over 40%, but his proud loot disappeared!

It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter. With such a high survival rate, there will definitely be people who want to show off.

Let him know who cleared this level, and then kill them all...

Anyone who dares to touch his spoils will be killed!

At this moment, the words in the line of "Blue Mountain Mental Hospital" in his copy clearance record did not turn gray like Ji Ge's copy with a 42% survival rate... Instead, it disappeared directly from his copy list.

In the warm cat climbing frame meeting room, after Gu Shanshan finished analyzing this part of the information, she was silent for a moment and then took out a new piece of paper.

"Let's not talk about who brought Ge Juan out of the dungeon. Now, let's analyze what the next group of players will do if they enter this dungeon that lacks key NPCs. First of all, Liu Hanxi. Obviously, he has a way to deal with the dean NPC. This is the only chance of winning. The mud monster he can control should be of the same origin as the dean, so he is also..."

"Ah!" Sun Miao, who had been confused the whole time, had been flipping through his system panel curiously, looking at his newly acquired props. He was also the first to discover the problem.

"Um," he scratched his head, "Did I make a bug? I saw that in my clearance record... the dungeon disappeared!... Hey? Jie's name is highlighted, did he finally come out of the dungeon?"

a few minutes ago.

In the copy of [Blue Mountain Mental Hospital], as the white light flashed, Qi Chanyang and the others disappeared, and at the same time, a white light flashed onto Jie Fangcheng who was standing in the empty white fog.

[Ding—It is detected that you have completed the dungeon, and the system will automatically transfer you.]


[Ding—It is detected that you have completed the dungeon, and the system will automatically transfer you.]

The white light of the teleportation copy kept flashing over him, trying to pull him back to the base hall.

But it didn't work.

The pulling force of the white light could only pull him into the air to try to move, but Jie Fangcheng didn't want to leave. He crossed his arms and looked coldly at the ruins below.

The less intelligent system detected that the Blue Mountain Mental Hospital copy was completely empty, with only a lone elevator shaft remaining. The entire hospital had disappeared.

Although this situation is relatively rare, it is common to have to repair it after each team of players leaves.

Then, strands of black lines like hair stretched out from the boundless white mist and slowly gathered to the location of the original copy.

After these black lines landed on the ground, they continued to resemble the original copy bit by bit.

The reading room, cafeteria, and security room are on the first floor, the wards and consultation rooms are on the second floor, and the director's lounge is on the third floor...

Even the words on the wall "I love the hospital, the hospital loves me" have been restored 100%.

The next step is to build the NPC.

[Building the key NPC Ge Juan... ]

[Building Ge Juan…]


[Build failed.]

[Analysis failure reason: lack of necessary **]

[Similar models will be selected from the database and rebuilt. ]

[Successful selection: Gu Wan]

[Use a similar model to build the key NPC Ge Juan... ]

[Build failed]

[Analysis failure reason: lack of necessary **]

[Similar models will be selected from the database and rebuilt. ]

[The draw failed.]

[Analysis failure reasons:]

[Analysis failure reasons:]

[Analysis failed]

[Reconstruction of related NPCs]

[Build failed: Chen Xiangyuan]

[Build failed: Liu Hanxi]

[Build failed: Liu Hanyue]

[Build failed...]

[Successful construction: Yan Jian]

[Identity confirmation: Security guard]

[NPC construction completed]

[Successful: 1 case]

[Too many missing NPCs in the dungeon]

[Damage level of the copy: Severe, no longer able to form a copy. The copy information will be reorganized, the [Blue Mountain Mental Hospital] copy will be erased, and a new copy will be reconstructed.]

[Reconstruction of the copy begins.]

At this moment, the surrounding fog dissipated slightly.

The black line that was as thin as a hair just now disappeared. Soon, a large black fog spread from a distant place with no end in sight, covering the entire hospital and Jie Fangcheng at the same time.

No one noticed that the person floating in the air, who was originally wearing an ordinary T-shirt and jeans and whose hair was tied up with a rabbit carrot head rope, vaguely changed into another appearance in the black mist.

The black semi-long hair turned white, and after growing to the waist, it was tied up with a suspended red crown.

The T-shirt and jeans on his body turned into a black brocade robe embroidered with large blooming red spider lilies.

A strange pattern stretched out across his forehead, like a large patch of thorns, or like countless intertwined sword shadows.

Behind him, a black, solemn and majestic palace seemed to appear.

The black mist that was originally about to build a copy hesitated for a moment, and immediately surrounded him intimately, vying to enter his body.

Jie Fangcheng opened his eyes.

His eyes turned one black and one white as he looked further away.

Through the distant, thick fog, he saw a huge book suspended in the air, surrounded by countless copies and guarded like a heart.

Sensing Jie Fangcheng's gaze, the book jumped twice excitedly, but was firmly trapped in place by the chains formed by countless data streams, making it unable to move.

A huge black sword appeared in Xie Fangcheng's hand. The sword was clean and plain, with only five words engraved on the hilt: "For Manager Xie's exclusive use".

He held the sword and slashed at the book from a distance.


The sword energy was surging, turning the newly formed mental hospital into powder, but the "Manager Jie Special" that could originally chop everything in front of it into pieces made a huge, continuous sound, but it was like hitting a cotton ball. A large group of 1s and 0s formed a data membrane, slowly weakening this sword that did not belong to the data world at all, and finally eliminated it, leaving only an indelible sword intent below. The sound of "building a copy" disappeared instantly, and this place that originally belonged to the [Blue Mountain Mental Hospital] could no longer be rebuilt.

And all around, because of this sword, the data stream formed by countless 0s and 1s trembled, and even the base hall shook unsteadily.

But after this attack, the black mist around Jie Fangcheng could no longer support him to use so much Yin energy, and it swirled into his body and finally disappeared.

Jie Fangcheng returned to his original look of black hair, T-shirt and jeans. The sword in his hand was like a shattered star, shattering all around and emitting star-like light when it fell on the sword energy on the ground.

Jie Fangcheng narrowed his eyes, and the last thing he saw was that the book was trying to tilt a page up.

At the bottom of the page, in size 4 Song font, underneath a pile of names, it read: "I am the Book of Life and Death, if you are a brother, come and save me!!"

(End of this chapter)