After Retiring From the Underworld, I Entered an Infinite Game

Chapter 84: Dead Rising (VI)


It was a very long and brutal battle. Even though Jie Fangcheng provided air support, he was alone and there were always times when he could not take care of everything.

Apart from him, among the other players, Nie Shuangshuang, Wei Yuan, Qi Chanyang, and Tao Youyuan need not be mentioned. Among the four, except for Qi Chanyang who is indeed not strong enough and stayed in the rear to do logistical work, the remaining three also rushed directly to the front line.

The other two old players of the cozy cat climbing frame also followed the trend and each led a team of NPCs to act as vanguards.

For most players, cooperating with NPCs is normal, but leading NPCs into battle is indeed something that many players have never done.

Nie Shuangshuang had experienced this once in the previous copy and was already very experienced at this time.

"Just treat them as new players... No, most of them are much more obedient than the players."


The team of NPCs led by Tao Youyuan unfortunately encountered a level 4 zombie. For these NPCs, the lethality of a level 4 zombie was very terrifying, but the NPCs behind him rushed forward without hesitation, and even another team not far away rushed over after dealing with the zombies in their hands.

"Don't let it get into the base!!"

Countless people came forward one after another, and before Tao Youyuan could react, his body involuntarily helped to deal with the zombies.

How strange.

Tao Youyuan kept working, thinking: Why is he so willing to help a bunch of NPCs

The level 4 zombie in front of him was very powerful, and Tao Youyuan had a hard time dealing with it, but he didn't want to retreat at all.

It was not until he and the NPCs finally killed this level 4 zombie that his teammates around him had no time to celebrate and immediately rushed to the next location.

Tao Youyuan looked around.

He couldn't see other players, only countless NPCs.

These NPCs, who he once considered as background characters, became his teammates at this moment and guarded their homes fearlessly.

"Captain Tao! Let's go!"

While he was dazed, an NPC in front of him called him.

Tao Youyuan's Adam's apple moved slightly, he nodded, then walked quickly forward and joined the NPCs.

The battle continued until dawn on the third day.

Humans have recaptured thirteen ground bases and rebuilt their defense systems. They will use Base 13 as the center and radiate outward to end this doomsday.

Some people who had lived underground for many years finally saw the sun again. Some children were even born underground. In their cognition, there was no sky and sun. Tao Youyuan met a pair of parents with superpowers on his way back to the base.

My father's right arm is disabled and my mother is missing half of her face, which are badges of honor for their participation in the war.

At this time, the two heroes were introducing themselves to their children.

That is the sky, that is the forest, there are white clouds and the sun in the sky, and in ten hours the moon will appear.

Of course, this child will see the four seasons, rivers, lakes, and mountains in the future.

Humanity will take back this world once again.

Tao Youyuan returned to Base No. 13 with excitement, and the expressions on the faces of several players who participated in the battle changed.

In the past, people rarely paid attention to these background boards. After all, when completing a dungeon, everyone would look for clues, and the clues were only related to important NPCs.

But this time these NPCs really exceeded everyone's imagination, it's like...

"Are all the NPCs in this game so well made? They seem very intelligent, even human-like! Why didn't I notice this before?" Someone said this casually.

Wei Yuan had been silent since he came back, as if he was thinking about something. When he heard him say this, he suddenly raised his head.

"…resembles humans?"

"Ah?" The person who said this turned and looked at the NPC next to him.

Although the battle is over, there is still a lot of follow-up work to be done.

The corpses of the zombies on the ground have not been cleaned up yet, and the psychics attacked by the zombies need to be disinfected again to ensure that they are not carrying the virus before they can enter the base.

The ground bases have not been used for many years, and many bases have even become zombie cities, with the infrastructure being completely damaged.

But the NPCs are busy but orderly, and they still use the current management method for now. The base management issues tasks and everyone takes them on their own.

"It's really smart. In other games, NPCs may automatically complete tasks at this stage, but you see, these NPCs can carry out some simple tasks autonomously, such as eating on their own, sweeping up garbage at their feet, and closing the door when they leave. But big tasks will be completed only after the manager NPC issues them... They can also build tombstones."

As he was speaking, the person who was speaking became stunned.

Wei Yuan looked at these NPCs.

He had always felt that this game was very realistic, and that the important NPCs he came into contact with were very intelligent, as if they were indeed normal humans who could think.

But... are even the background NPCs so smart

Those who died in the battle were all people with special powers. The zombie virus could not infect people with special powers, so everyone worked hard to transport the bodies of their companions back and buried them in the middle of the base, as if burying these heroes in the heart of the base.

The voices of NPCs chatting kept coming into my ears.

"We are going to break through the current area tomorrow, right? I have never seen what is outside the base since I was born! Is there really a river longer and wider than the road?"

"Yes, there is even a large sea to the east. Didn't we learn that in the textbooks?"

"Have you ever seen it before?"

The NPCs were chatting animatedly and planning tomorrow's tasks, while the players were silent.

Too much like them... These NPCs are too much like humans.

What if... they were actually human

Are the NPCs in only this one copy human, or are the NPCs in all the copies they experience likely to be human

If they were really all human, then they used to...

Just then, Tao Youyuan suddenly spoke.

“I envy them.”

Everyone turned to look at him.

Tao Youyuan pointed to where the tombstones were and said, "After they die, there will be tombstones. Moreover, they have beliefs, companions, and homes. To be honest, don't you think that they are more like humans than players?"


The longer he survived in the game, the more heartbroken Tao Youyuan felt.

There were intrigues and deceptions inside the dungeon, and undercurrents between the major guilds outside the dungeon. Every time the guild rankings were calculated after a national dungeon, there was a big battle. Tao Youyuan gradually got used to this kind of life.

After having NPC companions in this copy, Tao Youyuan felt a long-lost feeling in the past few days. It was like returning to human society.

There are companions, a home, and richer emotions besides malice.

Suddenly, a sneer came from the player.

"Envy? The NPC in the dungeon?"

It is easy but difficult.

Zhang Daoan, Fang Cheng, and the woman with the worst temper haven't come back yet. Yi Zenan has been feeling very depressed these past two days.

He was a winner in life before he died. Although his family was not well-off during his childhood and he was born in a single-parent family, he was smart and motivated. He always ranked first in the exams every year and was always the child of other families.

Relying on his own efforts, he escaped from his not-so-good family background, was admitted to a prestigious university, studied for a master's and doctoral degree, and got married and had children.

Yi Zenan always felt that he was the protagonist in the novel who could practice against all odds and could play so brilliantly with such a bad hand.

After his accidental death, he was like the protagonist. He did not die an ordinary death, but came to this infinite game.

Relying on his own wisdom, he continued to be successful all the way.

Until this copy, Yi Zenan had not encountered any major setbacks in his life.

There are setbacks and difficulties, but he can conquer them with his own strength.

But this copy is really annoying!

It would be fine if there were two brainless brutes who only had strong fighting skills. If they listened to me, then my group of followers would just be expanded a little.

As a result, another person with a smart mind like me came.

These days, Jie Fangcheng was on the plane ready to parachute at any time. Even in the underground base, he could hear sounds like artillery shells exploding from time to time.

Although Zhang Daoan appears to be very humble, he is indeed quick to react and has a sharp mind. He has now taken his seat in the command room of the first base. Every day when Jie Fangcheng is airborne, he is integrating intelligence and formulating the next expansion plan.

In Nie Shuangshuang's words, this man is a very professional rebellious genius.

Is it easy or difficult

After returning to the base, he seriously reflected on the reasons for his failure, and soon decided to follow Zhang Daoan's plan and contribute his strength to help the humans in this copy survive the apocalypse - the first thing to do is to take command of Base No. 13.

He went to find Liu Shanheng. Liu Shanheng was stunned after hearing what he said, and then ordered someone to kick him out.

Yi Zenan had never expected that he no longer wanted the overall command, but only wanted the command of a base like Base 13. Why would this NPC reject a talent like him? Didn't he know that his brain was working well

Not only did the NPC reject him, he wanted to go with them to clear the zombies on the ground... Of course, he knew that with his own strength, clearing zombies was not a job suitable for him, but at least this mission could earn him some points.

He didn't expect that this request was also rejected.

Tao Youyuan never expected that this man could be so thick-skinned, or so "confident", thinking that he would continue to carry him as a burden just by saying a few soft words.

Yi Zenan was only on good terms with Tao Youyuan at the base. He looked down on NPCs and other players. In the end, no team was willing to accept him.

Qi Chanyang was kind-hearted and gave him his own mission - to pack up with these ordinary people in the underground who had no special powers and prepare to rebuild the base.

What is the use of this kind of task? Can it add points? ?

It's easier said than done, so I refused without even thinking about it.

As a result, everyone had work to do, and he, who had no work, was assigned the task of cleaning up the zombie corpses on the ground.

This task was dirty and tiring, and easier said than done. Just as he was about to refuse, the NPC in charge of issuing tasks just glanced at him indifferently.

"The captain said that the base doesn't want to keep idle people. If Mr. Yi continues to have this attitude, we will consider sending you to the front line."

The easier it is to stop talking.

He wanted to "kill" the zombies, but that kind of killing required him to stay behind like a boss, while Tao Youyuan and several other veteran players took action in the front, allowing him to earn points safely.

In the end, Yi Ze Nan really had no choice but to do the job he despised the most, which was cleaning up zombie corpses.

Over the past three days, his face became more and more uglier. The temper that had been suppressed for three days immediately erupted when Jie Fangcheng and the other three were not around.

"Are you envious of the lives of these NPCs? They live underground like weasels every day, without ever seeing the sun... Yes, in this instance they can see the sun. Under the leadership of Commander Li and the Warriors of Reconciliation, the heroes will rescue these poor weasels and allow them to have twelve days of Sunshine Experience Cards. But what's the use? I've been wanting to say this for a long time—"

"This is a game copy! Do you understand game copies? What's the point of having so many? After we leave, the copy will be restarted, and these people will repeat their procedures all over again. Yes, you guys are having fun being the savior in this copy, but is it useful? I want to ask, this is all useless work for them!"

"I've gone through so much trouble just to experience the feeling of being a savior. What can these NPCs remember in the future? They won't remember anything when the instance is restarted. It's just a waste of effort..."

Suddenly, someone grabbed his neck from behind.

"Useless?" Nie Shuangshuang came back for some reason and just happened to hear this man talking.

She was a person who had experienced the baptism of the previous copy, and the crying and fire by the lake at that time were still deeply buried in her heart.

Nie Shuangshuang does have a simple mind, but simplicity also has its advantages.

At this time, she pinched Yi Zenan's neck and lifted him up. Yi Zenan couldn't breathe, and soon his face turned red like pig liver, and he kept struggling.

Nie Shuangshuang waited until he was almost fainted from being strangled before letting go.

Yi Zenan fell to the ground, covering his mouth and coughing violently.

"You...what are you going to do?"

"Nothing. You didn't die in the end anyway, and the process isn't very important." Nie Shuangshuang's expression was cold. "No matter how many times the instance is restarted, even if the NPCs don't remember, I remember. As a human being, you can't watch your fellow human beings die. This should be the most basic empathy for a human being, right? It's okay if you don't have it, but let me hear you say something like this again."

Nie Shuangshuang directly pulled out her machete and slashed at Yi Zenan.

It is easier said than done, but it is harder to dodge quickly. If I hadn't dodged, I would have been chopped to pieces by her.

But although he was not chopped up, the stool he was sitting on was split directly in half.

Nie Shuangshuang looked at him and said, "I'll chop you down with my knife!"

After saying that, she snorted coldly, put the knife on her shoulder, and left.

Zhang Daoan was really good to her. Everyone was resting tonight, and she was given a task to scout the surrounding area.

Nie Shuangshuang thought happily that she was almost running out of this copy, and if she got out, she would get a lot of points as a reward!

Nie Shuangshuang came and left quickly. After she left, the players looked at each other again.

Wei Yuan was the first to stand up.

"I don't want to think about it. She's right. Even if the NPC doesn't remember, I will still remember. I'm going to get busy now. Bye."

Everyone looked at each other.

"Then... I'll go too. I'll go up there and see if anyone needs help."

"Hey, I'll go with you."

"Is anyone hungry? Let's eat together, and then get back to work after dinner?"

Soon, everyone dispersed one by one, leaving only Yi Zenan with a grim expression.

These players really... I don't know what they are thinking.

He rubbed his neck and got up from the ground.

Anyway, this copy will eventually end. Once he has powerful skills and props, he will definitely take revenge for today's humiliation!

As for now…

"Easy as it gets! Come here quickly, there are still corpses that haven't been cleaned up!" The NPC called him over there.

These NPCs treated Jie Fangcheng and his friends as heroes, but they were really rude to him.

What a bunch of...

It's easier said than done, so he gritted his teeth and took a deep breath.

At the same time, in the temporary command room of the No. 1 ground base, Zhang Daoan was lost in thought.

The speed is too slow.

Thirteen human bases are located in the east, and their area is not very large.

At their current speed, it would take at least twenty days to eliminate all the level five zombies and level four zombies.

This copy will be completed in twelve days.

Just as he was thinking about how to speed up, there was a knock on the door.

The person knocking on the door was somewhat polite, but obviously not too much, and the door opened after two knocks.

Jie Fangcheng poked his head in: "Have you eaten?"

Zhang Daoan smiled: "No. Eat together?"


The two of them had boxed meals, which the base showed great respect for, with three dishes and a soup, which was quite luxurious.

The two of them ate while telling Zhang Daoan about the current situation.

"Twenty days? That's a really tight schedule."

"So I was thinking, should I give the NPC some props?"

Jie Fang cleared his throat, very curious: "You are going to blackmail... No, you are going to, uh... Whose props are you planning to get this time?"

Zhang Daoan wiped his mouth after eating, but didn't cover it up.


"?? Me?" Jie Fangcheng was at a loss for a moment, "How can I have any props? I only have the stick given by Nie Shuangshuang, her magic robe, and her knife... This knife won't work, that's obviously her favorite weapon, I'll use it to play with it, and I'll return it to her when I come back. Huh?"

When Jie Fangcheng rummaged through his backpack, he discovered that there were a bunch of scattered things in it.

Only then did he remember that Zhang Daoan had already extorted money from a player.

Without saying a word, Jie Fangcheng took out all the props and placed them on the table.

"Take it, take it. It's useless for me to take it."

Zhang Daoan looked around at them one by one, picked out two props and handed them to him.

"You keep these two, you don't need the others."

Jie Fangcheng took it and took a look.

[Props: Silent Movie]

[Introduction: If you watch a silent movie without subtitles, would you like it? ]

[Tip: It’s a silent movie! Even if it’s recorded perfectly, there will still be no sound! ]

[Function: Can record silent images within five minutes.]

[Props: Mermaid's Tears]

[Introduction: It is said that mermaids' tears will turn into pearls. Precious pearls are beautiful decorations and gifts to express your feelings! ]

[Tip: Although the mermaid's tears are beautiful, she can't keep crying. She needs to take a break.]

[Function: It’s enough to be beautiful, what else does it need? ]

The first item was understandable. This kind of special item might have unexpected effects in certain scenarios... Of course, Jie Fangcheng felt that he would not encounter any certain scenarios. He believed in "passing the test with a stick".

What is the use of the second item

Xie Fangcheng thought so and asked this question.

"How do you use the second one?"

Having said that, Jie Fangcheng used it directly.

A pearl fell from the teardrop-like transparent prop in his hand, and a 24-hour countdown appeared on the prop.

It takes twenty-four hours to condense a pearl.

Jie Fangcheng held the pearl in front of his eyes and examined it. The system displayed [A beautiful pearl].

She is indeed beautiful, but what use is that to him

Zhang Daoan smiled again indifferently: "It can be seen that Miss Nie has a very good relationship with you. She gave you all her beloved things. Isn't Manager Jie going to give her something in return?"

"Ah? What should I give her in return?" Jie Fangcheng thought, "Give her pearls? What's the use of pearls?"

"It looks nice, maybe she will like it."

Jie Fangcheng was stunned for a moment, then casually threw the pearl to him, not knowing whether to laugh or cry: "This thing can't be exchanged for points, who would like it? Do you like it?"

Zhang Daoan just looked at him.

Jie Fangcheng realized it belatedly, and then suddenly realized: "Oh! I understand!"

He said that he always felt that Zhang Daoan was acting weird these past two days.

Jie Fangcheng patted his shoulder and said, "I'm sorry, brother. I really didn't expect to come into this shabby restaurant so suddenly. I made you wait in the restaurant for so long. Don't worry, I've thought about it. Next time, we can go in and out together, so we don't have to use props all the time. When we get out, I'll treat... Nie Shuangshuang to dinner for us, ah!"

Zhang Daoan put the pearl back into the system backpack and nodded: "Okay."

Jie Fangcheng was satisfied: "Good brother, you are loyal!"

Good documents are of great use!

Zhang Daoan smiled.

However, Jie Fangcheng was still quite curious: "To be honest, I wanted to ask this when I was doing the last book. You seem to be very considerate of the feelings of these NPCs."

Zhang Daoan was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Yes."

Jie Fangcheng was very sincere: "I can disclose the information: these NPCs have incomplete souls, and there is a high probability that they will not have any memory of being NPCs after returning to the underworld."


Jie Fangcheng was a little surprised: "You seem to have known this for a long time?"


"That can be guessed." Jie Fangcheng muttered.

Zhang Daoan continued: "But even if the memory is gone, they exist at this moment, right?"

Jie Fangcheng patted his shoulder again, very pleased: "You are really enlightened. It would be a pity if you don't come to work in the underworld."

Zhang Daoan just smiled.

When Jie Fangcheng looked at him, he felt that this guy was really pleasing to the eye. It seemed that his ideas coincided with his own.

"Okay, I'm done eating, I'll continue." Jie Fangcheng put his lunch box on the table, clapped his hands, took out the walkie-talkie, and went to ask Nie Shuangshuang if there was any situation.

Before leaving, he seemed to think of something at the door and turned his head.

"By the way, this is for you."

As he spoke, Jie Fangcheng took out [Mermaid's Tears] from his system backpack and threw it to Zhang Daoan.

"I don't need that. If you like, you can make a pearl every day."

After saying that, he closed the door and left.

Zhang Daoan looked at the prop in his hand, laughed after a while, and put the [Mermaid's Tear] back into the system backpack.

On the other side, Xie Fangcheng and Nie Shuangshuang quickly connected.

Nie Shuangshuang said happily: "I feel like I can earn a million points from this copy!!"

Jie Fangcheng was also very happy: "So amazing."


Jie Fangcheng smiled and said, "What a coincidence. I'll borrow some points after I get out."

"What are you going to do?"

Jie Fangcheng stretched out his hand and chopped the zombie in front of him.

"I'm going to buy a sword. Your knife doesn't work well."

"??Can you say that again!"

Without saying a word, Jie Fangcheng chopped down the zombies around him and jumped onto the plane. He waved at Nie Shuangshuang and ignored her roar.

Jie Fangcheng picked his ears on the plane, thinking: I wonder if there are self-cleaning swords, and how expensive are they


Player lobby.

A white light flashed, and Yue Chen, who had been waiting in the hall looking for someone, suddenly turned around to look, then was stunned for a moment.

The players from the guild next to him greeted the people coming out first.

"Vice president."

Even though Ji Ge had been looking for Jie Fangcheng, after he issued the task, he took the union members to the dungeon.

At this time, Ji Ge just nodded, with a lazy expression: "Any news?"

While Yue Chen was still hesitating, the players around him had already started to tip off.

"Yes! We found a few players who had completed the game with him before, and some of them said that Jie Fangcheng and Nie Shuangshuang were very close."

"Nie Shuangshuang?" Ji Ge sneered, "The rubbish from Ronghua Union is still alive?"

This was too harsh to hear. Yue Chen frowned and said, “Vice President.”

Ji Ge sneered: "Why, Team Leader Yue still has a good relationship with the people in Ronghua? Why not go to Ronghua? Maybe with your help, Ronghua can revive and create glory again?"

The more he spoke, the less he spoke.

"Step aside."

Ji Ge left with the people who had passed the customs with him.

After he left, the people around Yue Chen looked at each other in bewilderment. Someone couldn't help but ask, "Team Leader, aren't you going to tell the vice president about Zhang Daoan?"

After Yue Chen found the players who had completed the game with Jie Fangcheng and the others, he learned the name from them.

Zhang Daoan.

Zhang Daowu.

This name is too similar to the president of Ronghua, but according to the player's description, this person's temperament is very different from Zhang Daowu. It is probably just a coincidence.

The president of Ronghua is a very upright person. When he was still in power, Ji Ge didn't have a good relationship with him. No matter whether Zhang Daoan has any relationship with President Ronghua or not, it would not be a good thing if Ji Ge knew about it.

"Don't create unnecessary trouble and implicate innocent people."

Yue Chen said, and continued to guard the hall with the union members.

After leaving the hall, Ji Ge quickly returned to Chaoyang Trade Union.

He was very happy and wanted to quickly add another piece of his own to his collection.

Ji Ge opened the door of the basement, hummed a song, and walked to the empty display case.

With a "bang", a broken head entered the solution.

He admired it with satisfaction... then he saw something out of the corner of his eye.

Ji Ge slowly turned his head.

Next to him, an empty display case appeared in front of him.

[Serial number: 26]

[Copy: Fulai Inn]

[Survival rate: 32%]

[NPC: Duan Qingqing]

[Note: This woman is pretty]

“Who…Who!!” He looked at the empty display case angrily, then tilted his head and thought of something.

Ji Ge immediately sent a message to Yue Chen.

"What other copies of Jie Fangcheng's clearance have you found?"

After a while, the other party finally replied to him.

"There is one, Fulai Inn."

"It's him again!" Ji Ge gritted his teeth, "Keep an eye on him! Report to me as soon as he shows up! I'm going to kill him!!"

This time the other side responded quickly.

"Vice President, the target has appeared and is now in the player lobby."

(End of this chapter)