After Retiring From the Underworld, I Entered an Infinite Game

Chapter 6: Blue Mountains Mental Hospital (VI)


There was dead silence in "Cicadas".

Originally everyone had a good idea. Number One Qi Chanyang was an old player. He was confident in dealing with emergencies and was willing to set an example for the new players.

But no one expected that the order of NPCs did not start from 1.

And no one knows why it started with Gu Shanshan. If it was because of the incident of seeing the eyeball during the day, then it should have started with Lu Xiaoqin.

If this order is random, it means that if a similar situation occurs in the future, the order may be random again.

At this time, everyone also heard what No. 4 said. The malicious and naive words of the child made people tremble in their hearts.

And this isn't a real little girl, this is a monster.

After a long silence, the doctor's voice was heard again from the "cicada".

"The doctor is making rounds."

Xue Kai cried, "What should I do? It's my turn now. Should I... take medicine?"

Qi Chanyang pinched the palm of his hand, but before he could say anything, he heard Gu Shanshan take a deep breath and her voice returned to a steady state.


She looked at Number Four, the little monster, who was lying beside her. He was now looking at her with a smile on his face. All four of his arms were moving happily, and he seemed to be looking forward to what was about to happen.

Gu Shanshan had been watching her.

While eating, Number Four seemed a little listless and just sat there eating obediently.

And now, I don’t know if it’s Gu Shanshan’s illusion, but the monster’s body seems to have become bigger.

Gu Shanshan is just a white-collar worker who can't even run 800 meters normally. She knows very well that it is difficult for her to compete with the NPCs in this kind of copy.

Can't beat it.

Even if Gu Shanshan exercises every day, compared with this monster, what are her chances of winning

There was fear, but Gu Shanshan knew in her heart that fear was useless now.

"Just now she said, 'We haven't taken any medicine, so we won't feel sleepy today.' I think that after taking this medicine, both we and the patient NPC will fall into a deep sleep, which will at least ensure our safety today. But if we don't take it... I don't know your situation, but here..."

Gu Shanshan smiled bitterly and looked at No. 4 beside her.

Number Four is now trimming her nails. She gently pried the long nail on her right thumb with her left hand, and it was removed. Almost in the blink of an eye, a new nail grew back on the bare finger. The new nail looked longer, and the edge even flashed with metallic luster.

Like a cat sharpening its claws before hunting.

Gu Shanshan said in a steady voice: "I am very sure that I can't beat her. I even suspect that I may not be able to last even a second."

It was as quiet in "Mingchan" as a cemetery.

Xue Kai cried, "Then... I, I ate it."

"Eat, at least get through today, and think about other ways tomorrow." Gu Shanshan moved to the corner, staring at No. 4 who was about to eat, and tried her best to contribute all the clues she had.

"The cart that He Xin pushed had two layers. He took the medicine from the first layer for the NPC, and he took the medicine from the second layer for me."

Xue Kai quickly responded: "The one given to me is also the second layer!"

"That is to say... taking three pills of the first-tier medicine might not kill you, but taking three pills of the medicine we took might kill you. I guess if the dungeon has this setting, you might have a chance to change the medicine to the first-tier medicine."

"And He Xin's cart not only has medicines, but also many bottles of liquids. I saw the 'Gold Conceive' mark on one bottle. I feel like that cart could be very useful."

"He Xin and Han Qi are superiors and subordinates, but He Xin doesn't seem to be very convinced by Han Qi... I don't know if this kind of interpersonal relationship is useful in the dungeon, but if there is no breakthrough, maybe we can try it here."

After Gu Shanshan finished saying everything she could think of, Qi Chanyang's voice was heard.

"Don't be afraid, I'll come and help you right after the doctor finishes checking this room of mine!"

Although he said that, Gu Shanshan could also tell that he was actually very unsure.

Qi Chanyang probably won't take the pills, so the first person he has to face is the patient NPC in his ward, and he has to take action after the doctor leaves. Otherwise, facing two doctor NPCs and one patient NPC at the same time, even for an old player, Gu Shanshan feels that this is quite a difficult task.

When Qi Chanyang finished dealing with the NPC and came to find Gu Shanshan, Gu Shanshan was really exhausted.

Gu Shanshan covered her eyes and took another deep breath.

"Brother Qi, thank you. But please ensure your own safety first."

After saying that, she looked at number four again.

After plucking the nails on her hands, No. 4 was plucking the nails on her "feet". In just a short while, a small pile of nail pieces was piled up in front of her.

It's not an illusion, number four is indeed getting bigger.

Gu Shanshan withdrew her gaze and looked at her clothes.

After a while, she asked a question: "Brother Qi, if I violate the death rule, will there be NPCs chasing me?"

Qi Chanyang was startled, and immediately responded: "Yes!"

Gu Shanshan once again recalled the night rules posted in the corridor.

Rule 1: There must be no trash in the trash can... just throw some in there later.

Option 2 and option 3 probably wouldn't work. Gu Shanshan felt that with her speed, option 4 might kill her before the door even opens.

Article 4: It is prohibited to stay in the bathroom for more than ten minutes.

Very good, I'll go to the bathroom right away.

Gu Shanshan cannot beat No. 4 by herself, she needs some external help and needs to trigger the killing rule.

Even if it was an NPC that would hunt her down, thinking in the best possible light, maybe the NPC that was hunting her down would also hunt down Number Four.

Of course, it is also possible that this NPC and No. 4 are hunting her down together.

But Gu Shanshan had no other choice.

Gu Shanshan slowly sat up straight.

The doctor was making rounds and giving medicine, and his movements were actually not slow. Now the medicine had been randomly transferred to No. 7 Sun Miao.

Ten minutes... almost.

Gu Shanshan picked up her balled-up coat and stood up from the bed.

Number Four slowly turned his head.

The little girl, who originally looked like a doll, had now grown bigger. Flesh that had grown from nowhere stretched her skin, revealing a sticky yellow layer of fat.

Suspicious liquid dripped onto the ground, but she wiped it up immediately.

"Big sister, what are you going to do?" Her face was still that of a cute loli doll, but her voice had become a little hoarse and rough.

Gu Shanshan turned her head and said, "I'm going to the bathroom."

Number Four stared at her without trying to stop her, probably because he thought she had no chance of escaping.

After arriving at the bathroom, Gu Shanshan immediately locked the door. She looked up and glanced around.

The bathroom looked like just an ordinary bathroom, so Gu Shanshan picked up the only toilet plunger that was relatively easy to use.

Perhaps she had already prepared herself mentally to die, and at this moment she was in a mood to think: A toilet plunger is a good thing, even if it cannot beat the other person to death, it can at least disgust the other person before she dies.

Qi Chanyang also understood what she meant.

"Five minutes! As long as you can hold on for five minutes after the doctor leaves! I'll be there after I finish dealing with number one!"

Gu Shanshan smiled and said, "Okay."

She threw the clothes wrapped in the medicine into the trash can... Even though it was a trash can in the bathroom, it should have triggered the killing rules, right

In “Cicadas”, Lu Xiaoqin cried, “It’s my turn.”

Gu Shanshan encouraged her: "It's okay, you can do it."

Lu Xiaoqin choked and insisted that she did not see the eyeball. Gu Shanshan heard the doctor gritting his teeth, but she could only inform He Xin to give her a pill.

Lu Xiaoqin took the medicine.

The drug took effect quickly and Lu Xiaoqin's crying soon became weaker.

The voices of the players one after another disappeared in the sound of cicadas.

Qi Chanyang, who was No. 1, was the last one to be checked by the doctor.

"Are you sure you swallowed it?" The doctor looked at him coldly.

Qi Chanyang opened his mouth.

The doctor just sneered.

After the door of the ward was closed, Qi Chanyang moved his mouth slightly and spit out the pills like a cow chewing the cud.

This is one of his skills - Bull Stomach, which allows him to eat things and then spit them out. In the dungeon, it is equivalent to an unlimited system backpack.

Sure enough, not long after he spit out the pill, No. 1 slowly got up from the bed and spit out the pill like him.

"Let's play a game!" No. 1's hair looked like a layer of seaweed on the bed. His arms hung limply on his hair, growing longer along with his hair.

"The game is called: Count how many bones you have."

Qi Chanyang exhaled, flipped his hand, and took out a curved weapon that looked like the bone of some large fish.

The gift of whale fall.

This is the weapon he got in the first copy. It is very sturdy, and when it is swung, it will be accompanied by a water attack. The water contains toxins that can paralyze the nerves. It is a very powerful offensive prop.

bring it on.

As long as the doctor NPC outside the door disappears, Qi Chanyang will immediately launch an attack.

No. 1 was also squatting on the bed, waiting for the doctor NPC to come back like him.

The cart made a squeaking sound as it left the door of Ward 1 and went straight to the right.


Aren't they coming from the left

Qi Chanyang suddenly remembered.

"NPC... Have you not gone to Ward 9 yet?"

Gu Shanshan was also stunned for a moment, and after thinking about it, she nodded: "Yes."


Jie Fangcheng still doesn't know that he has to take the medicine.

That kid doesn't look like he's going to take his medicine obediently.

Qi Chanyang clenched the weapon in his hand.

Got to speed up!

Just then, he suddenly heard a loud "bang"!

The whole building seemed to have been hit and swayed precariously.

"What's going on? Is there an NPC coming to your side?" Qi Chanyang asked hurriedly.

There was total silence in the "Cicada".

Qi Chanyang touched his ear and found that Yuchan had disappeared.

Time is up.

He looked up and saw Number One squatting on the bed in confusion.

Can’t wait any longer, take a chance!

Qi Chanyang picked up the "Gift from Whale Fall" in his hand and rushed towards No. 1.


In ward number four.

After the loud noise, Gu Shanshan hurriedly asked, "What's wrong? Is there anything wrong over there?"

Soon, she also realized that the time for the cicadas to sing had come.

Gu Shanshan didn't have anything to measure time, but the temperature in the bathroom was getting lower and lower. At the door, the shadow of Number Four kept circling around the bathroom door. The huge shadow was swaying back and forth, and it was estimated that it had been almost ten minutes.

Maybe the voice just now was from the NPC that came to hunt her down

With such a big commotion, I hope I can fight with No. 4.

Thinking of this, Gu Shanshan clenched the toilet plunger in her hand.

At this moment, Number Four at the door seemed to finally be unable to wait any longer, and she slapped the door with her huge palms like a palm-leaf fan.

"Big sister, you've been in the bathroom for nine minutes. If you don't come out, Auntie will be angry."

"Who is Aunt Guan?"

Although number four at the door has grown in size, his IQ seems to have declined.

At this time, he just kept banging on the door.

"You've been in the bathroom for nine minutes and ten seconds."

"You've been in the bathroom for nine minutes and twenty seconds."

"You've already..." The harsh sound of nails scratching the door was heard, "You've been here for ten minutes! It's time to get out!!"


The door panel was broken by a slap from someone outside, and sharp nails extended through the door.

Gu Shanshan was caught off guard and her arm was pierced by a nail.

She fell back suddenly and saw clearly the "person" standing at the door.

It could no longer be called a human being; it was more like a mass of skinless flesh moving.

Number Four walked in step by step, only his face remained the same as before.

The corners of her lips curled up as she looked at the food in front of her with pleasure.

“Delicious, delicious…”

As he spoke, Number Four's hand suddenly extended.

Just when her nails were about to touch Gu Shanshan, the faucet in the bathroom sink suddenly "poofed" and first a clump of hair "spurted out", followed by a face and then a neck.

At this moment, Gu Shanshan thought of what Jie Fangcheng had said before in a nonsensical way.

—This water pipe is so thin, she drills a piece and you cut a piece, she drills a piece and you cut a piece...

Now there is indeed a female ghost flowing out of the water pipe, and Gu Shanshan actually thinks that Jie Fangcheng's method is feasible.

Unfortunately, there is not only this ghost in the bathroom that can drill and chop things.

Number Four screamed and dug his nails into Gu Shanshan's abdomen, lifting her into the air.

The face that still maintained a loli appearance split in the middle, revealing a row of vertical fangs.

The fangs opened wide and were about to swallow Gu Shanshan.

The intense pain made Gu Shanshan tremble all over. Supported by the will to survive, she picked up the toilet plunger and pressed it against the fangs, preventing it from falling into No. 4's mouth.

It only delayed her for a second. The female ghost that flowed out of the water pipe had already taken shape. She pounced on No. 4's face, and used her long hair to force No. 4's open teeth back together.

"She's my food!"

"Bullshit! It's mine!"

Gu Shanshan was thrown to the door and spat out a mouthful of blood mixed with broken pieces of flesh.

Gu Shanshan looked at the NPCs fighting in the bathroom with a distracted look. Under the automatic protection mechanism of the human body, she could no longer feel the pain. She even thought: her best idea was successfully achieved...

After dying for the second time, you may have gotten used to it.

Gu Shanshan tilted her head and fainted.


In ward number one.

Qi Chanyang pulled the "Gift from Whale Fall" out of No. 1's chest, and the NPC fell backwards.

The entire room was filled with dense hair. Qi Chanyang bent down, took a few breaths, and coughed up a ball of blood mixed with hair.

In fact, his blood vessels are now blocked by hair. If he had not passed the level six times, his physical strength would have long been beyond the range of normal people. This situation would have been enough to kill Qi Chanyang several times.

I was careless.

He thought that the NPCs in the first-level dungeon would not be that strong, but he never expected that the NPCs in this dungeon were almost as strong as those in the second-level dungeon.

This is just a patient NPC, where is the doctor? Where is the dean

It seems that this level must be solved with the brain, and cannot be solved by force.

Qi Chanyang lost a lot of blood again. He gritted his teeth, opened the system mall, and exchanged his points for a bottle of recovery potion.

A white light flashed in his hand, and a small black bottle appeared in Qi Chanyang's hand.

He opened the bottle cap, tilted his head back and drank the liquid in the bottle. Almost instantly, his injuries were healed and his physical condition returned to its peak.

The points required for this bottle of medicine are almost the same as the points obtained from clearing a level one copy, plus the one-time item "Ming Chan" used before, so the loss is huge in this copy.

Despite thinking this, Qi Chanyang took two breaths, walked to the door and opened it.

It was pitch black outside and the lights in the corridor were off. Only the sound of fierce fighting could be heard from Ward No. 4.

And the sound is a good thing.

Qi Chanyang took a step out of the room, and then his whole body suddenly shuddered.

Qi Chanyang clenched the weapon in his hand, rushed to Ward No. 4 in two steps, and took out a tiny key with his right hand.

—The master key, which is also one of his props.

"Click", the door opened.

A fishy smell hit me in the face. In the bathroom, two NPCs were still fighting, and Gu Shanshan was lying at the bathroom door, not knowing whether she was dead or alive.

Time is running out!

The thing in the corridor is approaching quickly, and it is almost impossible to kill these two NPCs before it gets closer.

Qi Chanyang carried Gu Shanshan on his shoulders, rushed out of the room and headed straight for Ward No. 9.

There should be only one NPC at No. 9, and you can still fight him with the door closed.

I just don't know what happened to Jie Fangcheng, I hope he's not dead.

Now I can only pray that this thing in the corridor will obey the rules and not break in...

"Depend on!!"

Qi Chanyang cursed loudly when he arrived at the door of Ward No. 9.

No one knew what happened to Room 9. The entire door looked like it had been blown up, with only half of the door left. The room was pitch black, and there was not even an NPC, let alone Jie Fangcheng.

The thing behind me is getting closer and closer...

no solution anymore!

After Qi Chanyang entered the room, he picked up the hospital bed and placed it against the door.

Is this also considered a door? NPCs also have to follow the rules, right?

The thing outside the door stopped in front of this strange "door", and after a few seconds, it knocked on the door gently.

"Hello, your room is dirty, do you need to clean it up?"

Qi Chanyang leaned against the bed without saying a word.

Two or three seconds later, the thing outside the door knocked again, a little harder.

"Hello, your room is dirty, do you need to clean it up?"

Qi Chanyang let him knock. After a while, footsteps were heard at the door and the thing left.

Oh shit…

Qi Chanyang slumped on the ground, took a few breaths, took out a flashlight from his backpack, turned it on and went to check Gu Shanshan's injuries first.

There was a big tear in his abdomen, and his ribs and lungs were damaged. His breathing was so weak that it was almost inaudible, and he was about to die.

Depend on…

Qi Chanyang cursed again in his heart, but he quickly bought another bottle of medicine, helped Gu Shanshan up and gave her the medicine to drink.

The products produced by the system are expensive, but the efficacy is top-notch.

The man who was about to die just now now breathed slowly and soon opened his eyes.

Gu Shanshan looked confused: "...Brother Qi? I'm still alive?"

"Alive." Qi Chanyang smiled bitterly. Of course he could stay alive after spending all the points for a copy.

Gu Shanshan touched her belly.

The place that was pierced is now intact, and it is obviously impossible for her to recover by herself.

"Thank you, Brother Qi." Gu Shanshan was very good at observing people's expressions. As soon as she saw Qi Chanyang's expression, she knew that the price would probably not be small.

She said guiltily: "I'm sure you've spent a lot of money. I'll give you all the reward items and points when I get this copy."

Qi Chanyang didn't bother to be polite with her: "Just give me the points. The medicine that can save you is the medicine that can be exchanged for the points. The points for a first-level book are almost enough."

Gu Shanshan curved her eyes and smiled: "Okay."

The two of them leaned against the door and rested for a while before Qi Chanyang stood up and shone the flashlight around.

The room not only needed to be cleaned, it looked like it had been bombarded. Qi Chanyang felt that even the two NPCs in room four who were fighting fiercely were not as messy as Jie Fangcheng's ward.

Fortunately, Qi Chanyang picked up the bed next to the door when he came in. He was going to move the one inside... How could that be a bed? The steel board broke abruptly, as if it had been hit by a giant's punch.

What is going on

Even if Jie Fangcheng is dead, there should be a body, right

If there is no body, there must be some blood on the ground, right?

Where did this kid go?

Just as he was thinking this, Qi Chanyang's hair suddenly stood on end.

He stood up suddenly and quickly leaned against the bed.

"What's wrong, Brother Qi?" Gu Shanshan stood up.

"Something is coming!"

The next second, there was another knock on the door.

"Hello, your room is dirty, do you need to clean it up?"

But this time, the thing at the door only waited for a moment. Without getting any answer, it took out an electric saw from outside the door and "swish" cut a hole in the bed.

Then an eye stared straight into the door through the opening.

"Hello, do you need cleaning?"

Qi Chanyang grabbed a quilt from the side and covered the opening with it.

Can't beat.

The NPC outside is not someone he can defeat at all.

The chainsaw was still humming, making the second cut.

Qi Chanyang opened his system backpack.

Although he is an old player, he has only completed the game six times, and there are only a few usable items left in his backpack.

Is this how it ends

Gu Shanshan asked him in spoken language: "Can't beat him?"

Qi Chanyang could only nod. Gu Shanshan asked again: "Can you run away?"

Qi Chanyang was stunned.

Gu Shanshan understood immediately.

She smiled and gestured to Qi Chanyang: "When the door opens, I'll run to the right and you run to the left."

The right side is a dead end with only one elevator.

But at a time like this there is no time to wait for the elevator.

"you… "

Gu Shanshan still had a smile on her face: "I've died twice, and I'm getting used to it after dying a third time."

Qi Chanyang curled up his fingers, but he knew that this was the best way.

With Gu Shanshan, he would not be able to outrun the NPC outside the door. If he survived, he might be able to lead others through the dungeon.

But this girl in front of me...

Qi Chanyang clenched the weapon in his hand.


Another cut was sawed open, and this time, Qi Chanyang could already see what was standing outside.

"Ge Juan..."

Ge Juan, the 41-year-old deputy chief physician seen in the school handbook, was wearing a white coat and holding a small red plastic bucket with a rag and a mop in it.

Half of her face seemed to have been splashed with sulfuric acid. She tilted her head and looked at the person in the door through the opening.

"Hello, your room is dirty, do you need it cleaned?"

"Clean up your mother's head!!"

Qi Chanyang roared angrily and was about to stab the weapon in his hand out of the hole, when he saw Ge Juan outside seemed to be kicked away by something.

Then there was a sound like kicking a ball, and the monster that made people's hair stand on end just left the door.

Qi Chanyang raised his hand holding the weapon blankly, and wind blew in from the hole.

He turned and looked at Gu Shanshan beside him.

"… what's the situation?"

Gu Shanshan also looked confused.

"But... I don't know if I heard it wrongly, but I felt like I heard... Jie Fangcheng's voice?"


"What the hell?"

Xie Fangcheng was holding an iron rod that he had taken from somewhere in his hand. He thought it was too difficult to carry, so he put it on his shoulder.

Just now he kicked a monster dressed as a doctor away, but obviously, the doctor NPC is one level higher than the patient NPC.

This was specifically demonstrated when Jie Fangcheng passed by Ward No. 4 just now and went in to treat Ward No. 4, but Ward No. 4 could not outrun him at all.

Of course, number nine couldn’t outrun him either.

But the doctors are not good at running. Each one of them is better than the other.

—The time goes back to around half past ten.

After the doctors came out of Ward 1, Han Qi sneered, "There are two troublemakers among the patients this time."

He Xin pushed the cart and followed behind without saying a word.

When he arrived at Ward No. 9, Han Qi was stunned for a moment after opening the door.

In the past, newcomers would be eager to stay ten meters away from the NPC patient, but this time it was different. Number Nine's neck was getting longer and longer, and his head could already reach the ceiling - why was he so sure? Because Number Nine's head was patrolling back and forth on the ceiling, and the new patient named Jie Fangcheng was sitting on the bed and giving orders.

"Left... Is there one on the left?"


"If you can't do that, you can just bump your face into it, maybe you'll get beaten to death."

Han Qi: "...What are you doing?"

Number Nine lowered his head and answered him obediently like a giraffe: "Slap the mosquito."

Han Qi: “…”

Han Qi: "Stop filming, it's time to take medicine."


Number Nine then sat down.

Han Qi asked He Xin to get him a pill from the first floor and handed it to him.

Number Nine took it obediently and turned to look at the person sitting on the other bed.

The doctor said these people are bad people and need to be supervised and cleaned up.

But No. 9 likes the little friend in front of him.

He stretched his neck and whispered in his friend's ear, "You have to take the medicine."


Han Qi fixed his gaze on Number Nine and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Number Nine was afraid of him, but he still whispered, "If you don't eat, you will die."

Jie Fangcheng just laughed and turned his gaze to Han Qi.

Mainly look at the thing on Han Qi's head.

Han Qi was very unhappy with his gaze, but on the surface he still maintained the appearance of a doctor.

"Mr. Xie, have you ever seen eyes in a spoon at night?"


Han Qi's eyes lit up with excitement: "It seems that Mr. Xie's hysteria has worsened! He Xin, prescribe two doses of medicine for Mr. Xie to treat hysteria!"

He Xin stood at the door with a cart in his hand. He silently took out a flesh-pink medicine bottle from the second layer, pinched out two pills and handed them to Han Qi.

Han Qi took the medicine and handed it to Jie Fangcheng.

Looking at the pill in his hand, Jie Fangcheng took it and then raised his head.

"I've seen even stranger things."

"Oh? What is it?" Han Qi asked.

Jie Fangcheng looked at the hat on his head.

"I noticed that you have another head growing on your head." Jie Fangcheng looked at him with his dark eyes, "Is that head called Liu Hanyue?"

Han Qi's eyes rolled.

The teeth that were biting the hat on his forehead suddenly opened, and the little girl's voice came from through his teeth.

"Kill him! Kill him!"

Han Qi just smiled: "Mr. Xie's hysteria is really serious. It seems that he needs three times the medicine to treat it. He Xin!"

He Xin pinched out another pill and handed it over.

Han Qi put the medicine in his palm and handed it over with an expressionless face.

"Take the medicine."


Han Qi's mouth under the mask slowly opened.

"You really don't want to eat? If you disobey the doctor's order, you will be punished."

Jie Fangcheng moved his wrist and said, "Well, I don't want to eat."

Han Qi finally laughed out loud.

Being able to eat on the first day, that would be really... eh

With a "clang" sound.

Han Qi was thrown onto the bed.

The steel bed was smashed into two in the middle. Han Qi's eyeballs fell out of their sockets and rolled on the ground. It could be vaguely seen that even the floorboards had cracks.

Han Qi was not stupid. Just by looking at the force that could shake a person's brains, he knew that he was no match for this player. He immediately crawled out of the bed like a boneless snake. He didn't even have time to open the door and just rushed out.

He Xin was even more alert than him. When Jie Fangcheng went to catch him, He Xin, who was leaning against the door, ran away.

He had known for a long time that this surname was a bit weird... but he never thought that this person was so weird? !

Jie Fangcheng wanted to chase after him, but No. 9 stopped him.

"Medicine... Take medicine. If you don't take it, you will die."

"Eat it yourself, I'm in a hurry!"

After saying that, Jie Fangcheng also ran away like an arrow, and No. 9 followed him out.

And now, number nine couldn't keep up with him and didn't know where he was left behind.

He couldn't keep up with Han Qi, and he didn't know where Han Qi had left him.

These ghosts were running very fast and he hasn't caught them yet.

I heard that the dean is above the doctors.

The doctors are running so fast, how much faster must the dean be running!

Jie Fangcheng sighed and walked to the stairs. The iron door leading to the third floor was locked. Jie Fangcheng reached out his hand as usual, pulled the lock off and threw it aside.

He went up to the third floor step by step.

In the empty third floor, the only sound was his footsteps.

The third floor is obviously more upscale than the second floor. The wall paint has not fallen off much, and there are not many rooms.

Jie Fangcheng found the switch for the corridor light and turned it on.

Red lights covered the entire third floor.

Xie Fangcheng muttered, "What kind of decoration style is this? It's too gloomy." Then he walked to the first door, took the steel pipe on his shoulder back, and knocked on the door politely.

"Hello, is anyone there?"

No one answered, Jie Fangcheng kicked the door open and walked in with a swagger.

(End of this chapter)