After Retiring From the Underworld, I Entered an Infinite Game

Chapter 62: High Performance College (Twenty-seven)


Director Wei doesn’t care whether the players can live a normal life.

He came out of the staff dormitory early the next morning and watched a group of teachers walking out of the villa area in groups. The one leading them, Yue Haiyang, was holding onto Guo Siming's shoulders and talking to him in a friendly manner.

Director Wei took a closer look and first noticed that there was indeed no such scary figure in the team. Then he became furious: "Who told you to come to the villa area without permission?!"

Yue Haiyang blinked innocently and turned to look behind him: "Brother Jie..."

Director Wei took two steps back reflexively.

But then, he realized that the boy seemed to be just trying to scare him, and the figure did not appear behind them.

Director Wei's face was gloomy, and he looked at him with a pair of dark eyes: "How dare you lie to me..."

Before he could finish his words, a stick stretched out from the villa behind them.

Early in the morning, Jie Fangcheng had already carried his stick on his shoulder again. He was yawning and walking out lazily in an untidy manner. He was even too lazy to wear the uniform of Gaoji College properly. He didn't even tie his tie and just slung his coat over his shoulders, looking as casual as he could be.

Seeing Director Wei at this time, he waved his hand: "Yo."

Director Wei endured it again and again, and finally couldn't stand it anymore: "Teacher Jie! Can you put on your uniform properly?"

Jie Fangcheng was surprised: "You are very brave today."

As he spoke, he picked up the stick again.

Director Wei turned around and ran without saying a word, disappearing from everyone's sight at a rapid speed.

—In fact, there was no NPC in everyone's sight. When the teacher NPC saw them... or mainly saw Jie Fangcheng, he immediately took a detour and ran away. The good students didn't run that fast, probably because their strength didn't allow it.

Yue Haiyang was refreshed: "It feels so good to be able to take advantage of others!"

The wording was so incisive that everyone looked at it with awe.

After eating in the school cafeteria, everyone returned to the teaching building. The remaining four players who had originally insisted on their own ideas for passing the level and were very dissatisfied with Jie Fangcheng's rule that "teacher NPCs are not allowed to treat students in this way" looked at each other.

Dou Siqi had maintained a good relationship with these players before, and he told the truth when players asked him about it.

Soon, two players decided to give up their original ideas after careful consideration - whether they had really figured it out or were forced by the situation, insisting on their own ideas would only lead to a dead end.

Not to mention the remaining fourteen players, ten of whom were gathered around Jie Fangcheng at this time, leaving the remaining four of them alone and unable to do anything.

Mainly because Dou Siqi's experience gave them a severe wake-up call.

Jie Fangcheng had no obligation to help them. If they used the teacher's method to pass the level, it would be difficult for them to escape if they faced the student NPCs themselves.

You need help from others but you still go against them, you think that their actions are problematic, and when you are in danger you still expect them to save you. How shameless is that

It's shameless, but this method won't work.

This time, Jie Fangcheng went to rescue Dou Siqi on time. The players are not fools and they know very well that this is a warning.

—We will save Dou Siqi this time, but we may not save you next time.

After the two players "figured it out", the last two remaining players quickly "surrendered to the enemy".

Tong Xinxin thought about it carefully at this time and found that her feeling was indeed correct.

The rhythm of this dungeon is completely different from the previous dungeons she had completed.

According to the rhythm of a normal dungeon, players will generally have a period of cooperation after entering the dungeon. This period is also the best time for everyone to have the best relationship, even if it is only superficial harmony.

By the middle and late stages, everyone has grasped most of the clues, and if it is a copy where players are competing, they will start fighting each other.

Until the dungeon is cleared, NPCs killing players and players killing each other will not stop.

The pace of this copy is exceptionally fast.

The players' cooperation period was very short. Under Zhang An's deliberate guidance, everyone quickly discovered the "way to pass the level" and also discovered that there was competition among players in this copy.

What follows is that players have to be wary of each other's hostility and deal with NPC killings at the same time.

During this stage, due to the presence of Jie Fangcheng, NPCs did not kill any players, and players killing each other did not show up because the dungeon had not reached the last moment.

The only exception was Yu Hanfei, whose death was not so much at the hands of the NPC as it was due to Zhang An's "exclusion".

This person eliminated Yu Hanfei, whose moral standards were too low and who was not suitable to be in the team, and then took Jie Fangcheng as the anchor to gradually accept players into the team.

First, Tong Xinxin and others who were rescued in the student dormitory, followed by people like Guo Siming whose will was already shaken, then Dou Siqi, and finally the remaining four people.

Actually, he didn't do anything. He just made everyone realize again and again how important Jie Fangcheng is and how dangerous this copy would be without him.

And now, the fourteen players are completely built around Jie Fangcheng as the core.

Whether it was players like Tong Xinxin who owed him their lives, or players who simply feared his and the NPC's strength and dared not offend him, at least for now, in this horror dungeon where there was competition, all the players had actually formed a group.

This is unimaginable.

If there is no competition between players, it is possible to form a team in the dungeon.

It just so happens that this is a copy in which this player has a competitive relationship, but all the remaining players can still be formed into a team. I don’t know whether I should say that Jie Fangcheng is ridiculously strong, or that Zhang An is really smart.

What's next

The players gathered together again. This time, no one objected to Jie Fangcheng's words, and no one expressed dissatisfaction. The atmosphere on the scene seemed very harmonious.

Yue Haiyang asked first: "What should we do next? Go and kill those teacher NPCs?"

There are more and more dead teacher NPCs in the second grade of high school. Now each player is teaching two classes. They can transfer the good students of the substitute class to their own class, and transfer the poor students of their own class to the substitute class.

Everyone looked at Jie Fangcheng, and Jie Fangcheng looked at Zhang An.

Zhang An shook his head: "Don't worry."

"Ah? It's almost the third major exam and you're not in a hurry?" someone murmured.

Zhang An smiled, but that smile made everyone feel cold in their hearts no matter how they saw it.

"It's not okay for only the second grade to change," he said with a smile, "the change in school spirit should be a change in every grade and every class."


Senior 3 (4) class.

Compared with the sophomores, the students who have experienced an extra year of discipline at the High Performance Academy seem to be more dull and the good students more confident and active.

This is a Chinese class.

The teacher was teaching at the podium according to the handouts. The students in the back row didn't dare to make a sound, for fear that the teacher would call on them.

But there is no point in being afraid, because what is coming will come.

"Number 37, answer my question!"

Student No. 37 stood up trembling all over. He lowered his head, looking only at the table, and his voice was as small as the hum of a mosquito.

The Chinese teacher standing on the podium opened his mouth and was about to insult him, when suddenly, the door was kicked open.

Yue Haiyang carried his weapons - two two-handed swords that looked like daggers, rushed to the podium in two steps, and beat up the teacher NPC.

"Scolding students! Huh? Scolding students! As a teacher, do you have any moral integrity?? Huh? Have you repented?"

The teacher NPC’s strength was still not enough. After the fight, Yue Haiyang stood up and pointed at the speakers in the classroom.

"Listen to the radio later."

After saying that, he left, leaving the students with confused faces.

Before, the only use of the school radio was to announce the bells for classes. Finally, at 11 o'clock today, the radio had a second use.

"Hello? Hello? Can you hear me?"

Someone on the radio tapped the microphone in a very unserious voice, and there seemed to be someone's screaming in the background.

At this moment, a gentle-sounding voice answered him from afar, "I can hear you."

"Oh." The person on the radio cleared his throat. "Hello everyone. Since the principal has been hiding from me, I am too lazy to follow the procedures of our school. It's nothing big, I just decided to publicly take on the position of principal today... Oh, I don't think I have introduced myself yet. My name is Jie Fangcheng."

Originally, the job of principal should have been given to Zhang Daoan, but Zhang Daoan spoke very sincerely.

"I'm very weak. If I become the principal, I'll be easily killed if I'm targeted by those NPCs. Manager Jie, you're the only one among the players who's not afraid of those NPCs, so I'll have to ask you for help. Of course, you're just a figurehead, and I'll do the work."

When Jie Fangcheng heard “You don’t have to do anything”, he nodded in agreement.

As a result, on his first day in office, Zhang Daoan gave him a speech.

"I don't have to do anything?" Jie Fangcheng asked in confusion.

Zhang Daoan looked up from a thick stack of documents, with an innocent look on his face: "On the first day of work, I still have to do some necessary face-saving work, right?"

"… "

Xie Fangcheng felt that he had been fooled, but looking at the amount of information in front of Zhang Daoan, Xie Fangcheng scratched his head and still took the speech.

At this moment he looked at the speech.

Zhang Daoan is a very versatile person, and the speeches he wrote are very suitable for Jie Fangcheng.

Simply put, it is less.

"I have a few announcements for you all. First, the ranking system will be abolished. Students' scores will only be compared with their last test scores. There will no longer be a ranking of the entire class or even the entire school, and the scores will no longer be posted. Second, the rule that teachers enjoy salary benefits based on students' scores will be abolished, and all teachers will have a unified salary standard. Third, the existing school rules and regulations will be abolished. The new school rules and regulations have been posted on the notice board. Please check them out. Fourth, a complaint box will be set up. Letters in the complaint box will go directly to the principal's office. If any teacher insults students or violates the new school rules and regulations, the principal will punish them. Similarly, students who violate school rules and regulations will also be severely punished by the principal. Fifth..."

Xie Fangcheng was stunned for a moment, then threw away the speech.

Zhang Daoan still doesn't know him well enough.

Chapter 5 of the speech: Principal, please come to my office as soon as possible to discuss in detail.

"Fifth, the former principal, remember to come find me," Jie Fangcheng rolled up his sleeves, "I have called all the faculty and staff in the school, and you are the only one left."

(End of this chapter)