After Retiring From the Underworld, I Entered an Infinite Game

Chapter 82: Dead Rising (IV)


Yi Zenan immediately regretted taking out the props in his hand.

Beside him, Tao Youyuan stared blankly at the music box in his hand.

"When I asked if anyone had a summoning item, didn't you say you didn't have one?"

What Tao Youyuan used was not an ordinary summoning item. The teleportation array was a group pulling item that could pull up to three people and ignored the level of the dungeon.

Ignoring the level of the dungeon, it is equivalent to being able to pull people in to a level 5 dungeon, and three people can be pulled in at a time.

There will basically be an auction organized by the three major trade unions after the national copy. Three years ago, there was an item with a function similar to his teleportation array at the auction, but it could only pull one person. The starting price of that item was five million, and it was finally sold for more than thirty million.

Tao Youyuan is no ordinary person either. He once ranked in the top 200 in the standings, and his family background is quite wealthy.

But even though he is so wealthy, this summoning item is also his most valuable item, which he prepared for this year's national copy.

With the strength of ordinary players, the level 5 dungeon is quite difficult even for the players in the top 100 of the standings. The dungeon that Nie Shuangshuang used to go to was also a level 4 dungeon. You really need to be fully prepared before stepping into the level 5 dungeon.

This year, Tao Youyuan wants to take advantage of the national dungeon to break through to the fifth level. After all, although it is very difficult, the rewards for the fifth level dungeon are also quite generous.

Just from the points, you can tell: the basic score for the first-level book is 10,000 points, the second-level book is 50,000 points, the third-level book is 100,000 points, and the fourth-level book is 200,000 points.

For the level 5 copy, the basic reward points alone are one million, and there is a high probability of revealing powerful rare skills and items.

Tao Youyuan has been preparing for this year's national copy for a whole year, and this summoning formation is one of his confidences.

It was just because the remaining players did not have the summoning props. In order to ensure that the dungeon could be passed smoothly, Tao Youyuan had no choice but to take out the props that could have been used in the level 5 dungeon.

—Not a loss at all.

Even though Jie Fangcheng and his companions fought zombies like harvesting wheat after they arrived, Tao Youyuan, as the strongest player, was often on the front line. He knew very well that the zombies were not of ordinary strength, so the summoned Jie Fangcheng looked like a god from heaven.

Among the zombies, the only one who is very powerful is Jie Fangcheng, who has displayed the charm of a combine harvester.

If the helpers they summoned were not strong, they would definitely not be chatting so leisurely in the zombie city now.

Because their original plan tonight was to secretly open the base gate before the planes came to spray toxic substances.

They ran away while the zombies were attracted by the majority of human NPCs in the base.

This is an easier said than done approach.

This kid is quite capable. He somehow got the address of Base No. 1. As long as they can successfully get out of the base gate and rush to the vicinity of Base No. 1, and contact the management of Base No. 1 with a lie that Yi Ze Nan had fabricated, such as "We got the vaccine from Smile Building", they will most likely be let into the base.

Even if the people at Base No. 1 suspected them, the dungeon time was already halfway through and the suspicion couldn't be verified quickly. They just had to hold on for the remaining fourteen days.

But this plan was first opposed by Qi Chanyang.

"Are you human? Let those zombies in and let them eat your companions???"

After staying in this base for sixteen days, Qi Chanyang became familiar with all the human NPCs in the base. He himself was a very soft-hearted person, so it was naturally difficult for him to agree to the easy-to-be-difficult plan.

But Yi Zenan just glanced at him nonchalantly: "These people's original plan was just to feed themselves to the zombies. They are all ready. What can you, a player, object to?"

"You!" Qi Chanyang was not as sharp-tongued as him, but he was so angry that his face turned blue and he stopped talking.

Tao Youyuan thought about this plan but did not agree with it.

Others may not understand the subtext of "easy to become difficult", but Tao Youyuan is clear about it.

They only had seven players left, among whom Qi Chanyang and Yi Zenan were both of average strength, the kind that had trouble clearing the second level dungeon.

Among the remaining four players, two are good at cat climbing frames and their strength is OK, but the remaining two individual players are not that strong either.

The five members of the warm cat climbing frame including Tao Youyuan are okay. At least three of them are strong enough to lead the two who are not so strong.

But if you bring two more burdens, that might be difficult.

The easy-to-make-difficult plan, after all, only included the five members of the Warm Cat Climbing Frame... or to put it bluntly, it might only include Tao Youyuan and himself.

When the "necessary time" comes, Yi Zenan will definitely persuade himself to give up the remaining three people.

This was something Tao Youyuan could not accept.

As for other human NPCs in the base, Tao Youyuan, like most players, basically treated them as background elements.

After all, these NPCs are just some data. They can be resurrected after death, but when these players die, they are really dead.

Therefore, even though he was reluctant, Tao Youyuan still believed that this was the time to use this summoning prop.

And until just now, although Tao Youyuan felt a pain in his heart, he was still very grateful that this prop was worth using!

But now, watching Yi Zenan take out a summoning item from his backpack so lightly, Tao Youyuan felt a little breathless for a moment.

The easier it is, the harder it is. Tao Youyuan knew exactly what items and skills were revealed because he had only completed the game so few times - he thought he knew everything.

But I never told myself that summoning the props is easier said than done.

Moreover, the highest level to clear before Easy Is Hard was only Level 2. Even if a top-quality summoning item could be dropped, it would definitely not be better than the summoning circle that Tao Youyuan took out.

That’s true.

Jie Fangcheng had already taken it and was amazed after reading the properties.

"Your item is not good either. It is limited to use in level 3 books and below, limited to use by less than 10% of the people, limited to summoning one person, and limited to the other person being a friend... So many restrictions, what? You also have a limited edition?"

After hearing this, Nie Shuangshuang also shook her head.

"Not as good as my phone, is it?"

Jie Fangcheng has a lot to say: "That's right, that's right."

As Tao Youyuan listened, he felt more and more uncomfortable.

He couldn't help but look at Yi Zenan: "You know that my summoning array is for the national copy, and you also know how precious it is and how good its properties are. You, you..."

Yi Zenan was only embarrassed for a moment, and soon recovered his usual calm and composure.

"I have already told you my plan, but you refused to listen. Since you refused to listen, then you have to pay for your own willfulness. Isn't that normal? Besides, are your props the only ones valuable? My props are also valuable. Then isn't it reasonable to use your props?"

Tao Youyuan felt dizzy in front of his eyes.

Is this the "mainstay" he chose for his union after careful selection? Even if this kind of person is really capable, can he really lead the union to become better?

Just as Tao Youyuan was about to say something, he heard the sound of music coming from behind him.

He was stunned for a moment and turned his head suddenly.

The music box was opened, and a puppet was turning on the box. It was a puppet wearing an ordinary shirt and suit pants produced by the system. He also wore a pair of glasses. Soon, a white light flashed, and the puppet on the box disappeared.

A man dressed like the villain appeared in front of everyone.

Although Tao Youyuan was so angry and sad just now, he still felt completely shocked at this moment.

“… That’s how you use it?” Tao Youyuan couldn’t help but ask.

Xie Fangcheng replied: "Does that mean I have to bathe and fast before I can use it?"

After that, seeing that Tao Youyuan was about to say something, Jie Fangcheng simply patted Nie Shuangshuang on the shoulder and said, "Hey! Why don't you go and talk to him? You have experience in this."

Nie Shuangshuang: “…”

Nie Shuangshuang, who always had a hot temper, just glanced at Zhang Daoan at this moment, and then went to chat with Tao Youyuan obediently.

The two victims exchanged feelings, and Xie Fangcheng greeted Zhang Daoan.

Zhang Daoan just glanced at the magic robe on his body and the two swords in his hands without saying anything. He lowered his head and listened carefully to what he said about the current situation.

Jie Fangcheng didn't have much to say. He just dryly recounted the situation in the copy and didn't even bother to mention what Yi Zenan had just said and done.

But after listening to this, Zhang Daoan glanced at Tao Youyuan and Yi Zenan over there and nodded quickly.

"I see."

Summoning items are not some common recovery potions that can be easily exchanged in the system mall. Even if they have so many restrictions like this music box, they can at least be sold for millions of points.

Jie Fangcheng had no points, but just looking at Nie Shuangshuang's performance after she summoned him last time, one could tell that this girl was not a resident of Dubai and could not easily use the summoning props to play with.

Wei Yuan looked at him curiously, but was just looking at him, vaguely amazed. Judging from his expression, he was just amazed at Jie Fangcheng's generosity. He was even more heroic than Nie Shuangshuang, and he used the summoning props as soon as he was told to.

There were only two other people left.

Tao Youyuan's expression did show some heartache, but besides feeling heartbroken he would occasionally look at the person next to him with a resentful expression.

The man standing next to him pretended to be indifferent, but he couldn't help but glance at the used music box in Jie Fangcheng's hand, with a hint of regret and forced magnanimity.

This music box was of no use after use, so Jie Fangcheng stuffed it into the system backpack, causing Yi Zenan to open his mouth, but then quickly closed it.

It’s okay, it’s just a summoning tool.

With his intelligence and wit, with just over one million points, he can go to the fifth-level dungeon after finding stronger teammates. With his strategy, can't he buy this summoning item casually

This is the man who was called out—this is the man

He looks decent and seems gentle and refined in his every move, but passing the game is not just about looks.

Just blow it.

Yi Zenan glanced at him, and the other party nodded at him politely.


For Zhang Daoan, just one glance was enough to clearly understand the current situation.

Jie Fangcheng and Nie Shuangshuang had just finished the dungeon and came to this dungeon that had been open for sixteen days. They were obviously summoned here.

It was probably summoned by the player named Tao Youyuan. The heartache he expressed was real. This music box is the kind that is easier said than done. He was probably moved by the scene and thought of the summoning item he "wasted".

This item can summon multiple people in the third-level book. It seems to be very valuable, definitely far more valuable than this music box.

When Tao Youyuan thinks that things are easy but difficult... to use an inappropriate metaphor, it is like a scumbag who abandons his wife and children after seeing her success.

Tao Youyuan had probably always been taking good care of Yi Zenan, but when he was about to contribute his summoning props, this guy concealed the fact that he had a music box, forcing Tao Youyuan to take out high-level props that could summon many people.

And now, it is obviously not necessary to use brains to pass this dungeon. Jie Fangcheng can completely complete this kind of survival dungeon by himself, but he summoned himself.

My strength lies in my ability to think. It seems that Jie Fangcheng summoned me just to... vent his anger

I have to say that Jie Fangcheng is really good at venting his anger. He even uses his opponent's props to summon helpers.


Zhang Daoan's gaze returned to understanding Fang Cheng.

"Magic robe? Dual swords?" He thought about it and understood, "Ms. Nie's?"

Jie Fangcheng didn't know how he figured it out, he just nodded happily: "Yes."

Zhang Daoan smiled: "Manager Xie and Miss Nie have a very good relationship."

Jie Fangcheng scratched his head, not knowing what he meant by suddenly saying this.

Zhang Daoan didn't say anything else. He analyzed the current situation with just a few glances and then adjusted his glasses.

"So what to do now?"

Jie Fangcheng pouted: "That guy said we shouldn't demolish this building. What if he finds some clues?"

Yi Zenan's eyes also turned over and he sneered.

"If you have a brain, you should know that with so many level 5 zombies wandering around here, there must be some key clues. Now the building has collapsed, how can we find it?"

"What are you looking for?" asked Zhang Daoan.

Yi Zenan frowned: "Look for clues."

"Do you know what the clue is?"

"You'll know only after you look for it!"

"Oh." Zhang Daoan looked around. "In this place, there are only four or five buildings that I can see that have not been demolished. Each building has ten floors or so, and there are who knows how many rooms there are. If you count the houses and high-rise buildings in the whole city, there may be tens of thousands of them. You mean... to find a clue that no one knows what it is in so many rooms?"

Yi Zenan was stunned for a moment, then sneered, "I didn't say that. My original intention was to tell them not to be so reckless. This is a level three level level! They can't just mess around and clear it!"

Having said that, he already felt that this seemingly gentle man in front of him might be difficult to deal with.

It is easier said than done. Zhang Daoan just smiled nonchalantly, his attitude like a child who has done something wrong but is still stubborn.

Over there, Wei Yuan came to greet him first.

"Hello, Wei Yuan. Currently the president of Ronghua Union. Core skill: [Breath of the Earth], good at defense."

Zhang Daoan nodded at him: "Li Tao, an ordinary player."

It’s really ordinary. This name, this name... It doesn’t match this person’s temperament at all!

Wei Yuan complained in his heart, but this person was summoned by Jie Fangcheng.

Jie Fangcheng thinks this guy is amazing given his strength, so he must have something special about him.

Although she was talking to Tao Youyuan, Nie Shuangshuang, whose attention had always been on Zhang Daoan, was speechless at this moment.

Why is this guy so obsessed with using a pseudonym? The system will reveal the real name when the instance ends!

Although she didn't know why, Nie Shuangshuang didn't expose him.

When Yi Zenan heard the name, he was stunned at first, and immediately felt that he had won a game.

He couldn't help but sneered again: "Li Tao, I heard that you are very good. Do you have any advice on how to pass the level?"

Zhang Daoan just shook his head: "I am very weak, there is nothing to say."

Yi Zenan was a little suspicious, thinking, could it be that this person... is really only capable of this

That Jie Fangcheng seems very powerful. Even if the people he summoned are not as smart as himself, they can't be such idiots, right

—It turns out that it is not the case.

Zhang Daoan glanced at the car parked near them.

The zombies nearby had been wiped out by Jie Fangcheng, and the car was parked there safely. Although there had been some major changes in its appearance, it was obviously also a five-seater sedan.

"A five-seater car." Zhang Daoan spoke in a low voice, but loud enough for everyone present to hear. "There are six of us, so there will be one extra person when we go back."

Nie Shuangshuang said stupidly: "Ah? Squeeze in the back seat..."

Zhang Daoan's eyes were on Yi Zenan again: "Or maybe not too much."

Yi Zenan immediately understood what he meant.

"Why not?" Zhang Daoan smiled.

"Are you sick?" Yi Zenan laughed in anger, "Who do you think you are?"

"Me? I'm the helper invited by Jie Fangcheng, and Jie Fangcheng is your biggest support in this instance. Any questions?"

Yi Zenan was indeed a smart man. He understood Zhang Daoan's meaning almost instantly.

In this copy, the strongest person was originally Tao Youyuan, or we can directly divide it into the five people of the Wenxin Cat Climbing Frame Guild headed by Tao Youyuan.

In Yi Zenan's mind, Tao Youyuan and the two old players provided a military advantage, and he provided a strategic advantage. As for Qi Chanyang, his good popularity also allowed everyone to make friends with NPCs smoothly and obtain more information.

If it weren't for Jie Fangcheng, the five guild members of the Wenxin Cat Climbing Frame would be the strongest people in this copy. Even if Yi Ze Nan was arrogant, he was a member of this top team after all. No matter how unhappy others were with him, he would not be in any danger.

It’s different now. Now, Jie Fangcheng is the player with the highest level of combat power in this dungeon. He is the guarantee for everyone to pass the level, and his opinion is crucial.

Zhang Daoan looked at his expression and nodded gently: "It seems that you understand. Do you have any objection to staying for a while?"

Not to mention that it is easier said than done, Tao Youyuan was a little stunned.

Weren't you originally angry and wanted to bring in someone with a smart brain to have a fight

Why is it that Yi Zenan is going to die now?

It would be difficult if he stayed here with this strength. Not to mention encountering a level 5 zombie, he might not even be able to defeat an ordinary level 2 zombie.

"This... isn't necessary?" Tao Youyuan couldn't help but come to help smooth things over.

"Why is it not necessary?" Zhang Daoan asked, "Originally, the car can only seat five people, and he is just one more. Besides, he is very powerful. If he is so powerful, he must have a way to survive, right?"

Yi Zenan's face turned pale.

His brain was spinning frantically, his eyes scanning the faces of the people in front of him.

Jie Fangcheng and Nie Shuangshuang had seen the methods used by this big brother before, and now they were just watching the show.

How should I put it? From the perspective of a teammate, Zhang Daoan is indeed a good person.

But if you are his opponent, this guy's methods are really vicious.

However, although his methods are cruel, he cannot be considered a bad person. Unless he is like Yu Hanfei who has crossed the bottom line, other players, even selfish ones like Sun Yan in the previous game, even Nie Shuangshuang thinks that such people should just stay in the dungeon. Zhang Daoan will give them a way to survive.

But Jie Fangcheng and Nie Shuangshuang knew that it is easier said than done!

Seeing the two people's indifferent expressions, Yi Zenan's first reaction was: This guy called Li Tao, is he the kind of person who enjoys killing players?


Zhang Daoan's expression was calm when he spoke, and it was obvious that this was not the first time he had done such a thing.

what to do

Yi Zenan had never expected this. He originally thought that it didn't matter who he invited, as they were all stepping stones to highlight his wisdom. But now he was so anxious that sweat appeared on his forehead.

Soon, he really thought of a solution.

It is easy to be difficult to look at Tao Youyuan.

"Brother Yuan, you're not going to abandon me too, are you?"

Tao Youyuan frowned.

He had already run out of patience with Yi Ze Nan, but for so long he had treated him as his younger brother. Even though he had made up his mind to expel this man from the guild once the dungeon was completed, he couldn't help but soften his heart at this moment.

So he could only speak up and persuade him: "Brother Jie, this kid is not sensible, but he did help me a lot in the past, so don't mind what he said just now, okay?"

Before Jie Fangcheng could say anything, Zhang Daoan turned around and asked, "Is this your friend?"

"Ah? No." Jie Fangcheng was honest, "I just met him today."

"Oh." Zhang Daoan's expression remained calm. He turned to look at Tao Youyuan, "So you want to stay here for this kind of person? That's fine. It doesn't matter if four of us go back."

Tao Youyuan was stunned for a moment, and then he was completely stunned.

"me… "

How come even he wants to stay?

He couldn't help but look at Wei Yuan for help.

Wei Yuan was about to say something when Nie Shuangshuang jumped over and covered his mouth.

"Shut up! I'm telling you, this guy kills people without blinking an eye. If you open your mouth, you'll stay here!"

Nie Shuangshuang turned her back to everyone and winked at Wei Yuan.

Wei Yuan nodded in understanding and stopped talking.

Tao Youyuan really hadn't expected it to come to this. How could he be affected by something that was obviously easier said than done

Over there, a level 4 zombie staggered towards this side. Jie Fangcheng was intent on watching the show, so he rushed over, knocked it away with a stick, and then rushed back.

After he came back, Zhang Daoan added leisurely, "Your hope of passing the customs now rests on him. Manager Jie has a good temper and won't bother with you. But it's really strange, how can someone be so confused about the importance of things and be so arrogant when he clearly needs help from others?"

Tao Youyuan suppressed his temper and continued to apologize: "Sorry, brother, he..."

"It's not just him." Zhang Daoan looked at Tao Youyuan, "This guy can be so arrogant, thanks to you."

Tao Youyuan was stunned for a moment.

"Such a weak player can be so arrogant in the dungeon. You have played a big role!"

After Zhang Daoan said this, Tao Youyuan felt cold all over and suddenly came to his senses.

Yi Zenan has a very arrogant personality, and his arrogance is quite obvious. Many people in the union don't like him.

But Tao Youyuan always felt that this kind of smart player would definitely make great achievements in the future, it was just that he was not strong now.

If such good seedlings, such future big men, are cultivated well, it will really benefit the entire union.

Therefore, Tao Youyuan always tells everyone his ideas over and over again and talks about the future strength of the trade union.

After entering the dungeon, Tao Youyuan also held him in his arms.

It is difficult for Yi to have a backer like Tao Youyuan who can rank in the top 200 of the scoreboard. He is even more arrogant in the low-level dungeons, often bossing the players around and ordering them around.

Because he didn't do anything excessive, he just had a bad attitude. Plus, the players in the low-level books were not strong, so everyone was concerned about Tao Youyuan and didn't dare to say anything.

Until this book, this kid finally hit a wall.

After Zhang Daoan finished speaking, he turned his head away.

"Have you completed your mission? It's getting late. Are you going back now?"

"Oh, it's done, and it exceeds the target!" After Nie Shuangshuang finished speaking, she secretly glanced at Yi Zenan and Tao Youyuan. Tao Youyuan had a look of deep thought and reflection on his face, while Yi Zenan was staring at Tao Youyuan.

He was indeed smart. He knew that Jie Fangcheng and the other three had nothing to do with him. They also didn't like his behavior on the road just now. They probably wouldn't be soft-hearted towards him.

But Tao Youyuan, after spending a long time with this man, knew that this man was a person who could easily become soft-hearted.

Besides, after all, they have played so many games together, Tao Youyuan will not really ignore him...

Over there, Tao Youyuan seemed to have made up his mind. He looked at Yi Zenan deeply, then walked towards Jie Fangcheng without looking back, and stood beside them silently, making his attitude clear.

The only person who could possibly help him was no longer standing by his side, and Yi Zenan's face turned pale in an instant.

"You...are you kidding me?" At this moment, he still had fantasies in his mind, "I...although my strength is average, my strategy allowed Tao Youyuan and I to reach a maximum clearance rate of 32% when we cleared the dungeon!"

The extremely high clearance rate is also the reason why Yi Ze Nan has always regarded itself as very high.

He felt that with his outstanding performance, he should be very popular in any small group, and only a fool would not praise himself.

Unexpectedly, Nie Shuangshuang stretched out her hands and introduced him.

"The person in front of you has a 100% clearance rate."

"Impossible!" Yi Zenan immediately refuted.

Zhang Daoan, who was introduced, was still very calm. He was too lazy to argue with him and turned around and walked towards the car parked on the side.

There were still some scattered zombies around. They were of low levels and slow, and even Nie Shuangshuang was too lazy to fight them when she passed by. However, these zombies were indeed a considerable threat to Yi Zenan.

Soon, the five people got on the car one by one.

Yi Zenan finally panicked.

He dodged the zombies and quickly ran to the car, banging on the windows.

"You can't do this! I just... said a few nasty words! I, I apologize! I apologize!! But I shouldn't die just because of what I said, right?"

"Why not?" Jie Fangcheng looked at him quietly, "Didn't you ask the five of us to come out and not go back, and let the rest die? They didn't even say anything unpleasant."

"I..." When Yi Zenan gave up on others, he felt it was natural. After all, those who were abandoned were those who were not strong enough.

Now, he was the one left behind, and it was difficult for him to understand what it felt like.


He is not one of those ordinary people!

Zhang Daoan looked at him and said, "Besides, your apology is not that valuable."


The easier it is, the harder it is to understand immediately.

"I'll give you all the props! Take me with you!!"

Nie Shuangshuang looked up at the sky.

Damn! It turns out that it’s still the same thing in the end!

Without waiting for Zhang Daoan to speak, Yi Zenan quickly poured out everything in his backpack.

He is indeed very smart.

Compared to some people who leave room for mercy when begging, and secretly hide one or two things, it is extremely clear that the easier it is, the harder it is to do. As long as you are alive, you will have everything.

But if you still want to be smart at this time, once you are seen through, your life will be in danger.

He didn't have many props in his backpack, after all, he had not completed the game many times, and he was also smart enough to know who to give these things to.

Jie Fangcheng suddenly had a bunch of messy things in his arms, but he didn't refuse. This showed his magnanimity as he put all of them directly into his backpack.

After everything was collected, Xie Fangcheng looked at Zhang Daoan and asked, "Should we let him come up?"

The easier it is, the harder it is to do.

What's going on? Can you just collect the things and not do anything

Zhang Daoan was not as extreme as he had imagined. After hearing Jie Fangcheng's question, he finally nodded.

"Go ahead. It doesn't matter if we take him alone."

"Oh, then it might be a bit crowded behind you."

Nie Shuangshuang was driving in the front, and Jie Fangcheng was sitting in the passenger seat, so that he could react quickly in case of any emergency.

Zhang Daoan and the other three were sitting in the back seat, which was already full. There really wasn't enough space for one more person.

Nie Shuangshuang also nodded: "Yes, it is indeed too crowded, otherwise let him go to the trunk."

But the trunk is quite small, I don’t know if this kid can fit in.

Yi Zenan is no longer arrogant. He knows very well that his life is now controlled by others and he has no say.

Not to mention asking him to go to the trunk, he can only crawl under the car.

Zhang Daoan just shook his head.

"There is another way."

"What?" Nie Shuangshuang was curious and looked at him in the rearview mirror.

This guy's name is so similar to the president's. Although their personalities are completely different, they are both very smart... No, although it may seem a bit insulting to the president to say this, Zhang Daoan is smarter than the president.

Zhang Daoan looked at her in the rearview mirror, and Nie Shuangshuang inexplicably felt the hairs on her back stand up.

The next second, she found that her intuition was indeed correct.

"I heard that Miss Nie runs very fast."

"Ah?" Nie Shuangshuang had a bad feeling in her heart.

Zhang Daoan smiled and said, "Why don't the five of us take a car and you run back."

Nie Shuangshuang: “???”

Nie Shuangshuang was bewildered: "Are you serious???"

Zhang Daoan nodded: "Yes, if you run outside, you can help us scout the situation nearby. Don't worry, I will open the car window to observe your safety at any time."

Nie Shuangshuang: "??? Why don't you run???"

"I'm slow."

Nie Shuangshuang tried to make a final struggle: "But I'm the only one who can drive!"

Zhang Daoan adjusted his glasses and said, "Unfortunately, my hobbies include racing."

"… "

In the end, Yi Zenan actually got in, and Nie Shuangshuang got out of the car with a confused look on her face.

She was indeed very fast, faster than the car. She was not too afraid of the level 5 zombies in this copy. Although she couldn't beat them, with Nie Shuangshuang's speed, the level 5 zombies couldn't catch up with her.

It's just so strange and unacceptable!

Nie Shuangshuang was running outside. Wei Yuan looked at her in the car and couldn't help asking, "Brother, what should we do after we get back?"

"What do you mean?"

"How do I clear this dungeon? This... I don't really have to kill all the zombies, do I?"

Zhang Daoan answered him nonchalantly while driving: "Why not? This is a dungeon of force. With enough force, you can beat this dungeon. Why do you still have to think about 'how to pass it'? To be honest, I don't understand why you think that there are still clues to be found in this dungeon. Clues? If there are important clues that can end this doomsday, humans will not choose to go underground, nor will they choose to use such a tragic and self-sacrificing method to deliver the final blow."

“Perhaps when you entered the instance, there were indeed some clues that could save humanity, but now, when these people have decided to give up their current lives and put their hopes on the future… Don’t be so arrogant. ‘Give up looking for clues’ is the best choice made by tens of thousands of people at the cost of their lives.”

"Right now, brute force is the best solution. There may be some details that can be discussed, but the general direction will not change." Zhang Daoan looked at Jie Fangcheng in the rearview mirror, "Manager Jie, please take care of this dungeon."

Jie Fangcheng felt relieved after hearing this: "See! This is the strategy!"

(End of this chapter)