After Retiring From the Underworld, I Entered an Infinite Game

Chapter 64: High Performance College (Twenty-nine)


He Tiantian's academic performance was not outstanding in the class. If Zhang Daoan had not found out her admission scores, this girl would have been just an ordinary student in the class.

But if you look at her admission scores—full marks in math, and ranked second in the class, it is hard to believe that under the strict management of High Performance Academy her grades dropped from second to seventh, and now to thirteenth... No, she is third now, and the top ten students in the class have been "picked up by their parents."

At this time, He Tiantian stood in front of Zhang Daoan, with his head down and silent.

Zhang Daoan opened her exercise book, turned to a certain page and handed it to her.

"Is this the news you're passing on about the average math score for this exam? For question 12, the correct answer is D, but you wrote A... 4 1? So the average math score you originally determined was 125?"

He Tiantian raised his head suddenly.

"The school is very strict, and you have no way to communicate with each other. If you want to pass on the confirmed scores to all the students in the class, it is too slow and too dangerous to do it one by one. It is not realistic. But there is a way to do it... deliberately make mistakes in the workbook. Every teacher in the High Performance Academy will not allow mistakes to be made. They will call up the students who made mistakes in class and point out which questions they made mistakes on."

It's not just as simple as pointing it out.

When these teachers ask students questions, the poor students will answer slowly and tremblingly. Even if the answer is correct, they will be humiliated by the teacher, not to mention that they will actually make mistakes in the exercise books.

Zhang Daoan flipped through the students' exercise books and found that the accuracy rate in each of them was frighteningly high. What was strange was that the students with poor grades all had a 100% accuracy rate in their exercise books, but students with high test scores would always have a wrong question in their exercise books before every major exam, and this was true for every subject.

Zhang Daoan also looked through the exercise books of other classes and found the same situation.

This copy was made quite crudely. The creator simply gave it a background of a very wealthy school. The students who could enter the school were either from wealthy families or had good academic performance. This kind of "noble school" background was not uncommon. The creator then set a fixed total score for the students, which was related to the wealth of the family, but did not change the details.

Students usually study hard and answer all the exercises correctly. When asked questions in class, the students with the lowest scores can also answer correctly. However, when it comes to exams, whether it is an in-class test or a major exam, the scores of these students will immediately become the set "total score mode".

If these students were really just following a programmed program, the program wouldn't have studied so seriously, and their usual performance wouldn't be so different from their test scores, so this bug wouldn't have needed to exist.

But the designer was too lazy to even set up some programs. He chose to directly stuff in ready-made dead souls to fill this crude copy.

So arrogant and cruel, yet so stupid and lazy.

In contrast, these students who were crammed in were extremely cautious and intelligent. Zhang Daoan only discovered through the exercise books how they conveyed the news of the average score to everyone, but he still didn't know how these students communicated.

But put yourself in his shoes, if he were in this situation -

"You communicate through... school uniforms?"

The expression on He Tiantian's face said it all.

What is one item that every student has, that is not special in appearance, and can still convey a message? It would be best if it is something that would not be noticeable after being discovered.

Textbooks and workbooks are not acceptable. They are necessary for every student, especially in a place like a high-achieving college that places excessive emphasis on academic performance. If these things fall into the hands of others and cannot be recovered in time as planned, it will be a devastating loss for the owner.

Among personal belongings, the best choice that has no iconic features, is very common, and will not attract attention no matter where you put it is school uniform.

Student uniforms are only available in small, medium and large sizes, and they all look the same. Whether they are in the classroom, dormitory, or study room, a school uniform will not look out of place wherever it appears.

What’s even better is that everyone has two sets of school uniforms. For the owners, even if the uniforms are leaked out and not retrieved in time, it will not cause unbearable consequences to the owners for a period of time.

These students were obviously forced into this kind of copy and became restricted "programs", but they were able to come up with this method to protect themselves and even their classmates.

A seemingly weak little girl like He Tiantian can also take the initiative to get a question wrong and bear the consequences of being insulted by the teacher NPC for their entire group.

At this time, He Tiantian looked at the teacher in front of him and finally said the first sentence after entering the office: "What can we do for you?"

"You should be able to contact students from other classes as well, right?"


Zhang Daoan: "We will have continuous exams in the future. Can you please give your all to cope with the exams every time?"


Originally, the players had their own thoughts. After all, the top ten students in the class had all left school, and the class average score had dropped by an unknown amount. It seemed that even 500 points was in jeopardy. If Jie Fangcheng hadn't been running around with his stick these days, some players might have started to complain again.

But soon, everyone had no time to think about anything else.

"Damn, this is already the fourth set of papers?" Yue Haiyang shook his hands. The red pen in his hand had run out of ink, so he changed for a new one.

For two days, everyone was frantically making and correcting papers. At least two sets of papers were distributed to students in each subject every day. After they were collected, they would be corrected, and then students would continue to work on them.

There are 45 students in one class and 90 in two classes. The students don't have to work overtime, but the players and the teacher NPCs work late into the night every day.

Even Tong Xinxin, a top student in the mathematics department, was trembling.

"If I had been so patient back then, wouldn't I have gone straight to a Ph.D.?"

The only one who doesn't have to go to jail here is Jie Fangcheng.

Everyone was so tormented at first, and Jie Fangcheng hesitated for a moment: "How about I change it too?"

The result was rejected by Zhang Daoan.

"Go and ask for help for us."

"Ah? Where can we find foreign aid?" asked Jie Fangcheng.

Zhang Daoan said calmly: "Isn't it all in the villa area?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment and broke out in a sweat.

What is there in the villa area? In addition to the good students who have disappeared and the few "good teachers" who are still alive, aren't there some dead teacher NPCs left

This guy really wants to exploit players and NPCs, and even the dead NPCs are not spared!

Xie Fangcheng readily agreed and went to seek external help.

His papers were piled on Zhang Daoan's desk. This guy was really amazing. He could grade Chinese papers after grading math papers.

Yue Haiyang was so frustrated just trying to calculate the total score, but when he turned around, he saw that Zhang Daoan, who was sitting next to him, finished a paper in three seconds, which was incredibly fast.

Zhang Daoan said calmly: "I told the students that they can lose points on the multiple-choice questions at the beginning, but not on the big questions at the end."

Yue Haiyang was stunned for a moment, then flew into a rage: "Why didn't you tell me about this good idea earlier???"

These students can control how many points they will be given for each subject. In this case, it is obvious that they can also control how many wrong questions they get on each paper.

Zhang Daoan just glanced at him and said, "You didn't ask either."

Everyone cursed in their hearts.

Everyone has to change their life and death. Even if you know such a good method, you can only use it in the next exam.

Over there, after Zhang Daoan finished revising mathematics, he went on to revise Chinese, and his speed was still as fast.

Yue Haiyang couldn't help but say: "There are only a few Chinese multiple-choice questions, how come you are so fast?"

Zhang Daoan replied: "Our class is good at Chinese, and they have enough points to lose on the multiple-choice questions."

Everyone continued to curse in their hearts.

Tong Xinxin could understand what he was doing. After the players finally finished a day's hard work, most of them fell asleep.

If it was a fight or something like that, players would be used to it and it wouldn't be that tiring.

But making and marking papers is a really brain-intensive job.

Before going to bed, Tong Xinxin looked depressed: "Hey, are you defending your own people too?"

Tong Xinxin reasonably suspected that Jie Fangcheng had already found "foreign aid" but had been wandering around outside and had not returned.

This Zhang An deliberately made the players so tired.

Because the fourth big exam is coming up, and no one knows the specific plan for passing the game. If there is nothing to do, some players, such as those who joined later, may do something out of anxiety.

But Tong Xinxin and the others trust Jie Fangcheng 100%. Even Jie Fangcheng is willing to cooperate with Zhang An, so of course they are willing to believe that this man can lead them through the customs.

Zhang Daoan just looked at her quietly: "I just respect everyone's will to survive."

The closer we are to death, the more unexpected things humans are likely to do driven by their will to survive.

It's instinct.

Zhang Daoan's actions seemed a bit cold, and the scope of his defense also covered his "teammates", but as he said, isn't this also a kind of respect

He was avoiding the ugly struggle that could happen to everyone and would shock and disgust him.

This person is really...

Tong Xinxin stopped talking.

After everyone went back to sleep, Zhang Daoan continued to sort out the grades of every student in each class.

In fact, it is not difficult to just pass this copy. He can already summarize the strong and weak subjects of each student. As long as he gives more points to the strong subjects and lower points to the weak subjects, and organizes the good students of every two classes into one class, it is easy to get a total score of 562.

But it’s not enough.

It's just 562, so everything you did before is meaningless.

Passing the level within the rules is of no use to him, nor to Jie Fangcheng.

Over there, Jie Fangcheng wandered around until almost dawn and finally came back.

"Not yet?" he asked.

Zhang Daoan shook his head: "Not so fast."

Tong Xinxin guessed correctly. Jie Fangcheng's request for foreign aid was just a cover. He had been playing tabletop marbles these two days.

Zhang Daoan is very clear about what he needs to do now.

The game maker is not rigorous enough, the copies he made are too rough, and the programs are too simple. To put it in an analogy, it's like a small game produced by a small workshop.

What would happen if a huge data stream were used to attack this small game at this time

The students had originally been given a set total score, and the exams were held one week apart, so the frequency was relatively relaxed, so the server for this small game could still handle it. What Zhang Daoan had to do now was to have the students constantly hit the set score in a short period of time, simulating a data stream attack on the broken server.

That arrogant game maker probably never dreamed that someone was trying to break into one of his copies from the inside.

Zhang Daoan wants the soul to be more important than the program.

"There will definitely be one." Zhang Daoan said while looking at the transcript of a class.

On the fourth day after the second major exam, Class 4, the class taught by the deceased Yu Hanfei, is now being taught by Xu Xiuxiu.

Xu Xiuxiu was marking the papers in her hands like she did in the previous few days, when suddenly, she was stunned.

"Huh? How come this girl's Chinese score improved so much all of a sudden?"

Moreover, he answered the test paper very well. For some questions, he seemed to have his own ideas. It was as if... how should I put it, he suddenly got it.


"Let me see." Xu Xiuxiu looked at the name on the upper right corner of the paper and was stunned for a moment before she spoke: "She is the girl who killed Yu Hanfei before. Her name is... Gu Yaoyao."

(End of this chapter)