After Retiring From the Underworld, I Entered an Infinite Game

Chapter 47: High Performance College (XII)


the next day.

There are no classes in Chinese and math, and it is obvious that many players and teacher NPCs are planning to go to the library in Building No. 3.

Some of them are even secretive, saying they are going for a morning run after getting up in the morning, and then they disappear without a trace.

Yue Haiyang was getting increasingly fed up with these players, and during breakfast he said to Jie Fangcheng, "Brother Jie, when are you going to look for the information? I'll go with you."

When Jie Fangcheng heard the word "information", he was shocked: "Do I have to go too?"

"Ah?" Yue Haiyang was bewildered, "Aren't you going?"

"No, no, no, no." Jie Fangcheng shook his head like a rattle.

"Oh." Yue Haiyang walked away with a blank expression.

Ordinary players like them still have to look for student information, and what if this information is unique? With the teacher NPC and two groups of players with different positions competing with each other, no one knows what will happen.

It was considered late to arrive by Yuehai. Many people came in as soon as the teaching building opened at 7 o'clock in the morning. The small library was crowded with people, and at first glance it looked like a postgraduate entrance examination study room.

Although the space in the library is small, there are quite a lot of books.

Yue Haiyang quickly met up with Tong Xinxin and the others. After the meeting, he was stunned for a moment: "Zhang An and Xiuxiu are not here?"

"Yeah." Tong Xinxin nodded, with a thoughtful look on her face, "Xiu Xiu said Zhang An told her that he seemed to have discovered why a student in her class committed suicide."

The news that "there are student information in the library" was spread by Zhang An, but today everyone was looking for information here, but he was not there.

It was obvious that the man was a very thoughtful person. When he was not here, not to mention others, even players like Tong Xinxin who were in the same camp with him couldn't help but feel nervous and gave instructions to Yue Haiyang first.

"We'll hurry up and find the best one. If we can't find the best one, we'll leave early."


But before she could finish her words, the library door opened again.

Zhang An, who arrived late, was wearing the uniform issued by the school and glasses on his nose. He looked like a teacher when he walked in.

After arriving at the library, he picked up a nearby book and started reading it with great interest.

Anyway, it really looks like someone who comes to read a book.

What on earth does this person want to do

Tong Xinxin walked up to him and asked in a low voice: "Where's Xiuxiu?"

"in office."

“She’s not coming?”

"The students in her class were a little different, so she didn't come."

Tong Xinxin looked at him suspiciously.

Zhang An raised the book in his hand.

"Aren't you looking for information?"

Tong Xinxin's eyes swept over the book in his hand - "The Origin of Egyptian Cultural History".

Are you sick

Tong Xinxin couldn't help but roll her eyes and quickly joined the army looking for information.

Even if there are many books in the reading room, the space is small after all and you can see the end at a glance.

After flipping through the books for a while, Tong Xinxin soon saw a stack of papers of different colors on a bookshelf.

She pulled out the stack of papers and was stunned after opening it.

"This is... the school's student information from six years ago?"

Tong Xinxin quickly flipped through the pages and began to read.

This student information is different from the information players have which only contains the student's name and basic information. It is very detailed and covers almost everything the student has experienced since entering the school.

Tong Xinxin was looking through the student information of Grade 12 (Class 17) six years ago. Miraculously, it was Class 17 that Tong Xinxin taught.

The student at the top of the profile is named "Xiang Xiaoyang". He was admitted to Gaoji College with the fourth best grade in the school in his first year of high school.

Judging from the information alone, this student's experience is quite ordinary.

Although his grades were good, after entering Gaoji College, Xiang Xiaoyang's score in the first major exam dropped to 24th in the school. A line was noted on his information: "The teacher was very angry about this and criticized him severely."

From then on, his grades went downhill, and by his second year of high school he was just an average, average student.

But his information alone took up four or five pages, recording his test scores, his teacher's attitude towards him, and his reflections after each test.

Although his grades did not improve, according to the information, Xiang Xiaoyang was very active and serious, and would stay in the study room until lights out every day.

Tong Xinxin frowned.

Logically speaking, a student who studies very well in junior high school must have no problem with his intelligence. Why is it that after he entered the high-performing college, his grades continued to decline despite his hard work

This doesn't make sense.

Tong Xinxin continued to flip backwards.

But after reading through this stack of information, she only had more and more questions.

It is obvious that everything in Gaoji Academy is based on grades, but many students with good academic performance upon admission are unable to maintain their original grades after entering the school, and their grades decline quite significantly.

However, there are some students who have poor academic performance when they first enter the school, but their performance will improve dramatically after studying in a high-performance college for a period of time.

There must be a reason for this.

Tong Xinxin put the roll of information into her pocket and continued searching.

Unlike the personal information of some ordinary students she found, in the player, Yu Hanfei looked at the information in her hand and restrained the ecstasy on her face.

He really hated Jie Fangcheng, and secretly treated his students like a teacher NPC.

It’s not that he is not afraid that Jie Fangcheng will cause trouble for him. After all, their class schedules are the same. When the player is in class, Jie Fangcheng also has classes. It is impossible for him to keep an eye on who is being mean to the students.

Yu Hanfei disapproved of their inexplicable saintly mentality.

Students? What's wrong with students? Isn't it just some data? What's the matter

Obviously, all you have to do is to please the good students, insult the poor students, and keep your class's test scores top, just like those teacher NPCs, so that you can snatch the good students from other players.

The idea of passing the level is very clear. Players have to compete with each other for the few "good students" resources, grab those with good academic performance, and kick out those with poor performance.

There are many copies of this kind of players competing in the game, and everyone is used to it, but because of that one player, everyone starts to sympathize with the NPC.

That's really funny.

But it’s useless for Xu Xiuxiu to be so nice to her students, because those who deserve to die will still die.

It seems that I can be more unscrupulous in the future. If a student in the class dies, I can say that it is because I am too good to them! Anyway, they will die if I am good to them, and they will die if I am not good to them.

Yu Hanfei had originally decided to learn from NPCs in the future. When he was looking for information, he actually found something that was very helpful to him.

This is the student information of Class 2 (4) of Senior High School three years ago. Coincidentally, he is now the teacher of Class 4.

Although the students in the information were different from the current ones, Yu Hanfei quickly understood what was going on.

This student information matches the students in his current class.

It’s like a student sitting in the first row now.

Yu Hanfei pays great attention to pleasing these good students. He often calls on students in the front row to answer questions and gives these students time to speak freely.

He soon became familiar with the good students in the first row. Among them was a boy named "Qian You". He had very good test scores and was almost always in the top ten. It was obvious that he was also favored by the teacher. Qian You was lively and not like the students in the back who were so dull that they didn't even dare to turn their heads. This boy not only often turned his head to look at a girl in the back row, but also said bluntly in a conversation with Yu Hanfei: "I want Gu Yaoyao. If you can do it, I will stay in this class."

The top ten students can choose their own classes. For a student with such good grades, Yu Hanfei naturally hopes that he will always be in Class 4.

But he was also hesitant.

However, the information in his hand made him no longer hesitate.

According to the information, the best student in Grade 2 (4) received a reward from his teacher after a major exam. The teacher simply "rewarded" the student with a girl from the back row.

The boy then stayed in this teacher's class until his senior year of high school.

The girl in the back row committed suicide by jumping off the building.

Yu Hanfei's heart couldn't help but beat wildly as he watched.

Being able to keep a student with good grades in your class and at the same time get rid of a student with poor grades is really killing two birds with one stone!

He looked around cautiously.

The teachers around were trying hard to find the student information, and Yu Hanfei quietly put the student information into his personal backpack.

Half a morning passed, and every player and NPC had a "harvest".

After all, Teaching Building No. 3 is not the teaching building for the second year of high school, so everyone was still a little hesitant and left quickly.

Tong Xinxin and the others also came out of the teaching building quickly. When they came out, Tong Xinxin couldn't help but turn around and look at Zhang An.

They obtained a lot of student information so smoothly and evacuated it safely from the library. Could what this person said be true

No way, would he be so kind

Everyone came to a small empty study room nearby.

This type of study room can be found everywhere in the school and can be used by students and teachers as long as they return to the dormitory before lights out.

The study room is also decorated quite exquisitely, with blooming flowers everywhere.

Everyone sat together, and Tong Xinxin took out the information she had found first.

"The information I got was all about students from many years ago, not current students."

Liu Hui was the second one to contribute all the information he had: "Me too."

Yue Haiyang and Tan Chen also took out the information and put it on the table.

Everyone looked at Zhang An.

Zhang An took out a book.

"'Introduction to Basic Mathematics'..." Everyone was confused.

"What are you going to do with this?" Tong Xinxin asked.

Zhang An seemed to be thinking about something, and answered casually: "This book was published two years ago."

Everyone looked at each other.

He came back to his senses and glanced at "Introduction to Basic Mathematics". Through the lenses, no one could see his expression, but they vaguely felt that a kind of... gap had been created between him and the players at some point.

It was strange that he was sitting here but didn't seem to be thinking about anything other than the copy.

Tong Xinxin frowned.

Zhang An did not explain any more, but just took the "Introduction to Mathematics" back.

There were dozens of documents from different years on the table. Tong Xinxin was the first to speak: "I found all the information about our class in previous years."

Everyone looked at each other and then nodded.

"So are we."

"It seems... this library is indeed extraordinary."

If Tong Xinxin only found the information of the previous students in her class, it might be a coincidence.

But now so many people only have information for their own class, and obviously, everyone can only find information for their own class in the library.

Tong Xinxin had a vague guess.

"There's nothing special in the information I found. Students with good grades at the beginning may see their grades decline, while those with poor grades may see their grades improve. The only thing worth noting is," she flipped through the information, "look here."

Liu Hui immediately noticed something was wrong.

"The words 'criticized by the teacher' appear too often."

"Yes." Tong Xinxin continued, "According to my data, students with poor academic performance will study harder after being criticized by the teacher. No matter how bad their next test scores are, they will show great enthusiasm. And students with good academic performance will be praised by the teacher, which will also increase their enthusiasm."

Liu Hui frowned: "It's the same in my information."

Tan Chen hesitated for a moment: "It's not mine. In my data... there was a poor student who committed suicide by jumping off a building, and then the class average score improved, the students with good academic performance studied better, and the poor students' grades gradually improved."

Yue Haiyang also raised his hand: "Me too."

Tong Xinxin pondered: "Why is there such a difference?"

Everyone was lost in thought, but Tan Chen was the first to notice their differences.

“Is it because of the different attitudes toward students?”

Tan Chen said this, forcing a laugh.

"I... don't have a very good attitude towards students. Because... I was an elementary school teacher before I died."


Tan Chen's smile was very faint.

"I used to teach third grade in primary school. I had just graduated and my family's conditions allowed me to go to a remote mountainous area to teach. I was very enthusiastic at the time and wanted to teach these children out of the mountains. The conditions in the mountains were very difficult. I would go home once every two weeks. Every time I came back, my mother would prepare a lot of food and daily necessities for me. She had also heard that the conditions there were difficult and the children were not well fed or clothed, so every time I brought back a lot of things I shared with the children, and those parents seemed very grateful to me."

"Then one time, when I came back from home, my mom was sick, and I had a rare day off, so I was too lazy to prepare anything... But it was that week."

She didn't continue, but everyone understood.

The room was silent.

These things happened a long time ago, and Tan Chen has never mentioned them since he entered the game.

She only mentioned it briefly at this time, and then she continued quickly: "So I don't have a good impression of any students or schools. These students are all NPCs, so I have never treated them well."

She was very frank: "I also thought about whether to use the teacher NPC's method to clear the level, but I didn't use it because I felt that this method had too many disadvantages and was too simple. This is a level 2 book, and it is impossible to clear the level with this method alone, so I didn't use it."

Yue Haiyang touched his nose awkwardly.

"I don't treat students well either... Of course, I didn't go as far as those NPC teachers. At most, I asked more questions to the students. The main reason is that these NPCs look too weird. They are all stupid and quiet. Every time I teach them, it's like going to a grave. I really can't get close to them at all."

Tong Xinxin understood.

"So, each of us received different information because of our different attitudes toward students."

"The common feature of these materials is that they guide us to treat students with poor grades badly and to please students with good grades. For example, mine seems ordinary, but the information between the lines reveals a message that it doesn't matter if you treat these students badly, they will only study more actively. And in the information of the two of you, it is said that forcing the poor students to death will be more conducive to improving the class's grades."

All the information in front of us is leading the players to a worse place, but now they are sitting in the study room and they are the group with the best attitude towards students.

So... what do the other players get

What will the teacher NPC get

"What should we do now?" Yue Haiyang asked.

Tong Xinxin glanced at Zhang An calmly at first, then sneered.


There must be someone who will be attracted by this information.

But people like Tong Xinxin can honestly share the information they have, and then find that compared to "pass strategies", these materials are more like Pandora's boxes. Once the demons in the heart are released, it is difficult to take them back.

They won't open the box.

What about the rest

Will they also share the information they have "worked hard" to find

On the other side, Zhang An said nothing. After listening to their analysis and decision, he just stood up.

It was still early, so everyone went to the office to prepare their lessons and think carefully about what to do next.

Zhang An walked towards the dormitory building.

Tan Chen looked at his back, and after a while he whispered to Tong Xinxin beside him.

"Don't you think this guy... is very similar to Jie Fangcheng sometimes?"

"Is there?" Tong Xinxin frowned.

These two people, one has a terrifyingly high combat power, but is like a salted fish beaten by 007, and will never turn over if he can, and will feel uncomfortable if he moves more. But his personality is very distinct, and he hates evil and hates evil a little, which is not in line with the game style.

The other one always had a nonchalant look on his face, but up to now, Tong Xinxin and the others had more or less revealed some of their personal skills and information, except for Zhang An, who seemed to be surrounded by layers of black fog, concealing his entire person.

These two people are obviously two extremes, how can they be similar

Over there, in the dormitory building, Zhang An… no, Zhang Daoan knocked on Jie Fangcheng’s door with “Introduction to Mathematics” in his hand.

Soon, a voice "Wait a moment" came from inside the door, followed by the sound of slippers tapping on the floor.

Jie Fangcheng walked to the door lazily, opened it and saw him. He immediately had an expression of "trouble has come to my door" on his face. He wanted to close the door on the spot, but symbolically asked "what's the matter?"

I don't want to say another word.

Zhang Daoan adjusted his glasses and handed the book over.

"Manager Xie, I have made a new discovery. Would you like to hear it?"

When Xie Fangcheng looked down and saw the word "mathematics", his eyes started to turn red.

Those working in the underworld also have compulsory education, but the compulsory education in the upper world is only nine years, while in the lower world it is a full three hundred years.

Seeing these two familiar words again, Xie Fangcheng hurriedly shook his head: "You have a new understanding of mathematics? Then don't discuss it with me. Go find Director Wei and see if he will give you some kind of award or something."

Zhang Daoan smiled, turned the book over and read to the back page.

"I found that most of the books in the library were from two years ago."

“Oh…” Jie Fangcheng didn’t understand.

Zhang Daoan continued, "I also observed it in the last instance, and the periodicals and newspapers were basically from two years ago."

"ah… "

"I suspect that this copy and the previous copy I experienced were both generated two years ago, or that the game was updated once two years ago."

Xie Fangcheng looked at him and said honestly, "Teacher Zhang, why don't you just tell me your conclusion?"

Zhang Daoan smiled.

"That is to say, the person who created this game is still alive, and it is very likely that this person went to your underworld two years ago."

(End of this chapter)