After Retiring From the Underworld, I Entered an Infinite Game

Chapter 8: Blue Mountains Mental Hospital (VIII)


Drip, tap…

Qi Chanyang walked down the stairs carefully.

The lights in the corridor on the first floor were off, but a little moonlight leaked into the hall, casting a pale light on the ground.

Qi Chanyang's eyes fixed.

He slowed down his pace and walked quietly to the security room.

The security guard who had drooled at the players at night was now sitting on a stool with his eyes wide open and a steel pipe stuck in his chest. It was unknown how long he had been dead.

Qi Chanyang has a passive skill called "Self-cultivation of Clay Man", which can vaguely sense the approach of dangerous NPCs.

He waited for a while, pressed against the wall. When he didn't sense any living NPC in the security room, he gently pushed the door open.

After pushing open the door, Qi Chanyang discovered that the human security guard, who looked to be in his seventies, only had a human upper body, while his lower body was sewn together with the body of some kind of dog.

The security room was not messy and there were no signs of fighting around.

Qi Chanyang walked over to the security guard and carefully examined his wound.

Killed with one blow.

The security guard NPC doesn't seem to be as strong as the patient NPC. Qi Chanyang is confident that he can deal with it, but it will never be so easy to stab the monster to death with a steel pipe.

What on earth was mixed into this copy

This monster that can easily kill ordinary NPCs in seconds must be at least a level 3 dungeon boss. How could it appear in a level 1 dungeon

Qi Chanyang frowned and kept moving his hands.

There weren't many things in the security room. After searching around, he only found a few local daily newspapers. He flipped through them in the moonlight and they all seemed to be very common news.

Qi Chanyang just put the newspaper away, and the next second his eyes swept to the calendar hanging in the security room.

August 11th.

Qi Chanyang frowned and looked at the newspaper in his hand again.

"Blue Mountain Evening News" No. 411, August 11.

What day is today? Is it the 11th

Obviously, there was no time to think about this problem carefully right now, so Qi Chanyang could only put the newspaper away and swallow it.

The "bull stomach" can store one cubic meter of things, which is a very good skill for hiding various clues.

He looked around again and found no more clues, so he pushed open the door and slipped out.

Next to the security room is the badminton hall. Qi Chanyang opened the door and took a look around. The empty badminton hall was pitch black.

Qi Chanyang's heart skipped a beat and he felt uncomfortable all over.

Just as he was about to leave, he heard a familiar voice coming from the toilet in the badminton hall.

"Who... who's at the door?"

Qi Chanyang was stunned: "Jie Fangcheng?"

"It's me!" the voice in the toilet answered almost crying with joy, "Are you here to save me?"

Something is wrong.

Qi Chanyang clenched the weapon in his hand.

He slowly approached the toilet: "Why are you here? Come out, I'll take you back."

"I can't get out... Can you help me?"

"Where are you?"

Qi Chanyang walked to the toilet door and pushed it open.


Just then, the voice suddenly approached.

"I'm... behind you."

Qi Chanyang pushed the ground hard and flew out with his body sideways, almost sticking to the floor.

After he stood still and looked up, he couldn't help but exclaimed, "Damn!"

Number nine!

Patient No. 9, whose neck was longer than that of ordinary people, was hiding in the corner. His neck was climbing on the ceiling like a snake, his head was hanging down, and his eyes were staring at him.

Even though he knew this was an NPC, Qi Chanyang couldn't help but ask, "Where's Jie Fangcheng?"

Number Nine's originally crazy expression froze for a moment, and his head shook from side to side.

"Take... take medicine. If you don't take medicine, you will die. Why not take medicine, take medicine, take medicine..."

Although Jie Fangcheng was a bit eccentric, he was quite familiar with Number Nine. He played basketball with him and fed him soup. Maybe Number Nine didn't kill him after the mutation.

But Number Nine was only in a daze for a moment, then his eyes moved, his neck climbed on the ceiling, and his head faced Qi Chanyang.

"Meat, eat meat...hungry..."

Then, like a snake, it shot out in an instant.

Qi Chanyang fought with him. Number Nine was not strong, not even half as strong as Number One. Qi Chanyang was able to defeat him.

But if he fought with this NPC in a place like this, what if he attracted other NPCs? Qi Chanyang blocked his biting teeth, fell backwards, and when he was about to fall to the ground, he kicked his feet, jumped to the door, opened it and rushed out.

—Skill “Kicking Rabbit”, the closer to the ground, the faster the speed. This is why Qi Chanyang dared to come out to look for clues by himself even though he knew he couldn’t beat the NPC.

After coming out of the door, Qi Chanyang seemed to be lying on the ground, and his speed was so fast that only a shadow was left.

He quickly ran across the hall and arrived at the cafeteria first.

After opening the cafeteria door, Qi Chanyang was stunned again.

The cafeteria looked like it had been ransacked. The round table that had been placed in the middle had all six legs gone, leaving only a round board in the corner.

The benches were still there, but Qi Chanyang counted them and found that one was missing.

He walked to the kitchen.

The legs of the countertop were missing too.

What's going on? What kind of monster eats table legs

The knife is still on the knife rack.

Qi Chanyang took away all the knives. He didn't need them, but the other new players had no weapons, so having a knife would at least give them some power to resist and not wait to die.

There was nothing left in the kitchen.

Thinking of this, Qi Chanyang stood up, his heart suddenly skipping a beat.

He dodged quickly into the corner and hugged the wall.

Something was approaching the door.

Is it number nine

No, that's not right.

Number Nine is not very strong. He didn’t even sense his presence in the badminton hall just now.

Who is coming

Boom boom boom.

"Hello, your trash can is dirty, do you need it cleaned?"

Ge Juan!

Qi Chanyang turned his head and looked at the trash can. There was clearly nothing in the trash can just now, so how come there was an eyeball now

Qi Chanyang quickly took the eyeball out of the trash can.

The NPC at the door remained silent, and finally had no choice but to leave.

Qi Chanyang breathed a sigh of relief. He spread out his hands and looked at the eyeball in his hand.

Didn't he notice just now

do not care.

It's almost fifteen minutes, I have to go to the second floor to take a look...

Qi Chanyang rolled suddenly on the ground, and a scarlet tongue shot out to the place where he had just stood, then shrank back unwillingly.

Qi Chanyang slowly raised his head.

On the ceiling, countless pairs of eyes were staring at him.

"Self-cultivation of the Clay Man" was not triggered, because every NPC looking at him posed no threat to him.

But at this moment, this group of bat-shaped NPCs seemed to cover the entire ceiling of the kitchen, and there were almost hundreds of them.

The bats were lying quietly on the wall. They seemed to have just eaten something, and blood was dripping down to the floor.

And the life-threatening "dong dong dong" sound rang out again.

"Hello, your floor is dirty, do you need it cleaned?"

Qi Chanyang only stood there for two seconds, then immediately fell to the ground and kicked his legs.


(End of this chapter)