After Retiring From the Underworld, I Entered an Infinite Game

Chapter 41: High Performance College (VI)


In the mathematics office.

Tong Xinxin's right eye was wrapped in gauze, and blood was faintly visible through the gauze.

Her face was pale, and her only remaining left eye looked full of ferocity, which made it easy to tell that she was not in a very good mood.

Liu Hui glanced at her and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Tong Xinxin was too lazy to say anything more. She pulled open the drawer that contained her puppet doll last night and said, "Look for yourself."

Everyone looked at the drawer and was stunned.

When they left last night, Tong Xinxin personally placed a cute-looking red rag doll in the drawer, but now the rag doll in the drawer was cut into several pieces by some unknown sharp weapon, revealing the stuffing inside the doll.

It's not cotton, it's real shrunken internal organs that look like those of a normal human being.

Puppet doll is the level 2 skill of Tong Xinxin's [Gift from the Blood Clan]. The created puppet is made up of her own blood and some internal organs. The doll's eyes come from Tong Xinxin's right eye. Although the puppet doll is so small, its strength is half of Tong Xinxin's own strength.

This rag doll with some strength was chopped into pieces in a drawer when the clock struck twelve last night. The doll hadn't even opened its eyes yet and its eyes were cut horizontally. Tong Xinxin also became blind in her right eye.

Tong Xinxin's face was grim: "'Teachers can give extra lessons to students on their own, but please return to the dormitory before 12 o'clock'... It seems that the fate of staying in the teaching building is like this doll."

No one spoke for a while.

At this time, Liu Hui spoke up first: "Let's not talk about this anymore. Let's put together yesterday's student handbook first."

Four of the seven pages of the student handbook are in the hands of the Chinese language group, and of the remaining three pages, one records the average score of the previous class of high school sophomores.

Strangely enough, it is exactly the same as the score they required to pass the game, 562 points.

A bad guess suddenly emerged in everyone's mind... This might really be a competition.

The remaining two pages are introductions to outstanding students.

Guo Siming was stunned when he saw the second-ranked student. Tong Xinxin noticed it and quickly responded: "Is this student in your class?"

Being seen through, Guo Siming could only nod.

Tong Xinxin looked at the list and frowned.

Yesterday, Guo Siming also gave a test to the students in his class. The scores of these students were generally around 80 points, and even those with high scores only scored 90 points.

How can someone be an excellent student if he only gets 80 points in a single subject

Is it a case of partiality? But if it is a case of partiality, how can all the students in a class be partial to a certain subject

Tong Xinxin was also smart and immediately responded: "I see, each student's total score is fixed. If they are not good at math, their grades in other subjects will get better."

Everyone suddenly realized.

After saying this, Tong Xinxin stared at the test scores of her class’s students yesterday placed in front of her.

That is, these students did not assign points to her.

Why? If it is because I am a new teacher, but the math scores of the classes of the two new teachers are good, why are the scores of the new teachers also good and bad

How can we get these students to assign scores to themselves

Tong Xinxin frowned.

Just then, the door of the mathematics office opened.

Tong Xinxin raised her head, looked at the person who came in, and laughed meaningfully: "Hey, Teacher Zhang, are you going to stay in touch with Director Wei again?"

Zhang An's face was pale and he looked like he had lost too much blood.

He nodded and sat back in his seat as if he didn't want to talk much.

Tong Xinxin frowned.

Because of her personal skills, Tong Xinxin was able to sense that this person had indeed lost some blood.

Why? Did he have a fight last night

Or is this person's personal skills also related to blood

Guo Siming has already asked over there.

Zhang An's attitude remained gentle and he spoke in detail.

"Wasn't I called to the guard room of the student dormitory last night? There I saw the seven dead students. They didn't seem to have died in a car accident, but more like jumping off a building."

Jump off a building...

Tong Xinxin's mind raced: "That means these students died on campus..."

Her words came to an abrupt end, but the expressions of the players around her suddenly became interesting.

We have all completed so many copies, and everyone knows the meaning behind this sentence.

—Student NPCs can be killed.

The pass requirement only requires the average score, not the highest score or the total score, so... if we kill those students who are dragging down the team and have low scores, won't the overall average score go up

Zhang An just glanced at them.

Jie Fangcheng would never tire of emphasizing the dangers of this plan to the players, but Zhang An would not.

There's no point in saying it. No matter how much we try to stop them, there will always be arrogant players who will go down this path.

"Okay, it's almost time. We should go listen to the class of the teacher with the best teaching performance."


The class with the highest average score in the mathematics exam is Class 2 (1), which is also the class with the highest average score among students.

But when it was time to go to class, the players found that the teachers who had been busy in the office were almost completely uninterested in the class. Everyone still had a thick stack of student materials in their hands, and after one class, they didn't even look up and continued to study the papers in their hands.

Class 1's classroom was on the second floor. After everyone entered the classroom, they found that there were 45 students in all other classes, but only 30 in Class 1.

The players looked at each other.

The teacher who taught Class 1 was called Tao He, and he was also the head teacher of Class 1. However, unlike the arrogant teacher who went to the golden window to get food in the cafeteria before, Tao He looked haggard. He found that the teachers sitting below did not react much when listening to the class. After walking up to the podium, he began to teach in a mediocre manner.

Teacher Tao was teaching exactly according to the handouts, wishing that there wasn't even a single typo in every sentence, and was reading out the text exactly.

Why do students in a class with such teaching level have the highest average score

Is it because... this teacher Tao killed the poor students, so that the average score of his class can be maintained at the first place

While the players were still pondering, the lecture notes entered the stage where the teacher asked questions.

Tao He's haggard look finally became slightly more cheerful.

"Then next, I will ask my classmates to answer this question."

The students in the front row were all sitting quietly, and a boy in the first row even had an expression of waiting for a good show on his face.

But the students in the back row were all a little nervous.

Soon, Tao He announced the "prisoner" this time: "Then it's... Number 28."

A very thin boy timidly stood up from the last row. He looked at the formula on the blackboard with a frightened look on his face: "Is it... zero, zero?"

"Is it zero?" Teacher Tao, who had been teaching in a calm tone just now, now had an exaggerated expression and tone, and the whole person was like a withered plant that was revived. "Number 28, I am asking you a question, right? Are you going to ask me a question now? Huh?"

Tong Xinxin was sitting next to "No. 28" who was answering the question. Facing Tao He's eyes at this moment, even though she knew that the student next to her was just an NPC, she still frowned uncomfortably.

Tao He's face suddenly darkened: "Who allowed you to ask questions to the teacher in class? Stand up and listen to the class!"

Number 28 could only stand there obediently.

Tao He's expression suddenly became very gentle again: "Since number 28 can't answer this question, then number 2."

A student in the first row stood up with a proud look on his face: "The answer is zero."

"That's a very correct answer!" Tao He stretched out his hand and led the applause. "Shouldn't everyone give Number Two an encouragement?"

There was uniform applause in the classroom.

This is not the end yet. Tao He then turned the topic back to No. 28.

"Number 28, you are the third from the bottom in the class. You don't listen carefully in class and ask questions to the teacher. Is there something wrong with your brain? Is it ridiculous for you to say number 28?"

The students answered loudly one by one: "Ridiculous!"

“Is it worth laughing at?”


"Then laugh!"

The whole classroom was instantly filled with loud laughter, even the students in the back row were laughing.

The atmosphere was eerie and terrifying, and the players exchanged glances again.

Tong Xinxin thought of the rules that students need to follow written in the student handbook...

[No loud noises are allowed in the school.]

She thought of the morning reading class again. The mathematics office was very close to the classroom, but she still could not hear any sound.

The whole school was very quiet. Perhaps these laughter and these ridiculous answers were the only sounds these students made in school.

Soon, Tao He pressed his hand.

In less than half a second, the classroom returned to silence.

"Okay, let's continue with the topic."


Third floor, Grade 11 (Class 11).

While the math teachers went to listen to the class with the best math grades, the players in the Chinese group were also listening to the class of the teacher with the best Chinese grades.

What is slightly different from the mathematics group is that not only teachers and players are attending the class together, but Director Wei is also sitting among them.

In the morning, Teacher Zhang came to see him and said that he felt that this batch of new teachers was a little strange. Director Wei nodded and said, "Yes, that Jie Fangcheng is really very strange!"

Zhang An paused, then followed suit: "Yes."

Not only that, Zhang An frowned and listed some situations in which he felt some teachers had ideological problems.

"Director Wei, students are the soul of the school, but if students are exposed to these teachers with problematic ideas every day, how can their academic performance improve in the future? I think this is a very important matter that deserves our attention."

So Director Wei, who was originally supposed to attend the math class, went out and no one knew where he went. When he came back, he went to attend the Chinese class with the new Chinese teachers.

By the way, I can also monitor Teacher Jie.

Jie Fangcheng had no awareness of being monitored at all. Everyone else was wearing their uniforms in a very serious and proper manner. He was the only one who wore one, just a shirt without a tie, and with his suit slung over his shoulders. He walked with a swaying gait. None of the street urchins had the natural temperament like him.

Director Wei was furious when he saw him like that.

"Teacher Jie, look at yourself now. How can you be a good teacher?"

Xie Fangcheng: "Of course I am not a good teacher, I am Teacher Xie."

Director Wei: “…”

Director Wei was so angry that his teeth itched: "You! Why don't you wear your tie?"

“I don’t know how to tie it.”

If the first major exam had not yet begun, Director Wei really wanted to throw him off the building as a warning to others.

It’s okay, it’s okay. The exam is almost time anyway, and Teacher Xie won’t be able to be so arrogant for much longer.

Director Wei tried hard to comfort himself.

When he arrived at the classroom, he sat behind Jie Fangcheng, but the more he looked at him, the more he disliked him.

The students around Jie Fangcheng obediently put their arms on the table, with their backs straight, waiting for class. This is the most standard posture in Gaoji College.

As a result, this man crossed his legs and talked to the students.

"Are you tired of sitting so straight? What did you learn? What's your name?"

The student rolled his eyes and looked at him, but didn't dare to turn his head. He could only sit upright without saying a word.

"Hey kid, why don't you answer me when I'm talking to you? How rude." After Jie Fangcheng sighed, he turned around and started to talk to the teacher next to him. His voice was the only one in the whole classroom. "What time is it? There are still two minutes left. Are you going to the toilet? Are you a little pressed for time..."

Director Wei couldn't help but say, "Teacher Jie! Didn't you see that the students didn't say anything? Why are you talking so much?"

Jie Fangcheng: "Because I'm not a student." Director Wei's fingers were shaking.

Fortunately, the class bell rang at this time.

The Chinese teacher of Class 11 was a middle-aged man who looked very serious. After he arrived at the podium, he just glanced at the teachers sitting below and then began to lecture.

This teacher also reads his lessons according to the handouts, and almost every word is exactly the same as in the handouts.

Director Wei nodded with satisfaction.

Look, this is the teaching process of a good teacher, how standard it is!

This is a review class, reviewing the ancient poems taught in the previous class.

Soon, the Chinese teacher began to call on students to recite.

"Number twenty-nine."

The girl sitting in the last row stood up nervously and recited fluently, but she was interrupted by the teacher on the podium halfway through.

"Number 29! Listen to the tone of your voice when you recite the text! This is a farewell poem, and I don't hear any sadness in your recitation! Stand still and listen to how others recite it! Number 1!"

The boy sitting in the first row stood up lazily and recited fluently, but not to mention the sad tone, his lazy expression and attitude made him seem like an outlier in a school like this.

In other words... the students sitting in the front seem more lively and more like real people.

The students sitting in the back looked like puppets.

After No. 1 finished reciting, the teacher stood on the podium and began to applaud: "Listen to how he recited, and how full of emotion he expressed. That's why he got first place in the exam! No. 29, do you know why you got last place in the exam? Compare your performance with that of others! Don't you feel ashamed for still being in my class? Raise your hands and slap yourself hard in the face a few times! So you can wake up!"

The standing girl lowered her head and bit her lower lip.

Yue Haiyang was furious after hearing this, but Director Wei looked very satisfied.

Look at the atmosphere of this class!

Good students should be praised! Bad students should be belittled!

Only in this way can students realize the importance of learning, make students with good test scores have a sense of honor, and make students with poor test scores feel ashamed!

If not, how can these students study well? How can we reflect the concept of Gaoji College that everything is based on learning

That's what a good teacher does...

At this moment, Jie Fangcheng, who was sitting in front of Director Wei, raised his chin towards the teacher on the podium and said, "Hey! Listen to what you are saying. Is it human language?"

This time, even the students in the front row, who were like motionless logs, couldn't help but turn their heads and look at him in surprise.

The teacher on the podium was stunned for a moment, then sneered: "It's you, the teacher who gave all the students in the class 150 points in the class test yesterday. Do you know what it means to give those rubbish students 150 points? Do they deserve it? You are like this..."

"I'm asking you a question." Jie Fangcheng interrupted him, "Do you know what you just said?"

"What are you talking about?"

Xie Fangcheng stood up and stretched his arms and legs.

"Didn't you ask students to recite the poem with a sad feeling? Come on, recite it to me now. I want to hear if you can recite the poem with a sad feeling!"

Director Wei pressed his palm, as big as a palm fan, on his shoulder and said threateningly, "Teacher Jie, don't think you can act recklessly before the first major exam! Do you know what will happen if you violate school rules?"

As he spoke, the person he was holding turned around.

Jie Fangcheng looked at him and said, "Do you know what happened to the last person who tried to press my shoulders?"

"Varied… "

There was a loud "bang".

Director Wei flew out directly from the glass window. After breaking through the window, his momentum did not slow down and he rushed out of the teaching building directly from the glass in the corridor.

There was silence in the classroom, and then a student shouted "Oh shit!", and the players woke up from their dreams.

"Fuck, are you crazy?!" Yue Haiyang looked at him in shock. He didn't understand what this newcomer who had just passed the level once was doing.

It’s really hard to understand.

In the second level dungeon, an NPC who was obviously a small boss... was just thrown out of the window by him like a bowling ball?


Level 2 book!

Not really.


He had completed many levels across the ocean, and it was common for players to be thrown out by NPCs. But players actually threw NPCs out... This was the first time he had seen this.

When did this kind of strategy appear in games? This... can players still fight NPCs like this

There was no smile on Jie Fangcheng's face, he moved his wrist.

"I'm talking about you. Come on, recite that poem to me word for word. Let me hear how full of emotion you, as a teacher, can be!"


Second floor.

Zhang An crossed his arms and looked at Tao He on the podium expressionlessly.

Tao He was still insulting No. 28.

The thin boy lowered his head deeply. Tao He shouted angrily: "Why are you lowering your head? Is there something wrong with what the teacher said? Come to the podium and tell everyone how you usually study! Let everyone hear how you can get the third-to-last place in the class with this study attitude?"

The players around had different expressions, but the expressions on the faces of the teacher NPCs who were also attending the class seemed normal. It seemed that they usually used this method to "manage" students.

Guo Siming felt more and more upset the more he listened, and couldn't help but speak up for his student. He said politely, "Teacher Tao, shall we continue?"

Tao He was not convinced: "Who do you think you are? What was your ranking in the last exam? What qualifications do you have to tell me how to educate my students?"

Guo Siming was about to say something when someone pulled his sleeve.

He turned his head and Zhang An looked at him with a gentle expression: "Wait a minute."

Wait? Wait for what

But Guo Siming also knew that it was useless to say such things to these NPCs at this time.

This copy is like this, maybe they will have to use this method to pass it in the future.

But even though he knew that these NPCs were just data, Guo Siming still felt uncomfortable at this time.

As soon as he turned around, he heard a loud "bang" from upstairs, and then a black object passed by the window and hit the ground on the first floor with a loud noise.

The players were stunned. Guo Siming remembered what Zhang An had just said to wait a moment, so he turned his head suddenly.

Zhang An had a gentle expression on his face, and if you looked closely he seemed to be in a good mood and was smiling.

What's going on? What happened

Before Guo Siming could figure it out, he heard crackling sounds coming from upstairs again.

Soon, a scream shocked the entire teaching building.

Gaoji College was very quiet. When the scream came, even the students in the greenhouse on the first floor all raised their heads and looked blankly in the direction where the scream came from.

Players can hear more clearly.

“… If it’s not sad enough, recite it again.”

"Cold... the cicadas are crying sadly."

"Is it cold? Why didn't I hear it was cold? Recite it again!"

One of the miserable voices sounded like an NPC, and the other... why did the other one sound so familiar? It seemed to be the sound that was knocking all over the staff dormitory building last night

Who is that person

"Is it... Teacher Jie?" Guo Siming reacted.

Then he saw that Teacher Zhang, who had always been very gentle, actually had a smile on his face.

Very enjoyable and fun.

"Yes." He smiled, "Teacher Jie has a different view on teaching."

"… "

This isn’t a question of opinion, is it

The screams from upstairs disappeared after a while. Tao He, who was standing on the podium, also heard them, but he quickly calmed himself down and prepared to continue teaching.

After all, in Gaoji College, everything is handled by the school leaders.

The only purpose of these teachers is to improve students' grades.

Just as he hesitated and was about to continue the humiliation, there was a knock on the door.

The person knocking on the door was quite polite: "Hello, are you in class?"

Tao He was stunned for a moment, but before he could answer, the door was opened.

At the door, Jie Fangcheng was still holding his suit jacket in his hand, and he looked a bit like a teacher, but not much.

He nodded politely to Teacher Tao, and without bothering to blend into the crowd listening to the class, he just stood there at the door.

"Are you giving a lecture? Go ahead. I heard that you are the top scorer in math. I'm not good at math, so I'll come and listen. Is that okay?"

This voice sounds so familiar!

Tao He took a step back: "No... No..."

Before he finished speaking, Jie Fangcheng turned his gaze and saw the boy standing in the last row who was about to cry.

The thin boy looked up at him blankly, so Jie Fangcheng moved his hands and feet.

"Why is there still a student standing here? Is corporal punishment allowed in your school?"

Teacher Tao tried to explain: "No, I just asked him to answer a few questions..."

"What's the problem? Tell me about it... Never mind." Jie Fangcheng had already walked up to the podium. "None of you teachers are good anyway. I'll finish my fight first!"


The last row of class one.

The players and students stayed in the classroom obediently.

Across the ocean is counting.

"… The twenty-seventh one. Teacher Jie… Brother Jie is not really going to beat up all the teachers, is he?"

The corridor was filled with wailing. Jie Fangcheng picked up a stick from somewhere - this time it was a real stick. He might have unloaded a pipe somewhere. He hit the wall with the stick, and people fell down. It was quite terrifying.

Director Wei, the frequent flyer who had just gone away, has returned, and has rushed up with a few security guards. Now, those who have rushed up are arranging flowers headfirst in the garden.

The players went from being shocked at first, to being bewildered now, to being numb at last. They no longer know what to say.

Everyone was whispering to each other, already trying to guess whether Fang Cheng was the president of the Chaoyang Guild that ranked first on the standings.

Tong Xinxin didn't say anything.

Because she really has special strength and her personal skills can be upgraded, it is obvious that she will be very powerful in the future, so the senior management of the guild took her to the dungeon, and when chatting with her, their words were full of respect for the president.

The president is very powerful: the president has more than one hundred personal skills, of which more than forty are rare personal skills. His system backpack has more than one thousand slots, each of which contains extremely precious props. Moreover, the president... He can escape from the BOSS of the fifth-level copy alone!

Level 5 dungeon BOSS! What a terrifying existence! How could the president survive under such a BOSS!

Tong Xinxin used to think so too.

but now…

The president has more than a hundred personal skills!

There's a tough guy here who can throw the BOSS down with his bare hands.

The president has more than forty rare personal skills!

There's a tough guy here who can throw the BOSS down with his bare hands.

The president's system backpack has more than a thousand slots, and each slot contains extremely precious props!

There's a tough guy here who can throw the BOSS down with his bare hands.

The president was able to escape from the BOSS of the level 5 copy alone!

Here is a ruthless guy. The NPC was so scared when he saw him that he would rather jump off the building to escape than fight him head-on.

After Jie Fangcheng finished sweeping the second floor, he lifted the stick onto his shoulder and looked up from the corridor.

With such a big commotion, a bunch of teacher NPCs gathered on the third floor and were looking down.

When they saw this kind-looking head sticking out, the teachers immediately pulled their heads back, screamed "Ahhh" and fled in all directions.

The peaceful campus atmosphere of the past was broken.

However, the students in the class had been disciplined for too long, and the school rules and regulations were too deeply ingrained in their bones. At this time, they were still sitting upright, but many students turned their heads halfway out of curiosity.

Jie Fangcheng knew that his speed was a problem, so he didn't try to catch them all at once. After beating up all the teacher NPCs in the corridor, he wiped his stick, then turned around and went back to the classroom.

The players sat upright, not knowing what he was going to do.

Xie Fangcheng glanced at the student and asked directly, "Where is the principal's office?"

Players: “…”

Damn it! Are we going to fight the final boss directly after we haven’t had enough fun

Who is this person? How can he be so arrogant?!

The students didn't speak.

Jie Fangcheng turned his head and saw that the teachers in the corridor had already supported each other and ran away quickly.

Jie Fangcheng was also thinking “Damn” in his heart, if he had known earlier, he should have asked first and then called.

Director Wei should know about this, right? Let's go find him.

"I know."

Just then, a familiar voice was heard in the classroom.

Jie Fangcheng looked up, was stunned for a moment, and his expression looked a little embarrassed for a moment.

"Oh... Zhang... um, that guy."

Zhang An stood up and smiled.

He didn't seem to care at all about the argument between the two of them in the morning, and walked over to Jie Fangcheng.

"Come on, I'll take you there."

"Okay, okay."

Jie Fangcheng followed him with the stick in his hand.

The players looked at their backs in confusion.

Yue Haiyang muttered to himself: "What on earth do these two want to do... They don't really want to kill the principal and become the principal themselves, do they?"

Of course, Zhang An also asked him this question on the way.

Jie Fangcheng shook his head like a rattle: "No, no, no, I don't want to be the principal."

What's so good about being a principal? You have to assign teachers and take care of this and that. It's not suitable for Jie Fangcheng.


"I think you're a good candidate for the position of principal." Jie Fangcheng said sincerely, "You're smarter than most people."

Zhang An just smiled and changed the subject: "Is breakfast okay?"

"Okay." After answering, Jie Fangcheng said, "Ah," "Did you put that thing there?"


"Oh, thanks, brother."

Then Jie Fangcheng asked again: "But how do you know where the principal is?"

Zhang An didn't answer, but just pinched something lightly in the air with his fingers.

Only then did Xie Fangcheng see that there was a line thinner than a hair between Zhang An's fingers.

There was one thing he did not lie about. From the moment he entered the dungeon, he did use his personal skills on Director Wei.

[Skill: Red Line Thousand Miles·Damaged]

[Introduction: Sometimes the red thread of a thousand miles is not about marriage, but may be a thread of murder! ]

[Hint: Although the red thread has no end, the things you can weave the thread on are limited. ]

[Function: Turn the line on the body into a hunting line, but it is difficult to kill people with a broken red line. Maybe it is just a tracking tool now? ]

The "wires" required for this skill are embodied in Zhang An, which are his blood vessels.

Zhang An used this to monitor Director Wei and find out where Director Wei usually went.

Director Wei is the head of the grade 12 department. Basically, all his activities are done in the teaching building of Grade 12. In the morning, Zhang An had a serious talk with him and reported to him that "the new teacher has ideological problems" as a very serious matter. After listening to him, Director Wei immediately left the office and went to a building at the back.

Xie Fangcheng nodded repeatedly after hearing this. He just had to follow Teacher Zhang.

After getting downstairs, Zhang An stopped instead.

"You go ahead. I'm not strong enough, so I won't go up."

This was exactly what Jie Fangcheng wanted.

He rolled up his sleeves and went upstairs.

But unfortunately, this building is quite far away from the Grade 12 building, and the teachers in the building did not hear the screams and cries from the Grade 12 building, as they were still "teaching" at that time.

Xie Fangcheng passed by a classroom, his ears moved, and he couldn't help but kick the door open.

Zhang An stood in the shadow of the first floor, listening to the voices coming from inside the building again and again: "Come on, come on, tell me."

Zhang An's expression was too happy. Soon, Director Wei, who had a lame leg, limped over from not far away.

He was going to report to the principal! He wanted the principal to increase the number of staff! He wanted to divide this teacher, who violated school rules, beat up school leaders, and refused to obey discipline, into eight parts.

But when he got downstairs, Director Wei saw his soulmate standing downstairs.

He seemed to be in a good mood, and seemed to be listening to the noise upstairs very patiently with his ear tilted.

Director Wei was stunned: "Teacher Zhang? What are you doing here?"

Zhang An saw him and sighed, "Director Wei, just now... Hey. Do you want to go upstairs and take a look?"

"What's wrong?" Director Wei said as he limped up the stairs, and heard Zhang An sigh again.

"Just now, Teacher Jie insisted on going up, saying that he wanted to talk to the principal about student education issues, and I couldn't stop him. There was really no way..."

Director Wei retracted his leg that was about to step onto the stairs. His expression changed and finally he just gave a dry laugh.

"It's okay. Every teacher has the right to express his or her own ideas. Then... I, I'll go back first."

After saying that, the man ran away without looking back.

Zhang An pushed his glasses down and continued to look up at the building.

After a long while, Xie Fangcheng came down from upstairs in a depressed mood.

At this time, the building was almost the same as the one in the second year of high school. NPCs were hanging in the corridors, most of them had bruised faces and noses.

"No one is in the principal's office."

Jie Fangcheng swung his stick and made a sword flower. Zhang An took a look and looked away. Then he smiled gently and said, "Shall we go back first?"

"You go back first."

Jie Fangcheng put his hands on the pergola and counted the teaching buildings in front of him.

"I'll take a look at those two buildings and then go back." He said this, and then he carried his stick and staggered to the teaching building he liked.

Soon, a voice came from that building: "What are you doing? Why are you not welcome in the class...Ah!!"

Zhang An returned to the office in a good mood. The players in the office were already discussing crazily.

There were only players in the office at this time. The NPCs were either still fainting in the corridor or supporting each other. It was said that they had gone to the infirmary.

Without NPCs, the players had a lot of fun discussing things.

"Shit! Who is this guy? He only cleared the game once?? Even the top guys on the leaderboard couldn't do this, right?"

"What is his personal skill? Super Saiyan?"

"BUG, it must be a BUG!"

At this moment, Yue Haiyang was the first to see Zhang An coming back alone, so he quickly asked, "Teacher Zhang! Where is Teacher Jie?"

Zhang An pointed to the glass window in the corridor behind him.

Everyone immediately crowded into the corridor and opened the windows.

The wind brought the "Ahhh" from the opposite building to the second year of high school.

Everyone was amazed and their hearts were deeply shocked.

Even Tong Xinxin, a girl who acted like a female devil after entering the dungeon, now showed the vitality that suits her age.

"Why haven't I heard of this person in the game before? I haven't heard of anyone who can complete the game like this? Who is he?"

Tong Xinxin turned her head.

Zhang An just said calmly: "Related personnel."

(End of this chapter)