After Returning to My Biological Family, I Was Arranged to Marry

Chapter 6: Select classes by drawing lots


The counselor had told them in advance the gathering place and time for the military training, and they were to gather at the designated location at 5:30.

The west area of the school is the training base specially opened by Feige University for the Mecha Academy. It takes about ten minutes to get there by flying school bus.

During the military training, everyone slept in multi-person rooms, without exception.

When Lin Zimao arrived at the designated gathering point, many classmates had already arrived. They were sitting casually on the desks or chairs, each of them in a quite casual posture, chatting in groups of three or four. His arrival seemed a bit abrupt, but he didn't care about other people's eyes and just found a seat to sit down.

Before getting the admission letter, Lin Bei asked him what he wanted to study. He said he wanted to learn mecha combat. Lin Bei looked at him as if he was a fool. Lin Zimao said that was easy. Lin Bei thought he was too ignorant and almost got so angry that he exploded.

The mecha combat major not only has high requirements for physical fitness, but also requires a deep understanding of the structure of mechas. Anyone who applies for the mecha combat major must be a good candidate with outstanding grades. Flying ordinary aircraft requires a safety manual that is dozens of centimeters thick, not to mention flying a mecha. If you don't get high scores when applying for university, how can you get into this major? Even if he uses a special quota, the college will not dare to accept him.

With Lin Zimao's test scores, if it weren't for the Lin family, he would have been happy to be able to work as a security guard at Figg University.

Lin Zimao insisted on studying a major related to mechas, and seeing that he was very persistent, Lin Bei finally enrolled him in a major related to mechas, and arranged him in the Mecha Academy. Of course, Lin Bei also prepared for Lin Zimao to switch to other majors if he couldn't continue studying, such as languages or humanities and social sciences, which are easy to graduate.

Therefore, Lin Zimao has been assigned to his current major and class - Mecha Maintenance Class 2.

"Hey, my name is Wang Yi, what's your name?"

As soon as Lin Zimao sat down, a classmate in the front row turned around and asked him. He was a boy who looked quite strong, with a shaved head and a pimple on his chin, but overall he was still handsome. Compared with Jiang Xuan, he was just ordinary handsome.

"Lin Zimao."

The new students all come from various planets in the alliance. Those who like to make friends start chatting and learn about the origins of their new classmates.

Wang Yi was the same. He was proactive and enthusiastic, as if he didn't notice the coldness in Lin Zimao's eyes and his alienation towards strangers.

"I came from Cross Planet. What about you?"

Cross is a third-level planet. Its resources are at an intermediate level among the five-level planets classified by humans. It is a pretty good habitable planet.

Lin Zimao didn't think he had to hide anything, so he said directly: "Alpha Star."

As soon as he finished speaking, the noisy sounds nearby suddenly became quieter, and the students who heard him talking all looked over curiously. Lin Zimao did not have the inferiority complex and cowardice from Alpha Planet. When other students looked at him, he looked back at them. Three seconds later, they continued with the original topic, and raised their voices to deliberately cover up their surprise and embarrassment just now.

Lin Zimao didn't feel embarrassed. Wang Yi realized that his conversation skills needed improvement. He scratched his head and apologized to Lin Zimao: "I'm sorry, I just asked casually and didn't think too much about it."

Lin Zimao didn't care too much: "It doesn't matter, we'll know sooner or later."

Wang Yi originally wanted to ask the other party how many points he had scored in the exam, but then he thought his question seemed too sensitive, so he decisively gave up and turned to talking about military training.

Wang Yi said: "I saw that the military training regulations also include a mecha section, but I have never touched a mecha in my life."

Someone whispered, "Country bumpkin."

Lin Zimao replied calmly: "Who are you talking about, country bumpkin?"

The other party replied immediately: "The country bumpkin is talking about you."

The classroom suddenly burst into thunderous laughter.



"Guo Xingwei, you are being stupid, hahahaha!"

Wang Yi originally felt aggrieved, but who would have thought that the new classmate in front of him was such a direct revenge-seeking person, which made him somewhat likable.

Guo Xingwei, who wanted to laugh at others but ended up outsmarting them, turned red in the face.

He glared at Lin Zimao angrily: "Just wait."

Lin Zimao curled the corners of his lips, but didn't respond, and didn't take him seriously.

There were several young people around Guo Xingwei. Judging from their clothes and the accessories they used, they were either rich or noble.

Those who can be assigned to this class are probably not those who have passed the imperial examinations. Lin Zimao has been visiting the school forum frequently these days and learned that there is such a major in the School of Mechanics and a class that specifically accepts special students. Lin Zimao is very lucky to be admitted to this major and this class. It has to be said that Lin Bei has an amazing ability to make accurate selections. He thought this was a good major, but it turned out that the alternative majors provided by the school were tailor-made for them.

Just when they had attracted the enemy's full hatred, another wave of freshmen came in, followed by a counselor in his thirties named Yu.

Teacher Yu has a round face and a fair complexion, and looks very amiable.

The classroom was almost full, and it was estimated that everyone was there, so Teacher Yu began to call the roll.

"Is everyone here? I'll take attendance first so everyone can get to know each other."

"He Yangxia... Guo Xingwei... Wang Yi..."

The names were read out one by one until the last one was Lin Zimao who was sitting in the last row.

As we all know, the lists are arranged according to the admission scores. Lin Zimao is ranked last. Doesn’t that mean that his scores are the lowest

Generally, those with low academic performance would be admitted through other channels. For a moment, no one was sure what Lin Zimao's identity was.

He is from Alpha Planet, but his ranking is lower than Guo Xingwei who just challenged him.

Everyone knows that Guo Xingwei is from the Guo family. His grades in high school were not good at all. If he had not been born in a good family, he would not have been able to enter Feige University. The older generation of the Guo family won the first-class merit in the league, which benefited their descendants.

Guo Xingwei and others were confused about Lin Zimao's ranking. Is Feige University now starting to help the poor

After the counselor called the roll and confirmed that all the students were present, he asked everyone to pack their luggage and go to the training base where they would be staying for the night.

There is already a flying school bus waiting downstairs of the teaching building.

Everyone took their luggage and rushed downstairs, with Lin Zimao and Wang Yi following behind.

Wang Yi was admitted through serious examinations, luckily he did not make the stupid mistake of asking Lin Zimao about his grades for the second time today.

Lin Zimao didn't reject him, he just wasn't enthusiastic.

Wang Yi and his brother asked Lin Zimao in a friendly manner: "You were just interrupted. Have you ever boarded a mecha?"

Lin Zimao hesitated for a moment and said, "I think I have been there before."

Wang Yi felt like he had found a confidant: "Is it the kind of mecha that's on display, the ones that are scrapped and people can take pictures of? I've climbed up there before and taken pictures, but unfortunately I could only take pictures."

Lin Zimao didn't say yes or no, so Wang Yi just imagined a lot of things on his own. He was talkative and even told Lin Zimao about his own affairs.

He came from an average family and had thought about becoming a mecha warrior in the past. Later, he found out that there were many brothers in his family and there was not enough money for him to attend a mecha training class. In the end, he had to settle for a mecha-related major. Perhaps because of his good memory, Wang Yi gritted his teeth and studied hard for three years, and he actually got into the best university in the capital star, bringing honor to his family.

Although he could not become the mecha operator he dreamed of, Wang Yi felt very satisfied with his profession related to mechas.

Lin Zimao listened to him chattering about how he got into Figge University, and only calmed down after he got on the school bus.

After all the students in the class sat down, Teacher Yu also got on the bus.

The school bus passed through the school's tall buildings and stopped at a parking lot without any green shade ten minutes later. The surrounding buildings were so simple that they were completely inconsistent with the style of Feige University.

The freshmen got off the bus one after another, full of longing for the next fifteen days of collective life.

This is the training base of the Mecha Academy of Figge University!

Wearing a military uniform that fits the waist is the dream of many people.

However, the materials used in mechas are world-class, and a mecha is very expensive. Those who can use high-end mechas are mecha operators trained by the alliance.

The reason why Feige University established the Mecha Academy was that the Mecha Academy was just a small military flight school a hundred years ago. Later, it was merged into Feige University. It mainly conducted the research and development of mechas and other aircraft, and then opened one mecha-related major after another.

The Mecha Academy at Feige University has a history of over a hundred years, and became a popular major at Feige University during the war period. Even today, people's love for science and mechas has never stopped.

Regarding mechas, ordinary people had only seen them in the news and on the Internet before, but now, children from ordinary families also have the opportunity to slowly learn about and come into contact with them. How can this not make people yearn for them

School buses carrying freshmen flew into the training base, and the empty plain became noisy.

Teacher Yu took the new students in their class over first.

Just as the regulations said, we lived in a multi-person room with six beds in one room, and the space didn't look spacious.

Wang Yi came from a third-level planet, and seemed to feel that he had a common language with Lin Zimao from Alpha Planet, so he stuck to him. He chose the lower bunk next to Lin Zimao. The students sharing the same bunk with them all had higher student numbers, and they all looked like good kids who loved to study.

There were uniform quilts in the dormitory, and on each bed were three sets of summer training suits that were almost the same size as their bodies.

There are more boys than girls in their class, and six girls can fit in one room.

Lin Zimao was still suffering from a cold. The room was not big and he felt dizzy when there were too many people around.

Next was their free time, where they could eat and take a shower. He chose to eat and breathe some fresh air.

As soon as Lin Zimao and Wang Yi entered the cafeteria, they met Guo Xingwei and others.

Guo Xingwei deliberately kicked out when Lin Zimao passed by. Lin Zimao was dizzy and didn't notice it. He tripped and twisted his foot and almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Wang Yi supported him and prevented him from falling.

Wang Yi angrily asked, "Why did you deliberately stand with one foot sideways?"

Guo Xingwei shrugged and said, "You are blind and don't see the road, but you blame others, or do you think that all of you who come from low-level stars are blind?"

Wang Yi clenched his fists and was about to rush forward, but Lin Zimao held him back and said to Guo Xingwei, "Your name is Guo Xingwei?"

Guo Xingwei smiled proudly: "Remember grandpa's name!"

Lin Zimao glanced at him indifferently and pulled the angry Wang Yi away.

Wang Yi said angrily: "I am so mad! Are you sick?"

Lin Zimao: "Eat first. Only when you are full will you have the energy to curse."

Wang Yi snorted twice and went to line up for food with Lin Zimao: "Why are you so good-tempered? He's like that, I really want to beat him up!"

Lin Zimao's voice was a little hoarse, and he said, "There will be a chance."

Wang Yi didn't hear clearly, but he could tell that Lin Zimao didn't seem well: "Are you feeling unwell? You look very bad."

Lin Zimao nodded: "A little bit, I'll go back and take a shower and go to bed later."

He suddenly remembered that he seemed to have forgotten to bring his cold medicine.

At the same time, the president of the Mecha Academy Student Union made a summary speech at the meeting: "This year's freshman military training will begin tomorrow. The Student Union assists with freshman military training every year. In previous years, everyone was assigned to be in charge of the corresponding class. This year, we will not arrange it directly for everyone."

He looked at the school hunk Jiang Xuan sitting opposite him. Everyone wanted to be in the same group with him. As the president, he was in a difficult position and could only change the rules for the hunk: "We will draw lots this year, and those who are drawn to the same freshman class will be in the same group."

Of course, everyone had no objection. Whether or not they could spend two weeks alone with the school hunk depended on their luck today. After all, luck was also a kind of strength.

Everyone took turns drawing the slips of paper in the box. No one trusted the lottery software for fear that someone would adjust the data for personal gain, so they simply used the most primitive manual lottery method.

When it was Jiang Xuan's turn, everyone's eyes fell on his slender white fingers. Not only was he handsome, but even his fingers were incredibly beautiful.

Jiang Xuan opened the note, and the president leaned forward and read: "Mecha Maintenance Team 2?"

He Ling, who was assigned to the same class as Jiang Xuan, exclaimed, "Wow, it's me!"

No, Mecha Maintenance Team 2

Isn't that the most difficult special class? Special classes are also called troublemakers classes.

Every year, we rank last in military training, and this is the case for every freshman class, as if it is a tradition of Fige University.

With the school hunk here this year, things should be different... right