After Retiring From the Underworld, I Entered an Infinite Game

Chapter 57: High Performance College (Twenty-two)


Dou Siqi was stunned for a moment, then blurted out: "How can this be possible?"

After saying that, he was stunned.

It is obvious that what Zhang An in front of him meant was that the eight people on Jie Fangcheng's side would gather together in the future and would no longer bring the six on Dou Siqi's side. He wanted to completely separate from these six players.

In the previous copy, this choice is not only normal, but also a moral role model. After all, the other party did not do it in a sneaky way, but told him directly.

Players in the same dungeon and the same camp will be wary of their "comrades" stabbing them in the back. Players have become completely accustomed to this kind of intrigue and human indifference. Dou Siqi has completed so many dungeons, so he naturally knows that this dungeon is different.

No, it's not that the copy is different, it's the player with the highest strength in this copy who is different.

The first copy that Dou Siqi entered was both lucky and unlucky, because one of the players in that copy was a big shot who had cleared the level more than fifty times.

The boss is very powerful. He can lead the entire dungeon by himself, find clues, solve puzzles, kill key BOSSes... This powerful old player can do it all by himself.

But until now, Dou Siqi thought that the most terrifying copy he had experienced so far was that copy.

Because in that instance, it was the players who decided his life or death.

No matter how hard Dou Siqi tries, it is useless. Whether he can survive depends entirely on what others say.

That expert player didn't take other people's lives seriously at all. In his eyes, other players were just pieces of meat that could be used to clear mines, or puppets that could move... Anyway, they were not human beings.

Moreover, if he is not satisfied with something, he will beat or scold his "teammates" and is very arrogant.

There were two newcomers in that copy at that time. In addition to Dou Siqi, there was also a college graduate. It seemed that the college student had never experienced any setbacks since childhood. He was too stubborn and still wanted to meddle in other people's business.

So one night, the expert player threw him into a pile of monsters.

Dou Siqi still remembers the screams of the college student at that time.

Until now, whenever he entered the dungeon, he dared not fall into a deep sleep every night, for he was afraid that when he opened his eyes, he would find himself pushed into the pile of monsters.

—And most players won’t sleep well in a dungeon.

Because there are scary NPCs in the dungeon who may appear at any time, and there are even scarier players who may trick you at any time.

Dou Siqi was used to it.

But soon after entering this dungeon, he was able to sleep soundly at night, even better than he slept in the player base.

Because he knew that there was a very powerful player in this dungeon, and this player was so powerful that he could beat up all the NPCs. If there were really NCPs who were ignorant enough to cause trouble at night, this powerful player would take his stick and drive away these horrible monsters.

Jie Fangcheng's personality is too obvious. Although he is strong, he is indeed very reasonable.

Even against an NPC like Director Wei, Jie Fangcheng had gotten used to beating him, but every time he tried to cause trouble, he would first find a reason before taking action. Sometimes, when he really couldn't find a reason, Jie Fangcheng would just hold the stick and sigh regretfully.

There was never a single time when he would go up and beat Director Wei without saying a word.

Have principles, bottom line and strength.

Dou Siqi quickly got used to having such people guarding the player side.

It is customary for Jie Fangcheng to be powerful and will help the players.

—He is so powerful, helping me beat the NPC is just a piece of cake, how can he refuse

Looking back now, this idea was so childish and... shameless.

This group of people have been more or less taken care of by Fang Cheng since they entered the dungeon.

Director Wei is quite powerful, but he has never taken action against the players.

The students who died were strong and numerous. They had entered the student dormitories twice, but no one had died as a result of entering the dormitories.

This is not because of their proficiency in passing levels, nor does it have much to do with their strength.

It’s all because the player has a Jie Fangcheng on his side.

Now, the six of them did not choose to stand on Jie Fangcheng's side. He did not seem angry, but he just did not intend to continue helping. What else could there be to say

Zhang An looked at him quietly, knowing that this man had figured it out.

"Anything else?" he asked.

Dou Siqi opened his mouth.

He knew that he should try to please the other party and convince the other party to accept him.

But facing Zhang An's gaze, Dou Siqi opened his mouth, and in the end just replied dryly, "It's okay."

After saying this, he turned and walked away, looking back every few steps.

Tong Xinxin was watching from the sidelines. After Dou Siqi left, she couldn't help but ask, "Teacher Zhang, have you discussed this with Brother Jie? You won't accept any more players?"

Zhang An shook his head: "No."

"Ah." Tong Xinxin gestured, "Then this...isn't it a bit bad?"

Zhang An understood what she meant.

Their small group of eight people was built entirely around Jie Fangcheng, even though Jie Fangcheng didn't want to use his brain at all.

Of course, Jie Fangcheng had no intention of being the core. Judging from his usual behavior and thoughts, he preferred to fish in the outermost part of the group.

He can slack off as he pleases, but apart from anything else, Tong Xinxin's personality is such that she wanted to be the core of the team when she entered the dungeon on the first day, and she is usually a very strong person.

But after being rescued by Jie Fangcheng, Tong Xinxin was very willing to be his younger brother.

Although Zhang An is smart and seems to be the one making decisions for the team, in fact, if Jie Fangcheng disagrees, the rest of the team will not agree either.

But now, Zhang An rejected others' applications to join the small team.

People like Dou Siqi, who don't communicate much with Jie Fangcheng, just think that he is too strong and too scary. People like Tong Xinxin, who are in the same team, know very well that this person is easy to talk to, has a good temper, and is easily soft-hearted.

If Dou Siqi went to him directly, Jie Fangcheng would most likely nod in agreement.

Zhang An glanced at Tong Xinxin.

Although this look seemed meaningless, Tong Xinxin felt inexplicably angry, as if he was looking at a mentally retarded person.

"I lied to him." Zhang An said in a steady voice, "Don't you believe what I say? Why did you believe my lies?"

Tong Xinxin: “…”

Who are you asking this question to? Shouldn't you ask yourself why you are so firmly regarded as a good liar

Tong Xinxin gritted her teeth and started a new conversation.

"But why did you lie to him?"

Zhang An said in a steady voice: "If we don't lie to him, he will think that Teacher Jie owes them."

Tong Xinxin also reacted.

When Dou Siqi came just now, her expression was a little reluctant, like a cleaning girl who was forced to marry by the richest man. She was reluctant but had to compromise under the circumstances. Tong Xinxin was very unhappy seeing this.

When Dou Siqi left, her expression changed completely. She went from a cleaning girl who was forced to marry by the richest man to a cleaning girl who had to move out of the mansion due to bankruptcy. The change in her expression was as exciting and satisfying as it could be.

At this time, Zhang An continued: "Teacher Jie is kind to others. Although he is very strong, he is not arrogant. He knows that ordinary players do not have such good skills, so he is willing to protect players. But his strength is strong, and he does not take the difficulties of this dungeon seriously, but it does not mean that the beneficiaries can take it for granted."

"Now they just think that Mr. Jie should take care of them as well as other players. Soon, they will think that since he is so strong, he should do more work and help them pass the level safely. In the end, when they are killed by NPCs, they may even blame him for not coming to save them."

"People who don't know how to be grateful are most likely to get more and more, so I refuse to allow such stupid and selfish people to join the team. Is this a reasonable reason?"

After hearing this, Tong Xinxin felt like she was hit hard by a hammer.

But the second time she went to the student dormitory, Tong Xinxin was not nervous at all, because she took it for granted that if any danger happened, Jie Fangcheng would definitely rescue her in time.

What if he can’t be saved

Will I blame Jie Fangcheng

Tong Xinxin wanted to say "no", but she had already come to the opposite answer in her heart.

People really will push for more.

Tong Xinxin thought.

I have to thank Brother Jie very much.

Tong Xinxin was thinking so much and even wanted to start looking for a gift. Zhang An had a sharp eye and he quickly understood what she was thinking.

"Want to give him a gift to express your gratitude?"

“Ah… yes.”

"What do you want to give?" Zhang An asked, "A student card? Or a small snack or toy that you made yourself?"

Tong Xinxin: “…”

I have to say that at some point, Tong Xinxin did consider what he said... But this person's expression and tone are really annoying! !

Tong Xinxin touched her nose.

Zhang An looked calm: "We are all adults, so please be practical."

"What's practical?" Tong Xinxin listened attentively.


"Ah, this... isn't it a bit too simple?"

"You can give more, it won't be so simple. For example, give a few hundred thousand or a hundred thousand."

This time, even Guo Siming, who had been sitting nearby and thinking, turned his head in shock.

Wow, this guy really dares to say that! !

A few hundred thousand or two hundred thousand? The base points of a level 2 dungeon are only 50,000. Of course, with various bonuses, there will be more than 100,000 or 200,000 points. However, the difficulty of a level 2 dungeon is there, and the survival rate is generally less than 20%. It can be said that the points of the players are exchanged for their lives.

Tong Xinxin was stunned for a moment, and her answer shocked Guo Siming even more.

"It's my duty." She nodded seriously. "If it wasn't for Brother Jie saving me, I would be dead now. It's wrong to give less points."

After she finished speaking, Zhang An looked at her again.

After Tong Xinxin finished speaking, she looked at him with a smile on her face: "Teacher Zhang, what thank-you gift are you going to give to Brother Jie?"

Zhang An also smiled.

"I do not need."


Zhang An adjusted his glasses.

"Because I have never been chased by an NPC."

Tong Xinxin, who had been hunted down for a whole night: "..."

This person is really annoying!!!


Over there, after Dou Siqi went back alone, soon, the good students from Class 18 transferred to Class 1.

During evening self-study, Dou Siqi walked past them and the students stuffed notes into his hands one by one.

Dou Siqi was so nervous that his back was covered in sweat. He returned to the office and secretly opened the notes.

"Teacher, my Chinese score has already exceeded 130. You promised me that you would take me out as long as I can get more than 130. When will you fulfill your promise?"

"Teacher, I want to get out of school. Can you take me out tomorrow? No, I can't wait. Can you take me out tonight?"

"Teacher, I got 132. Don't forget what you promised me!"

"teacher… "

On the last photo, the part above the word “老” in “老师” was still written with a black signing pen, but it seemed that the black pen ran out of ink after writing a little bit, so the student switched to a red pen and wrote a note to him.

"Teacher, don't lie to me."

This was written in red on the note.

Dou Siqi covered his head.

It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter. These students have just come to this class, and he is not an NPC teacher. Even if the students really get angry and want to execute him, he has the power to resist.

It was completely impossible to take the students out of the school, so Dou Siqi decided to play deaf and dumb and pretend that nothing had happened.

Soon, the notes he received increased in number, and the messages on them became increasingly frantic.

"Teacher! Why don't you answer my questions! When will you take me out? I don't want to stay in this place for a whole day!!"

"Take me out! Let me out!!"

"Teacher Dou, did you see the note I sent you? When will you fulfill your promise?"

Finally, on the third day, when Dou Siqi opened the last note with trembling fingers, he saw words written in blood on the note.

— "You lied to me!! I'm going to kill you!"

Dou Siqi's fingers trembled.

It’s okay, it’s okay. The third exam is coming soon.

As long as we can hold on until the fourth major exam, Class 1 will be able to pass it based on their current performance.

Even if these students may not give points to Chinese because they hate Dou Siqi, it will be fine as long as the total score is enough.

What can these students do

Dou Siqi is not like those teacher NPCs who would allow themselves to be pushed down from the building.

There is nothing to be afraid of when students are alive.

Thinking of this, he opened the student information of his class again.

But in the evening, Director Wei found him with a smile.

"Teacher Dou, you are the top student in Chinese in our Grade 2 class, and your class also ranks first in total score, so you are eligible to live in the villa area."

Gaoji College has excellent hardware conditions. The faculty and staff dormitories are quite luxurious, but the most luxurious must be the villa area.

Director Wei continued with a smile: "The villa area of our school not only has accommodation, but also an entertainment hall for leisure and entertainment. This is unique in the school. Of course, these are not the best places in the villa area."

Dou Siqi didn't want to go to the villa area. Players hadn't explored this place yet, and Dou Siqi didn't want to be the first person to try it.

Hearing Director Wei say this, he thought about how to refuse, but pretended to be happy and said, "Oh? Is there anything more surprising than the hardware facilities in the villa area?"

Director Wei nodded.

"Yes." He smiled, "Our teachers' villa area and students' villa area are connected, which means that Teacher Dou, you can also see your students during your break time. Isn't that very happy?"

Dou Siqi's face suddenly changed.

(End of this chapter)